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 * @fileOverview This file is the menu class which contains tabgroups,
 *               activetabs, and savedtabs. Here included functionalities from
 *               constrcutor, component render, create a new tabgroup, and so on
 * @author      David Dai
 * @author      Gary Chew
 * @author      Chau Vu
 * @author      Fernando Vazquez
 * @author      Brandon Olmos
 * @author      Stephen Cheung
 * @requires    NPM: react, uuid, prop-types, react-bootstrap, react-icons
 * @requires    ../styles/Menu.css
 * @requires    ./Tab
 * @requires    ./TabGroup

import React from 'react';
import { IoMdAddCircle } from 'react-icons/io';
import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/Modal';
import Form from 'react-bootstrap/Form';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import TabGroup from './TabGroup';
import Tab from './Tab';
import '../styles/Menu.css';

 * @description   A class to represent Menu components which consists TabGroups, ActiveTabs
 *                savedTabs, and Tabs
 * @class
class Menu extends React.Component {
   * @constructor
  constructor() {
    /** set the current default state to the following
     * @type  {boolean} addGroupModal: decide whether the modal render or not
     * @type  {array} activeTabs:  current active tabs
     * @type  {array} tabGroups: tabgroups being stored
     * @type  {array} savedTabs: the tabs being saved after launch focus mdoe
     * @type  {array}  excludeUrls: urls not being shown on the within the active tabs
    this.state = {
      addGroupModal: false,
      activeTabs: [],
      tabGroups: [],
      savedTabs: [],
      excludeUrls: [
        /** this is the flow menu page */
        /** new tab for chrome brower */

   * @description Method called to render at the beginning of the initial rendering
  componentDidMount() {
    this.getActiveTabs(); /** get current active tabs */
    this.getTabGroups(); /** get current saved tabgroups */
    this.getSavedTabs(); /** get current saved tabs after focus mode */

   * @description get the current chrome tabs opened to show up on the menu page
  getActiveTabs = () => {
    const { excludeUrls } = this.state;
    /** call for the current tabs opened with Chrome */
    chrome.tabs.query({}, (tabs) => {
      const activeTabs = [];
      /** checking for redundancy chrome tabs */
      for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i += 1) {
        const activeUrls = activeTabs.map((tab) => tab.url);
        /** only if not in the excluded urls and no redundancy, it is added */
        if (
            activeUrls.includes(tabs[i].url) ||
        ) {
            title: tabs[i].title,
            url: tabs[i].url,
            favIconUrl: tabs[i].favIconUrl,
            stored: 'activeTabs',
      /** updates the corresponding state */
      this.setState({ activeTabs });

   * @description get the current saved tabGroups from the chrome storage
   *               to show up on the menu page
  getTabGroups = () => {
    /** look into the chrome storage to find tabgroups */
    chrome.storage.sync.get('tabGroups', (obj) => {
      let { tabGroups } = obj;
      /** if it is empty, then set tabgroups to empty array */
      if (!tabGroups) {
        chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabGroups: [] });
        tabGroups = [];
      /** update the tabGroups state */
      this.setState({ tabGroups });

   * @description   get the saved tabs from the chrome storage to show in the menu
  getSavedTabs = () => {
    /** look into the chrome storage to find saved tabs */
    chrome.storage.sync.get('savedTabs', (obj) => {
      let { savedTabs } = obj;
      /** if it is empty, then set savedTabs to empty array */
      if (!savedTabs || savedTabs.length === 0) {
        savedTabs = [];
      /** update the savedTabs state */
      this.setState({ savedTabs });

   * @description   delete all the tabs stored in the SavedTabs
  deleteSavedTabs = () => {
    const savedTabs = [];
    /** update the savedTab state and the chrome storage */
    this.setState({ savedTabs });
    chrome.storage.sync.set({ savedTabs });

   * @description   open all the tabs stored in the SavedTabs
  openSavedTabs = () => {
    const { savedTabs } = this.state;
    savedTabs.forEach((tabUrl) => {
      /** launch a new chrome tab for each saved tab */
      chrome.tabs.create({ url: tabUrl.url });
    /** then remove the saved tabs from SavedTabs */

