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6 hrs
Test Coverage
package cfapppush

import (





    v6 ""
    sharedV3 ""


// CFPushApp abstracts the push functionality form the CLI library
type CFPushApp struct {
    pushCommand *v6.PushCommand
    flagContext flags.FlagContext
    deps        commandregistry.Dependency
    config      *CFPushAppConfig
    portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy

// CFPushAppConfig is the configuration used
type CFPushAppConfig struct {
    AuthorizationEndpoint  string
    CFClient               string
    CFClientSecret         string
    APIEndpointURL         string
    DopplerLoggingEndpoint string
    SkipSSLValidation      bool
    AuthToken              string
    OrgGUID                string
    OrgName                string
    SpaceGUID              string
    SpaceName              string
    OutputWriter           io.Writer
    DialTimeout            string
    EndpointID             string
    UserID                 string

// CFPushAppOverrides represents the document that can be sent from the client with the app overrrides for the push
type CFPushAppOverrides struct {
    Name            string `json:"name"`
    Buildpack       string `json:"buildpack"`
    StartCmd        string `json:"startCmd"`
    HealthCheckType string `json:"healthCheckType"`
    Stack           string `json:"stack"`
    Time            *int   `json:"time"`
    Instances       *int   `json:"instances"`
    DiskQuota       string `json:"diskQuota"`
    MemQuota        string `json:"memQuota"`
    DoNotStart      bool   `json:"doNotStart"`
    NoRoute         bool   `json:"noRoute"`
    RandomRoute     bool   `json:"randomRoute"`
    Host            string `json:"host"`
    Domain          string `json:"domain"`
    Path            string `json:"path"`
    DockerImage     string `json:"dockerImage"`
    DockerUsername  string `json:"dockerUsername"`

// DeployAppMessageSender is the interface for sending a message over a web socket
type DeployAppMessageSender interface {
    SendEvent(clientWebSocket *websocket.Conn, event MessageType, data string)

// ErrorType default error returned
type ErrorType int

const (
    // GeneralFailure thrown when initialisation fails
    GeneralFailure ErrorType = iota + 4000
    // FailedToPush thrown when push fails

// CFPush Interface
type CFPush interface {
    Init(appDir string, manifestPath string, overrides CFPushAppOverrides) error
    Run(DeployAppMessageSender, *websocket.Conn) error

// PushError is the return error type from pushing
type PushError struct {
    Type ErrorType
    Err  error

func (p *PushError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Push error: %s", p.Err)

// Constructor returns a CFPush based on the supplied config
func Constructor(config *CFPushAppConfig, portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) CFPush {

    pushCmd := &v6.PushCommand{}
    cfPush := &CFPushApp{
        pushCommand: pushCmd,
        config:      config,
        portalProxy: portalProxy,
    return cfPush

func (c *CFPushApp) init(config *CFPushAppConfig) error {
    return nil

// Init initializes the push operation with the specified application directory and manifest path
func (c *CFPushApp) Init(appDir string, manifestPath string, overrides CFPushAppOverrides) error {

    // App name
    if len(overrides.Name) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.OptionalArgs = flag.OptionalAppName{
            AppName: overrides.Name,

    // Buildpack - Note we only allow one buildpack to be specified as an override at present
    if len(overrides.Buildpack) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.Buildpacks = make([]string, 1)
        c.pushCommand.Buildpacks[0] = overrides.Buildpack

    // Start Command
    if len(overrides.StartCmd) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.Command = flag.Command{}
        err := c.pushCommand.Command.UnmarshalFlag(overrides.StartCmd)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // Domain
    if len(overrides.Domain) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.Domain = overrides.Domain

    // HealthCheckType
    if len(overrides.HealthCheckType) > 0 {
        err := c.pushCommand.HealthCheckType.UnmarshalFlag(overrides.HealthCheckType)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // Hostname
    if len(overrides.Host) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.Hostname = overrides.Host

    // App instances
    if overrides.Instances != nil {
        c.pushCommand.Instances = flag.Instances{}

    // Disk Quota
    if len(overrides.DiskQuota) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.DiskQuota = flag.Megabytes{}
        err := c.pushCommand.DiskQuota.UnmarshalFlag(overrides.DiskQuota)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // Memory Quota
    if len(overrides.MemQuota) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.Memory = flag.Megabytes{}
        err := c.pushCommand.Memory.UnmarshalFlag(overrides.MemQuota)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // No Route
    c.pushCommand.NoRoute = overrides.NoRoute

    // No start
    c.pushCommand.NoStart = overrides.DoNotStart

    // Random route
    c.pushCommand.RandomRoute = overrides.RandomRoute

    // Route path
    if len(overrides.Path) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.RoutePath = flag.V6RoutePath{}
        err := c.pushCommand.RoutePath.UnmarshalFlag(overrides.Path)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // Stack
    if len(overrides.Stack) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.StackName = overrides.Stack

    // Health check time
    if overrides.Time != nil {
        c.pushCommand.HealthCheckTimeout = uint64(*overrides.Time)

