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package cfg // import jdel.org/gosspks/cfg

import (

    log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

// Version is the current application version.
// This variable is populated when building the binary with:
// -ldflags "-X jdel.org/gosspks/cfg.Version=${VERSION}"
var Version string

// SynoOptions provides options for go-syno library
var SynoOptions *syno.Options
var goSSPKSHome string

var loggerCfg = log.WithFields(log.Fields{
    "module": util.WhereAmI(),

// InitConfig loads the config file according
// to cfgFile and homeDir flags from cmd/root.go
func InitConfig(cfgFile string, homeDir string) {
    // Instantiate goSSPKSHome ASAP
    goSSPKSHome = getOrCreateHome(homeDir)

    if cfgFile != "" {
        // Use config file from the flag if present
    } else {
        // Otherwise use goSSPKSHome from flag if present
        if homeDir != "" {
        } else {
            // Search config in home directory with name gosspks

    // Read the config
    if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
        e, ok := err.(viper.ConfigParseError)
        if ok {

        configFileToWrite := cfgFile
        if cfgFile == "" {
            if homeDir != "" {
                configFileToWrite = filepath.Join(homeDir, "gosspks.yml")
            } else {
                configFileToWrite = filepath.Join(goSSPKSHome, "gosspks.yml")

        loggerCfg.Warn("No config file used, writing ", configFileToWrite, " with default values")
        settings, _ := yaml.Marshal(viper.AllSettings())
        if err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFileToWrite, settings, 0644); err != nil {

    logLevel := parseLogLevel(GetLogLevel())
    loggerCfg.Info("Using config file: ", viper.ConfigFileUsed())

    // Create directories
    cacheDir := GetCacheDir()
    if err := util.CreateDir(cacheDir); err != nil {
        loggerCfg.Error("Couldn't create cache directory ", cacheDir)
    packagesDir := GetPackagesDir()
    if err := util.CreateDir(packagesDir); err != nil {
        loggerCfg.Error("Couldn't create packages directory ", packagesDir)

    loggerCfg.Info("Home is: ", goSSPKSHome)
    loggerCfg.Info("Cache directory is: ", cacheDir)
    loggerCfg.Info("Packages directory is: ", packagesDir)
    // Write the debug.png and png file, always overwrite
    data, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(stc.DebugPackagePng)
    ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(GetCacheDir(), "debug.png"), data, 0664)
    data, _ = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(stc.DefaultPackagePng)
    ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(GetCacheDir(), "default.png"), data, 0664)

    // Make sure it has slashes
    viper.Set("gosspks.router.static", addSlashPrefix(GetStaticPrefix()))
    viper.Set("gosspks.router.download", addSlashPrefix(GetDownloadPrefix()))

    // Set options for go-syno library
    SynoOptions = syno.GetOptions()
    SynoOptions.PackagesDir = packagesDir
    SynoOptions.CacheDir = cacheDir
    SynoOptions.MD5 = GetMD5()

    loggerCfg.Info("Found ", len(GetGPGKeys()), " GPG key(s)")

    // Watch for changes
    viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) {
        loggerCfg.Info("Config file changed: ", e.Name)
        logLevel := parseLogLevel(GetLogLevel())

func parseLogLevel(level string) log.Level {
    var logLevel log.Level
    var err error
    loggerCfg.WithField("log-level", level).Info("Parsing log level")
    if logLevel, err = log.ParseLevel(level); err != nil {
        logLevel = log.ErrorLevel
        loggerCfg.WithField("log-level", level).Error("Cannot parse log level, setting to Error")
    return logLevel

// GetDebugPackage returns true if the
// --debug-package flag is present
func GetDebugPackage() bool {
    return viper.GetBool("gosspks.debug-package")

// GetMD5 returns true if the
// --md5 flag is present
func GetMD5() bool {
    return viper.GetBool("gosspks.md5")

// GetDownloadPrefix returns the prefix
// for download URLs (packages)
func GetDownloadPrefix() string {
    return viper.GetString("gosspks.router.download")

// GetStaticPrefix returns the prefix
// for static URLs (images)
func GetStaticPrefix() string {
    return viper.GetString("gosspks.router.static")

// GetHostName returns the hostname
func GetHostName() string {
    return viper.GetString("gosspks.hostname")

