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:Author: Jonathan Karr <jonrkarr@gmail.com>
:Author: Yosef Roth <yosefdroth@gmail.com>
:Date: 2017-04-10
:Copyright: 2017, Karr Lab
:License: MIT

from datanator.util import molecule_util
import copy
import enum
import itertools
import numpy
import obj_tables.core
import obj_tables.bio.seq

class ConsensusMethod(enum.Enum):
    """ Represents the method by which a consensus was chosen """
    manual = 0
    mean = 1
    median = 2
    mode = 3
    weighted_mean = 4
    weighted_median = 5
    weighted_mode = 6

class Consensus(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents a consensus of one or more observed values of an attribute of a component of a model

        observable (:obj:`Observable`): biological component that was estimated
        value (:obj:`float`): consensus value of the attribute of the model component
        error (:obj:`float`): uncertainty of the value of the attribute of the model component
        units (:obj:`str`): units of the value of the attribute of the model component
        evidence (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Evidence`): list of evidence which the consensus
            value is based on
        method (:obj:`ConsensusMethod`): method used to calculate the consensus value and error
        user (:obj:`str`): user who generated the consensus
        date (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): date and time when the consensus was generated
    observable = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Observable', related_name='consensus')
    value = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    error = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    units = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    evidence = obj_tables.core.ManyToManyAttribute('Evidence', related_name='consensus')
    method = obj_tables.core.EnumAttribute(ConsensusMethod)
    user = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    date = obj_tables.core.DateTimeAttribute()

class Evidence(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents the observed values and their relevance which support a consensus

        value (:obj:`ObservedValue`): observed value
        relevance (:obj:`float`): numeric score which indicates the relevance of the observed value to the
    value = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('ObservedValue', related_name='evidence')
    relevance = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()

class ObservedResultMetadata(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents an observation (one or more observed values) about a biological system

        genetics (:obj:`Genetics`): the taxon, and any genetic variation from the wildtype taxon, that the component was observed in
        environment (:obj:`Environment`): environment that the component was observed in
        values (:obj:`list` of :obj:`ObservedValue`): observed values
        reference (:obj:`Reference`): reference to the reference
    genetics = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Genetics', related_name='observations')
    environment = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Environment', related_name='observations')
    cross_references = obj_tables.core.ManyToManyAttribute('Resource', related_name='observations')
    method = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Method', related_name='observations')
    synonym = obj_tables.core.ManyToManyAttribute('Synonym', related_name='observations')

class ObservedResult(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents a base dataset for a queried response

        observation (:obj:`Observaton`): the collection of covariate observed values
        method (:obj:`str`): method that was used to make the observation

    metadata = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('ObservedResultMetadata', related_name='observed_result')

class ObservedInteraction(ObservedResult):
    """ Represents an observed interaction of a biological system

        interaction (:obj:`Interaction`): observed interaction

    interaction = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Interaction', related_name='observed_interaction')

class ObservedSpecie(ObservedResult):
    """ Represents an observed interaction of a biological system

        specie (:obj:`Specie`): observed specie

    specie = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Specie', related_name='observed_specie')

class ObservedValue(ObservedResult):
    """ Represents an observed value of a biological system

        observable (:obj:`Observaton`): the observed interaction or specie for which the value corresponds
        value (:obj:`float`): observed value
        error (:obj:`float`): uncertainty of the observed value
        units (:obj:`units`): SI units of the observed value
    observable = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Observable', related_name='observed_values')
    value = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    error = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    units = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()

class Observable(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents an observable of a biological system

        interaction (:obj:`Interaction`): observed interaction
        specie (:obj:`Specie`): observed species
        compartment (:obj:`Compartment`): compartment that the spcies/interaction was observed in
        property (:obj:`str`): property that was observed
    interaction = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Interaction', related_name='observed_values')
    specie = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Specie', related_name='observed_values')
    compartment = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute('Compartment', related_name='observed_values')
    property = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()

class EntityInteractionOrProperty(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents an observable of a biological system

        id (:obj:`str`): identifier
        name (:obj:`str`): name
        cross_references (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Resource`): list of cross references to external resources
    id = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    name = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    cross_references = obj_tables.core.ManyToManyAttribute('Resource', related_name='observables')

class Compartment(EntityInteractionOrProperty):
    """ Representes a compartment in a biological system """

class Specie(EntityInteractionOrProperty):
    """ Represents a molecular species in a biological system

        structure (:obj:`str`): structure
    structure = obj_tables.core.LongStringAttribute()

    def to_inchi(self, only_formula_and_connectivity=False):
        """ Get the structure in InChi format

            only_formula_and_connectivity (:obj:`bool`): if :obj:`True`, return only the
                formula and connectivity layers

