import numpy as np
from casadi import vertcat, horzcat, MX, Function, sum1
from typing import Callable
from .enums import InitialGuessModeType
from .time_series_utils import TimeSeriesUtils
from ..bionc_casadi import NaturalCoordinates, SegmentNaturalCoordinates
from ..bionc_numpy.natural_coordinates import NaturalCoordinates as NaturalCoordinatesNumpy
from ..protocols.biomechanical_model import GenericBiomechanicalModel as BiomechanicalModel
from ..utils import constants
from ..utils.c3d_ik_exporter import C3DInverseKinematicsExporter
from ..utils.casadi_utils import _mx_to_sx, _solve_nlp, sarrus
from ..utils.heatmap_helpers import (
from ..utils.heatmap_timeseries_helpers import HeatmapTimeseriesHelpers, subset_of_technical_markers
from ..utils.markers_check_import import load_and_validate_markers
class InverseKinematics:
Inverse kinematics solver also known as Multibody Kinematics Optimization (MKO)
model : BiomechanicalModel
The model considered (bionc.numpy)
experimental_markers : np.ndarray | str
The experimental markers (3xNxM numpy array), or a path to a c3d file
experimental_heatmaps : dict[str, np.ndarray]
The experimental heatmaps, composed of two arrays and one float :
* camera_parameters (3 x 4 x nb_cameras numpy array),
* gaussian_parameters (5 x M x N x nb_cameras numpy array):
- gaussian_parameters[0:2, :, :, :] is an array of the position (x, y) of the center of the gaussian.
- gaussian_parameters[2:4, :, :, :] is an array of the standard deviation (x, y) of the gaussian.
- gaussian_parameters[4,:,:,:] is an array of the magnitude of the gaussian.
Q_init : np.ndarray
The initial guess for the inverse kinematics computed from the experimental markers
Qopt : np.ndarray
The optimal solution of the inverse kinematics
nb_frames : int
The number of frames of the experimental markers
nb_markers : int
The number of markers of the experimental markers
success_optim : list[bool]
The success of convergence for each frame
_frame_per_frame : bool
If True, the inverse kinematics is solved frame per frame, otherwise it is solved for the whole motion
_model_mx : BiomechanicalModel
The model considered (bionc.casadi)
_Q_sym : MX
The symbolic variable of the inverse kinematics
_vert_Q_sym : MX
The symbolic variable of the inverse kinematics in a vertical format, useful when dealing with multiple frames at once
_markers_sym : MX
The symbolic variable of the experimental markers for one frame
_objective_function : Callable
The objective function to minimize
Solves the inverse kinematics
Declares the symbolic variables of the inverse kinematics
_objective(Q: MX)
builds the objective function to minimize
_constraints(Q: MX)
builds the constraints to satisfy
Animates the solution of the inverse kinematics
builds the constraints to ensure that the determinant of the matrix [u, v, w] is positive
def __init__(
model: BiomechanicalModel,
experimental_markers: np.ndarray | str = None,
experimental_heatmaps: dict[str, np.ndarray] = None,
active_direct_frame_constraints: bool = False,
use_sx: bool = True,
model : BiomechanicalModel
The model considered (bionc.numpy)
experimental_markers : np.ndarray | str
The experimental markers (3 x nb_markers x nb_frames numpy array), or a path to a c3d file
experimental_heatmaps : dict[str, np.ndarray]
The experimental heatmaps, composed of two arrays and one float :
* camera_parameters (3 x 4 x nb_cameras numpy array),
* gaussian_parameters (5 x nb_markers x nb_frames x nb_cameras numpy array):
- gaussian_parameters[0:2, :, :, :] is an array of the position (x, y) of the center of the gaussian.
- gaussian_parameters[2:4, :, :, :] is an array of the standard deviation (x, y) of the gaussian.
- gaussian_parameters[4,:,:,:] is an array of the magnitude of the gaussian.
active_direct_frame_constraints : bool
If True, the direct frame constraints are active, otherwise they are not.