   * @description   drop a tab into a tabgroup and lead to a series of rendering and chrome
   *                storage update
   * @param {Tab} e   the tab that is being dropped
  drop = (e) => {
    const { tabGroups } = this.state;
    /** check if the dropped target is droppable or valid */
    if (
      e.target === undefined ||
      e.target.attributes.getNamedItem('droppable') === null
    ) {
      /** if invalid, do nothing */
      e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'none';
      e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
    } else if (e.target.attributes.getNamedItem('droppable').value !== 'true') {
      /** if not droppable, do nothing */
      e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'none';
      e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
    } else {
      /** receive the tab data from dragStart of Tab */
      const tabObj = JSON.parse(e.dataTransfer.getData('text'));
      /** find the index of the TabGroup to add the Tab */
      const index = tabGroups.findIndex(
        (tabGroup) => tabGroup.name === e.target.id
      /** create the data to be appended to the TabGroup */
      const tabData = {
        title: tabObj.title,
        url: tabObj.url,
        stored: tabGroups[index].trackid,
        favIconUrl: tabObj.favIconUrl,
      /** check if there is an redundant tab in the target */
      let addable = true;
      for (let i = 0; i < tabGroups[index].tabs.length; i += 1) {
        if (tabGroups[index].tabs[i].url === tabObj.url) {
          addable = false;
      /** if there is redundancy, we skip this if loop */
      if (addable === true) {
        /** here means no redundancy */
        /** push the Tab to the corresponding TabGroup (append) */
        /** if the tab is originally stored in activeTabs or savedTabs
         *  when we drop this tab, we keep a copy in the activeTabs or
         *  savedTabs instead of remove it */
        /** however, if it is stored from a TabGroup
         *  delete this tab from the old TabGroup */
        if (tabObj.stored !== 'activeTabs' && tabObj.stored !== 'savedTabs') {
          /** find the TabGroup to delete the corresponding tab */
          const deleteGroup = tabGroups.findIndex(
            (tabGroup) => tabGroup.trackid === tabObj.stored
          /** find the Tab index to delete from the deleteGroup */
          const deleteIndex = tabGroups[deleteGroup].tabs.findIndex(
            (temp) => temp.url === tabObj.url
          /** delete the corresponding Tab from the corresponding TabGroup */
          const updatedTabs = [];
          for (let i = 0; i < tabGroups[deleteGroup].tabs.length; i += 1) {
            if (i !== deleteIndex) {
                title: tabGroups[deleteGroup].tabs[i].title,
                url: tabGroups[deleteGroup].tabs[i].url,
                stored: tabGroups[deleteGroup].tabs[i].stored,
                favIconUrl: tabGroups[deleteGroup].tabs[i].favIconUrl,
          /** update the state with the newest deletion */
          tabGroups[deleteGroup].tabs = updatedTabs;
      /** sync the updated TabGroups with chrome storage */
      chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabGroups });
      /** tell DOM to re-render to update the menu visual */
      this.setState({ tabGroups });
      /** this will keep refresh for newest number of tabs in ActiveTabs */

   * @description   prevents propagation of the same event from being called
   * @param {Tab} e   the tab that is being dropped
  dragOver = (e) => {

   * @description   Add a new TabGroup and triggers a series of rendering with
   *                chrome storage update
   * @param {Modal} e   the modal jumped out to add a new group
  addGroup = (e) => {
    /** only execute when user hit submit button */
    if (e.type === 'submit') {
      const { activeTabs, tabGroups } = this.state;
      /** if user inputs name, then set the name temporary to it
       * else set it to Untitled */
      let groupName = e.target[0].value;
      if (groupName === '') {
        groupName = 'Untitled';
      /** set limitation of name length */
      if (groupName.length > 30) {
        groupName = groupName.substring(0, 30);
      const { options } = e.target[1];
      /** allow user to append the tabs to the newly created TabGroup
       * from the active Tabs */
      const selectedTabs = [];
      for (let i = 0, l = options.length; i < l; i += 1) {
        if (options[i].selected) {
      /** check for redundant groupname and auto rename groupname */
      let count = 0;
      let nameCheck = true;
      let tempGroupName = groupName;
      /** constantly loop through the names of all the tabgroups
       * if there is an redundant name, append a numerical number behind
       * and reloop through. This process will continue until there is
       * no redundant names */
      while (nameCheck) {
        const index = tabGroups.findIndex(
          (tabGroup) => tabGroup.name === tempGroupName
        if (index === -1) {
          nameCheck = false;
        } else {
          count += 1;
          tempGroupName = `${groupName} (${count.toString()})`;
      groupName = tempGroupName;
      /** create the newGroup to be appended to chrome storage */
      const newGroup = {
        name: groupName,
        trackid: uuid() /** to keep track each group uniquely */,
        tabs: selectedTabs,
      /** update tabGroups and corresponding chrome storage */
      this.setState({ tabGroups });
      chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabGroups }, () => {});
      /** close the modal since user submitted */
      /** this will keep refresh for newest number of tabs in ActiveTabs */

   * @description   Delete the TabGroup by passing in the trackid
   * @param {string} target   The trackid of the TabGroup to be deleted
  deleteGroup = (target) => {
    let { tabGroups } = this.state;
    /** filter out the TabGroup which trackid matches target */
    tabGroups = tabGroups.filter((tabGroup) => tabGroup.trackid !== target);
    /** update the correspondings tate and chrome storage */
    this.setState({ tabGroups });
    chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabGroups });

