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Showing 2,526 of 2,542 total issues

File CoreTestCaseReadAllMedium.cs has 2040 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
Severity: Major
Found in eFormSDK.Integration.Case.CoreTests/CoreTestCaseReadAllMedium.cs - About 5 days to fix

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

            public async Task SQL_EntityGroup_EntityGroupUpdateName_UpdatesEnityGroupName()
                // Arrance
    eFormSDK.Integration.Base.SqlControllerTests/SqlControllerTestEntity.cs on lines 3164..3636

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 2723.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

            public async Task SQL_EntityGroup_EntityGroupUpdate_UpdatesEntityGroup()
                // Arrance
    eFormSDK.Integration.Base.SqlControllerTests/SqlControllerTestEntity.cs on lines 3639..4109

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 2723.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    File 20201222125152_HugheTableRenaming.cs has 1995 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    using System;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
    namespace Microting.eForm.Migrations
    Severity: Major
    Found in eFormCore/Migrations/20201222125152_HugheTableRenaming.cs - About 5 days to fix

      File CoreTesteFormFromXML.cs has 1904 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      using System;
      using System.IO;
      using System.Linq;
      using System.Reflection;
      using System.Threading.Tasks;
      Severity: Major
      Found in eFormSDK.Integration.CheckLists.CoreTests/CoreTesteFormFromXML.cs - About 5 days to fix

        Method Up has 1026 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
                    //Setup for SQL Server Provider
                    string autoIDGenStrategy = "SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy";
        Severity: Major
        Found in eFormCore/Migrations/20180810124416_InitialCreate.cs - About 5 days to fix

          File 20200620171527_AddingExcelExportEnabledToCheckList.Designer.cs has 1831 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

          using System;
          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

            File 20200701101500_LettingSurveyConfigurationIdBeNullable.Designer.cs has 1830 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

            using System;
            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

              File 20200513142551_AddingFolderIdToCasesAndCheckListSites.Designer.cs has 1829 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

              using System;
              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                File 20200617160004_ChangingOptionsIndexToOptionIndex.Designer.cs has 1829 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                using System;
                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                  File 20200226182616_MakingNextQuestionIdNullable.Designer.cs has 1818 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                  using System;
                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                    File 20200224092512_AddingMoreAttributesToUnits.Designer.cs has 1818 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                    using System;
                    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                      File 20200427095029_AdjustTimeToUTC.Designer.cs has 1817 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                      using System;
                      using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                      using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                      using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                      using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
                      Severity: Major
                      Found in eFormCore/Migrations/20200427095029_AdjustTimeToUTC.Designer.cs - About 4 days to fix

                        File 20200318150742_MakingUnitIdNullableForAnswers.Designer.cs has 1817 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                        using System;
                        using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                        using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                        using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                        using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                          File 20200120171433_AddingMicrotingUidToInSight.Designer.cs has 1803 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                          using System;
                          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                          using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                            File 20200224084023_AddingAttributesToUnits.Designer.cs has 1800 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                            using System;
                            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                            using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                              File 20200120164857_AddingTranslationsToInSight.Designer.cs has 1797 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                              using System;
                              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                              using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                                File 20200222140656_AddinDisplayIndexToOptions.Designer.cs has 1796 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                using System;
                                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                                using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                                  File 20200122103229_ChangingValueToBeStringForAnswerValue.Designer.cs has 1794 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                  using System;
                                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
                                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
                                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
                                  using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

                                    Method Core_EntityGroup_Advanced_EntityGroupAll_ReturnsEntityGroupsPaged has 922 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                            public async Task Core_EntityGroup_Advanced_EntityGroupAll_ReturnsEntityGroupsPaged()
                                                // Arrance
                                    Severity: Major
                                    Found in eFormSDK.Integration.Base.CoreTests/CoreTestEntity.cs - About 4 days to fix