It ensures that rigid body constraints lead to positive determinants or the matrix [u, v, w].
use_sx : bool
If True, the symbolic variables are SX, otherwise they are MX (SX are faster but take more memory)
self._validate_input(experimental_markers, experimental_heatmaps)
def _validate_input(self, experimental_markers, experimental_heatmaps):
if experimental_markers is None and experimental_heatmaps is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide experimental data, either marker or heatmap data")
if experimental_markers is not None and experimental_heatmaps is not None:
raise ValueError("Please choose between marker data and heatmap data")
if experimental_heatmaps is not None:
def _initialize_attributes(
if not isinstance(model, BiomechanicalModel):
raise ValueError("model must be a BiomechanicalModel")
self.model = model
self._model_mx = model.to_mx()
self._active_direct_frame_constraints = active_direct_frame_constraints
self.use_sx = use_sx
self.experimental_markers = (
load_and_validate_markers(experimental_markers) if experimental_markers is not None else None
self.experimental_heatmaps = experimental_heatmaps
self.Qopt = None
self.segment_determinants = None
self.success_optim = []
def _initialize_heatmap_attributes(self):
if self.experimental_heatmaps:
self.gaussian_parameters = np.reshape(
(5 * self.nb_markers, self.nb_frames, self.nb_cameras),
self.camera_parameters = np.reshape(
self.experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"], (3 * 4, self.nb_cameras)
self.gaussian_parameters = None
self.camera_parameters = None
def _initialize_dimensions(self):
if self.experimental_markers is not None:
self.nb_markers = self.experimental_markers.shape[1]
self.nb_frames = self.experimental_markers.shape[2]
self.nb_cameras = 0
elif self.experimental_heatmaps is not None:
self.nb_markers = self.experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"].shape[1]
self.nb_frames = self.experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"].shape[2]
self.nb_cameras = self.experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"].shape[3]
def _setup_optimization_problem(self):
self._Q_sym, self._vert_Q_sym = self._declare_sym_Q()
self.objective_sym = self._create_objective_function()
self._objective_function = None
def _setup_symbolic_variables(self):
if self.experimental_markers is not None:
self._markers_sym = MX.sym("markers", (3, self.nb_markers))
self._camera_parameters_sym = MX.sym("camera_param", (0, 0))
self._gaussian_parameters_sym = MX.sym("gaussian_param", (0, 0))
self._markers_sym = MX.sym("markers", (0, 0))
self._camera_parameters_sym = MX.sym("cam_param", (3 * 4, self.nb_cameras))
self._gaussian_parameters_sym = MX.sym("gaussian_param", (5 * self.nb_markers, self.nb_cameras))
def _create_objective_function(self):
if self.experimental_markers is not None:
return [self._objective_minimize_marker_distance(self._Q_sym, self._markers_sym)]
return [
self._Q_sym, self._camera_parameters_sym, self._gaussian_parameters_sym
def _update_objective_function(self):
This method updates the objective function of the inverse kinematics problem. It is called each time a new
objective is added to the inverse kinematics problem.
self._objective_function = Function(
def add_objective(self, objective_function: Callable):
This method adds an extra objective to the inverse kinematics problem. The objective function has to be a
CasADi Function with the following signature: [objective_sym] = objective_function(Q_sym, markers_sym)
objective_function: Callable[[MX, MX], MX]
The objective function to add to the inverse kinematics problem
if isinstance(objective_function, Callable):
# check the number of inputs of the objective function
if objective_function.n_in() != 2:
raise ValueError(
"objective_function must be a CasADi Function with the following signature: "
"[objective_sym] = objective_function(Q_sym, markers_sym)"
# check the number of outputs of the objective function
if objective_function.n_out() != 1:
raise ValueError(
"objective_function must be a CasADi Function with the following signature: "
"[objective_sym] = objective_function(Q_sym, markers_sym)"
"with an output of shape (1, 1)"
symbolic_objective = objective_function(self._Q_sym, self._markers_sym)
raise TypeError(
"objective_function must be a callable, i.e. a CasADi Function with the"
"following signature: objective_sym = objective_function(Q_sym, markers_sym). "
"It should be build from the following lines of code: \n"
"from casadi import Function \n"
"objective_function = Function('objective_function', "
"[Q_sym, markers_sym], [objective_sym])"
def solve(
Q_init: np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates = None,
initial_guess_mode: InitialGuessModeType = InitialGuessModeType.FROM_CURRENT_MARKERS,
method: str = "ipopt",
options: dict = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Solves the inverse kinematics
Q_init : np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates (optionnal)
The initial guess for the inverse kinematics computed from the experimental markers.