// GetScheme returns the scheme
func GetScheme() string {
    return viper.GetString("gosspks.scheme")

// GetCacheDir returns the cache directory
func GetCacheDir() string {
    cacheDir := viper.GetString("gosspks.filesystem.cache")
    if match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^/", cacheDir); !match {
        return filepath.Join(goSSPKSHome, cacheDir)
    return cacheDir

// GetPackagesDir returns the packages directory
func GetPackagesDir() string {
    packagesDir := viper.GetString("gosspks.filesystem.packages")
    if match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^/", packagesDir); !match {
        return filepath.Join(goSSPKSHome, packagesDir)
    return packagesDir

// GetModelsFile returns the prefix
// for download URLs (packages)
func GetModelsFile() string {
    modelsFile := viper.GetString("gosspks.filesystem.models")
    if match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^/", modelsFile); !match {
        return filepath.Join(goSSPKSHome, modelsFile)
    return modelsFile

// GetPackagesCacheCount returns the number of
// packages collections to cache (one for each language)
func GetPackagesCacheCount() int {
    return viper.GetInt("gosspks.cache.packages.count")

// GetPackagesCacheDuration returns the duration
// of the packages cache
func GetPackagesCacheDuration() time.Duration {
    var err error
    packagesDuration := viper.GetString("gosspks.cache.packages.duration")
    cacheDuration := cache.DefaultCacheDuration
    if cacheDuration, err = time.ParseDuration(packagesDuration); err != nil {
        loggerCfg.Warnf("Cannot parse string %s to duration. Defaulting to %s.", packagesDuration, cache.DefaultCacheDuration)
        return 0
    return cacheDuration

// GetPackagesCacheRefreshRate returns the refresh rate
// of the packages cache
func GetPackagesCacheRefreshRate() time.Duration {
    packagesRefreshRate := viper.GetString("gosspks.cache.packages.refresh")
    cacheDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(packagesRefreshRate)
    if err != nil {
        loggerCfg.Warnf("Cannot parse string %s to duration.", packagesRefreshRate)
        return 0
    return cacheDuration

// GetModelsCacheDuration returns the duration
// of the models cache
func GetModelsCacheDuration() time.Duration {
    var err error
    modelsDuration := viper.GetString("gosspks.cache.models.duration")
    cacheDuration := cache.DefaultCacheDuration
    if cacheDuration, err = time.ParseDuration(modelsDuration); err != nil {
        loggerCfg.Warnf("Cannot parse string %s to duration. Defaulting to %s.", modelsDuration, cache.DefaultCacheDuration)
        return 0
    return cacheDuration

// GetModelsCacheRefreshRate returns the refresh rate
// of the packages cache
func GetModelsCacheRefreshRate() time.Duration {
    modelsRefreshRate := viper.GetString("gosspks.cache.models.refresh")
    cacheDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(modelsRefreshRate)
    if err != nil {
        loggerCfg.Warnf("Cannot parse string %s to duration.", modelsRefreshRate)
        return 0
    return cacheDuration

// GetPort returns the port
// default value is "8080"
func GetPort() string {
    return viper.GetString("gosspks.port")

// GetLogLevel returns the log level.
// default value is "Error"
func GetLogLevel() string {
    return viper.GetString("gosspks.log-level")

// GetGPGKeys returns a []string of GPG keys
// Keys have to be specified as an array in the config file
func GetGPGKeys() []string {
    return viper.GetStringSlice("gosspks.gpg")

// Prefixes a string with / if the string
// doesn't start with /
func addSlashPrefix(value string) string {
    if match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^/", value); !match {
        value = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", value)
    return value

// getOrCreateHome returns .gosspks subdir from
// user's home directory and creates it if required
func getOrCreateHome(goSSPKSHome string) string {
    var home string
    if goSSPKSHome != "" {
        home = goSSPKSHome
    } else {
        usr, err := user.Current()
        if err != nil {
        loggerCfg.Info("Current user: ", usr.Username)
        home = filepath.Join(usr.HomeDir, "/gosspks/")

    if _, err := os.Stat(home); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        if err := util.CreateDir(home); err != nil {
            loggerCfg.Error("Couldn't create home directory ", home)
    return home

func init() {
    // Sets logrus options
    formatter := &log.TextFormatter{
        FullTimestamp:   true,
        TimestampFormat: "06/01/02 15:04:05.000",