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Either re-interrupt this method or rethrow the "InterruptedException" that can be caught here.

        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {

InterruptedExceptions should never be ignored in the code, and simply logging the exception counts in this case as "ignoring". The throwing of the InterruptedException clears the interrupted state of the Thread, so if the exception is not handled properly the fact that the thread was interrupted will be lost. Instead, InterruptedExceptions should either be rethrown - immediately or after cleaning up the method's state - or the thread should be re-interrupted by calling Thread.interrupt() even if this is supposed to be a single-threaded application. Any other course of action risks delaying thread shutdown and loses the information that the thread was interrupted - probably without finishing its task.

Similarly, the ThreadDeath exception should also be propagated. According to its JavaDoc:

If ThreadDeath is caught by a method, it is important that it be rethrown so that the thread actually dies.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void run () {
  try {
    while (true) {
      // do stuff
  }catch (InterruptedException e) { // Noncompliant; logging is not enough
    LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Interrupted!", e);

Compliant Solution

public void run () {
  try {
    while (true) {
      // do stuff
  }catch (InterruptedException e) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Interrupted!", e);
    // Restore interrupted state...


Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal "fieldsMetadata" 4 times.

            result.put("fieldsMetadata", fieldsMetadata);

Duplicated string literals make the process of refactoring error-prone, since you must be sure to update all occurrences.

On the other hand, constants can be referenced from many places, but only need to be updated in a single place.

Noncompliant Code Example

With the default threshold of 3:

public void run() {
  prepare("action1");                              // Noncompliant - "action1" is duplicated 3 times

@SuppressWarning("all")                            // Compliant - annotations are excluded
private void method1() { /* ... */ }
private void method2() { /* ... */ }

public String method3(String a) {
  System.out.println("'" + a + "'");               // Compliant - literal "'" has less than 5 characters and is excluded
  return "";                                       // Compliant - literal "" has less than 5 characters and is excluded

Compliant Solution

private static final String ACTION_1 = "action1";  // Compliant

public void run() {
  prepare(ACTION_1);                               // Compliant


To prevent generating some false-positives, literals having less than 5 characters are excluded.

Add a private constructor to hide the implicit public one.

public class ConfigurationService {

Utility classes, which are collections of static members, are not meant to be instantiated. Even abstract utility classes, which can be extended, should not have public constructors.

Java adds an implicit public constructor to every class which does not define at least one explicitly. Hence, at least one non-public constructor should be defined.

Noncompliant Code Example

class StringUtils { // Noncompliant

  public static String concatenate(String s1, String s2) {
    return s1 + s2;


Compliant Solution

class StringUtils { // Compliant

  private StringUtils() {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");

  public static String concatenate(String s1, String s2) {
    return s1 + s2;



When class contains public static void main(String[] args) method it is not considered as utility class and will be ignored by this rule.

Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 25 to the 15 allowed.

    public void waitForRunToPublishOnTrendReport(int runId, String trendReportId) throws PcException, IOException, InterruptedException {

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how hard the control flow of a method is to understand. Methods with high Cognitive Complexity will be difficult to maintain.


Either re-interrupt this method or rethrow the "InterruptedException" that can be caught here.

        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {

InterruptedExceptions should never be ignored in the code, and simply logging the exception counts in this case as "ignoring". The throwing of the InterruptedException clears the interrupted state of the Thread, so if the exception is not handled properly the fact that the thread was interrupted will be lost. Instead, InterruptedExceptions should either be rethrown - immediately or after cleaning up the method's state - or the thread should be re-interrupted by calling Thread.interrupt() even if this is supposed to be a single-threaded application. Any other course of action risks delaying thread shutdown and loses the information that the thread was interrupted - probably without finishing its task.

Similarly, the ThreadDeath exception should also be propagated. According to its JavaDoc:

If ThreadDeath is caught by a method, it is important that it be rethrown so that the thread actually dies.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void run () {
  try {
    while (true) {
      // do stuff
  }catch (InterruptedException e) { // Noncompliant; logging is not enough
    LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Interrupted!", e);

Compliant Solution

public void run () {
  try {
    while (true) {
      // do stuff
  }catch (InterruptedException e) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Interrupted!", e);
    // Restore interrupted state...


