import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from casadi import MX
from typing import Union
from .homogenous_transform import HomogeneousTransform
from .natural_accelerations import SegmentNaturalAccelerations
from .natural_coordinates import SegmentNaturalCoordinates
from .natural_markers import AbstractNaturalMarker
from .natural_velocities import SegmentNaturalVelocities
from ..utils.enums import TransformationMatrixType
class AbstractNaturalSegment(ABC):
This class represents a generic natural segment for both MX and numpy
_name : str
name of the segment
_index : int
index of the segment
_length : float
length of the segment
_alpha : float
angle between u and w
_beta : float
angle between w and (rp-rd)
_gamma : float
angle between (rp-rd) and u
_mass : float
mass of the segment in Segment Coordinate System
_center_of_mass : np.ndarray
center of mass of the segment in Segment Coordinate System
_inertia: np.ndarray
inertia matrix of the segment in Segment Coordinate System [3x3]
def __init__(
name: str = None,
alpha: Union[MX, float, np.float64] = np.pi / 2,
beta: Union[MX, float, np.float64] = np.pi / 2,
gamma: Union[MX, float, np.float64] = np.pi / 2,
length: Union[MX, float, np.float64] = None,
mass: Union[MX, float, np.float64] = None,
natural_center_of_mass: Union[MX, np.ndarray] = None,
natural_pseudo_inertia: Union[MX, np.ndarray] = None,
inertial_transformation_matrix_type: TransformationMatrixType = None,
index: int = None,
is_ground: bool = False,
self._name = name
self._index = index
self._length = length
self._alpha = alpha
self._beta = beta
self._gamma = gamma
self._mass = mass
self._natural_center_of_mass = natural_center_of_mass
self._natural_pseudo_inertia = natural_pseudo_inertia
self._mass_matrix = None
self._natural_inertial_parameters = None
self._inertial_transformation_matrix_type = inertial_transformation_matrix_type
if mass is not None and natural_center_of_mass is not None and natural_pseudo_inertia is not None:
self.set_natural_inertial_parameters(mass, natural_center_of_mass, natural_pseudo_inertia)
self._natural_inertial_parameters._initial_transformation_matrix = self.compute_transformation_matrix(
# to know if the segment is the ground
self._is_ground = is_ground
def _angle_sanity_check(alpha: np.ndarray, beta: np.ndarray, gamma: np.ndarray):
This function checks if angles would produce a singular transformation matrix
if 1 - np.cos(beta) ** 2 - (np.cos(alpha) - np.cos(beta) * np.cos(gamma)) / np.sin(beta) ** 2 < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"The angles alpha, beta, gamma, would produce a singular transformation matrix for the segment"
def set_name(self, name: str):
This function sets the name of the segment
name : str
Name of the segment
self._name = name
def set_index(self, index: int):
This function sets the index of the segment
index : int
Index of the segment
self._index = index
def _set_is_ground(self, is_ground: bool):
This function sets the segment as the ground
self._is_ground = is_ground
def from_experimental_Q(
Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates,
) -> "NaturalSegment":
Qi : SegmentNaturalCoordinates
Experimental segment natural coordinates (12 x n_frames)
alpha = np.zeros(Qi.shape[1])
beta = np.zeros(Qi.shape[1])
gamma = np.zeros(Qi.shape[1])
length = np.zeros(Qi.shape[1])
for i, Qif in enumerate(Qi.vector.T):
alpha[i], beta[i], gamma[i], length[i] = cls.parameters_from_Q(Qif)
return cls(
alpha=np.mean(alpha, axis=0),
beta=np.mean(beta, axis=0),
gamma=np.mean(gamma, axis=0),
length=np.mean(length, axis=0),
def parameters_from_Q(Q: SegmentNaturalCoordinates) -> tuple:
This function computes the parameters of the segment from the natural coordinates
Q: SegmentNaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment
The parameters of the segment (alpha, beta, gamma, length)
def name(self):
return self._name
def index(self):
return self._index
def coordinates_slice(self):
return slice(12 * self._index, 12 * (self._index + 1))
def length(self):
return self._length
def alpha(self):
return self._alpha
def beta(self):
return self._beta
def gamma(self):
return self._gamma
def mass(self):
return self._mass
def natural_center_of_mass(self):
return self._natural_center_of_mass
def natural_pseudo_inertia(self):
return self._natural_pseudo_inertia
def set_natural_inertial_parameters(self, mass, natural_center_of_mass, natural_pseudo_inertia):
This function sets the natural inertial parameters of the segment
The mass of the segment
The center of mass of the segment in the natural coordinate system
The pseudo inertia matrix of the segment in the natural coordinate system
def set_inertial_parameters(self, mass, center_of_mass, inertia_matrix, transformation_matrix_type):
This function sets the natural inertial parameters of the segment
The mass of the segment
The center of mass of the segment in the segment coordinate system
The inertia matrix of the segment in the segment coordinate system
The transformation matrix type
def center_of_mass(self, transformation_matrix: TransformationMatrixType):
This function returns the center of mass of the segment in a given coordinate system
specified by the transformation matrix
The transformation matrix from the natural coordinate system to the desired coordinate system
Center of mass of the segment in the desired coordinate system [3x1]
def mass_matrix(self):
This function returns the generalized mass matrix of the segment, denoted G_i.
mass matrix of the segment [12 x 12]
return self._mass_matrix
def compute_transformation_matrix(self, transformation_matrix_type: TransformationMatrixType):
This function returns the transformation matrix, denoted Bi,
from Natural Coordinate System to point to the orthogonal Segment Coordinate System.