Expected when initial_guess_mode_type is USER_PROVIDED (for all frames)
or USER_PROVIDED_FIRST_FRAME_ONLY (one frame only then)
initial_guess_mode : InitialGuessModeType
The type of initialization, by default InitialGuessModeType.FROM_CURRENT_MARKERS
method : str
The method to use to solve the NLP (ipopt, sqpmethod, ...)
options : dict
The options to pass to the solver
The optimal solution of the inverse kinematics
options = self._get_solver_options(method, options)
Q_init = self._get_initial_guess(Q_init, initial_guess_mode)
Qopt = self._solve_frame_per_frame(Q_init, initial_guess_mode, method, options)
self.Qopt = Qopt.reshape((12 * self.model.nb_segments, self.nb_frames))
return Qopt
def _get_solver_options(self, method: str, options: dict) -> dict:
default_options = {"sqpmethod": constants.SQP_IK_VALUES, "ipopt": constants.IPOPT_IK_VALUES}
if options is None:
if method not in default_options:
raise ValueError("method must be one of the following str: 'sqpmethod' or 'ipopt'")
return default_options[method]
return options
def _get_initial_guess(
Q_init: np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates,
initial_guess_mode: InitialGuessModeType,
) -> np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates:
if initial_guess_mode in (
return self._compute_Q_init_from_markers(initial_guess_mode)
return self._validate_user_provided_Q_init(Q_init, initial_guess_mode)
def _compute_Q_init_from_markers(self, initial_guess_mode: InitialGuessModeType) -> np.ndarray:
if self.experimental_markers is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide experimental_markers in order to initialize the optimization")
if self.experimental_heatmaps is not None:
raise ValueError("Q_init cannot be computed from markers using heatmap data")
frame_slice = (
slice(0, 1) if initial_guess_mode == InitialGuessModeType.FROM_FIRST_FRAME_MARKERS else slice(None)
return self.model.Q_from_markers(self.experimental_markers[:, :, frame_slice])
def _validate_user_provided_Q_init(
Q_init: np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates,
initial_guess_mode: InitialGuessModeType,
) -> np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates:
if Q_init is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide Q_init if you want to use InitialGuessModeType.USER_PROVIDED.")
if initial_guess_mode == InitialGuessModeType.USER_PROVIDED:
if Q_init.shape[1] != self.nb_frames:
raise ValueError(
f"Q_init.shape\\[1\\] must equal the number of frames ({self.nb_frames}). Currently, Q_init.shape\\[1\\] = {Q_init.shape[1]}."
elif initial_guess_mode == InitialGuessModeType.USER_PROVIDED_FIRST_FRAME_ONLY:
if Q_init.shape[1] != 1:
raise ValueError("Provide only the first frame of Q_init. Currently, Q_init.shape\\[1\\] = 2")
return Q_init
def _solve_frame_per_frame(
Q_init: np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates,
initial_guess_mode: InitialGuessModeType,
method: str,
options: dict,
) -> np.ndarray:
Qopt = np.zeros((12 * self.model.nb_segments, self.nb_frames))
nlp = self._setup_nlp()
self.objective_function = np.zeros(self.nb_frames)
for f in range(self.nb_frames):
nlp["f"] = self._get_objective_for_frame(f)
r, success = self._solve_single_frame(method, nlp, Q_init[:, f], options)
Qopt[:, f : f + 1] = r["x"].toarray()
self.objective_function[f] = r["f"]
Q_init = self._update_initial_guess(Q_init, Qopt, initial_guess_mode, f)
return Qopt
def _setup_nlp(self) -> dict:
constraints = self._constraints(self._Q_sym)
if self._active_direct_frame_constraints:
constraints = vertcat(constraints, self._direct_frame_constraints(self._Q_sym))
nlp = {
"x": self._vert_Q_sym,
"g": _mx_to_sx(constraints, [self._vert_Q_sym]) if self.use_sx else constraints,
return nlp
def _get_objective_for_frame(self, frame: int) -> MX:
return self._objective_function(
[] if self.experimental_markers is None else self.experimental_markers[:, :, frame],
