

1 day
Test Coverage
// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Ozan Hacıbekiroğlu.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT License
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package ugo

import (


const (
    // True represents a true value.
    True = Bool(true)

    // False represents a false value.
    False = Bool(false)

var (
    // Undefined represents undefined value.
    Undefined Object = &UndefinedType{}

// Object represents an object in the VM.
type Object interface {
    // TypeName should return the name of the type.
    TypeName() string

    // String should return a string of the type's value.
    String() string

    // BinaryOp handles +,-,*,/,%,<<,>>,<=,>=,<,> operators.
    // Returned error stops VM execution if not handled with an error handler
    // and VM.Run returns the same error as wrapped.
    BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error)

    // IsFalsy returns true if value is falsy otherwise false.
    IsFalsy() bool

    // Equal checks equality of objects.
    Equal(right Object) bool

    // Call is called from VM if CanCall() returns true. Check the number of
    // arguments provided and their types in the method. Returned error stops VM
    // execution if not handled with an error handler and VM.Run returns the
    // same error as wrapped.
    Call(args ...Object) (Object, error)

    // CanCall returns true if type can be called with Call() method.
    // VM returns an error if one tries to call a noncallable object.
    CanCall() bool

    // Iterate should return an Iterator for the type.
    Iterate() Iterator

    // CanIterate should return whether the Object can be Iterated.
    CanIterate() bool

    // IndexGet should take an index Object and return a result Object or an
    // error for indexable objects. Indexable is an object that can take an
    // index and return an object. Returned error stops VM execution if not
    // handled with an error handler and VM.Run returns the same error as
    // wrapped. If Object is not indexable, ErrNotIndexable should be returned
    // as error.
    IndexGet(index Object) (value Object, err error)

    // IndexSet should take an index Object and a value Object for index
    // assignable objects. Index assignable is an object that can take an index
    // and a value on the left-hand side of the assignment statement. If Object
    // is not index assignable, ErrNotIndexAssignable should be returned as
    // error. Returned error stops VM execution if not handled with an error
    // handler and VM.Run returns the same error as wrapped.
    IndexSet(index, value Object) error

// Copier wraps the Copy method to create a deep copy of the object.
type Copier interface {
    Copy() Object

// IndexDeleter wraps the IndexDelete method to delete an index of an object.
type IndexDeleter interface {
    IndexDelete(Object) error

// LengthGetter wraps the Len method to get the number of elements of an object.
type LengthGetter interface {
    Len() int

// ExCallerObject is an interface for objects that can be called with CallEx
// method. It is an extended version of the Call method that can be used to
// call an object with a Call struct. Objects implementing this interface is
// called with CallEx method instead of Call method.
// Note that CanCall() should return true for objects implementing this
// interface.
type ExCallerObject interface {
    CallEx(c Call) (Object, error)

// NameCallerObject is an interface for objects that can be called with CallName
// method to call a method of an object. Objects implementing this interface can
// reduce allocations by not creating a callable object for each method call.
type NameCallerObject interface {
    CallName(name string, c Call) (Object, error)

// Call is a struct to pass arguments to CallEx and CallName methods.
// It provides VM for various purposes.
// Call struct intentionally does not provide access to normal and variadic
// arguments directly. Using Len() and Get() methods is preferred. It is safe to
// create Call with a nil VM as long as VM is not required by the callee.
type Call struct {
    vm    *VM
    args  []Object
    vargs []Object

// NewCall creates a new Call struct with the given arguments.
func NewCall(vm *VM, args []Object, vargs ...Object) Call {
    return Call{
        vm:    vm,
        args:  args,
        vargs: vargs,

// VM returns the VM of the call.
func (c *Call) VM() *VM {
    return c.vm

// Get returns the nth argument. If n is greater than the number of arguments,
// it returns the nth variadic argument.
// If n is greater than the number of arguments and variadic arguments, it
// panics!
func (c *Call) Get(n int) Object {
    if n < len(c.args) {
        return c.args[n]
    return c.vargs[n-len(c.args)]

// Len returns the number of arguments including variadic arguments.
func (c *Call) Len() int {
    return len(c.args) + len(c.vargs)

// CheckLen checks the number of arguments and variadic arguments. If the number
// of arguments is not equal to n, it returns an error.
func (c *Call) CheckLen(n int) error {
    if n != c.Len() {
        return ErrWrongNumArguments.NewError(
            fmt.Sprintf("want=%d got=%d", n, c.Len()),
    return nil

// shift returns the first argument and removes it from the arguments.
// It updates the arguments and variadic arguments accordingly.
// If it cannot shift, it returns nil and false.
func (c *Call) shift() (Object, bool) {
    if len(c.args) == 0 {
        if len(c.vargs) == 0 {
            return nil, false
        v := c.vargs[0]
        c.vargs = c.vargs[1:]
        return v, true
    v := c.args[0]
    c.args = c.args[1:]
    return v, true

func (c *Call) callArgs() []Object {
    if len(c.args) == 0 {
        return c.vargs
    args := make([]Object, 0, c.Len())
    args = append(args, c.args...)
    args = append(args, c.vargs...)
    return args

// ObjectImpl is the basic Object implementation and it does not nothing, and
// helps to implement Object interface by embedding and overriding methods in
// custom implementations. String and TypeName must be implemented otherwise
// calling these methods causes panic.
type ObjectImpl struct{}

var _ Object = ObjectImpl{}

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) TypeName() string {

// String implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) String() string {

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) Equal(Object) bool { return false }

