

0 mins
Test Coverage
from enum import Enum

class NaturalAxis(Enum):
    """Natural axis"""

    U = "U"  # eventually corresponds to X
    V = "V"  # eventually corresponds to Y
    W = "W"  # eventually corresponds to Z

class CartesianAxis(Enum):
    X = "X"
    Y = "Y"
    Z = "Z"

class EulerSequence(Enum):
    """Euler intrinsic sequence of rotations"""

    XYX = "xyx"
    XZX = "xzx"
    XYZ = "xyz"
    XZY = "xzy"
    YXY = "yxy"
    YZX = "yzx"
    YXZ = "yxz"
    YZY = "yzy"
    ZXZ = "zxz"
    ZXY = "zxy"
    ZYZ = "zyz"
    XY = "xy"
    XZ = "xz"
    YX = "yx"
    YZ = "yz"
    ZX = "zx"
    ZY = "zy"
    X = "x"
    Y = "y"
    Z = "z"

class ISBEulerSequence:
    """returns the corresponding enums
    e.g. GLENO_HUMERAL returns EulerSequence.XYX

    def __init__(self):

    def GLENO_HUMERAL(self) -> EulerSequence:
        return EulerSequence.YXY

    def SCAPULO_THORACIC(self) -> EulerSequence:
        return EulerSequence.YXZ

    def ACROMIO_CLAVICULAR(self) -> EulerSequence:
        return EulerSequence.YXZ

    def STERNO_CLAVICULAR(self) -> EulerSequence:
        return EulerSequence.YXZ

    def THORACO_HUMERAL(self) -> EulerSequence:
        return EulerSequence.YXY

    # todo: add the rest of the joints

class TransformationMatrixType(Enum):
    """Transformation matrix denoted B according to Raphael Dumas' work"""

    Buv = "Buv"  # implemented
    Bvu = "Bvu"  # implemented
    Bwu = "Bwu"  # implemented
    Buw = "Buw"  # not implemented
    Bvw = "Bvw"  # not implemented
    Bwv = "Bwv"  # not implemented

    def from_string(cls, matrix_type: str) -> "TransformationMatrixType":
        if matrix_type in cls._value2member_map_:
            return cls._value2member_map_[matrix_type]
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown matrix type: {matrix_type}")

# def transformation_matrix_str_to_enum(matrix_type: str) -> TransformationMatrixType:
#     if matrix_type == "Buv":
#         return TransformationMatrixType.Buv
#     elif matrix_type == "Bvu":
#         return TransformationMatrixType.Bvu
#     elif matrix_type == "Bwu":
#         return TransformationMatrixType.Bwu
#     elif matrix_type == "Buw":
#         return TransformationMatrixType.Buw
#     elif matrix_type == "Bvw":
#         return TransformationMatrixType.Bvw
#     elif matrix_type == "Bwv":
#         return TransformationMatrixType.Bwv
#     else:
#         raise ValueError(f"Unknown matrix type: {matrix_type}")