Example : if vector a expressed in (Pi, X, Y, Z), inv(B) * a is expressed in (Pi, ui, vi, wi)
Transformation matrix from natural coordinate to segment coordinate system [3x3]
def segment_coordinates_system(self, Q: SegmentNaturalCoordinates) -> HomogeneousTransform:
This function computes the segment coordinates from the natural coordinates
Q: SegmentNaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment
def location_from_homogenous_transform(
) -> SegmentNaturalCoordinates:
This function returns the location of the segment in natural coordinate from its homogenous transform
T: np.ndarray or HomogeneousTransform
Homogenous transform of the segment Ti which transforms from the local frame (Oi, Xi, Yi, Zi)
to the global frame (Xi, Yi, Zi)
def rigid_body_constraint(self, Qi: Union[SegmentNaturalCoordinates, np.ndarray]) -> MX:
This function returns the rigid body constraints of the segment, denoted phi_r.
def rigid_body_constraint_jacobian(Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates):
This function returns the Jacobian matrix of the rigid body constraints denoted K_r
def rigid_body_constraint_derivative(
Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates,
Qdoti: SegmentNaturalVelocities,
This function returns the derivative of the rigid body constraints denoted Phi_r_dot
Qi : SegmentNaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment
Qdoti : SegmentNaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment
def rigid_body_constraint_jacobian_derivative(Qdoti: SegmentNaturalVelocities):
This function returns the derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the rigid body constraints denoted Kr_dot [6 x 12 x N_frame]
def compute_pseudo_inertia_matrix(
This function returns the pseudo-inertia matrix of the segment, denoted J_i.
It transforms the inertia matrix of the segment in the segment coordinate system to the natural coordinate system.
def gravity_force(self):
This function returns the gravity_force applied on the segment through gravity force.
def differential_algebraic_equation(
Qi: Union[SegmentNaturalCoordinates, np.ndarray],
Qdoti: Union[SegmentNaturalVelocities, np.ndarray],
stabilization: dict = None,
) -> tuple:
This function returns the differential algebraic equation of the segment
Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates
Natural coordinates of the segment
Qdoti: SegmentNaturalCoordinates
Derivative of the natural coordinates of the segment
stabilization: dict
Dictionary containing the Baumgarte's stabilization parameters:
* alpha: float
Stabilization parameter for the constraint
* beta: float
Stabilization parameter for the constraint derivative
def add_natural_marker(self, marker: AbstractNaturalMarker):
Add a new marker to the segment
The marker to add
def marker_from_name(self, marker_name: str) -> AbstractNaturalMarker:
This function returns the marker with the given name
marker_name: str
Name of the marker
def nb_markers(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of markers of the segment"""
def nb_markers_technical(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of technical markers of the segment"""
def marker_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns the names of the markers of the segment"""
def marker_names_technical(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns the names of the technical markers of the segment"""
def marker_constraints(self, marker_locations: np.ndarray, Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
This function returns the marker constraints of the segment
marker_locations: np.ndarray
Marker locations in the global/inertial coordinate system (3 x N_markers)
Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates
Natural coordinates of the segment
def markers_jacobian(self):
This function returns the marker jacobian of the segment
def potential_energy(self, Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates):
This function returns the potential energy of the segment
Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates
Natural coordinates of the segment
Potential energy of the segment
def kinetic_energy(self, Qdoti: SegmentNaturalVelocities) -> float:
This function returns the kinetic energy of the segment
Qdoti: SegmentNaturalVelocities
Derivative of the natural coordinates of the segment
Kinetic energy of the segment
def to_mx(self):
This function returns the segment as a MX object
raise NotImplementedError("This function is only implemented for the bionc_casadi")
def inverse_dynamics(
Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates,
Qddoti: SegmentNaturalAccelerations,
subtree_intersegmental_generalized_forces: np.ndarray | MX,
segment_external_forces: np.ndarray | MX,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray | MX, np.ndarray | MX, np.ndarray | MX]:
This function computes the inverse dynamics of a segment.
Qi: SegmentNaturalCoordinates
The generalized coordinates of the segment
Qddoti: SegmentNaturalAccelerations
The generalized accelerations of the segment
subtree_intersegmental_generalized_forces : np.ndarray | MX
The generalized forces applied to the segment by its children
segment_external_forces : np.ndarray | MX
The generalized forces applied to the segment by the external forces
force: np.ndarray | MX
The force generated by the segment
torque: np.ndarray | MX
The torque generated by the segment
lambdas: np.ndarray | MX
The forces generated by the rigid body constraints