import numpy as np
from numba import float64
from numba import njit
from numpy import ndarray
from .interface_biorbd import rotation_matrix_to_euler_angles
from ..utils.enums import CartesianAxis, EulerSequence
@njit(float64[:, :](float64), cache=True)
def rotation_x(angle: float) -> ndarray:
"""This function returns the rotation matrix around the x-axis for a given angle in radians."""
cos_angle = np.cos(angle)
sin_angle = np.sin(angle)
return np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, cos_angle, -sin_angle], [0.0, sin_angle, cos_angle]])
@njit(float64[:, :](float64), cache=True)
def rotation_y(angle: float) -> ndarray:
"""This function returns the rotation matrix around the y-axis for a given angle in radians."""
cos_angle = np.cos(angle)
sin_angle = np.sin(angle)
return np.array([[cos_angle, 0.0, sin_angle], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-sin_angle, 0.0, cos_angle]])
@njit(float64[:, :](float64), cache=True)
def rotation_z(angle: float) -> ndarray:
"""This function returns the rotation matrix around the z-axis for a given angle in radians."""
cos_angle = np.cos(angle)
sin_angle = np.sin(angle)
return np.array([[cos_angle, -sin_angle, 0.0], [sin_angle, cos_angle, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
def rotation_matrices_from_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, sequence: str) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
This function converts a rotation matrix to individual rotation matrices
rotation_matrix : np.ndarray
Rotation matrix
sequence : str
Sequence of rotations, e.g. 'xyz'
tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
Individual rotation matrices
angles = rotation_matrix_to_euler_angles(rotation_matrix, sequence)
R0 = rotation_matrix_from_angle_and_axis(angles[0], sequence[0])
R1 = rotation_matrix_from_angle_and_axis(angles[1], sequence[1])
R2 = rotation_matrix_from_angle_and_axis(angles[2], sequence[2])
return R0, R1, R2
def rotation_matrix_from_angle_and_axis(angle: float, axis: str | CartesianAxis) -> np.ndarray:
This function returns a rotation matrix from an angle and an axis
angle : float
Angle of rotation
axis : str or CartesianAxis
Axis of rotation such as 'x', 'y' or 'z'
Rotation matrix
axis_map = {
"x": rotation_x(angle),
CartesianAxis.X: rotation_x(angle),
"y": rotation_y(angle),
CartesianAxis.Y: rotation_y(angle),
"z": rotation_z(angle),
CartesianAxis.Z: rotation_z(angle),
output = axis_map.get(axis)
if output is None:
raise ValueError("The axis must be 'x', 'y' or 'z'.")
return output
def euler_axes_from_rotation_matrices(
R_0_parent: np.ndarray,
R_0_child: np.ndarray,
sequence: EulerSequence,
axes_source_frame: str = "mixed",
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
This function returns the euler axes from the rotation matrices in the global frame
R_0_parent : np.ndarray
Rotation matrix of the parent ^0R_parent
R_0_child : np.ndarray
Rotation matrix of the child ^0R_child
sequence : EulerSequence
Sequence of rotations, e.g. 'xyz'
axes_source_frame : str
Frame from which the axes get computed from, e.g. 'parent', 'child', 'mixed'.
- parent: the axes are computed from the parent rotation matrix
- child: the axes are computed from the child rotation matrix
- mixed (default): the first and second axes are computed from the parent rotation matrix,
the third from the child, limitating non-linearities
tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
Euler rotation axes in the global frame
R = R_0_parent.T @ R_0_child
if isinstance(sequence, EulerSequence):
sequence = sequence.value
individual_rotation_matrices = rotation_matrices_from_rotation_matrix(R, sequence)
euler_axes = [None for _ in range(3)]
cumulated_rotation_matrix = np.eye(3)
if axes_source_frame == "parent":
for i, (axis, rotation) in enumerate(zip(sequence, individual_rotation_matrices)):
cumulated_rotation_matrix = cumulated_rotation_matrix @ rotation
v = vector_from_axis(axis)
# e.g. for xyz, x: R_0_parent @ rotx @ [1, 0, 0]; y: R_0_parent @ rotx @ roty @ [0, 1, 0]; ...
euler_axes[i] = R_0_parent @ cumulated_rotation_matrix @ v
return tuple(euler_axes)
elif axes_source_frame == "child":
# flip the sequence and the rotation matrices
sequence = sequence[::-1]
individual_rotation_matrices = individual_rotation_matrices[::-1]
for i, (axis, rotation) in enumerate(zip(sequence, individual_rotation_matrices)):
cumulated_rotation_matrix = cumulated_rotation_matrix @ rotation.T
v = vector_from_axis(axis)
# e.g. for xyz, z: R_0_child @ rotz.T @ [0, 0, 1]; y: R_0_child @ rotz.T @ roty.T @ [0, 1, 0]; ...
euler_axes[i] = R_0_child @ cumulated_rotation_matrix @ v
# flip the euler axes
euler_axes = euler_axes[::-1]
return tuple(euler_axes)
elif axes_source_frame == "mixed":
# this method should be better as it relies less on the transformations of the rotation matrices
# only the second axis depends on the first angle, the third relies on the child matrix
parent_euler_axes = euler_axes_from_rotation_matrices(
R_0_parent, R_0_child, sequence, axes_source_frame="parent"
child_euler_axes = euler_axes_from_rotation_matrices(R_0_parent, R_0_child, sequence, axes_source_frame="child")
return parent_euler_axes[0], parent_euler_axes[1], child_euler_axes[2]
def vector_from_axis(axis: str | CartesianAxis) -> np.ndarray:
This function returns the vector associated with an axis
axis : str or CartesianAxis
Axis of rotation such as 'x', 'y' or 'z'
Vector associated with the axis
axis_map = {
"x": np.array([1, 0, 0]),
CartesianAxis.X: np.array([1, 0, 0]),
"y": np.array([0, 1, 0]),
CartesianAxis.Y: np.array([0, 1, 0]),
"z": np.array([0, 0, 1]),
CartesianAxis.Z: np.array([0, 0, 1]),
output = axis_map.get(axis)
if output is None:
raise ValueError("The axis must be 'x', 'y' or 'z'.")
return output
def euler_angles_from_rotation_matrix(
parent_matrix: np.ndarray, child_matrix: np.ndarray, joint_sequence: EulerSequence
) -> np.ndarray:
This function returns the euler angles from two rotation matrices
parent_matrix: np.ndarray
The parent rotation matrix
child_matrix: np.ndarray
The child rotation matrix
joint_sequence: EulerSequence
The sequence of rotations
The euler angles
rot = parent_matrix.T @ child_matrix
euler_angles = rotation_matrix_to_euler_angles(rot, joint_sequence.value)
return euler_angles