[] if self.experimental_heatmaps is None else self.camera_parameters,
[] if self.experimental_heatmaps is None else self.gaussian_parameters[:, frame, :],
def _update_initial_guess(
Q_init: np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates,
Qopt: np.ndarray | NaturalCoordinates,
initial_guess_mode: InitialGuessModeType,
frame: int,
"""Updates the initial guess for the next frame when solving frame per frame"""
if (
in (
and frame < self.nb_frames - 1
Q_init = np.append(Q_init, Qopt[:, frame : frame + 1], axis=1)
return Q_init
def _solve_single_frame(self, method: str, nlp: dict, Q_init_frame: np.ndarray, options: dict) -> tuple:
lbg, ubg = self._get_constraint_bounds()
r, success = _solve_nlp(method, nlp, Q_init_frame, lbg, ubg, options)
return r, success
def _get_constraint_bounds(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
lbg = np.zeros(self.model.nb_holonomic_constraints)
ubg = np.zeros(self.model.nb_holonomic_constraints)
if self._active_direct_frame_constraints:
lbg = np.concatenate((lbg, np.zeros(self.model.nb_segments)))
ubg = np.concatenate((ubg, np.full(self.model.nb_segments, np.inf)))
return lbg, ubg
def _declare_sym_Q(self) -> tuple[MX, MX]:
"""Declares the symbolic variables for the natural coordinates and handle single frame"""
Q_sym = []
f = 0
Q_f_sym = []
for ii in range(self.model.nb_segments):
Q = horzcat(*Q_sym)
vert_Q = vertcat(*Q_sym)
return Q, vert_Q
def _objective_minimize_marker_distance(self, Q, experimental_markers) -> MX:
Computes the objective function that minimizes marker distance and handles single frame
The objective function that minimizes the distance between the experimental markers and the model markers
f = 0
Q_f = NaturalCoordinates(Q[:, f])
xp_markers = (
experimental_markers[:3, :, f] if isinstance(experimental_markers, np.ndarray) else experimental_markers
phim = self._model_mx.markers_constraints(xp_markers, Q_f, only_technical=True)
return 1 / 2 * phim.T @ phim
def _objective_maximize_confidence(self, Q, camera_parameters, gaussian_parameters) -> MX:
Computes the objective function that maximizes confidence value of the model keypoints
Does not handle multi frames
The objective function that maximizes the confidence value of the model keypoints
Q_f = NaturalCoordinates(Q)
all_marker_position = self._model_mx.markers(Q_f)
marker_positions = subset_of_technical_markers(self._model_mx, all_marker_position)
total_confidence = compute_total_confidence(marker_positions, camera_parameters, gaussian_parameters)
return 1 / total_confidence
def _constraints(self, Q) -> MX:
"""Computes the constraints and handle single frame or multi frames"""
phir = []
phik = []
f = 0
Q_f = NaturalCoordinates(Q[:, f])
return vertcat(*phir, *phik)
def _direct_frame_constraints(self, Q):
"""Computes the direct frame constraints and handle single frame or multi frames"""
direct_frame_constraints = []
f = 0
Q_f = NaturalCoordinates(Q[:, f])
for ii in range(self.model.nb_segments):
u, v, w = Q_f.vector(ii).to_uvw()
direct_frame_constraints.append(sarrus(horzcat(u, v, w)))
return vertcat(*direct_frame_constraints)
def check_segment_determinants(self):
"""Checks the determinant of each segment frame with the optimal solution"""
self.segment_determinants = np.zeros((self.model.nb_segments, self.nb_frames))
for i in range(0, self.Qopt.shape[1]):
Qi = NaturalCoordinatesNumpy(self.Qopt)[:, i : i + 1]
for s in range(0, self.model.nb_segments):
u, v, w = Qi.vector(s).to_uvw()
matrix = np.concatenate((u[:, np.newaxis], v[:, np.newaxis], w[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1)
self.segment_determinants[s, i] = np.linalg.det(matrix)
if self.segment_determinants[s, i] < 0:
print(f"Warning: frame {i} segment {s} has a negative determinant")
def sol(self):
Create and return a dict that contains the output of each optimization.
