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package command

import (



    log ""

const subArticlesLimit int = 50
const updateFailedMsg string = "失敗,請嘗試封鎖再解封鎖,並重新執行註冊步驟。\n若問題未解決,請至粉絲團或 LINE 首頁留言。"

var inputErrorTips = []string{
    "1. 需以空白分隔動作、板名、參數",
    "2. 板名欄位開頭與結尾不可有逗號",
    "3. 板名欄位間不允許空白字元。",

// Commands is commands documents
var Commands = map[string]map[string]string{
    "一般": {
        "指令": "可使用的指令清單",
        "清單": "設定的看板、關鍵字、作者",
        "排行": "前五名追蹤的關鍵字、作者",
    "關鍵字相關": {
        "新增 看板 關鍵字": "新增追蹤關鍵字",
        "刪除 看板 關鍵字": "取消追蹤關鍵字",
        "範例":        "新增 gossiping,movie 金城武,結衣",
    "作者相關": {
        "新增作者 看板 作者": "新增追蹤作者",
        "刪除作者 看板 作者": "取消追蹤作者",
        "範例":         "新增作者 gossiping ffaarr,obov",
    "推噓文數相關": {
        "新增(推/噓)文數 看板 總數": "通知推或噓文數",
        "範例":              "新增推文數 joke,beauty 10",
        "歸零即刪除":           "新增噓文數 joke 0",
    "推文相關": {
        "新增推文 網址": "新增推文追蹤",
        "刪除推文 網址": "刪除推文追蹤",
        "範例":      "新增推文",
    "進階應用": {
        "參考連結": "",

var commandActionMap = map[string]updateAction{
    "新增":    addKeywords,
    "刪除":    removeKeywords,
    "新增作者":  addAuthors,
    "刪除作者":  removeAuthors,
    "新增推文":  addArticles,
    "刪除推文":  removeArticles,
    "新增推文數": updatePushUp,
    "新增噓文數": updatePushDown,

// HandleCommand handles command from chatbot
func HandleCommand(text string, userID string, isUser bool) string {
    command := strings.ToLower(strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(text))[0])
    if isUser {
            "account": userID,
            "command": command,
        }).Info("Command Request")
    switch command {
    case "debug":
        return handleDebug(userID)
    case "清單", "list":
        return handleList(userID)
    case "指令", "help":
        return stringCommands()
    case "排行", "ranking":
        return listTop()
    case "新增", "刪除":
        re := regexp.MustCompile("^(新增|刪除)\\s+([^,,][\\w-_,,\\.]*[^,,:\\s]):?\\s+(\\*|.*[^\\s])")
        if matched := re.MatchString(text); !matched {
            errorTips := inputErrorTips
            additionalTips := []string{
                command + " gossiping,lol 問卦,爆卦",
            errorTips = append(errorTips, additionalTips...)
            return strings.Join(errorTips, "\n")
        args := re.FindStringSubmatch(text)
        result, err := handleKeyword(command, userID, args[2], args[3])
        if err != nil {
            return err.Error()
        return result
    case "新增作者", "刪除作者":
        re := regexp.MustCompile("^(新增作者|刪除作者)\\s+([^,,][\\w-_,,\\.]*[^,,:\\s]):?\\s+(\\*|[\\s,\\w]+)$")
        matched := re.MatchString(text)
        if !matched {
            errorTips := inputErrorTips
            additionalTips := []string{
                "4. 作者為半形英文與數字組成。",
                command + " gossiping,lol ffaarr,obov",
            errorTips = append(errorTips, additionalTips...)
            return strings.Join(errorTips, "\n")
        args := re.FindStringSubmatch(text)
        result, err := handleAuthor(command, userID, args[2], args[3])
        if err != nil {
            return err.Error()
        return result
    case "新增推文數", "新增噓文數":
        re := regexp.MustCompile("^(新增推文數|新增噓文數)\\s+([^,,][\\w-_,,\\.]*[^,,:\\s]):?\\s+(100|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])$")
        matched := re.MatchString(text)
        if !matched {
            errorTips := inputErrorTips
            additionalTips := []string{
                "4. 推噓文數需為介於 0-100 的數字",
                command + " gossiping,beauty 100",
            errorTips = append(errorTips, additionalTips...)
            return strings.Join(errorTips, "\n")
        args := re.FindStringSubmatch(text)
        result, err := handlePushSum(command, userID, args[2], args[3])
        if err != nil {
            return err.Error()
        return result
    case "新增推文", "刪除推文":
        re := regexp.MustCompile("^(新增推文|刪除推文)\\s+https?://[\\w-_]*)/(M\\.\\d+.A.\\w*)\\.html$")
        matched := re.MatchString(text)
        if !matched {
            errorTips := []string{
                "1. 網址與指令需至少一個空白。",
                "2. 網址錯誤格式。",
                command + "",
            return strings.Join(errorTips, "\n")
        args := re.FindStringSubmatch(text)
        result, err := handleComment(command, userID, args[2], args[3])
        if err != nil {
            return err.Error()
        return result
    case "清理推文":
        return cleanCommentList(userID)
    case "推文清單":
        return handleCommentList(userID)
    case "add", "del":
        return handleCommandLine(userID, command, text)
    if !isUser {
        return ""
    return "無此指令,請打「指令」查看指令清單"

