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package yamlgenerated

import (


    log ""

// GeneratedPlugin represents a generated plugin
type GeneratedPlugin struct {
    initMethod       func() error
    middlewarePlugin func() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error)
    endpointPlugin   func() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error)
    routePlugin      func() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error)

var authTypeToConnectTypeMap = map[string]string{
    interfaces.AuthTypeHttpBasic: interfaces.AuthConnectTypeCreds,
    interfaces.AuthTypeBearer:    interfaces.AuthConnectTypeBearer,
    interfaces.AuthTypeToken:     interfaces.AuthConnectTypeToken,

const defaultTokenUsername = "**token**"

type pluginConfig struct {
    // Name is the endpoint type
    Name string `yaml:"name"`
    // SubType of the endpoint
    SubType string `yaml:"sub_type"`
    // AuthType - for now, only one auth type is supported
    AuthType string `yaml:"auth_type"`
    // UserInfoAPI is the Rest URL to fetch User if
    UserInfoAPI string `yaml:"user_info"`
    // UserInfoPath is the path in the response to the above REST API to get the username from the retrurned JSON
    UserInfoPath string `yaml:"user_info_path"`

// Init the plugin
func (gp GeneratedPlugin) Init() error { return gp.initMethod() }
func (gp GeneratedPlugin) GetMiddlewarePlugin() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error) {
    return gp.middlewarePlugin()
func (gp GeneratedPlugin) GetEndpointPlugin() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error) {
    return gp.endpointPlugin()
func (gp GeneratedPlugin) GetRoutePlugin() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error) {
    return gp.routePlugin()

// GeneratedEndpointPlugin represents a generated endpoint plugin
type GeneratedEndpointPlugin struct {
    portalProxy  interfaces.PortalProxy
    endpointType string
    subTypes     map[string]pluginConfig

func (gep GeneratedEndpointPlugin) GetType() string {
    return gep.endpointType

func (gep GeneratedEndpointPlugin) Register(ec echo.Context) error {
    return gep.portalProxy.RegisterEndpoint(ec, gep.Info)

func (gep GeneratedEndpointPlugin) Validate(userGUID string, cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, tokenRecord interfaces.TokenRecord) error {
    return nil

func (gep GeneratedEndpointPlugin) Connect(ec echo.Context, cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, userId string) (*interfaces.TokenRecord, bool, error) {
    params := new(interfaces.LoginToCNSIParams)
    err := interfaces.BindOnce(params, ec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, false, err

    subType, ok := gep.subTypes[cnsiRecord.SubType]
    if !ok {
        return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("Unknown subtype %q for endpoint type %q", cnsiRecord.SubType, gep.GetType())

    authType := subType.AuthType
    expectedConnectType, ok := authTypeToConnectTypeMap[authType]
    if !ok {
        return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("Unknown authentication type %q for endpoint type %q", authType, gep.GetType())

    if expectedConnectType != params.ConnectType {
        return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("Only %q connect type is supported for %q.%q endpoints", expectedConnectType, gep.GetType(), cnsiRecord.SubType)

    var tr *interfaces.TokenRecord

    switch params.ConnectType {
    case interfaces.AuthConnectTypeCreds:
        if len(params.Username) == 0 || len(params.Password) == 0 {
            return nil, false, errors.New("Need username and password")

        authString := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", params.Username, params.Password)
        base64EncodedAuthString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(authString))

        tr = &interfaces.TokenRecord{
            AuthType:     interfaces.AuthTypeHttpBasic,
            AuthToken:    base64EncodedAuthString,
            RefreshToken: params.Username,
    case interfaces.AuthConnectTypeBearer:
        authString := ec.FormValue("token")
        base64EncodedAuthString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(authString))

        tr = &interfaces.TokenRecord{
            AuthType:  interfaces.AuthTypeBearer,
            AuthToken: base64EncodedAuthString,
        tr.RefreshToken = gep.fetchUsername(subType, &cnsiRecord, tr)
    case interfaces.AuthConnectTypeToken:
        authString := ec.FormValue("token")
        base64EncodedAuthString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(authString))

        tr = &interfaces.TokenRecord{
            AuthType:  interfaces.AuthTypeToken,
            AuthToken: base64EncodedAuthString,
        tr.RefreshToken = gep.fetchUsername(subType, &cnsiRecord, tr)

    return tr, false, nil

// We support a basic mechanism for fetching the username of the user if configured
func (gep GeneratedEndpointPlugin) fetchUsername(config pluginConfig, cnsiRecord *interfaces.CNSIRecord, tr *interfaces.TokenRecord) string {
    if len(config.UserInfoAPI) == 0 || len(config.UserInfoPath) == 0 {
        // Not configured
        return defaultTokenUsername

