

1 hr
Test Coverage
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np

from .biomechanical_model import BiomechanicalModel
from bionc.model_creation.protocols import Data

# TODO: not used and tested yet
class InertiaParameters:
    def __init__(
        mass: float = None,
        center_of_mass: np.ndarray = None,
        inertia: np.ndarray = None,
            The mass of the segment with respect to the full body
            The position of the center of mass from the segment coordinate system on the main axis
            The inertia xx, yy and zz parameters of the segment
        self.mass = mass
        self.center_of_mass = center_of_mass
        self.inertia = inertia

    def from_data(
        data: Data,
        relative_mass: Callable,
        center_of_mass: Callable,
        inertia: Callable,
        kinematic_chain: BiomechanicalModel,
        parent_scs: "NaturalSegment" = None,
        This is a constructor for the InertiaParameterReal class.

            The data to pick the data from
            The callback function that returns the relative mass of the segment with respect to the full body
            The callback function that returns the position of the center of mass
            from the segment coordinate system on the main axis
            The callback function that returns the inertia xx, yy and zz parameters of the segment
            The model as it is constructed at that particular time. It is useful if some values must be obtained from
            previously computed values
            The segment coordinate system of the parent to transform the marker from global to local

        mass = relative_mass(data.values, kinematic_chain)

        p: np.ndarray = center_of_mass(data.values, kinematic_chain)
        if not isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
            raise RuntimeError(f"The function {center_of_mass} must return a np.ndarray of dimension 4xT (XYZ1 x time)")
        if len(p.shape) == 1:
            p = p[:, np.newaxis]

        if len(p.shape) != 2 or p.shape[0] != 4:
            raise RuntimeError(f"The function {center_of_mass} must return a np.ndarray of dimension 4xT (XYZ1 x time)")

        p[3, :] = 1  # Do not trust user and make sure the last value is a perfect one
        com = (parent_scs.transpose if parent_scs is not None else np.identity(4)) @ p
        if np.isnan(com).all():
            raise RuntimeError(f"All the values for {com} returned nan which is not permitted")

        inertia: np.ndarray = inertia(data.values, kinematic_chain)

        return InertiaParameters(mass, com, inertia)

    def __str__(self):
        # Define the print function, so it automatically formats things in the file properly
        com = np.nanmean(self.center_of_mass, axis=1)[:3]

        out_string = f"\tmass {self.mass}\n"
        out_string += f"\tCenterOfMass {com[0]:0.5f} {com[1]:0.5f} {com[2]:0.5f}\n"
        out_string += f"\tinertia_xxyyzz {self.inertia[0]} {self.inertia[1]} {self.inertia[2]}\n"
        return out_string