func handleCommandLine(userID, command, text string) string {
    var keywordStr, authorStr, push, boo string
    cl := flag.NewFlagSet("Ptt Alertor: <add|del> <-flag <argument>> <board> [board...]\nexample: add -k ptt -a chodino -p 10 ezsoft", flag.ContinueOnError)
    bf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    cl.StringVar(&keywordStr, "keyword", "", "keywords: <keyword>[,keyword...]")
    cl.StringVar(&keywordStr, "k", "", "abbr. of keyword")
    cl.StringVar(&authorStr, "author", "", "authors: <author>[,author...]")
    cl.StringVar(&authorStr, "a", "", "abbr. of author")
    cl.StringVar(&push, "push", "", "number of push's sum: <sum>")
    cl.StringVar(&push, "p", "", "abbr. of push")
    cl.StringVar(&boo, "boo", "", "number of boo's sum: <sum>")
    cl.StringVar(&boo, "b", "", "abbr. of boo")

    args := strings.Fields(text)
    err := cl.Parse(args[1:])
    boardStrs := cl.Args()
    for i := 0; i < len(boardStrs); i++ {
        boardStrs[i] = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Trim(boardStrs[i], ","))
    boardStr := strings.Join(boardStrs, ",")
    if bf.Len() != 0 {
        return bf.String()
    if cl.NFlag() == 0 {
        return "未指定參數。輸入 " + command + " -h 查看參數列表。"
    if boardStr == "" {
        errorTips := []string{
            "範例:add -k ptt -a chodino -p 10 ezsoft",
            "輸入 " + command + " -h 查看提示訊息。",
        return strings.Join(errorTips, "\n")

    log.WithField("command", text).Info("Command Line Request")

    var commandPrefix string
    switch command {
    case "add":
        commandPrefix = "新增"
    case "del":
        commandPrefix = "刪除"

    var errMsgs myutil.StringSlice
    if keywordStr != "" {
        command = commandPrefix
        _, err = handleKeyword(command, userID, boardStr, keywordStr)
        if err != nil {
            errMsgs.AppendNonRepeatElement(err.Error(), false)
    if authorStr != "" {
        command = commandPrefix + "作者"
        _, err = handleAuthor(command, userID, boardStr, authorStr)
        if err != nil {
            errMsgs.AppendNonRepeatElement(err.Error(), false)
    if push != "" {
        if commandPrefix == "刪除" {
            push = "0"
        command = "新增推文數"
        _, err = handlePushSum(command, userID, boardStr, push)
        if err != nil {
            errMsgs.AppendNonRepeatElement(err.Error(), false)
    if boo != "" {
        if commandPrefix == "刪除" {
            boo = "0"
        command = "新增噓文數"
        _, err = handlePushSum(command, userID, boardStr, boo)
        if err != nil {
            errMsgs.AppendNonRepeatElement(err.Error(), false)
    if len(errMsgs) != 0 {
        return strings.Join([]string(errMsgs), "\n")
    return commandPrefix + "成功。"

func handleDebug(account string) string {
    return models.User().Find(account).Profile.Account