            :obj:`str`: structure in InChi format or just the formula and connectivity layers
                if :obj:`only_formula_and_connectivity` is :obj:`True`
        inchi = molecule_util.Molecule(structure=self.structure).to_inchi()
        if only_formula_and_connectivity:
            return molecule_util.InchiMolecule(inchi).get_formula_and_connectivity()
            return inchi

    def to_mol(self):
        """ Get the structure in .mol format

            :obj:`str`: structure in .mol format
        return molecule_util.Molecule(structure=self.structure).to_mol()

    def to_openbabel(self):
        """ Get the structure as a Open Babel molecule

            :obj:`openbabel.OBMol`: structure as a Open Babel molecule
        return molecule_util.Molecule(structure=self.structure).to_openbabel()

    def to_pybel(self):
        """ Get the structure as a Pybel molecule

            :obj:`pybel.Molecule`: structure as a Pybel molecule
        return molecule_util.Molecule(structure=self.structure).to_pybel()

    def to_smiles(self):
        """ Get the structure in canonical SMILES format

            :obj:`str`: structure in canonical SMILES format
        return molecule_util.Molecule(structure=self.structure).to_smiles()

    def get_similarity(self, other, fingerprint_type='fp2'):
        """ Calculate the similarity with another species

            other (:obj:`Specie`): a second species
            fingerprint_type (:obj:`str`, optional): fingerprint type to use to calculate similarity

            :obj:`float`: the similarity with the other molecule
        self_mol = molecule_util.Molecule(structure=self.structure)
        other_mol = molecule_util.Molecule(structure=other.structure)
        return self_mol.get_similarity(other_mol, fingerprint_type=fingerprint_type)

class PolymerSpecie(Specie):
    """ Represents a polymer

        sequence (:obj:`str`): sequence
    sequence = obj_tables.core.LongStringAttribute()

class DnaSpecie(PolymerSpecie):
    """ Represents a DNA polymer

        binding_matrix (:obj:`Bio.motifs.matrix.FrequencyPositionMatrix`): Binding motif
    binding_matrix = obj_tables.bio.seq.FreqPosMatrixAttribute()

class RnaSpecie(PolymerSpecie):
    """ Represents a RNA polymer """

class ProteinSpecie(PolymerSpecie):
    """ Represents a protein polymer

        uniprot_id (:obj:`str`): Uniprot Identifier
        entrez_id (:obj:`int`): Entrez Identifier
        gene_name (:obj:`str`): gene name from which protein stems
        length (:obj:`int`): Length of the amino acid sequence
        mass (:obj:`int`): Mass of the protein in KDa

    uniprot_id  = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    entrez_id = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()
    gene_name = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    length = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()
    mass = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()

class ProteinComplexSpecie(ProteinSpecie):
    """ Represents a protein interaction



    go_id = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    go_dsc = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    funcat_id = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    funcat_dsc = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    su_cmt = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    complex_cmt = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    disease_cmt = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    class_name = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    family_name = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    molecular_weight = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()

class Interaction(EntityInteractionOrProperty):
    """ Represents an interaction

            position (:obj:`int`): position at which interaction occurs
            score (:obj:`float`): ranking of the response of the interaction
    #TODO: Assess difference between score and confidence
    position = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()
    score = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute(default=0)
    confidence = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()

class SpecieInteraction(Interaction):
    """ Represents a protein interaction

        specie_a (:obj:`str`):
        specie_b (:obj:`str`):
        stoichiometry_a (:obj:`int`):
        stoichiometry_b (:obj:`int`):
        loc_a (:obj:`str`):
        loc_b (:obj:`str`):

    specie_a = obj_tables.core.OneToOneAttribute('Specie', related_name='specie_interaction')
    specie_b = obj_tables.core.OneToOneAttribute('Specie', related_name='specie_interaction')
    stoichiometry_a = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()
    stoichiometry_b = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()
    loc_a = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    loc_b = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    type_a = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    type_b = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    interaction_type = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()

