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2 days
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import _ from 'lodash'
import * as BMS from 'bms'
import * as legacy from './legacy'
import * as utils from './utils'
import { Bmson } from './types'
export * from './types'

 * Returns a BMS.SongInfo corresponding to this BMS file.
export function songInfoForBmson(bmson: Bmson) {
  const bmsonInfo =
  const info: Partial<BMS.ISongInfoData> = {}
  if (bmsonInfo.title) info.title = bmsonInfo.title
  if (bmsonInfo.artist) info.artist = bmsonInfo.artist
  if (bmsonInfo.genre) info.genre = bmsonInfo.genre
  if (bmsonInfo.level) info.level = bmsonInfo.level
  info.subtitles = getSubtitles()
  if (bmsonInfo.subartists) info.subartists = bmsonInfo.subartists
  return new BMS.SongInfo(info)

  function getSubtitles() {
    if (!bmson.version) return ['Warning: legacy bmson']
    const subtitles = []
    if (bmsonInfo.chart_name && typeof bmsonInfo.chart_name === 'string') {
    if (bmsonInfo.subtitle && typeof bmsonInfo.subtitle === 'string') {
    return subtitles

 * Returns the barlines as an array of beats.
export function barLinesForBmson(bmson: Bmson) {
  if (!bmson.version)
    return legacy.barLinesForBmson(bmson as any as legacy.LegacyBmson)
  const beatForPulse = beatForPulseForBmson(bmson)
  const lines = bmson.lines
  return _(lines)
    .map(({ y }) => beatForPulse(y))

 * Returns the information to be passed to BMS.Timing constructor
 * in order to generate the timing data represented by the `bmson` object.
 * @param {Bmson} bmson
export function timingInfoForBmson(bmson: Bmson): utils.TimingInfo {
  if (!bmson.version)
    return legacy.timingInfoForBmson(bmson as any as legacy.LegacyBmson)
  const beatForPulse = beatForPulseForBmson(bmson)
  return {
    actions: [
      ...(bmson.bpm_events || []).map(
        ({ y, bpm }) =>
            type: 'bpm',
            beat: beatForPulse(y),
            bpm: bpm,
          } as BMS.BPMTimingAction)
      ...(bmson.stop_events || []).map(
        ({ y, duration }) =>
            type: 'stop',
            beat: beatForPulse(y),
            stopBeats: beatForPulse(Math.floor(duration)),
          } as BMS.StopTimingAction)

 * Returns the timing data represented by the `bmson` object.
 * @param {Bmson} bmson
function timingForBmson(bmson: Bmson) {
  const { initialBPM, actions } = timingInfoForBmson(bmson)
  return new BMS.Timing(initialBPM, actions)

 * Options for generating musical score
export interface MusicalScoreOptions {
   * Double-play mode — in addition to channels 1-7 and SC, 8-14 and SC2 will be added.
  double?: boolean

 * Returns the musical score (comprised of BMS.Notes and BMS.Keysounds).
 * @param {Bmson} bmson
export function musicalScoreForBmson(
  bmson: Bmson,
  options: MusicalScoreOptions = {}
) {
  const timing = timingForBmson(bmson)
  const { notes, keysounds } = notesDataAndKeysoundsDataForBmsonAndTiming(
  return {
     * The {BMS.Timing} object for this musical score.
     * A {BMS.Notes} representing notes inside the bmson notechart.
    notes: new BMS.Notes(notes),
     * A {BMS.Keysounds} representing mapping between keysound in the
     * `notes` field to the actual keysound file name.
    keysounds: new BMS.Keysounds(keysounds),

function soundChannelsForBmson(bmson: Bmson) {
  return bmson.version
    ? bmson.sound_channels
    : (bmson as any as legacy.LegacyBmson).soundChannel

function notesDataAndKeysoundsDataForBmsonAndTiming(
  bmson: Bmson,
  timing: BMS.Timing,
  options: MusicalScoreOptions
) {
  let nextKeysoundNumber = 1
  const beatForPulse = beatForPulseForBmson(bmson)
  const notes = []
  const keysounds: { [keysoundId: string]: string } = {}
  const soundChannels = soundChannelsForBmson(bmson)
  if (soundChannels) {
    for (const { name, notes: soundChannelNotes } of soundChannels) {
      const sortedNotes = _.sortBy(soundChannelNotes, 'y')
      const keysoundNumber = nextKeysoundNumber++
      const keysoundId = _.padStart('' + keysoundNumber, 4, '0')
      const slices = utils.slicesForNotesAndTiming(soundChannelNotes, timing, {
        beatForPulse: beatForPulse,

      keysounds[keysoundId] = name

      for (const { x, y, l } of sortedNotes) {
        const note: BMS.BMSNote = {
          column: getColumn(x, options),
          beat: beatForPulse(y),
          keysound: keysoundId,
          endBeat: undefined,
        if (l > 0) {
          note.endBeat = beatForPulse(y + l)
        const slice = slices.get(y)
        if (slice) {
          Object.assign(note, slice)
  return { notes, keysounds }

export { _slicesForNotesAndTiming } from './legacy'

export function beatForPulseForBmson(bmson: Bmson) {
  if (!bmson.version) return legacy.beatForLoc
  const resolution = ( && || 240
  return (y: number) => y / resolution

function getColumn(x: any, options: MusicalScoreOptions) {
  switch (x) {
    case 1:
      return '1'
    case 2:
      return '2'
    case 3:
      return '3'
    case 4:
      return '4'
    case 5:
      return '5'
    case 6:
      return '6'
    case 7:
      return '7'
    case 8:
      return 'SC'

  if (options.double) {
    switch (x) {
      case 9:
        return '8'
      case 10:
        return '9'
      case 11:
        return '10'
      case 12:
        return '11'
      case 13:
        return '12'
      case 14:
        return '13'
      case 15:
        return '14'
      case 16:
        return 'SC2'
  return undefined

 * Checks if there is a scratch in a bmson file
export function hasScratch(bmson: Bmson) {
  const soundChannels = soundChannelsForBmson(bmson)
  if (soundChannels) {
    for (const { notes } of soundChannels) {
      for (const { x } of notes) {
        if (x === 8 || x === 18) return true
  return false

 * Checks the key mode for a bmson file
export function keysForBmson(bmson: Bmson) {
  const soundChannels = soundChannelsForBmson(bmson)
  let hasKeys = false
  let hasSecondPlayer = false
  let hasDeluxeKeys = false
  if (soundChannels) {
    for (const { notes } of soundChannels) {
      for (const { x } of notes) {
        hasKeys = true
        if (x >= 11 && x <= 20) hasSecondPlayer = true
        if (x === 6 || x === 7 || x === 16 || x === 17) hasDeluxeKeys = true
  if (!hasKeys) return 'empty'
  if (hasSecondPlayer) {
    return hasDeluxeKeys ? '14K' : '10K'
  } else {
    return hasDeluxeKeys ? '7K' : '5K'