

2 hrs
Test Coverage
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from .natural_coordinates import SegmentNaturalCoordinates
from .natural_segment import AbstractNaturalSegment
from .natural_velocities import SegmentNaturalVelocities
from ..utils.enums import EulerSequence, TransformationMatrixType, CartesianAxis

class JointBase(ABC):
    This class is made to handle the kinematics of a joint

    name : str
        The name of the joint
    parent : NaturalSegment
        The parent segment of the joint
    child : NaturalSegment
        The child segment of the joint
    index : int
        The index of the joint in the model
    projection_basis : EulerSequence
        The euler sequence of the joint, used for post computation, not directly related to natural coordinates
        it can be used to project the joint angles or the joint torques on a specific euler projection_basis
    parent_basis : TransformationMatrixType
        The transformation to get the orthogonal parent basis of the joint,
        used for post computation, to compute minimal coordinates afterward
    child_basis : TransformationMatrixType
        The transformation to get the orthogonal child basis of the joint,
        used for post computation, to compute minimal coordinates afterward
    nb_constraints : int
        The number of constraints of the joint, e.g. 3 for a spherical joint, 5 for a revolute joint, etc...
    translation_coordinates : tuple[CartesianAxis, CartesianAxis, CartesianAxis]
        The translation basis of the joint, used for post computation, to compute minimal coordinates afterward

    constraints(self, Q_parent: NaturalCoordinates, Q_child: NaturalCoordinates) -> np.ndarray
        Returns the constraints of the joint, this defect function should be zero when the joint is in a valid position
    constraint_jacobian(self, Q_parent: NaturalCoordinates, Q_child: NaturalCoordinates) -> np.ndarray
        Returns the jacobian of the constraints of the joint
    parent_constraint_jacobian(self, Q_parent: NaturalCoordinates, Q_child: NaturalCoordinates) -> np.ndarray
        Returns the jacobian of the constraints of the joint with respect to the parent segment
    child_constraint_jacobian(self, Q_parent: NaturalCoordinates, Q_child: NaturalCoordinates) -> np.ndarray
        Returns the jacobian of the constraints of the joint with respect to the child segment


    def __init__(
        name: str,
        parent: AbstractNaturalSegment,
        child: AbstractNaturalSegment,
        index: int,
        projection_basis: EulerSequence = None,
        parent_basis: TransformationMatrixType = None,
        child_basis: TransformationMatrixType = None,
        translation_coordinates: tuple[CartesianAxis, CartesianAxis, CartesianAxis] = None,
    ): = name
        self.parent = parent
        self.child = child
        self.index = index
        self.projection_basis = projection_basis or EulerSequence.ZXY  # biomechanics default isb
        self.parent_basis = (
            parent_basis or TransformationMatrixType.Bwu
        )  # by default as eulersequence starts with Z (~W)
        self.child_basis = child_basis or TransformationMatrixType.Bvu  # by default as eulersequence ends with Y (~V)
        self.nb_constraints = 0
        self.translation_coordinates = translation_coordinates or (CartesianAxis.X, CartesianAxis.Y, CartesianAxis.Z)

    def constraint(self, Q_parent: SegmentNaturalCoordinates, Q_child: SegmentNaturalCoordinates):
        This function returns the constraints of the joint, denoted Phi_k as a function of the natural coordinates Q.

            Constraints of the joint

    def constraint_jacobian(self, Q_parent: SegmentNaturalCoordinates, Q_child: SegmentNaturalCoordinates):
        This function returns the constraint Jacobians of the joint, denoted K_k
        as a function of the natural coordinates Q_parent and Q_child.

            Constraint Jacobians of the joint [n, 2 * nbQ]

    def parent_constraint_jacobian(self, Q_parent: SegmentNaturalCoordinates, Q_child: SegmentNaturalCoordinates):
        This function returns the parent constraint Jacobians of the joint, denoted K_k
        as a function of the natural coordinates Q_child.

        K_k = \frac{\partial \Phi_k}{\partial Q_{parent}}

            Constraint Jacobians of the joint [n, nbQ]

    def child_constraint_jacobian(self, Q_parent: SegmentNaturalCoordinates, Q_child: SegmentNaturalCoordinates):
        This function returns the child constraint Jacobians of the joint, denoted K_k
        as a function of the natural coordinates Q_parent.

        K_k = \frac{\partial \Phi_k}{\partial Q_{child}}

            Constraint Jacobians of the joint [n, nbQ]

    def parent_constraint_jacobian_derivative(
        self, Qdot_parent: SegmentNaturalVelocities, Qdot_child: SegmentNaturalVelocities
        This function returns the derivative of the parent constraint Jacobians of the joint, denoted K_k
        as a function of the natural velocities Qdot_child.

        K_k_dot = \frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial K_k}{\partial Q_{parent}}

            derivative of Constraint Jacobians of the joint [n, 12]

    def child_constraint_jacobian_derivative(
        self, Qdot_parent: SegmentNaturalVelocities, Qdot_child: SegmentNaturalVelocities
        This function returns the derivative of the child constraint Jacobians of the joint, denoted K_k_dot
        as a function of the natural velocities Qdot_parent.

        K_k_dot = \frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial K_k}{\partial Q_{child}}

            derivative of Constraint Jacobians of the joint [n, 12]

    def nb_joint_dof(self) -> int:
        Returns the number of degrees of freedom of the joint


        return 6 - self.nb_constraints

class JointBaseWithTwoSegments(JointBase, ABC):
    This class is made to handle the kinematics of a joint with two segments

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        parent: AbstractNaturalSegment,
        child: AbstractNaturalSegment,
        index: int,
        projection_basis: EulerSequence = None,
        parent_basis: TransformationMatrixType = None,
        child_basis: TransformationMatrixType = None,
        translation_coordinates: tuple[CartesianAxis, CartesianAxis, CartesianAxis] = None,
        if not isinstance(parent, AbstractNaturalSegment) or parent is None:
            raise ValueError(f"You must provide a parent segment for the joint {name}.")

        super(JointBaseWithTwoSegments, self).__init__(
            name, parent, child, index, projection_basis, parent_basis, child_basis, translation_coordinates