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3 days
Test Coverage
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MemoScope.Core.Dac;
using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime;
using System;
using WinFwk.UITools.Log;
using WinFwk.UIMessages;
using MemoScope.Core.Cache;
using MemoScope.Core.Data;
using System.Threading;
using WinFwk.UIModules;
using NLog;
using System.Reflection;
using MemoScope.Core.ProcessInfo;
using ClrObject = MemoScope.Core.Data.ClrObject;

namespace MemoScope.Core
    public class ClrDump : IClrDump
        static Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName);

        private static int n = 0;
        public int Id { get; }
        public ClrRuntime Runtime { get; set; }
        public DataTarget Target { get; }
        public string DumpPath { get; }
        public ClrHeap Heap => Runtime.Heap;

        public MessageBus MessageBus { get; }
        public ClrDumpInfo ClrDumpInfo { get; }

        public IList<ClrSegment> Segments => Runtime.Heap.Segments;
        public List<ClrMemoryRegion> Regions => Runtime.EnumerateMemoryRegions().ToList();
        public IList<ClrModule> Modules => Runtime.Modules;

        public List<ClrHandle> Handles => Runtime.EnumerateHandles().ToList();
        public List<ulong> FinalizerQueueObjectAddresses => Runtime.EnumerateFinalizerQueueObjectAddresses().ToList();
        public IEnumerable<IGrouping<ClrType, ulong>> FinalizerQueueObjectAddressesByType => Runtime.EnumerateFinalizerQueueObjectAddresses().GroupBy(address => GetObjectType(address));
        public IList<ClrThread> Threads => Runtime.Threads;
        public ClrThreadPool ThreadPool => Runtime.ThreadPool;
        public List<ClrType> AllTypes => Heap.EnumerateTypes().ToList();

        public Dictionary<int, ThreadProperty> ThreadProperties
                if (threadProperties == null)
                return threadProperties;

        public IEnumerable<ClrRoot> EnumerateClrRoots => Runtime.Heap.EnumerateRoots();

        Dictionary<int, ThreadProperty> threadProperties;
        private readonly SingleThreadWorker worker;
        private ClrDumpCache cache;

        public ClrDump(DataTarget target, string dumpPath, MessageBus msgBus)
            Id = n++;
            Target = target;
            DumpPath = dumpPath;
            MessageBus = msgBus;
            worker = new SingleThreadWorker(dumpPath);
            worker.Run(InitRuntime, OnError);

            ClrDumpInfo = ClrDumpInfo.Load(dumpPath);

        private void OnError(Exception ex)
            MessageBus.Log(this, "Failed to initRuntime: " + DumpPath, ex);

        public void InitCache(CancellationToken token)
            cache = new ClrDumpCache(this);

        private void InitRuntime()
            MessageBus.Log(this, "InitRuntime: " + DumpPath);
            using (var locator = DacFinderFactory.CreateDactFinder("DacSymbols"))
                var clrVersion = Target.ClrVersions[0];
                var dacFile = locator.FindDac(clrVersion);
                Runtime = clrVersion.CreateRuntime(dacFile);

        public List<ClrType> GetTypes()
            List<ClrType> t = worker.Eval(() => t = AllTypes);
            return t;

        internal void Destroy()

        internal void Dispose()
            MessageBus.Log(this, $"{nameof(Dispose)}: " + DumpPath);
            logger.Debug("Cache dispose");
            Run(() => Runtime?.DataTarget?.Dispose());

        public ClrType GetClrType(string typeName)
            ClrType t = worker.Eval(() => t = Heap.EnumerateTypes().FirstOrDefault(clrType => clrType.Name == typeName));
            return t;

        public List<ClrTypeStats> GetTypeStats()
            var stats = cache.LoadTypeStat();
            return stats;

        public List<ulong> GetInstances(ClrType type)
            int typeId = cache.GetTypeId(type.Name);
            return GetInstances(typeId);

        public IEnumerable<ulong> EnumerateInstances(ClrType type)
            int typeId = cache.GetTypeId(type.Name);
            return cache.EnumerateInstances(typeId);

        public List<ulong> GetInstances(int typeId)
            var instances = cache.LoadInstances(typeId);
            return instances;

        public int CountInstances(ClrType type)
            int typeId = cache.GetTypeId(type.Name);
            return cache.CountInstances(typeId);

        public ClrType GetType(ulong methodTable)
            var type = Eval(() => Heap.GetTypeByMethodTable(methodTable));
            return type;