    // Make a request to the user info endpoint
    resp, err := gep.portalProxy.DoProxySingleRequestWithToken(cnsiRecord.GUID, tr, "GET", config.UserInfoAPI, nil, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return defaultTokenUsername

    if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
        return defaultTokenUsername

    // Find the username from the returned document
    var data map[string]interface{}
    if err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Response, &data); err == nil {
        name := getJSONValue(data, config.UserInfoPath)
        if len(name) > 0 {
            return name

    return defaultTokenUsername

func getJSONValue(data map[string]interface{}, valuePath string) string {
    parts := strings.Split(valuePath, ".")
    value := data[parts[0]]
    if value != nil {
        if len(parts) == 1 {
            // This was the last part
            if sName, ok := value.(string); ok {
                return sName
            return ""
        // Not the last path, so get the next level item
        if sNextLevel, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
            return getJSONValue(sNextLevel, strings.Join(parts[1:], "."))

    // Failed to find the value
    return ""

// Info gets the info for the endpoint
func (gep GeneratedEndpointPlugin) Info(apiEndpoint string, skipSSLValidation bool) (interfaces.CNSIRecord, interface{}, error) {
    var dummy interface{}
    var newCNSI interfaces.CNSIRecord

    newCNSI.CNSIType = gep.GetType()

    _, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return newCNSI, nil, err

    newCNSI.TokenEndpoint = apiEndpoint
    newCNSI.AuthorizationEndpoint = apiEndpoint

    return newCNSI, dummy, nil

// UpdateMetadata allows the pluigin to update the metadata for endpoints - not used in the generic case
func (gep GeneratedEndpointPlugin) UpdateMetadata(info *interfaces.Info, userGUID string, echoContext echo.Context) {
    // no-op

// MakePluginsFromConfig will generate plugins for the yaml-configured endpoints
func MakePluginsFromConfig() {

    var config []pluginConfig

    yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("plugins.yaml")
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Can't generate plugins from YAML: %v ", err)

    err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &config)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal YAML: %v ", err)

    plugins := make(map[string]GeneratedEndpointPlugin)
    for _, plugin := range config {
        if len(plugin.Name) == 0 {
            log.Errorf("Plugin must have a name")

        log.Debugf("Processing plugin for endpoint %s and sub-type %s", plugin.Name, plugin.SubType)

        // Create a plugin if needed then add this sub type to the plugin
        ep, ok := plugins[plugin.Name]
        if !ok {
            ep = createPluginForEndpointType(plugin.Name)
            plugins[plugin.Name] = ep

        // Add this subtype to the plugin - subtype can be empty
        if _, ok := ep.subTypes[plugin.SubType]; ok {
            log.Warnf("Sub-type %s already declared for endpoint type %s - ignoring", plugin.Name, plugin.SubType)
        } else {
            ep.subTypes[plugin.SubType] = plugin

func createPluginForEndpointType(endpointType string) GeneratedEndpointPlugin {
    log.Debugf("Generating plugin %s", endpointType)
    gep := GeneratedEndpointPlugin{}
    gep.endpointType = endpointType
    gep.subTypes = make(map[string]pluginConfig)

    gp := GeneratedPlugin{}
    gp.initMethod = func() error { return nil }
    gp.endpointPlugin = func() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error) { return gep, nil }
    gp.middlewarePlugin = func() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error) { return nil, errors.New("Not implemented") }
    gp.routePlugin = func() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error) { return nil, errors.New("Not implemented") }

        func(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) (interfaces.StratosPlugin, error) {
            log.Debugf("%s -- initializing", endpointType)
            gep.portalProxy = portalProxy
            return gp, nil
    return gep