func handleList(account string) string {
    subs := models.User().Find(account).Subscribes
    if len(subs) == 0 {
        return "尚未建立清單。請打「指令」查看新增方法。"
    return subs.String()

func cleanCommentList(account string) string {
    var i int
    for _, sub := range models.User().Find(account).Subscribes {
        for _, code := range sub.Articles {
            article := models.Article()
            article.Code = code
            bl, err := article.Exist()
            if err != nil {
                return "清理推文失敗,請洽至粉絲團或 LINE 首頁留言。"
            if !bl {
                update(removeArticles, account, []string{sub.Board}, code)
    return fmt.Sprintf("清理 %d 則推文", i)

func handleCommentList(account string) string {
    subs := models.User().Find(account).Subscribes
    if len(subs) == 0 {
        return "尚未建立清單。請打「指令」查看新增方法。"
    return "推文追蹤清單,上限 50 篇:\n" + subs.StringCommentList() + "\n輸入「清理推文」,可刪除無效連結。"

func stringCommands() string {
    str := ""
    for cat, cmds := range Commands {
        str += "[" + cat + "]\n"
        for cmd, doc := range cmds {
            str += cmd
            if doc != "" {
                str += ":" + doc
            str += "\n"
        str += "\n"
    return strings.TrimSpace(str)

func listTop() string {
    content := "關鍵字"
    for i, keyword := range top.ListKeywords(5) {
        content += fmt.Sprintf("\n%d. %s", i+1, keyword)
    content += "\n----\n作者"
    for i, author := range top.ListAuthors(5) {
        content += fmt.Sprintf("\n%d. %s", i+1, author)
    content += "\n----\n推噓文"
    for i, pushSum := range top.ListPushSum(5) {
        content += fmt.Sprintf("\n%d. %s", i+1, pushSum)
    content += "\n\nTOP 100:\n"
    return content

func handleKeyword(command, userID, board, keywordStr string) (string, error) {
    boardNames := splitParamString(board)
    input := keywordStr
    var inputs []string
    if strings.HasPrefix(input, "regexp:") {
        if !checkRegexp(input) {
            return "", errors.New("正規表示式錯誤,請檢查規則。")
        inputs = []string{keywordStr}
    } else {
        inputs = splitParamString(keywordStr)
        "id":      userID,
        "command": command,
        "boards":  boardNames,
        "words":   inputs,
    }).Info("Keyword Command")
    err := update(commandActionMap[command], userID, boardNames, inputs...)
    if msg, ok := checkBoardError(err); ok {
        return "", errors.New(msg)
    if err != nil {
        log.WithError(err).Error("Keyword Command Failed")
        return "", errors.New(command + updateFailedMsg)
    return command + "成功", nil

func handleAuthor(command, userID, board, authorStr string) (string, error) {
    if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString("^(\\*|[\\s,\\w]+)$", authorStr); !ok {
        return "", errors.New("作者為半形英文與數字組成。")
    boardNames := splitParamString(board)
    authors := splitParamString(authorStr)
        "id":      userID,
        "command": command,
        "boards":  boardNames,
        "words":   authors,
    }).Info("Author Command")
    err := update(commandActionMap[command], userID, boardNames, authors...)
    if msg, ok := checkBoardError(err); ok {
        return "", errors.New(msg)
    if err != nil {
        log.WithError(err).Error("Author Command Failed")
        return "", errors.New(command + updateFailedMsg)
    return command + "成功", nil

func handlePushSum(command, account, board, sumStr string) (string, error) {
    if sum, err := strconv.Atoi(sumStr); err != nil || sum < 0 || sum > 100 {
        return "", errors.New("推噓文數需為介於 0-100 的數字")
    boardNames := splitParamString(board)
        "id":      account,
        "command": command,
        "boards":  boardNames,
        "words":   sumStr,
    }).Info("PushSum Command")
    for _, boardName := range boardNames {
        if strings.EqualFold(boardName, "allpost") {
            return "", errors.New("推文數通知不支持 ALLPOST 板。")
    err := update(commandActionMap[command], account, boardNames, sumStr)
    if msg, ok := checkBoardError(err); ok {
        return "", errors.New(msg)
    if err != nil {
        log.WithError(err).Error("PushSum Command Failed")
        return "", errors.New(command + updateFailedMsg)
    return command + "成功", nil

