from casadi import MX
from typing import Any
from .biomechanical_model_segments import BiomechanicalModelSegments
from .natural_coordinates import NaturalCoordinates
from .natural_velocities import NaturalVelocities
from ..protocols.biomechanical_model_joints import GenericBiomechanicalModelJoints
class BiomechanicalModelJoints(GenericBiomechanicalModelJoints):
def __init__(self, joints: dict[str, Any] = None):
def constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
This function returns the joint constraints of all joints, denoted Phi_k
as a function of the natural coordinates Q.
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Joint constraints of the segment [nb_joint_constraints, 1]
Phi_k = MX.zeros(self.nb_constraints)
for joint_name, joint in self.joints_with_constraints.items():
constraint_slice = self.constraints_index(joint.index)
Q_parent = (
None if joint.parent is None else Q.vector(joint.parent.index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Q_child = Q.vector(joint.child.index)
Phi_k[constraint_slice] = joint.constraint(Q_parent, Q_child)
return Phi_k
def constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
This function returns the joint constraints of all joints, denoted K_k
as a function of the natural coordinates Q.
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Joint constraints of the segment [nb_joint_constraints, nbQ]
K_k = MX.zeros((self.nb_constraints, Q.shape[0]))
for joint_name, joint in self.joints_with_constraints.items():
idx_row = self.constraints_index(joint.index)
idx_col_child = joint.child.coordinates_slice
idx_col_parent = joint.parent.coordinates_slice if joint.parent is not None else None
Q_parent = (
None if joint.parent is None else Q.vector(joint.parent.index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Q_child = Q.vector(joint.child.index)
if joint.parent is not None: # If the joint is not a ground joint
K_k[idx_row, idx_col_parent] = joint.parent_constraint_jacobian(Q_parent, Q_child)
K_k[idx_row, idx_col_child] = joint.child_constraint_jacobian(Q_parent, Q_child)
return K_k
def constraints_jacobian_derivative(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> MX:
This function returns the derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the joint constraints denoted K_k_dot
Qdot : NaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
The derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the joint constraints [nb_joint_constraints, 12 * nb_segments]
K_k_dot = MX.zeros((self.nb_constraints, Qdot.shape[0]))
for joint_name, joint in self.joints_with_constraints.items():
idx_row = self.constraints_index(joint.index)
idx_col_child = joint.child.coordinates_slice
idx_col_parent = joint.parent.coordinates_slice if joint.parent is not None else None
Qdot_parent = (
None if joint.parent is None else Qdot.vector(joint.parent.index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Qdot_child = Qdot.vector(joint.child.index)
if joint.parent is not None: # If the joint is not a ground joint
K_k_dot[idx_row, idx_col_parent] = joint.parent_constraint_jacobian_derivative(Qdot_parent, Qdot_child)
K_k_dot[idx_row, idx_col_child] = joint.child_constraint_jacobian_derivative(Qdot_parent, Qdot_child)
return K_k_dot