

45 mins
Test Coverage
from casadi import MX, SX, Function, nlpsol
import numpy as np

def _mx_to_sx(mx: MX, symbolics: list[MX]) -> SX:
    Converts a MX to a SX

    mx : MX
        The MX to convert
    symbolics : list[MX]
        The symbolics to use

    The converted SX
    f = Function("f", symbolics, [mx]).expand()
    return f(*symbolics)

def _solve_nlp(method: str, nlp: dict, Q_init: np.ndarray, lbg: np.ndarray, ubg: np.ndarray, options: dict):
    Solves a nonlinear program with CasADi

    method : str
        The method to use to solve the NLP (ipopt, sqpmethod, ...)
    nlp : dict
        The NLP to solve
    Q_init : np.ndarray
        The initial guess
    lbg : np.ndarray
        The lower bound of the constraints
    ubg : np.ndarray
        The upper bound of the constraints
    options : dict
        The options to pass to the solver

    The output of the solver
    S = nlpsol("InverseKinematics", method, nlp, options)
    r = S(x0=Q_init, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)

    if S.stats()["success"] is False:
        print("Inverse Kinematics failed to converge")

    return r, S.stats()["success"]

def sarrus(matrix: MX):
    Computes the determinant of a 3x3 matrix using the Sarrus rule

    matrix : MX
        The matrix to compute the determinant of

    The determinant of the matrix
    return (
        matrix[0, 0] * matrix[1, 1] * matrix[2, 2]
        + matrix[0, 1] * matrix[1, 2] * matrix[2, 0]
        + matrix[0, 2] * matrix[1, 0] * matrix[2, 1]
        - matrix[0, 0] * matrix[1, 2] * matrix[2, 1]
        - matrix[0, 1] * matrix[1, 0] * matrix[2, 2]
        - matrix[0, 2] * matrix[1, 1] * matrix[2, 0]