        public ClrType GetType(string typeName)
            var type = Eval(() => Heap.GetTypeByName(typeName));
            return type;

        public bool IsString(ClrType type)
            var res = Eval(() => type.IsString);
            return res;
        public bool IsPrimitive(ClrType type)
            var res = Eval(() => type.IsPrimitive);
            return res;

        public T Eval<T>(Func<T> func)
            if (worker.Active)
                return worker.Eval(func);
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Id}: can't run action because worker is not active !");

        public void Run(Action action)
            if (worker.Active)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Id}: can't run action because worker is not active !");

        public object GetSimpleValue(ulong address, ClrType type)
            var obj = Eval(() => GetSimpleValueImpl(address, type));
            return obj;

        private object GetSimpleValueImpl(ulong address, ClrType type)
            if (SimpleValueHelper.IsSimpleValue(type))
                var value = SimpleValueHelper.GetSimpleValue(address, type, false);
                return value;

            return address;

        public object GetFieldValue(ulong address, ClrType type, List<ClrInstanceField> fields)
            var obj = Eval(() => GetFieldValueImpl(address, type, fields));
            return obj;
        public object GetFieldValue(ulong address, ClrType type, List<string> fieldNames)
            var obj = Eval(() => GetFieldValueImpl(address, type, fieldNames));
            return obj;
        public object GetFieldValue(ulong address, ClrType type, ClrInstanceField field)
            var obj = Eval(() => GetFieldValueImpl(address, type, field));
            return obj;

        internal List<FieldInfo> GetFieldInfos(ClrType type)
            List<FieldInfo> fieldNames = Eval(() => GetFieldNamesImpl(type));
            return fieldNames;

        private List<FieldInfo> GetFieldNamesImpl(ClrType type)
            var fieldNames = type.Fields.Select(f => new FieldInfo(f.Name, f.Type)).ToList();
            if (type.IsInterface || type.IsAbstract)
                foreach (var someType in Heap.EnumerateTypes())
                    if (type.IsInterface && someType.Interfaces.Any(interf => interf.Name == type.Name))
                    if (type.IsAbstract && someType.BaseType == type)
            return fieldNames.Distinct().ToList();

        public object GetFieldValueImpl(ulong address, ClrType type, List<ClrInstanceField> fields)
            ClrObject obj = new ClrObject(address, type);

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                var field = fields[i];
                obj = obj[field];
                if (obj.IsNull)
                    return null;

            return obj.HasSimpleValue ? obj.SimpleValue : obj.Address;
        public object GetFieldValueImpl(ulong address, ClrType type, List<string> fieldNames)
            ClrObject obj = new ClrObject(address, type);

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Count; i++)
                var fieldName = fieldNames[i];
                ClrInstanceField field = obj.GetField(fieldName);
                if( field == null)
                    return null;

                obj = obj[field];
                if (obj.IsNull)
                    return null;

            return obj.HasSimpleValue ? obj.SimpleValue : obj.Address;

        public object GetFieldValueImpl(ulong address, ClrType type, ClrInstanceField field)
            ClrObject obj = new ClrObject(address, type);
            var fieldValue = obj[field];
            if (fieldValue.IsNull)
                return null;

            return fieldValue.HasSimpleValue ? fieldValue.SimpleValue : fieldValue.Address;

        public IEnumerable<ulong> EnumerateReferers(ulong address)
            return cache.EnumerateReferers(address);

        public List<ulong> GetReferers(ulong address)
            var referers = cache.LoadReferers(address);
            return referers;

        public bool HasReferers(ulong address)
            var hasReferers = cache.CountReferers(address) > 0;
            return hasReferers;

        public int CountReferers(ulong address)
            var count = cache.CountReferers(address);
            return count;

        public string GetObjectTypeName(ulong address)
            var name = worker.Eval(() =>
                var clrType = Heap.GetObjectType(address);
                return clrType?.Name;
            return name;

        public ClrType GetObjectType(ulong address)
            var clrType = worker.Eval(() => GetObjectTypeImpl(address));
            return clrType;

        public ClrType GetObjectTypeImpl(ulong address)
            var clrType = Heap.GetObjectType(address);
            return clrType;

        private void InitThreadProperties()
            ClrType threadType = GetClrType(typeof(Thread).FullName);
            var threadsInstances = GetInstances(threadType);
            var nameField = threadType.GetFieldByName("m_Name");
            var priorityField = threadType.GetFieldByName("m_Priority");
            var idField = threadType.GetFieldByName("m_ManagedThreadId");

