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3 hrs
Test Coverage
package plugin

import (

    resource2 ""

var durationRound = DefaultDurationRound()

func DefaultDurationRound() func(duration interface{}) string {
    return (sprout.GenericFuncMap()["durationRound"]).(func(duration interface{}) string)

// SetDurationRound is a helper method for tests
func SetDurationRound(f func(duration interface{}) string) (revertFunc func()) {
    durationRound = f
    return func() {
        durationRound = DefaultDurationRound()

func funcMap() template.FuncMap {
    return template.FuncMap{
        "green":                    color.GreenString,
        "yellow":                   color.YellowString,
        "red":                      color.RedString,
        "cyan":                     color.CyanString,
        "blue":                     color.BlueString,
        "bold":                     color.New(color.Bold).SprintfFunc(),
        "colorAgo":                 colorAgo,
        "colorDuration":            colorDuration,
        "colorBool":                colorBool,
        "colorKeyword":             colorKeyword,
        "markRed":                  markRed,
        "markYellow":               markYellow,
        "markGreen":                markGreen,
        "redIf":                    redIf,
        "redBoldIf":                redBoldIf,
        "signalName":               signalName,
        "isStatusConditionHealthy": isStatusConditionHealthy,
        "quantityToFloat64":        quantityToFloat64,
        "quantityToInt64":          quantityToInt64,
        "percent":                  percent,
        "colorPercent":             colorPercent,
        "humanizeSI":               humanizeSI,
        "getMatchingItemInMapList": getMatchingItemInMapList,
        "sortMapListByKeysValue":   sortMapListByKeysValue,
        "addFloat64":               addFloat64,
        "subFloat64":               subFloat64,
        "divFloat64":               divFloat64,

func addFloat64(i ...interface{}) float64 {
    var a float64 = 0
    for _, b := range i {
        a += cast.ToFloat64(b)
    return a

func subFloat64(a, b float64) float64 {
    return b - a

func divFloat64(a, b float64) float64 {
    return b / a

func humanizeSI(unit string, input float64) string {
    return strings.Replace(humanize.SIWithDigits(input, 1, unit), " ", "", -1)

func quantityToFloat64(str string) float64 {
    quantity, _ := resource2.ParseQuantity(str)
    return float64(quantity.MilliValue()) / 1000

func quantityToInt64(str string) int64 {
    quantity, _ := resource2.ParseQuantity(str)
    return quantity.Value()

func percent(x, y float64) float64 {
    return x / y * 100

func colorPercent(format string, percent float64) string {
    str := fmt.Sprintf(format, percent)
    switch {
    case percent >= 100:
        return color.New(color.Bold, color.FgRed).Sprint(str)
    case percent >= 90:
        return color.RedString(str)
    case percent >= 80:
        return color.YellowString(str)
    return str

func colorBool(cond bool, str string) string {
    if cond {
        return color.GreenString(str)
    } else {
        return color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold).Sprintf(str)

// getMatchingItemInMapList checks if the provided searchFor map is a subset of an item in the given mapList.
// Returns the first matching item.
// mapList parameter should actually be a "[]map[string]interface{}" but due to unstructured json serialisation
// we need to use "[]interface{}" and cast it inside.
// searchFor parameter should actually be a "map[string]string" but due to unstructured json serialisation
// we need to use "map[string]interface{}" and cast the value to string inside.
func getMatchingItemInMapList(searchFor map[string]interface{}, mapList []interface{}) (item map[string]interface{}) {
    for _, untypedMapListItem := range mapList {
        typedMapListItem := untypedMapListItem.(map[string]interface{})
        if hasMapListAMatchingItem(searchFor, typedMapListItem) {
            klog.V(5).InfoS("getMatchingItemInMapList found a matching item", "typedMapListItem", typedMapListItem)
            return typedMapListItem
    klog.V(5).InfoS("getMatchingItemInMapList couldn't find any matching item", "searchFor", searchFor, "typedMapListItem", mapList)

func hasMapListAMatchingItem(searchFor map[string]interface{}, typedMapListItem map[string]interface{}) bool {
    klog.V(5).InfoS("hasMapListAMatchingItem will search", "searchFor", searchFor, "typedMapListItem", typedMapListItem)
    if len(searchFor) == 0 {
        return false
    for searchKey, searchValue := range searchFor {
        if searchValue == nil {
        if strings.Contains(searchKey, ".") {
            splitSearchKey := strings.SplitN(searchKey, ".", 2)
            outerKey := splitSearchKey[0]
            innerMapListItem, exists := typedMapListItem[outerKey]
            if !exists {
                return false
            innerTypedMapListItem, ok := innerMapListItem.(map[string]interface{})
            if !ok {
                return false
            innerKey := splitSearchKey[1]
            innerSearchFor := map[string]interface{}{innerKey: searchValue}
            if !hasMapListAMatchingItem(innerSearchFor, innerTypedMapListItem) {
                return false
        mapListItem, exists := typedMapListItem[searchKey]
        if !exists || mapListItem == nil {
            return false
        mapListItemValue, ok := mapListItem.(string)
        if !ok {
            return false
        searchForValue, ok := searchValue.(string)
        if !ok {
            return false
        if mapListItemValue != searchForValue {
            return false
    return true

// sortMapListByKeysValue returns a sorted copy of mapList based on the provided key's value.
// mapList parameter should actually be a "[]map[string]interface{}" but due to unstructured json serialisation
// we need to use "[]interface{}" and cast it inside.
func sortMapListByKeysValue(key string, mapList []interface{}) (result []interface{}) {
    result = append(result, mapList...)
    sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
        typedMapListItemI, ok := result[i].(map[string]interface{})[key].(string)
        if !ok {
            typedMapListItemI = ""
        typedMapListItemJ, ok := result[j].(map[string]interface{})[key].(string)
        if !ok {
            typedMapListItemJ = ""
        return typedMapListItemI < typedMapListItemJ

func isStatusConditionHealthy(condition map[string]interface{}) bool {
    switch {

        > Condition types should indicate state in the "abnormal-true" polarity. For example, if the condition indicates
        > when a policy is invalid, the "is valid" case is probably the norm, so the condition should be called
        > "Invalid".