   * @description   Rename the Tabgroup by passing in the trackid and the new name
   * @param {string} target   The trackid of the TabGroup to be editted
   * @param {string} newName  The new name of the TabGroup
  editGroup = (target, newName) => {
    const { tabGroups } = this.state;
    /** find the index of the TabGroup to be renamed */
    const index = tabGroups.findIndex(
      (tabGroup) => tabGroup.trackid === target
    /** limit the name input to be under 30 */
    let name = newName;
    if (name.length > 30) {
      name = name.substring(0, 30);
    /** change the name only if the name is different */
    if (tabGroups[index].name !== name) {
      /** check if there is a redundant name existed */
      /** constantly loop through the names of all the tabgroups
       * if there is an redundant name, append a numerical number behind
       * and reloop through. This process will continue until there is
       * no redundant names */
      let count = 0;
      let tempName = name;
      while (true) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
        const i = tabGroups.findIndex((tabGroup) => tabGroup.name === tempName);
        /** if cannot find a tabgroup with same name, exit the while loop */
        if (i === -1 || i === index) {
        } else {
          count += 1;
          tempName = `${name} (${count.toString()})`;
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
      name = tempName;
    /** update the new name to the corresponding TabGroup */
    tabGroups[index].name = name;
    /** update the current state and the chrom storage */
    this.setState({ tabGroups });
    chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabGroups });
    /** continue to search for new active tabs */

   * @description   remove a tab from a tabgroup given its TabGroup name and tab's url
   * @param {string} name   the name of the tabgroup to delete the tab from
   * @param {string} url    the url of the tab
  removeTab = (name, url) => {
    const { tabGroups } = this.state;
    /** find the corresponding tabGroup */
    const index = tabGroups.findIndex((tabGroup) => tabGroup.name === name);
    /** filter out the corresponding tab that has the same url as url passed in */
    tabGroups[index].tabs = tabGroups[index].tabs.filter(
      (tabGroup) => tabGroup.url !== url
    /** update the state and chrome storage */
    this.setState({ tabGroups });
    chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabGroups });
    /** this will keep refresh for newest number of tabs in ActiveTabs */

   * @description   close the modal when the add group modal is closed
  modalClose = () => {
    this.setState({ addGroupModal: false });

   * @description   render the menu
   * @returns {*}
  render() {
    /** Add those to the current state
     * addGroupModel: decide whether the add group modal pop oopen or not
     * activeTabs: the tabs being active currently on chrome browser
     * tabGroups: the tabGroups the user has created
     * savedTabs: the tabs being closed when focus mode is launched
    const { addGroupModal, activeTabs, tabGroups, savedTabs } = this.state;
    return (
      <div className="container-fluid maxHeight">
        <div className="row maxHeight">
          <div className="leftSideBar maxHeight">
            <div className="activeTabsContainer">
              <div className="activeTabsHeader">
                  <strong>Active Tabs</strong>
                droppable="false" /** notify the drag drop algorithm that activeTabs is not droppable */
                {activeTabs.map((tab) => (
                  /** display each tab in the activeTabs */
            {savedTabs.length !== 0 ? (
              <div className="savedTabsContainer">
                <div className="savedTabsHeader">
                    <strong>Saved Tabs</strong>
                  <button /** the user may delete all the saved tabs */
                    className="btn savedTabsDeleteButton"
                    Delete All
                  <button /** the user may also open all the saved tabs */
                    className="btn savedTabsOpenButton"
                    Open All
                <div className="savedTabs" data-testid="saved-tabs">
                  {savedTabs.map((tab) => (
                    <Tab /** display all the tabs being closed after focus mode launched */
            ) : null}
          <div className="col content maxHeight">
            <div className="tabGroupsContainer">
              <div className="tabGroupsHeader">
                  <span className="verticalAlignMiddle">Tab Groups</span>
                    /** add a group then we set the addGroupModal to be true */
                    onClick={() => {
                      this.setState({ addGroupModal: true });
                    data-testid="add-button" /** for testing purposes */
                    <IoMdAddCircle />

              {tabGroups.length !== 0 ? (
                <div className="tabGroups">
                  {tabGroups.map((tabGroup) => (
                      } /** track the tabgrouop by trackid which unique to each tabgroup */
                      trackid={tabGroup.trackid} /** trackid assignmemnt */
              ) : (
                <div className="tabGroups noTabGroups">
                  <p className="noTabGroupsText">
                    You have no tab groups. Click the
                      <IoMdAddCircle />
                    button to get started.
        {/** this modal is opened when the user is attempting to add a new tabgroup */}
        <Modal show={addGroupModal} onHide={this.modalClose} animation={false}>
          <Modal.Header closeButton>
            <Modal.Title>Create Tab Group</Modal.Title>
              data-testid="form" /** for testing purpose */
              <Form.Group controlId="groupName">
                <Form.Label>Group Name</Form.Label>
                <Form.Control type="text" placeholder="Enter Group Name..." />
              <Form.Group controlId="selectedTabs">
                <Form.Label>Add Tabs to Group</Form.Label>
                <Form.Control as="select" multiple>
                  {activeTabs.map((tab) => (
                    /** user may select each tab to add into the created tabrgoup */
                    <option key={uuid()}>{tab.title}</option>
                } /** run addGroup when user clicks submit */
                Create Group

export default Menu;