from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union, Any
import dill as pickle
import numpy as np
from casadi import MX
from .biomechanical_model_joints import GenericBiomechanicalModelJoints
from .biomechanical_model_markers import GenericBiomechanicalModelMarkers
from .biomechanical_model_segments import GenericBiomechanicalModelSegments
from .biomechanical_model_tree import GenericBiomechanicalModelTree
from .external_force import ExternalForceSet
from .natural_accelerations import NaturalAccelerations
from .natural_coordinates import NaturalCoordinates, SegmentNaturalCoordinates
from .natural_velocities import NaturalVelocities
from ..utils.enums import EulerSequence
class GenericBiomechanicalModel(ABC):
This is an abstract base class that provides the basic structure and methods for all biomechanical models.
It contains the segments and the joints of the model. The implemented methods are not specific to numpy or casadi.
segments : dict
A dictionary containing the segments of the model. The keys are the names of the segments and the values are the corresponding segment objects.
joints : dict
A dictionary containing the joints of the model. The keys are the names of the joints and the values are the corresponding joint objects.
_mass_matrix : np.ndarray
The generalized mass matrix of the system.
_markers : GenericBiomechanicalModelMarkers
The markers of the model handled in a specific class.
__getitem__(self, name: str)
Returns the segment with the given name.
__setitem__(self, name: str, segment: Any)
Adds a segment to the model.
save(self, filename: str)
Saves the model to a file.
load(self, filename: str)
Loads the model from a file.
set_ground_segment(self, name: str)
Sets the ground segment of the model.
has_ground_segment(self) -> bool
Returns true if the model has a ground segment.
Returns the dictionary of all the segments except the ground segment.
_add_joint(self, joint: dict)
Adds a joint to the biomechanical model. It is not recommended to use this function directly.
joints_with_constraints(self) -> dict
Returns the dictionary of all the joints with constraints.
has_free_joint(self, segment_idx: int) -> bool
Returns true if the segment has a free joint with the ground.
_remove_free_joint(self, segment_idx: int)
Removes the free joint of the segment.
children(self, segment: str | int) -> list[int]
Returns the children of the given segment.
parents(self, segment: str | int) -> list[int]
Returns the parents of the given segment.
segment_subtrees(self) -> list[list[int]]
Returns the subtrees of the segments.
segment_subtree(self, segment: str | int) -> list[int]
Returns the subtree of the given segment.
nb_segments(self) -> int
Returns the number of segments in the model.
nb_markers(self) -> int
Returns the number of markers in the model.
nb_markers_technical(self) -> int
Returns the number of technical markers in the model.
segment_names(self) -> list[str]
Returns the names of the segments in the model.
marker_names(self) -> list[str]
Returns the names of the markers in the model.
marker_names_technical(self) -> list[str]
Returns the names of the technical markers in the model.
dof_names(self) -> list[str]
Returns the names of the degrees of freedom in the model.
nb_joints(self) -> int
Returns the number of joints in the model.
nb_joints_with_constraints(self) -> int
Returns the number of joints with constraints in the model.
remove_joint(self, name: str)
Removes a joint from the model.
nb_joint_constraints(self) -> int
Returns the number of joint constraints in the model.
nb_joint_dof(self) -> int
Returns the number of joint degrees of freedom in the model.
joint_names(self) -> list[str]
Returns the names of the joints in the model.
nb_rigid_body_constraints(self) -> int
Returns the number of rigid body constraints in the model.
nb_holonomic_constraints(self) -> int
Returns the number of holonomic constraints in the model.
nb_Q(self) -> int
Returns the number of generalized coordinates in the model.
nb_Qdot(self) -> int
Returns the number of generalized velocities in the model.
nb_Qddot(self) -> int
Returns the number of generalized accelerations in the model.
joint_from_index(self, index: int)
Returns the joint with the given index.
joint_dof_indexes(self, joint_id: int) -> tuple[int, ...]
Returns the index of a given joint.
joint_constraints_index(self, joint_id: int | str) -> slice
Returns the slice of constrain of a given joint.
joints_from_child_index(self, child_index: int, remove_free_joints: bool = False) -> list
Returns the joints that have the given child index.
segment_from_index(self, index: int)
Returns the segment with the given index.
normalized_coordinates(self) -> tuple[tuple[int, ...]]
Returns the normalized coordinates.