self.output: dict[str, np.ndarray | list[str]]
- 'marker_residuals_norm' : np.ndarray
Norm of the residuals for each marker
- 'marker_residuals_xyz' : np.ndarray
Residuals of the marker on all axis
- 'total_marker_residuals' : np.ndarray
Residuals of all marker for each frame
- 'max_marker_distance' : list[str]
A list of the marker with the highest residual for each frame
- 'joint_residuals' : np.ndarray
Joint constraint residual for each joint and each frame
- 'total_joint_residuals' : list[str]
Global joint constraint residual for each frame
- 'max_joint_violation' : list[str]
A list of the joint with the highest residual for each frame
- 'rigidity_residuals' : np.ndarray
Residuals of the rigidity constraint for each segment and each frame
- 'total_rigidity_residuals' : np.ndarray
Global rigidity constraint residual for each frame
- 'max_rigidbody_violation' : list[str]
A list of the segment with the highest rigidity residual for each frame
- 'success' : list[bool]
A list of boolean indicating for each frame of the sucess of the optimization.
joint_residuals = TimeSeriesUtils.joint_constraints(self.model, self.Qopt)
rigidity_residuals = TimeSeriesUtils.rigid_body_constraints(self.model, self.Qopt)
segment_rigidity_residuals = np.reshape(
rigidity_residuals, (6, self.model.nb_segments, self.nb_frames), order="F"
segment_rigidity_residual_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(segment_rigidity_residuals**2, axis=0))
# Global will correspond to the squared sum of all the specific residuals
total_joint_residuals = TimeSeriesUtils.total_joint_constraints(self.model, self.Qopt)
total_rigidity_residuals = TimeSeriesUtils.total_rigid_body_constraints(self.model, self.Qopt)
ind_max_rigidy_error = np.argmax(segment_rigidity_residual_norm, axis=0)
ind_max_joint_constraint_error = np.argmax(joint_residuals, axis=0)
# Create a list of marker, segment and joint from the indices
max_rigidbody_violation = [self.model.segment_names[ind_max] for ind_max in ind_max_rigidy_error]
max_joint_violation = [
for ind_max in ind_max_joint_constraint_error
self.output = dict(
if self.experimental_markers is not None:
marker_residuals_xyz = TimeSeriesUtils.marker_constraints_xyz(
self.model, self.Qopt, self.experimental_markers
marker_residuals_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(marker_residuals_xyz**2, axis=0))
total_marker_residuals = TimeSeriesUtils.total_marker_constraints(
self.model, self.Qopt, self.experimental_markers
ind_max_marker_distance = np.argmax(marker_residuals_norm, axis=0)
max_marker_distance = [self.model.marker_names_technical[ind_max] for ind_max in ind_max_marker_distance]
self.output["marker_residuals_xyz"] = marker_residuals_xyz
self.output["marker_residuals_norm"] = marker_residuals_norm
self.output["total_marker_residuals"] = total_marker_residuals
self.output["max_marker_distance"] = max_marker_distance
if self.experimental_heatmaps is not None:
frame_total_confidence = HeatmapTimeseriesHelpers.total_confidence(
self.model, self.Qopt, self.camera_parameters, self.gaussian_parameters
heatmap_confidence_3d = HeatmapTimeseriesHelpers.total_confidence_for_all_markers(
self.model, self.Qopt, self.camera_parameters, self.gaussian_parameters
heatmap_confidence_2d = HeatmapTimeseriesHelpers.total_confidence_for_all_markers_on_each_camera(
self.model, self.Qopt, self.camera_parameters, self.gaussian_parameters
self.output["total_heatmap_confidence"] = frame_total_confidence
self.output["heatmap_confidence_3d"] = heatmap_confidence_3d # 3d [Nb_markers, N_frame],
self.output["heatmap_confidence_2d"] = heatmap_confidence_2d # [Nb_markers, Nb_camera, N_frame],
return self.output
def export_in_c3d(self, filename):
c3d_export = C3DInverseKinematicsExporter(model=self.model, filename=filename)