class Reaction(Interaction):
    """ Represents a reaction

        participants (:obj:`list` of :obj:`ReactionParticipant`): list of participants
        reversible (:obj:`bool`): :obj:`True` if the reaction is reversible
    kinetic_law_id = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()
    participants = obj_tables.core.ManyToManyAttribute('ReactionParticipant', related_name='reactions')
    reversible = obj_tables.core.BooleanAttribute()

    def get_reactants(self):
        """ Get the reactants

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`ReactionParticipant`: list of reactants
        return list(filter(lambda p: p.coefficient < 0, self.participants))

    def get_products(self):
        """ Get the products

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`ReactionParticipant`: list of products
        return list(filter(lambda p: p.coefficient > 0, self.participants))

    def get_modifiers(self):
        """ Get the modifiers

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`ReactionParticipant`: list of modifiers
        return list(filter(lambda p: p.coefficient == 0, self.participants))

    def get_ordered_participants(self, collapse_repeated=True):
        """ Get an ordered list of the participants

            collapse_repeated (:obj:`bool`): if :obj:`True`, collapse any repeated participants

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`ReactionParticipant`: ordered list of reaction participants

        # create copy of participants
        participants = copy.copy(list(self.participants))

        # collapse repeated participants
        if collapse_repeated:
            i_part = 0
            while i_part < len(participants):
                part = participants[i_part]
                if part.coefficient == 0:

                i_other_part = i_part + 1
                while i_other_part < len(participants):
                    other_part = participants[i_other_part]
                    if other_part.specie.structure == part.specie.structure and \
                            other_part.specie.id == part.specie.id and \
                            ((other_part.compartment is None and part.compartment is None) or
                                other_part.compartment.id == part.compartment.id) and \
                            numpy.sign(other_part.coefficient) == numpy.sign(part.coefficient):
                        part.coefficient += other_part.coefficient
                        i_other_part += 1

                i_part += 1

        # order participants
        participants.sort(key=lambda part: part.order if part.order is not None else 1e10)

        # return
        return participants

    def stringify(self):
        #TODO: Add the modifier

        participants = self.get_ordered_participants()
        result = ''
        for item in participants:
            if item.coefficient == -1 and len(result) < 1:
                result += str(item.specie.name)
            elif item.coefficient == -1 and len(result) > 1:
                result += ' + ' + str(item.specie.name)
            elif item.coefficient == 1 and '-->' not in result:
                result += ' --> ' + str(item.specie.name)
            elif item.coefficient == 1:
                result += ' + ' + str(item.specie.name)

        return result

    def get_reactant_product_pairs(self):
        """ Get list of pairs of similar reactants and products

        Note: This requires the modeler to have ordered the reactans and products by their similarity. The modeler is required to
        specify this pairing because it cannot easily be computed. In particular, we have tried to use Tanimoto similarity to
        predict reactant-product pairings, but this doesn't adequately capture reaction centers.

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` of obj:`ReactionParticipant`, :obj:`ReactionParticipant`: list of pairs of similar reactants and products
        participants = self.get_ordered_participants()
        reactants = list(filter(lambda p: p.coefficient < 0, participants))
        products = list(filter(lambda p: p.coefficient > 0, participants))
        return list(itertools.zip_longest(reactants, products))

    def get_ec_numbers(self):
        """ Get the EC numbers from the list of cross references

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: list of EC numbers
        return list(filter(lambda xr: xr.namespace == 'ec-code', self.cross_references))

    def get_manual_ec_numbers(self):
        """ Get the manually assigned EC numbers from the list of cross references

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: list of EC manually assigned numbers
        return list(filter(lambda xr: xr.namespace == 'ec-code' and xr.assignment_method ==
                           ResourceAssignmentMethod.manual, self.cross_references))

    def get_predicted_ec_numbers(self):
        """ Get the predicted EC numbers from the list of cross references

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: list of predicted EC numbers
        return list(filter(lambda xr: xr.namespace == 'ec-code' and xr.assignment_method ==
                           ResourceAssignmentMethod.predicted, self.cross_references))

    def get_ec_number(self):
        """ Get the most relevant EC number from the list of cross references

        * If the reaction has a single manually-assigned EC number, return that
        * If the reaction has multiple manually-assigned EC numbers, return an error
        * Otherwise, return the most relevant predicted EC number