Define and throw a dedicated exception instead of using a generic one.

    public void addProperties(Properties props, String searchStr, Node node) throws Exception {

Using such generic exceptions as Error, RuntimeException, Throwable, and Exception prevents calling methods from handling true, system-generated exceptions differently than application-generated errors.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void foo(String bar) throws Throwable {  // Noncompliant
  throw new RuntimeException("My Message");     // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public void foo(String bar) {
  throw new MyOwnRuntimeException("My Message");


Generic exceptions in the signatures of overriding methods are ignored, because overriding method has to follow signature of the throw declaration in the superclass. The issue will be raised on superclass declaration of the method (or won't be raised at all if superclass is not part of the analysis).

public void myMethod() throws Exception {...}

Generic exceptions are also ignored in the signatures of methods that make calls to methods that throw generic exceptions.

public void myOtherMethod throws Exception {
  doTheThing();  // this method throws Exception


Enable server hostname verification on this SSL/TLS connection.

                    return true;

To establish a SSL/TLS connection not vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, it's essential to make sure the server presents the right certificate.

The certificate's hostname-specific data should match the server hostname.

It's not recommended to re-invent the wheel by implementing custom hostname verification.

TLS/SSL libraries provide built-in hostname verification functions that should be used.

This rule raises an issue when:

  • HostnameVerifier.verify() method always returns true
  • a JavaMail's javax.mail.Session is created with a Properties object having no mail.smtp.ssl.checkserveridentity or mail.smtps.ssl.checkserveridentity not configured to true
  • a Apache Common Emails's org.apache.commons.mail.SimpleEmail is used with setSSLOnConnect(true) or setStartTLSEnabled(true) or setStartTLSRequired(true) without a call to setSSLCheckServerIdentity(true)

Noncompliant Code Example

URL url = new URL("");
HttpsURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();
urlConnection.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
  public boolean verify(String requestedHost, SSLSession remoteServerSession) {
    return true;  // Noncompliant
InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream();

SimpleEmail example:

Email email = new SimpleEmail();
email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator(username, password));
email.setSSLOnConnect(true); // Noncompliant; setSSLCheckServerIdentity(true) should also be called before sending the email

JavaMail's example:

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", ""); // Noncompliant; Session is created without having "mail.smtp.ssl.checkserveridentity" set to true
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.port", "465");
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
  protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    return new PasswordAuthentication("", "password");

Compliant Solution

URL url = new URL("");
HttpsURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();
// Compliant; Use the default HostnameVerifier
InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream();

SimpleEmail example:

Email email = new SimpleEmail();
email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator(username, password));
email.setSSLCheckServerIdentity(true); // Compliant

JavaMail's example:

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.port", "465");
props.put("mail.smtp.ssl.checkserveridentity", true); // Compliant
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
  protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    return new PasswordAuthentication("", "password");


Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 18 to the 15 allowed.

    private JSONObject parseLoginResponse(HttpResponse response, AuthType authType) {

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how hard the control flow of a method is to understand. Methods with high Cognitive Complexity will be difficult to maintain.


Replace the synchronized class "StringBuffer" by an unsynchronized one such as "StringBuilder".

                StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();

Early classes of the Java API, such as Vector, Hashtable and StringBuffer, were synchronized to make them thread-safe. Unfortunately, synchronization has a big negative impact on performance, even when using these collections from a single thread.

It is better to use their new unsynchronized replacements:

  • ArrayList or LinkedList instead of Vector
  • Deque instead of Stack
  • HashMap instead of Hashtable
  • StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer

Even when used in synchronized context, you should think twice before using it, since it's usage can be tricky. If you are confident the usage is legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning.

Noncompliant Code Example

Vector cats = new Vector();

Compliant Solution

ArrayList cats = new ArrayList();


Use of those synchronized classes is ignored in the signatures of overriding methods.

public Vector getCats() {...}

Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.

            System.out.println(requestMethod + " " + connectionUrl + " failed with response code:" + responseCode);

When logging a message there are several important requirements which must be fulfilled:

  • The user must be able to easily retrieve the logs
  • The format of all logged message must be uniform to allow the user to easily read the log
  • Logged data must actually be recorded
  • Sensitive data must only be logged securely

If a program directly writes to the standard outputs, there is absolutely no way to comply with those requirements. That's why defining and using a dedicated logger is highly recommended.

Noncompliant Code Example

System.out.println("My Message");  // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

logger.log("My Message");


Add a nested comment explaining why this method is empty, throw an UnsupportedOperationException or complete the implementation.

    public MigrateAlmCredentialsBuilder() {}

There are several reasons for a method not to have a method body:

  • It is an unintentional omission, and should be fixed to prevent an unexpected behavior in production.
  • It is not yet, or never will be, supported. In this case an UnsupportedOperationException should be thrown.
  • The method is an intentionally-blank override. In this case a nested comment should explain the reason for the blank override.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void doSomething() {

public void doSomethingElse() {

Compliant Solution

public void doSomething() {
  // Do nothing because of X and Y.

public void doSomethingElse() {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


Default (no-argument) constructors are ignored when there are other constructors in the class, as are empty methods in abstract classes.

public abstract class Animal {
  void speak() {  // default implementation ignored

Rename this constant name to match the regular expression '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.