Returns the generalized mass matrix of the system.
rigid_body_constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the rigid body constraints of all segments.
rigid_body_constraints_derivative(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the derivative of the rigid body constraints.
rigid_body_constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the rigid body constraints of all segments.
rigid_body_constraint_jacobian_derivative(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> np.ndarray
Returns the derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the rigid body constraints.
joint_constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the joint constraints of all joints.
joint_constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the joint constraints of all joints.
joint_constraints_jacobian_derivative(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities)
Returns the derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the joint constraints.
Computes the generalized mass matrix of the system.
kinetic_energy(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> Union[np.ndarray, MX]
Computes the kinetic energy of the system.
potential_energy(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> Union[np.ndarray, MX]
Computes the potential energy of the system.
lagrangian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalVelocities)
Returns the lagrangian of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q and Qdot.
energy(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalVelocities)
Returns the total energy of the model from current Q and Qdot.
markers(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the position of the markers of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q.
markers_constraints(self, markers: np.ndarray | MX, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the marker constraints of all segments.
Returns the Jacobian matrix the markers constraints.
holonomic_constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX | np.ndarray
Returns the holonomic constraints of the system.
holonomic_constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the Jacobian matrix the holonomic constraints.
Returns the weights caused by the gravity forces on each segment.
forward_dynamics(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalCoordinates)
Computes the forward dynamics of the system, i.e. the acceleration of the segments.
center_of_mass_position(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Returns the position of the center of mass of each segment as a function of the natural coordinates Q.
_depth_first_search(self, segment_index, visited_segments=None) -> list[bool]
Returns the segments in a depth first search order.
external_force_set(self) -> ExternalForceSet
Creates an empty ExternalForceSet object with the number of segments in the current biomechanical model.
inverse_dynamics(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qddot: NaturalAccelerations, external_forces: ExternalForceSet = None) -> tuple[np.ndarray | MX, np.ndarray | MX, np.ndarray | MX]
Returns the forces, torques and lambdas computes through recursive Newton-Euler algorithm.
natural_coordinates_to_joint_angles(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
Converts the natural coordinates to joint angles with Euler Sequences defined for each joint.
This function returns the index of the marker with the given name
def __init__(
segments: GenericBiomechanicalModelSegments = None,
joints: GenericBiomechanicalModelJoints = None,
markers: GenericBiomechanicalModelMarkers = None,
self.segments = segments
self.joints = joints
self._markers = markers
self._tree = GenericBiomechanicalModelTree(segments, joints)
# From Pythom 3.7 the insertion order in a dict is preserved. This is important because when writing a new
# the order of the segment matters
self._mass_matrix = self._update_mass_matrix()
def __getitem__(self, name: str):
This function returns the segment with the given name
name : str
Name of the segment
The segment with the given name
return self.segments[name]
def __setitem__(self, name: str, segment: Any):
This function adds a segment to the model
name : str
Name of the segment
segment : NaturalSegment
The segment to add
self.segments[name] = segment
self._update_mass_matrix() # Update the generalized mass matrix
if name in ("ground", "GROUND", "Ground"):
