Created on 2nd August 2018
:author: Alan Greer
import copy
import logging
from odin_data.control.odin_data_adapter import OdinDataAdapter
class FrameReceiverAdapter(OdinDataAdapter):
OdinDataAdapter class
This class provides the adapter interface between the ODIN server and the ODIN-DATA detector system,
transforming the REST-like API HTTP verbs into the appropriate frameProcessor ZeroMQ control messages
VERSION_CHECK_CONFIG_ITEMS = ['decoder_path', 'decoder_type']
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initialise the OdinDataAdapter object
:param kwargs:
logging.debug("FrameReceiverAdapter init called")
super(FrameReceiverAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._decoder_config = []
for ep in self._endpoints:
def require_version_check(self, param):
# If the parameter is in the version check list then request a version update
return True
return False
def send_to_clients(self, request_command, parameters, client_index=-1):
Intercept the base class send_to_clients method.
Keep a record of any decoder specific configuration items and then if a single decoder config
item is later changed send the full decoder configuration to the Frame Receiver application.
This is necessary as often a decoder config change will result in the complete tear down and re-init
of the Decoder class and so a full and consistent set of decoder config parameters are required.
:param request_command:
:param parameters:
:param client_index:
logging.debug("Original index: {} request_command: {} and parameters: {}".format(client_index, request_command, parameters))
command, parameters = self.uri_params_to_dictionary(request_command, parameters)
decoder_config = None
if command is None:
if 'decoder_config' in parameters:
logging.debug("Found decoder config: {}".format(parameters['decoder_config']))
decoder_config = parameters['decoder_config']
elif command == 'decoder_config':
logging.debug("Found decoder config: {}".format(parameters))
decoder_config = parameters
if decoder_config is not None:
if client_index == -1:
for index in range(len(self._decoder_config)):
if self._decoder_config[index] is None:
self._decoder_config[index] = decoder_config
for item in decoder_config:
self._decoder_config[index][item] = decoder_config[item]
if self._decoder_config[client_index] is None:
self._decoder_config[client_index] = decoder_config
for item in decoder_config:
self._decoder_config[client_index][item] = decoder_config[item]
# Now construct the new full message, inserting the full decoder config back into the parameters
if client_index == -1:
new_param_set = []
# Loop over each decoder config item and send a list of commands
for dc in self._decoder_config:
if command is None:
if 'decoder_config' in parameters and dc is not None:
parameters['decoder_config'] = dc
elif command == 'decoder_config':
parameters = dc
if command is None:
if 'decoder_config' in parameters and self._decoder_config[client_index] is not None:
parameters['decoder_config'] = self._decoder_config[client_index]
elif command == 'decoder_config':
parameters = self._decoder_config[client_index]
new_param_set = parameters
logging.debug("Updated full command: {} and parameter set: {}".format(command, new_param_set))
return super(FrameReceiverAdapter, self).send_to_clients(command, new_param_set, client_index)