        Alm, FileSystem, LoadRunner

Shared coding conventions allow teams to collaborate efficiently. This rule checks that all constant names match a provided regular expression.

Noncompliant Code Example

With the default regular expression ^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$:

public class MyClass {
  public static final int first = 1;

public enum MyEnum {

Compliant Solution

public class MyClass {
  public static final int FIRST = 1;

public enum MyEnum {

Catch Exception instead of Throwable.

        } catch (Throwable e) {

Throwable is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in Java. Error is the superclass of all errors, which are not meant to be caught by applications.

Catching either Throwable or Error will also catch OutOfMemoryError and InternalError, from which an application should not attempt to recover.

Noncompliant Code Example

try { /* ... */ } catch (Throwable t) { /* ... */ }
try { /* ... */ } catch (Error e) { /* ... */ }

Compliant Solution

try { /* ... */ } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* ... */ }
try { /* ... */ } catch (MyException e) { /* ... */ }


Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 31 to the 15 allowed.

    public void perform(@Nonnull Run<?, ?> build, @Nonnull FilePath filePath, @Nonnull Launcher launcher, @Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException {

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how hard the control flow of a method is to understand. Methods with high Cognitive Complexity will be difficult to maintain.


A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "pipelineTaggingFeature" is nullable here.

            fieldMetadataJSON.put("extensible", pipelineTaggingFeature.get("extensibility"));

A reference to null should never be dereferenced/accessed. Doing so will cause a NullPointerException to be thrown. At best, such an exception will cause abrupt program termination. At worst, it could expose debugging information that would be useful to an attacker, or it could allow an attacker to bypass security measures.

Note that when they are present, this rule takes advantage of @CheckForNull and @Nonnull annotations defined in JSR-305 to understand which values are and are not nullable except when @Nonnull is used on the parameter to equals, which by contract should always work with null.

Noncompliant Code Example

String getName(){...}

public boolean isNameEmpty() {
  return getName().length() == 0; // Noncompliant; the result of getName() could be null, but isn't null-checked
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
  conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL,USER,PASS);
  stmt = conn.createStatement();
  // ...

}catch(Exception e){
  stmt.close();   // Noncompliant; stmt could be null if an exception was thrown in the try{} block
  conn.close();  // Noncompliant; conn could be null if an exception was thrown
private void merge(@Nonnull Color firstColor, @Nonnull Color secondColor){...}

public  void append(@CheckForNull Color color) {
    merge(currentColor, color);  // Noncompliant; color should be null-checked because merge(...) doesn't accept nullable parameters
void paint(Color color) {
  if(color == null) {
    System.out.println("Unable to apply color " + color.toString());  // Noncompliant; NullPointerException will be thrown


Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 19 to the 15 allowed.

    public static List<String> getTests(String rawTestString) {

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how hard the control flow of a method is to understand. Methods with high Cognitive Complexity will be difficult to maintain.


Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.

                System.out.println("WARN::INVALIDE JSON Object" + e.getMessage());

When logging a message there are several important requirements which must be fulfilled:

  • The user must be able to easily retrieve the logs
  • The format of all logged message must be uniform to allow the user to easily read the log
  • Logged data must actually be recorded
  • Sensitive data must only be logged securely

If a program directly writes to the standard outputs, there is absolutely no way to comply with those requirements. That's why defining and using a dedicated logger is highly recommended.

Noncompliant Code Example

System.out.println("My Message");  // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

logger.log("My Message");


Constructor has 19 parameters, which is greater than 7 authorized.

    public RunFromAlmBuilder(

A long parameter list can indicate that a new structure should be created to wrap the numerous parameters or that the function is doing too many things.

Noncompliant Code Example

With a maximum number of 4 parameters:

public void doSomething(int param1, int param2, int param3, String param4, long param5) {

Compliant Solution

public void doSomething(int param1, int param2, int param3, String param4) {


Methods annotated with :

  • Spring's @RequestMapping (and related shortcut annotations, like @GetRequest)
  • JAX-RS API annotations (like
  • Bean constructor injection with @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
  • CDI constructor injection with @javax.inject.Inject
  • @com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator

may have a lot of parameters, encapsulation being possible. Such methods are therefore ignored.

Extract this nested try block into a separate method.

                    try {

Nesting try/catch blocks severely impacts the readability of source code because it makes it too difficult to understand which block will catch which exception.

Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 26 to the 15 allowed.

    private static FlowNode lookupJobEnclosingNode(Run targetRun, WorkflowRun parentRun) {

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how hard the control flow of a method is to understand. Methods with high Cognitive Complexity will be difficult to maintain.