# adding a default joint with the world frame to defined standard transformations.
from ..bionc_numpy.enums import JointType # prevent circular import
from ..bionc_casadi.enums import JointType as CasadiJointType # prevent circular import
CasadiJointType.GROUND_FREE if hasattr(self, "numpy_model") else JointType.GROUND_FREE
), # not satisfying
parent="GROUND", # to be popped out
def save(self, filename: str):
This function saves the model to a file
filename : str
The path to the file
with open(filename, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(self, file)
def load(filename: str):
This function loads a model from a file
filename : str
The path to the file
The loaded model
with open(filename, "rb") as file:
model = pickle.load(file)
return model
def set_ground_segment(self, name: str):
This function sets the ground segment of the model
name : str
The name of the ground segment
# remove the ground segment from the previous ground segment
for segment in self.segments.values():
# set the new ground segment
# reindex the segments
count = 0
for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments.values()):
if segment._is_ground:
count -= 1
segment.set_index(i + count)
# reindex the joints
for i, joint in enumerate(self.joints.values()):
if (joint.parent is not None and == name) or == name:
raise ValueError("The ground segment cannot be a parent or a child of a joint")
def has_ground_segment(self) -> bool:
return self.segments.has_ground_segment
def segments_no_ground(self):
return self.segments.segments_no_ground
def _add_joint(self, joint: dict):
"""todo: we may select the two segments of interest before calling the function"""
return self.joints._add_joint(joint, self.segments)
def joints_with_constraints(self) -> dict:
return self.joints.joints_with_constraints
def has_free_joint(self, segment_idx: int) -> bool:
return self.joints.has_free_joint(segment_idx)
def _remove_free_joint(self, segment_idx: int):
return self.joints._remove_free_joint(segment_idx)
def children(self, segment: str | int) -> list[int]:
return self._tree.children(segment)
def parents(self, segment: str | int) -> list[int]:
return self._tree.parents(segment)
def segment_subtrees(self) -> list[list[int]]:
return self._tree.segment_subtrees()
def segment_subtree(self, segment: str | int) -> list[int]:
return self._tree.segment_subtree(segment)
def nb_segments(self) -> int:
return self.segments.nb_segments
def nb_markers(self) -> int:
return self._markers.nb_markers
def nb_markers_technical(self) -> int:
return self._markers.nb_markers_technical
def segment_names(self) -> list[str]:
return self.segments.segment_names
def marker_names(self) -> list[str]:
return self._markers.names
def marker_names_technical(self) -> list[str]:
return self._markers.names_technical
def marker_technical_index(self, name: str) -> int:
return self.marker_names_technical.index(name)
def dof_names(self) -> list[str]:
This function returns the names of the degrees of freedom in the model,
namely the names of each decision variable in the model, i.e. the natural coordinates
dof_names = []
for key in self.segments_no_ground:
dof_names += [f"{key}_{dof}" for dof in SegmentNaturalCoordinates.name_dofs]
return dof_names
def nb_joints(self) -> int:
return self.joints.nb_joints
def nb_joints_with_constraints(self) -> int:
return self.joints.nb_joints_with_constraints
def remove_joint(self, name: str):
return self.joints.remove_joint(name)
def nb_joint_constraints(self) -> int:
return self.joints.nb_constraints
def nb_joint_dof(self) -> int:
return self.joints.nb_joint_dof
def joint_names(self) -> list[str]:
return self.joints.joint_names
def nb_rigid_body_constraints(self) -> int:
return self.segments.nb_rigid_body_constraints
def nb_holonomic_constraints(self) -> int:
This function returns the number of holonomic constraints in the model
return self.nb_joint_constraints + self.nb_rigid_body_constraints
def nb_Q(self) -> int:
return self.segments.nb_Q
def nb_Qdot(self) -> int:
return self.segments.nb_Qdot
def nb_Qddot(self) -> int:
return self.segments.nb_Qddot
def joint_from_index(self, index: int):
return self.joints.joint_from_index(index)
def joint_dof_indexes(self, joint_id: int) -> tuple[int, ...]:
return self.joints.dof_indexes(joint_id)
def joint_constraints_slice(self, joint_id: int | str) -> slice:
return self.joints.constraints_index(joint_id)
def joint_constraints_indices(self) -> list[int]:
return self.joints.joint_constraint_index
def joints_from_child_index(self, child_index: int, remove_free_joints: bool = False) -> list:
return self.joints.joints_from_child_index(child_index, remove_free_joints)
def segment_from_index(self, index: int):
return self.segments.segment_from_index(index)
def normalized_coordinates(self) -> tuple[tuple[int, ...]]:
return self.segments.normalized_coordinates
def mass_matrix(self):
This function returns the generalized mass matrix of the system, denoted G
generalized mass matrix of the segment [12 * nb_segments x 12 * * nb_segment]
return self._mass_matrix
def rigid_body_constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
return self.segments.rigid_body_constraints(Q)
def rigid_body_constraints_derivative(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalCoordinates):
return self.segments.rigid_body_constraints_derivative(Q, Qdot)
def rigid_body_constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
return self.segments.rigid_body_constraints_jacobian(Q)
def rigid_body_constraint_jacobian_derivative(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> np.ndarray:
return self.segments.rigid_body_constraint_jacobian_derivative(Qdot)
def joint_constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
return self.joints.constraints(Q)
def joint_constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> np.ndarray:
return self.joints.constraints_jacobian(Q)
def joint_constraints_jacobian_derivative(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> MX:
return self.joints.constraints_jacobian_derivative(Qdot)
def _update_mass_matrix(self):
This function computes the generalized mass matrix of the system, denoted G
generalized mass matrix of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 12 * nb_segment]
def kinetic_energy(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> Union[np.ndarray, MX]:
This function computes the kinetic energy of the system
Qdot : NaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Union[np.ndarray, MX]
The kinetic energy of the system
def potential_energy(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> Union[np.ndarray, MX]:
This function computes the potential energy of the system
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Union[np.ndarray, MX]
The potential energy of the system
def lagrangian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalVelocities):
This function returns the lagrangian of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q and Qdot
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Qdot : NaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
The lagrangian of the system
return self.kinetic_energy(Qdot) - self.potential_energy(Q)
def energy(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalVelocities):
This function returns the total energy of the model from current Q and Qdot
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Qdot : NaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
The energy of the system
return self.kinetic_energy(Qdot) + self.potential_energy(Q)
def Q_from_markers(self, markers: np.ndarray) -> NaturalCoordinates:
return self._markers.Q_from_markers(markers)
def markers(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
return self._markers.markers(Q)
def markers_constraints(self, markers: np.ndarray | MX, Q: NaturalCoordinates, only_technical: bool = True):
return self._markers.constraints(markers, Q, only_technical)
def markers_constraints_xyz(self, markers: np.ndarray | MX, Q: NaturalCoordinates, only_technical: bool = True):
return self._markers.constraints_xyz(markers, Q, only_technical)
def markers_constraints_jacobian(self, only_technical: bool = True):
return self._markers.constraints_jacobian(only_technical)
def center_of_mass_position(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
return self._markers.center_of_mass_position(Q)
def holonomic_constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX | np.ndarray:
This function returns the holonomic constraints of the system, denoted Phi_h
as a function of the natural coordinates Q. They are organized as follow, for each segment:
[Phi_k_0, Phi_r_0, Phi_k_1, Phi_r_1, ..., Phi_k_n, Phi_r_n]
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Holonomic constraints of the segment [nb_holonomic_constraints, 1]
def holonomic_constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
This function returns the Jacobian matrix the holonomic constraints, denoted k_h.
They are organized as follow, for each segment, the rows of the matrix are:
[Phi_k_0, Phi_r_0, Phi_k_1, Phi_r_1, ..., Phi_k_n, Phi_r_n]
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Joint constraints of the holonomic constraints [nb_holonomic_constraints, 12 * nb_segments]
def gravity_forces(self):
This function returns the weights caused by the gravity forces on each segment
The gravity_force of each segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
def augmented_mass_matrix(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
This function returns the augmented mass matrix of the system
It is defined as follows:
M_tilde = [M, K.T]
[K, 0]
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
The augmented mass matrix of the system
def forward_dynamics(
Q: NaturalCoordinates,
Qdot: NaturalCoordinates,
# external_forces: ExternalForces
This function computes the forward dynamics of the system, i.e. the acceleration of the segments
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Qdot : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates time derivative of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Qddot : NaturalAccelerations
The natural accelerations [12 * nb_segments, 1]
def _depth_first_search(self, segment_index) -> list[bool]:
return self._tree.starting_depth_first_search(segment_index)
def external_force_set(self) -> ExternalForceSet:
This method creates an empty ExternalForceSet object with the number of segments in the current biomechanical model.
The ExternalForceSet object is used to store and manage the external forces applied to each segment in the model.
An empty ExternalForceSet object with the same number of segment as the biomechanical model.
def inverse_dynamics(
self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qddot: NaturalAccelerations, external_forces: ExternalForceSet = None
) -> tuple[np.ndarray | MX, np.ndarray | MX, np.ndarray | MX]:
This function returns the forces, torques and lambdas computes through recursive Newton-Euler algorithm
Dumas. R and Chèze. L (2006).
3D inverse dynamics in non-orthonormal segment coordinate system. Med Bio Eng Comput.
DOI 10.1007/s11517-006-0156-8
Q: NaturalCoordinates
The generalized coordinates of the model
Qddot: NaturalAccelerations
The generalized accelerations of the model
external_forces: ExternalForceSet
The external forces applied to the model
tuple[Any, Any, Any]
The forces, torques and lambdas, all expressed in the global coordinate system
It may be a good idea to express them in the local or euler basis coordinate system
def natural_coordinates_to_joint_angles(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
This function converts the natural coordinates to joint angles with Euler Sequences defined for each joint
Q: NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the model
The joint angles [3 x nb_joints]