            :obj:`str`: most relevant EC number

        # return
        manual_ec_numbers = list(filter(lambda xr: xr.namespace == 'ec-code' and xr.assignment_method ==
                                        ResourceAssignmentMethod.manual, self.cross_references))
        if len(manual_ec_numbers) == 1:
            return manual_ec_numbers[0].id
        elif len(manual_ec_numbers) > 1:
            raise ValueError('Reaction {} has multiple EC numbers: {}'.format(self.id, ', '.join(xr.id for xr in manual_ec_numbers)))

        # find most relevant predicted EC number
        max_relevance = float('-inf')
        max_id = ''
        for xr in self.cross_references:
            if xr.assignment_method == ResourceAssignmentMethod.predicted and xr.relevance > max_relevance:
                max_relevance = xr.relevance
                max_id = xr.id

        return max_id

class ReactionParticipant(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents a participant in a reaction

        specie (:obj:`Specie`): molecular species
        compartment (:obj:`Compartment`): compartment
        coefficient (:obj:`float`): coefficient
        order (:obj:`int`): order in the list of participants
    specie = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute(Specie, related_name='reaction_participants')
    compartment = obj_tables.core.ManyToOneAttribute(Compartment, related_name='reaction_participants')
    coefficient = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    order = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()

class Genetics(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents a taxon

        taxon (:obj:`str`): taxon name
        variation (:obj:`str`): the genetic variation from the wildtype taxon

        observations (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Observation`): list of observations
    taxon = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    variation = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()

    def is_wildtype(self):
        """ Determine if the taxon is the wildtype taxon

            obj:`bool`: `True` if the taxon doesn't have any genetic perturbation(s)
        return not self.variation

    def is_variant(self):
        """ Determine if the taxon is the wildtype stain

            :obj:`bool`: `True` if the taxon has at least one genetic perturbation
        return not self.is_wildtype()

class Environment(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents the environment (temperature, pH, media chemical composition) of an observation

        temperature (:obj:`float`): temperature in Celcius
        ph (:obj:`float`): pH
        media (:obj:`str`): the chemical composition of the environment

        observations (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Observation`): list of observations
    temperature = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    ph = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    media = obj_tables.core.LongStringAttribute()
    growth_status = obj_tables.core.LongStringAttribute()
    growth_system = obj_tables.core.LongStringAttribute()

class Method(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents a method used to generate an observation

        name (:obj:`str`): name
        description (:obj:`str`): description

        observations (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Observation`): list of observations
    name = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    description = obj_tables.core.LongStringAttribute()
    performer = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    hardware = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    software = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()

class Synonym(obj_tables.core.Model):
    Represents a synonym of a given physical entity or property

        name (:obj:`str`): Name of the Synonym

    name = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()

class ExperimentalMethod(Method):
    """ Represents a experimental method used to generate an observation """

class ComputationalMethod(Method):
    """ Represents a computational method used to generate an observation

        version (:obj:`str`): version
        arguments (:obj:`str`): string representation of the arguments to the method
    version = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    arguments = obj_tables.core.LongStringAttribute()

class ResourceAssignmentMethod(enum.Enum):
    """ Represents the method used to assign a cross reference to an observable """
    manual = 0
    predicted = 1

class Resource(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represents an object in an external resource

        namespace (:obj:`str`): namespace of the identifier (e.g. pubmed)
        id (:obj:`str`): identifier within :obj:`namespace` (e.g. PMID)
        relevance (:obj:`float`): numerical indicator relevance of the external resource to the observable
        assignment_method (:obj:`ResourceAssignmentMethod`): method used to assign the cross reference to the observable
    namespace = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    id = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    relevance = obj_tables.core.FloatAttribute()
    assignment_method = obj_tables.core.EnumAttribute(ResourceAssignmentMethod)

class Reference(obj_tables.core.Model):
    """ Represent a reference for an observation

        title (:obj:`str`): title
        editor (:obj:`str`): editor
        author (:obj:`str`): author
        year (:obj:`int`): year
        publication (:obj:`str`): publication
        volume (:obj:`str`): volume
        number (:obj:`str`): number
        chapter (:obj:`str`): chapter
        pages (:obj:`str`): pages
        url (:obj:`str`): url

        observations (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Observation`): list of observations
    title = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    editor = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    author = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    year = obj_tables.core.IntegerAttribute()
    publication = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    volume = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    number = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    chapter = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    pages = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()
    url = obj_tables.core.StringAttribute()