

0 mins
Test Coverage
from bionc import (
import numpy as np

def post_computations(model: BiomechanicalModel, time_steps: np.ndarray, all_states: np.ndarray, dynamics):
    This function computes:
     - the rigid body constraint error
     - the rigid body constraint jacobian derivative error
     - the joint constraint error
     - the lagrange multipliers of the rigid body constraint

    model : NaturalSegment
        The segment to be simulated
    time_steps : np.ndarray
        The time steps of the simulation
    all_states : np.ndarray
        The states of the system at each time step X = [Q, Qdot]
    dynamics : Callable
        The dynamics of the system, f(t, X) = [Xdot, lambdas]

        rigid_body_constraint_error : np.ndarray
            The rigid body constraint error at each time step
        rigid_body_constraint_jacobian_derivative_error : np.ndarray
            The rigid body constraint jacobian derivative error at each time step
        joint_constraints: np.ndarray
            The joint constraints at each time step
        lambdas : np.ndarray
            The lagrange multipliers of the rigid body constraint at each time step
    idx_coordinates = slice(0, model.nb_Q)
    idx_velocities = slice(model.nb_Q, model.nb_Q + model.nb_Qdot)

    # compute the quantities of interest after the integration
    all_lambdas = np.zeros((model.nb_holonomic_constraints, len(time_steps)))
    defects = np.zeros((model.nb_rigid_body_constraints, len(time_steps)))
    defects_dot = np.zeros((model.nb_rigid_body_constraints, len(time_steps)))
    joint_defects = np.zeros((model.nb_joint_constraints, len(time_steps)))
    joint_defects_dot = np.zeros((model.nb_joint_constraints, len(time_steps)))

    for i in range(len(time_steps)):
        defects[:, i] = model.rigid_body_constraints(NaturalCoordinates(all_states[idx_coordinates, i]))
        defects_dot[:, i] = model.rigid_body_constraints_derivative(
            NaturalCoordinates(all_states[idx_coordinates, i]), NaturalVelocities(all_states[idx_velocities, i])

        joint_defects[:, i] = model.joint_constraints(NaturalCoordinates(all_states[idx_coordinates, i]))
        # todo : to be implemented
        # joint_defects_dot = model.joint_constraints_derivative(
        #     NaturalCoordinates(all_states[idx_coordinates, i]),
        #     NaturalVelocities(all_states[idx_velocities, i]))
        # )

        all_lambdas[:, i : i + 1] = dynamics(time_steps[i], all_states[:, i])[1]

    return defects, defects_dot, joint_defects, all_lambdas