

0 mins
Test Coverage
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from casadi import MX, vertcat, inv, cross

from .cartesian_vector import vector_projection_in_non_orthogonal_basis
from .natural_vector import NaturalVector
from ..utils.enums import NaturalAxis

class SegmentNaturalCoordinates(MX):
    This class is made to handle Generalized Coordinates of a Segment

    def __new__(cls, input_array: MX):
        Create a new instance of the class.

        obj = MX.__new__(cls)

        return obj

    def sym(cls, suffix: str = ""):
        Constructor of the class with symbolic variables

        suffix : str
            Suffix to add to the variable names

        u = MX.sym(f"u{suffix}", 3, 1)
        rp = MX.sym(f"rp{suffix}", 3, 1)
        rd = MX.sym(f"rd{suffix}", 3, 1)
        w = MX.sym(f"w{suffix}", 3, 1)

        input_array = vertcat(u, rp, rd, w)

        return cls(input_array)

    def from_components(
        u: Union[np.ndarray, MX, list] = None,
        rp: Union[np.ndarray, MX, list] = None,
        rd: Union[np.ndarray, MX, list] = None,
        w: Union[np.ndarray, MX, list] = None,
        Constructor of the class from the components of the natural coordinates

        u, rp, rd, w = (validate_and_convert(var, name) for var, name in zip((u, rp, rd, w), ("u", "rp", "rd", "w")))

        input_array = vertcat(u, rp, rd, w)

        return cls(input_array)

    def to_array(self):
        return MX(self)

    def u(self):
        return self[0:3, :]

    def rp(self):
        return self[3:6, :]

    def rd(self):
        return self[6:9, :]

    def w(self):
        return self[9:12, :]

    def v(self):
        return self.rp - self.rd

    def vector(self):
        return self.to_array()

    def to_components(self):
        return self.u, self.rp, self.rd, self.w

    def to_uvw(self):
        return self.u, self.v, self.w

    def to_natural_vector(self, vector: MX | np.ndarray) -> NaturalVector:
        This function converts a vector expressed in the global coordinate system
        to a vector expressed in a non-orthogonal coordinate system associated to the segment coordinates.

        vector: np.ndarray
            The vector expressed in the global coordinate system (3x1) or (3xN)

            The vector expressed in the non-orthogonal coordinate system (rp, u, v, w)

        return NaturalVector(vector_projection_in_non_orthogonal_basis(vector - self.rp, self.u, self.v, self.w))

    def axis(self, axis: Union[str, NaturalAxis]) -> MX:
        This function returns the axis of the segment.

        axis: str
            The axis to return (u, v, w)

            The axis of the segment

        if axis == "u" or axis == NaturalAxis.U:
            return self.u
        elif axis == "v" or axis == NaturalAxis.V:
            return self.v
        elif axis == "w" or axis == NaturalAxis.W:
            return self.w
            raise ValueError("The axis must be u, v or w")

    def compute_pseudo_interpolation_matrix(self) -> MX:
        Return the force moment transformation matrix

            The force moment transformation matrix
        # default we apply force at the proximal point

        left_interpolation_matrix = MX.zeros((12, 3))

        left_interpolation_matrix[9:12, 0] = self.u
        left_interpolation_matrix[0:3, 1] = self.v
        left_interpolation_matrix[3:6, 2] = -self.w
        left_interpolation_matrix[6:9, 2] = self.w

        # Matrix of lever arms for forces equivalent to moment at proximal endpoint, denoted Bstar
        lever_arm_force_matrix = MX.zeros((3, 3))

        lever_arm_force_matrix[:, 0] = cross(self.w, self.u)
        lever_arm_force_matrix[:, 1] = cross(self.u, self.v)
        lever_arm_force_matrix[:, 2] = cross(-self.v, self.w)

        return (left_interpolation_matrix @ inv(lever_arm_force_matrix)).T  # NOTE: inv may induce symbolic error.

def validate_and_convert(input_value: Union[np.ndarray, MX, list], name: str) -> MX:
    This function validates and converts the input value to an MX object.

    input_value : Union[np.ndarray, MX, list]
        The input value to be validated and converted. It can be a numpy array, an MX object, or a list.
    name : str
        The name of the input value. Used in error messages.

        The validated and converted input value as an MX object.

        If the input value is None, not an MX object, or its shape does not match the expected shape.
    if input_value is None:
        raise ValueError(f"{name} must be a numpy array (3x1) or a list of 3 elements")
    if not isinstance(input_value, MX):
        input_value = MX(input_value)
    if input_value.shape[0] != 3:
        raise ValueError(f"{name} must be a 3x1 numpy array")
    return input_value

class NaturalCoordinates(MX):
    def __new__(cls, input_array: MX):
        Create a new instance of the class.

        if input_array.shape[0] % 12 != 0:
            raise ValueError("input_array must be a column vector of size 12 x n elements")

        obj = MX.__new__(cls)

        return obj

    def sym(cls, nb_segments: int):
        Constructor of the class with symbolic variables

        nb_segments : int
            Number of segments

        input_array = vertcat(*[SegmentNaturalCoordinates.sym(f"_{i}") for i in range(nb_segments)])

        return cls(input_array)

    def from_qi(cls, tuple_of_Q: tuple):
        Constructor of the class.
        if not isinstance(tuple_of_Q, tuple):
            raise ValueError("tuple_of_Q must be a tuple of SegmentNaturalCoordinates")

        for Q in tuple_of_Q:
            if not isinstance(Q, SegmentNaturalCoordinates):
                raise ValueError("tuple_of_Q must be a tuple of SegmentNaturalCoordinates")

        input_array = vertcat(*tuple_of_Q)
        return cls(input_array)

    def to_array(self):
        return self

    def nb_qi(self):
        return self.shape[0] // 12

    def u(self, segment_idx: int):
        array_idx = np.arange(segment_idx * 12, (segment_idx + 1) * 12)[0:3]
        return self[array_idx, :]

    def rp(self, segment_idx: int):
        array_idx = np.arange(segment_idx * 12, (segment_idx + 1) * 12)[3:6]
        return self[array_idx, :]

    def rd(self, segment_idx: int):
        array_idx = np.arange(segment_idx * 12, (segment_idx + 1) * 12)[6:9]
        return self[array_idx, :]

    def w(self, segment_idx: int):
        array_idx = np.arange(segment_idx * 12, (segment_idx + 1) * 12)[9:12]
        return self[array_idx, :]

    def v(self, segment_idx: int):
        return self.rp(segment_idx) - self.rd(segment_idx)

    def vector(self, segment_idx: int = None):
        if segment_idx is None:
            return self[:]
            array_idx = np.arange(segment_idx * 12, (segment_idx + 1) * 12).tolist()
            return SegmentNaturalCoordinates(self[array_idx])