            threadProperties = new Dictionary<int, ThreadProperty>();
            foreach (ulong threadAddress in threadsInstances)
                string name = (string)GetFieldValue(threadAddress, threadType, nameField);
                int priority = (int)GetFieldValue(threadAddress, threadType, priorityField);
                int id = idField != null ? (int)GetFieldValue(threadAddress, threadType, idField) : 0;
                threadProperties[id] = new ThreadProperty
                    Address = threadAddress,
                    ManagedId = id,
                    Priority = priority,
                    Name = name

        public ulong ReadHeapPointer(ulong address)
            ulong value;
            Heap.ReadPointer(address, out value);
            return value;

        public ulong ReadRuntimePointer(ulong address)
            ulong value;
            Runtime.ReadPointer(address, out value);
            return value;

        public ClrMethod GetMethodByHandle(ulong methodDescriptorPtr)
            var meth = Runtime.GetMethodByHandle(methodDescriptorPtr);
            return meth;

        // Find the field in instance at address that references refAddress
        public string GetFieldNameReference(ulong refAddress, ulong address, bool prefixWithType = false)
            return Eval(() => GetFieldNameReferenceImpl(refAddress, address, prefixWithType));

        public string GetFieldNameReferenceImpl(ulong refAddress, ulong address, bool prefixWithType)
            ClrType type = GetObjectTypeImpl(address);
            if (type == null)
                return "Unknown";
            string fieldName = "???";
            ClrObject obj = new ClrObject(address, type);
            if (type.IsArray)
                fieldName = "[ ? ]";
                var length = type.GetArrayLength(address);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    if (obj[i].Address == refAddress)
                        fieldName = $"[ {i} ]";
                foreach (var field in type.Fields)
                    switch (field.ElementType)
                        case ClrElementType.Struct:
                        case ClrElementType.String:
                        case ClrElementType.Array:
                        case ClrElementType.SZArray:
                        case ClrElementType.Object:
                            var fieldValue = obj[field];
                            if (fieldValue.Address == refAddress)
                                fieldName = field.Name;
            if (prefixWithType)
                fieldName = $"{fieldName}@{type.Name}";

            return fieldName;

        public List<BlockingObject> GetBlockingObjects()
            List<BlockingObject> blockingObjects = new List<BlockingObject>();
            CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var token = source.Token;
            MessageBus.BeginTask("Looking for blocking objects...", source);

            int n = 0;
            foreach (var obj in Runtime.Heap.EnumerateBlockingObjects())
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (n % 512 == 0)
                    MessageBus.Status($"Looking for blocking objects: {blockingObjects.Count:###,###,###,##0}");
            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                MessageBus.EndTask($"Blocking objects (cancelled): {blockingObjects.Count:###,###,###,##0} found.");
                MessageBus.EndTask($"Blocking objects: {blockingObjects.Count:###,###,###,##0} found.");
            return blockingObjects;

        public List<ClrRoot> GetClrRoots()
            List<ClrRoot> clrRoots = new List<ClrRoot>();
            CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var token = source.Token;
            MessageBus.BeginTask("Looking for ClrRoots...", source);

            int n = 0;
            foreach (var obj in Runtime.Heap.EnumerateRoots())
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (n % 512 == 0)
                    MessageBus.Status($"Looking for ClrRoots: {clrRoots.Count:###,###,###,##0}");
            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                MessageBus.EndTask($"ClrRoots (cancelled): {clrRoots.Count:###,###,###,##0} found.");
                MessageBus.EndTask($"ClrRoots : {clrRoots.Count:###,###,###,##0} found.");
            return clrRoots;

        public bool HasField(ClrType clrType)
            if (clrType.IsPrimitive)
                return false;
            if (clrType.Fields.Any())
                return true;

            if (clrType.IsInterface && clrType.Methods.Any(meth => meth.Name.StartsWith("get_")))
                return true;

            return false;


    public class ThreadProperty
        public ulong Address { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Priority { get; set; }
        public int ManagedId { get; set; }

    public class FieldInfo : IEquatable<FieldInfo>
        public string Name { get; }
        public ClrType FieldType { get; }
        public FieldInfo(string name, ClrType fieldType)
            Name = name;
            FieldType = fieldType;
        public bool Equals(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
            return fieldInfo.Name == Name && fieldInfo.FieldType.Name == FieldType.Name;
        public override bool Equals(object o )
            return ((IEquatable<FieldInfo>)this).Equals((FieldInfo)o);
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Name.GetHashCode() * 37 + FieldType.Name.GetHashCode();