    // Docker image
    if len(overrides.DockerImage) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.DockerImage = flag.DockerImage{
            Path: overrides.DockerImage,
    } else {
        // App path can't be set with Docker Image
        c.pushCommand.AppPath = flag.PathWithExistenceCheck(appDir)

    // Docker username
    if len(overrides.DockerUsername) > 0 {
        c.pushCommand.DockerUsername = overrides.DockerUsername

    // Manifest path
    c.pushCommand.PathToManifest = flag.PathWithExistenceCheck(manifestPath)

    return nil

// setConfig sets the org and space information
func (c *CFPushApp) setConfig(config *configv3.Config) error {
    config.SetOrganizationInformation(c.config.OrgGUID, c.config.OrgName)
    config.SetSpaceInformation(c.config.SpaceGUID, c.config.SpaceName, false)
    return nil

// Run performs the actual push
func (c *CFPushApp) Run(msgSender DeployAppMessageSender, clientWebsocket *websocket.Conn) error {

    // Get a CF Config
    config, err := configv3.LoadConfig()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Fetch and set endpoint info
    err = c.setEndpointInfo(config)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    commandUI, err := ui.NewUI(config)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    commandUI.IsTTY = false
    commandUI.TerminalWidth = 40

    // Send logging to the front-end via the web-socket
    commandUI.Out = c.config.OutputWriter
    commandUI.Err = c.config.OutputWriter

    defer commandUI.FlushDeferred()

    err = c.setup(config, commandUI, msgSender, clientWebsocket)
    //err = c.pushCommand.Setup(config, commandUI)
    if err != nil {
        return handleError(err, *commandUI)

    // Update the config
    err = c.setConfig(config)
    if err != nil {
        return handleError(err, *commandUI)

    // Set to a null progress bar
    c.pushCommand.ProgressBar = &cfPushProgressBar{}

    // Perform the push
    args := make([]string, 0)
    err = c.pushCommand.Execute(args)
    if err != nil {
        return handleError(err, *commandUI)

    return nil

func (c *CFPushApp) setup(config command.Config, ui command.UI, msgSender DeployAppMessageSender, clientWebsocket *websocket.Conn) error {
    cmd := c.pushCommand
    cmd.UI = ui
    cmd.Config = config
    sharedActor := sharedaction.NewActor(config)
    cmd.SharedActor = sharedActor

    ccClient, uaaClient, err := shared.GetNewClientsAndConnectToCF(config, ui)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Initialize connection wrapper that will refresh the auto token if needed
    pushConnectionWrapper := PushConnectionWrapper{
        portalProxy: c.portalProxy,
        config:      c.config,
        cmdConfig:   config,


    ccClientV3, _, err := sharedV3.NewV3BasedClients(config, ui, true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    v2Actor := v2action.NewActor(ccClient, uaaClient, config)
    v3Actor := v3action.NewActor(ccClientV3, config, sharedActor, nil)

    stratosV2Actor := cfV2Actor{
        wrapped:         v2Actor,
        msgSender:       msgSender,
        clientWebsocket: clientWebsocket,

    cmd.RestartActor = v2Actor
    cmd.Actor = pushaction.NewActor(stratosV2Actor, v3Actor, sharedActor)

    cmd.ApplicationSummaryActor = v2v3action.NewActor(v2Actor, v3Actor)

    cmd.NOAAClient = shared.NewNOAAClient(ccClient.DopplerEndpoint(), config, uaaClient, ui)

    cmd.ProgressBar = progressbar.NewProgressBar()
    return nil

// Simplified version of the CLI source
func handleError(passedErr error, commandUI ui.UI) error {
    if passedErr == nil {
        return nil

    translationFunc, _ := generateTranslationFunc([]byte("[]"))
    translatedErr := translatableerror.ConvertToTranslatableError(passedErr)

    var errMsg string
    if translatableError, ok := translatedErr.(translatableerror.TranslatableError); ok {
        errMsg = translatableError.Translate(translationFunc)

        // Remove the TIP that might be at the end
        parts := strings.Split(errMsg, "TIP:")
        errMsg = strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
    } else {
        errMsg = translatedErr.Error()

    return errors.New(errMsg)

// Borrowed from the CLI source - its not exported, so we include it here
func generateTranslationFunc(rawTranslation []byte) (ui.TranslateFunc, error) {
    var entries []ui.TranslationEntry
    err := json.Unmarshal(rawTranslation, &entries)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    translations := map[string]string{}
    for _, entry := range entries {
        translations[entry.ID] = entry.Translation

    return func(translationID string, args ...interface{}) string {
        translated := translations[translationID]
        if translated == "" {
            translated = translationID

        var keys interface{}
        if len(args) > 0 {
            keys = args[0]

        var buffer bytes.Buffer
        formattedTemplate := template.Must(template.New("Display Text").Parse(translated))
        formattedTemplate.Execute(&buffer, keys)

        return buffer.String()
    }, nil