        But apparently this is not common among most resources, so we have the list of cases that matches the expected
        behaviour rather than the exceptions.
    case strings.HasSuffix(fmt.Sprint(condition["type"]), "Pressure"), // Node Pressure conditions
        strings.HasSuffix(fmt.Sprint(condition["type"]), "Unavailable"), // Node NetworkUnavailable condition
        strings.HasSuffix(fmt.Sprint(condition["type"]), "Failure"),     // ReplicaSet ReplicaFailure: condition
        strings.HasPrefix(fmt.Sprint(condition["type"]), "Non"),         // CRD NonStructuralSchema condition
        condition["type"] == "Failed",                                   // Failed Jobs has this condition

        // Conditions from "Node Problem Detector"
        condition["type"] == "CorruptDockerImage",
        condition["type"] == "CorruptDockerOverlay2",
        condition["type"] == "DockerContainerStartupFailure",
        condition["type"] == "DockerHung",
        condition["type"] == "Ext4Error",
        condition["type"] == "Ext4Warning",
        condition["type"] == "FilesystemIsReadOnly",
        condition["type"] == "IOError",
        condition["type"] == "KernelDeadlock",
        condition["type"] == "KernelOops",
        condition["type"] == "MemoryReadError",
        condition["type"] == "OOMKilling",
        condition["type"] == "ReadonlyFilesystem",
        condition["type"] == "TaskHung",
        condition["type"] == "UnregisterNetDevice",
        condition["type"] == "FrequentDockerRestart",
        condition["type"] == "FilesystemCorruptionProblem",
        condition["type"] == "FrequentContainerdRestart",
        condition["type"] == "FrequentKubeletRestart",
        condition["type"] == "RebootScheduled",
        condition["type"] == "KubeletProblem",
        condition["type"] == "TerminateScheduled",
        condition["type"] == "ContainerRuntimeProblem",
        condition["type"] == "RedeployScheduled",
        condition["type"] == "PreemptScheduled",
        condition["type"] == "FreezeScheduled",
        condition["type"] == "FrequentUnregisterNetDevice":
        switch condition["status"] {
        case "False":
            return true
        case "True", "Unknown":
            return false
            // not likely to ever happen, but just in case
            return false
        switch condition["status"] {
        case "True":
            return true
        case "False", "Unknown":
            return false
            return false

func signalName(signal int64) string {
    return signame(uint32(signal))

func redIf(cond interface{}, str string) string {
    if !reflect.ValueOf(cond).IsZero() {
        return color.RedString(str)
    return str

func redBoldIf(cond interface{}, str string) string {
    if !reflect.ValueOf(cond).IsZero() {
        return color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold).Sprintf(str)
    return str

func markRed(regex, s string) string {
    return markWithColor(regex, s, color.RedString)

func markYellow(regex, s string) string {
    return markWithColor(regex, s, color.YellowString)

func markGreen(regex, s string) string {
    return markWithColor(regex, s, color.GreenString)

func markWithColor(regex string, s string, colorStringFunc func(format string, a ...interface{}) string) string {
    re := regexp.MustCompile(regex)
    var result []string
    for _, line := range strings.Split(s, "\n") {
        for _, match := range re.FindAllString(line, -1) {
            line = strings.Replace(line, match, colorStringFunc(match), 1)
        result = append(result, line)
    return strings.Join(result, "\n")

func colorKeyword(phase string) string {
    /* covers ".status.phase", ".status.state", ".status.reason", pod QOS,
           for various types, e.g. pod, pv, pvc, svc, ns, etc ...

        Here a generic method is used since this can be used to cover unknown CRDs that follows conventions as well.
        This also helps with maintaining the list
        * Order: .status.state: valid
        * pvc: .status.phase Bound
    switch phase {
    case "Running", "Succeeded", "Available", "Bound", "valid", "Guaranteed", "Completed", "Current":
        return color.GreenString(phase)
    case "Pending", "Released", "Burstable", "Active", "InProgress":
        return color.YellowString(phase)
    case "Failed", "Unknown", "Terminating", "Evicted", "BestEffort", "OOMKilled", "ContainerCannotRun", "Error", "NotFound":
        return color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold).Sprintf(phase)
        return phase

func colorAgo(kubeDate string) string {
    t, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z", kubeDate, time.UTC)
    duration := time.Since(t).Round(time.Second)
    return colorDuration(duration)

func ago(t time.Time) string {
    duration := time.Since(t).Round(time.Second)
    return durationRound(duration.String())

func colorDuration(duration time.Duration) string {
    str := durationRound(duration.String())
    if duration < time.Minute*5 {
        return color.RedString(str)
    if duration < time.Hour {
        return color.YellowString(str)
    if duration < time.Hour*24 {
        return color.MagentaString(str)
    return str

func (r RenderableObject) Include(templateName string, data interface{}) (string, error) {
    klog.V(5).InfoS("Include", "r", r, "templateName", templateName, "data", data)
    return r.renderTemplate(templateName, data)

func (r RenderableObject) IncludeRenderableObject(obj RenderableObject) (output string) {
    klog.V(5).InfoS("called IncludeRenderableObject", "r", r, "obj", obj)
    renderString, _ := obj.renderString()
    return renderString