func handleComment(command, userID, boardName, articleCode string) (string, error) {
        "id":      userID,
        "command": command,
        "boards":  boardName,
        "words":   articleCode,
    }).Info("Comment Command")
    if strings.EqualFold(command, "新增推文") {
        if !checkArticleExist(boardName, articleCode) {
            return "", errors.New("文章不存在")
        if countUserArticles(userID) >= subArticlesLimit {
            return "", errors.New("推文追蹤最多 50 篇,輸入「推文清單」,整理追蹤列表。")
    err := update(commandActionMap[command], userID, []string{boardName}, articleCode)
    if err != nil {
        log.WithError(err).Error("Comment Command Failed")
        return "", errors.New(command + updateFailedMsg)
    return command + "成功", nil

func countUserArticles(account string) (cnt int) {
    for _, sub := range models.User().Find(account).Subscribes {
        cnt += len(sub.Articles)
    return cnt

func checkArticleExist(boardName, articleCode string) bool {
    a := models.Article()
    a.Code = articleCode
    if bl, _ := a.Exist(); bl {
        return true
    if web.CheckArticleExist(boardName, articleCode) {
        a.Board = boardName
        return true
    return false

func initialArticle(a *article.Article) error {
    atcl, err := web.FetchArticle(a.Board, a.Code)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    a.Link = atcl.Link
    a.Title = atcl.Title
    a.ID = atcl.ID
    a.LastPushDateTime = atcl.LastPushDateTime
    a.Comments = atcl.Comments
    return a.Save()

func checkBoardError(err error) (string, bool) {
    if bErr, ok := err.(board.BoardNotExistError); ok {
        return "板名錯誤,請確認拼字。可能板名:\n" + bErr.Suggestion, true
    return "", false

func checkRegexp(input string) bool {
    pattern := strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(input, "regexp:"), "//", "////", -1)
    _, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
    if err != nil {
        return false
    return true

func splitParamString(paramString string) (params []string) {
    paramString = strings.Trim(paramString, ",,")
    if !strings.ContainsAny(paramString, ",,") {
        return []string{paramString}

    if strings.Contains(paramString, ",") {
        params = strings.Split(paramString, ",")
    } else {
        params = []string{paramString}

    for i := 0; i < len(params); i++ {
        if strings.Contains(params[i], ",") {
            params = append(params[:i], append(strings.Split(params[i], ","), params[i+1:]...)...)

    for i, param := range params {
        params[i] = strings.TrimSpace(param)

    return params

func update(action updateAction, account string, boardNames []string, inputs ...string) error {
    u := models.User().Find(account)
    if boardNames[0] == "**" {
        boardNames = nil
        for _, uSub := range u.Subscribes {
            boardNames = append(boardNames, uSub.Board)
    for _, boardName := range boardNames {
        sub := subscription.Subscription{
            Board: strings.ToLower(boardName),
        err := action(&u, sub, inputs...)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        err = u.Update()
        if err != nil {
            log.WithError(err).Error("Subscription Update Error")
            return err
    return nil

func HandleLineFollow(id, accountType string) error {
    u := models.User().Find(id)
    u.Profile.Line, u.Profile.Type = id, accountType
        "id":       id,
        "type":     accountType,
        "platform": "line",
    }).Info("User Join")
    return handleFollow(u)

func HandleMessengerFollow(id string) error {
    u := models.User().Find(id)
    u.Profile.Messenger = id
        "id":       id,
        "platform": "messenger",
    }).Info("User Join")
    return handleFollow(u)

func HandleTelegramFollow(id string, chatID int64) error {
    u := models.User().Find(id)
    u.Profile.Telegram = id
    u.Profile.TelegramChat = chatID
        "id":       id,
        "platform": "telegram",
    }).Info("User Join")
    return handleFollow(u)

func handleFollow(u user.User) error {
    if u.Profile.Account != "" {
        u.Enable = true
    } else {
        if u.Profile.Messenger != "" {
            u.Profile.Account = u.Profile.Messenger
        if u.Profile.Line != "" {
            u.Profile.Account = u.Profile.Line
        if u.Profile.Telegram != "" {
            u.Profile.Account = u.Profile.Telegram
        u.Enable = true
        err := u.Save()
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil