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Test Coverage
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from casadi import MX

from .biomechanical_model_segments import GenericBiomechanicalModelSegments
from .natural_coordinates import NaturalCoordinates

class GenericBiomechanicalModelMarkers(ABC):
    This is an abstract base class that provides the basic structure and methods for all markers of a biomechanical models.
    The implemented methods are not specific to numpy or casadi.

    segments : dict
        A dictionary containing the segments of the model. The keys are the names of the segments and the values are the corresponding segment objects.

    nb_markers(self) -> int
        Returns the number of markers in the model.
    nb_markers_technical(self) -> int
        Returns the number of technical markers in the model.
    marker_names(self) -> list[str]
        Returns the names of the markers in the model.
    marker_names_technical(self) -> list[str]
        Returns the names of the technical markers in the model.
        This function returns the index of the marker with the given name
    markers(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
        Returns the position of the markers of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q.
    constraints(self, markers: np.ndarray | MX, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
        Returns the marker constraints of all segments.
        Returns the Jacobian matrix the markers constraints.
    center_of_mass_position(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates)
        Returns the position of the center of mass of each segment as a function of the natural coordinates Q.
    Q_from_markers(self, markers: np.ndarray) -> NaturalCoordinates
        Returns the natural coordinates of the system as a function of the markers positions.

    def __init__(
        segments: GenericBiomechanicalModelSegments = None,
        self.segments = segments

    def nb_markers(self) -> int:
        This function returns the number of markers in the model
        nb_markers = 0
        for key in self.segments.segments_no_ground:
            nb_markers += self.segments[key].nb_markers
        return nb_markers

    def nb_markers_technical(self) -> int:
        This function returns the number of technical markers in the model
        nb_markers = 0
        for key in self.segments.segments_no_ground:
            nb_markers += self.segments[key].nb_markers_technical
        return nb_markers

    def names(self) -> list[str]:
        This function returns the names of the markers in the model
        marker_names = []
        for key in self.segments.segments_no_ground:
            marker_names += self.segments[key].marker_names
        return marker_names

    def names_technical(self) -> list[str]:
        This function returns the names of the technical markers in the model
        marker_names = []
        for key in self.segments.segments_no_ground:
            marker_names += self.segments[key].marker_names_technical
        return marker_names

    def marker_technical_index(self, name: str) -> int:
        This function returns the index of the marker with the given name

        name : str
            The name of the marker

            The index of the marker with the given name
        return self.names_technical.index(name)

    def indexes(self, segment_index: int, only_technical) -> slice:
        This function returns the indexes of the markers of the given segment

        segment_index: int
            The index of the segment
            If True, only the technical markers are considered

            The indexes of the markers of the given segment
        marker_count = 0
        for i_segment, segment in enumerate(self.segments.segments_no_ground.values()):
            nb_segment_markers = segment.nb_markers_technical if only_technical else segment.nb_markers

            if i_segment == segment_index:

            marker_count += nb_segment_markers

        return slice(marker_count, marker_count + nb_segment_markers)

    def direction_index(self, segment_index: int, only_technical) -> slice:
        This function returns the direction indexes (x,y,z) of the markers of the given segment

        segment_index: int
            The index of the segment
            If True, only the technical markers are considered

            The indexes of the markers of the given segment
        start = self.indexes(segment_index, only_technical).start
        stop = self.indexes(segment_index, only_technical).stop

        return slice(start * 3, stop * 3)

    def markers(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
        This function returns the position of the markers of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q
        also referred as forward kinematics

        Q : NaturalCoordinates
            The natural coordinates of the segment [12 x n, 1]

            The position of the markers [3, nbMarkers, nbFrames]
            in the global coordinate system/ inertial coordinate system

    def constraints(self, markers: np.ndarray | MX, Q: NaturalCoordinates, only_technical: bool):
        This function returns the marker constraints of all segments, denoted Phi_r
        as a function of the natural coordinates Q.

        markers : np.ndarray | MX
            The markers positions [3, nb_markers]
        Q : NaturalCoordinates
            The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
        only_technical : bool
            If True, only the technical markers are considered

            Defects of the marker constraints [nb_markers x 3, 1]

    def constraints_xyz(self, markers: np.ndarray | MX, Q: NaturalCoordinates, only_technical: bool):
        This function returns the marker constraints of all segments, denoted Phi_r
        as a function of the natural coordinates Q, in pyomeca format [3, nb_markers].

        markers : np.ndarray | MX
            The markers positions [3, nb_markers]
        Q : NaturalCoordinates
            The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
        only_technical : bool
            If True, only the technical markers are considered

            Defects of the marker constraints [3, nb_markers]

    def constraints_jacobian(self, only_technical: bool):
        This function returns the Jacobian matrix the markers constraints, denoted k_m.

        only_technical : bool
            If True, only technical markers are considered, by default True,
            because we only want to use technical markers for inverse kinematics, this choice can be revised.

            Jacobian of the constraints of the marker [nb_markers x 3, nb_Q]

    def center_of_mass_position(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates):
        This function returns the position of the center of mass of each segment as a function of the natural coordinates Q

        Q : NaturalCoordinates
            The natural coordinates of the segment [12 x n, 1]

            The position of the center of mass [3, nbSegments]
            in the global coordinate system/ inertial coordinate system

    def Q_from_markers(self, markers: np.ndarray) -> NaturalCoordinates:
        This function returns the natural coordinates of the system as a function of the markers positions
        also referred as inverse kinematics
        but the constraints are not enforced,
        this can be used as an initial guess for proper inverse kinematics.

        markers : np.ndarray
            The markers positions [3, nb_markers]

            The natural coordinates of the segment [12 x n, 1]

        See Also