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) IsFalsy() bool { return true }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) Call(_ ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) CanIterate() bool { return false }

// Iterate implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) Iterate() Iterator { return nil }

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) IndexGet(index Object) (value Object, err error) {
    return nil, ErrNotIndexable

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    return ErrNotIndexAssignable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (ObjectImpl) BinaryOp(_ token.Token, _ Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrInvalidOperator

// UndefinedType represents the type of global Undefined Object. One should use
// the UndefinedType in type switches only.
type UndefinedType struct {

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (o *UndefinedType) TypeName() string {
    return "undefined"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o *UndefinedType) String() string {
    return "undefined"

// Call implements Object interface.
func (*UndefinedType) Call(_ ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o *UndefinedType) Equal(right Object) bool {
    return right == Undefined

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o *UndefinedType) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    switch right.(type) {
    case *UndefinedType:
        switch tok {
        case token.Less, token.Greater:
            return False, nil
        case token.LessEq, token.GreaterEq:
            return True, nil
        switch tok {
        case token.Less, token.LessEq:
            return True, nil
        case token.Greater, token.GreaterEq:
            return False, nil
    return nil, NewOperandTypeError(

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (*UndefinedType) IndexGet(key Object) (Object, error) {
    return Undefined, nil

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (*UndefinedType) IndexSet(key, value Object) error {
    return ErrNotIndexAssignable

// Bool represents boolean values and implements Object interface.
type Bool bool

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (Bool) TypeName() string {
    return "bool"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o Bool) String() string {
    if o {
        return "true"
    return "false"

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o Bool) Equal(right Object) bool {
    if v, ok := right.(Bool); ok {
        return o == v

    if v, ok := right.(Int); ok {
        return bool((o && v == 1) || (!o && v == 0))

    if v, ok := right.(Uint); ok {
        return bool((o && v == 1) || (!o && v == 0))
    return false

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o Bool) IsFalsy() bool { return bool(!o) }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (Bool) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (Bool) Call(_ ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (Bool) CanIterate() bool { return false }

// Iterate implements Object interface.
func (Bool) Iterate() Iterator { return nil }

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (Bool) IndexGet(index Object) (value Object, err error) {
    return nil, ErrNotIndexable

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (Bool) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    return ErrNotIndexAssignable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o Bool) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    bval := Int(0)
    if o {
        bval = Int(1)
    switch v := right.(type) {
    case Int:
        switch tok {
        case token.Add:
            return bval + v, nil
        case token.Sub:
            return bval - v, nil
        case token.Mul:
            return bval * v, nil
        case token.Quo:
            if v == 0 {
                return nil, ErrZeroDivision
            return bval / v, nil
        case token.Rem:
            return bval % v, nil
        case token.And:
            return bval & v, nil
        case token.Or:
            return bval | v, nil
        case token.Xor:
            return bval ^ v, nil
        case token.AndNot:
            return bval &^ v, nil
        case token.Shl:
            return bval << v, nil
        case token.Shr:
            return bval >> v, nil
        case token.Less:
            return Bool(bval < v), nil
        case token.LessEq:
            return Bool(bval <= v), nil
        case token.Greater:
            return Bool(bval > v), nil
        case token.GreaterEq:
            return Bool(bval >= v), nil
    case Uint:
        bval := Uint(bval)
        switch tok {
        case token.Add:
            return bval + v, nil
        case token.Sub:
            return bval - v, nil
        case token.Mul:
            return bval * v, nil
        case token.Quo:
            if v == 0 {
                return nil, ErrZeroDivision
            return bval / v, nil
        case token.Rem:
            return bval % v, nil
        case token.And:
            return bval & v, nil
        case token.Or:
            return bval | v, nil
        case token.Xor:
            return bval ^ v, nil
        case token.AndNot:
            return bval &^ v, nil
        case token.Shl:
            return bval << v, nil
        case token.Shr:
            return bval >> v, nil
        case token.Less:
            return Bool(bval < v), nil
        case token.LessEq:
            return Bool(bval <= v), nil
        case token.Greater:
            return Bool(bval > v), nil
        case token.GreaterEq:
            return Bool(bval >= v), nil
    case Bool:
        if v {
            right = Int(1)
        } else {
            right = Int(0)
        goto switchpos
    case *UndefinedType:
        switch tok {
        case token.Less, token.LessEq:
            return False, nil
        case token.Greater, token.GreaterEq:
            return True, nil
    return nil, NewOperandTypeError(

// Format implements fmt.Formatter interface.
func (o Bool) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
    format := compat.FmtFormatString(s, verb)
    fmt.Fprintf(s, format, bool(o))

// String represents string values and implements Object interface.
type String string

var _ LengthGetter = String("")

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (String) TypeName() string {
    return "string"

func (o String) String() string {
    return string(o)

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (String) CanIterate() bool { return true }

// Iterate implements Object interface.
func (o String) Iterate() Iterator {
    return &StringIterator{V: o}

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (String) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    return ErrNotIndexAssignable

// IndexGet represents string values and implements Object interface.
func (o String) IndexGet(index Object) (Object, error) {
    var idx int
    switch v := index.(type) {
    case Int:
        idx = int(v)
    case Uint:
        idx = int(v)
    case Char:
        idx = int(v)
        return nil, NewIndexTypeError("int|uint|char", index.TypeName())
    if idx >= 0 && idx < len(o) {
        return Int(o[idx]), nil
    return nil, ErrIndexOutOfBounds

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o String) Equal(right Object) bool {
    if v, ok := right.(String); ok {
        return o == v
    if v, ok := right.(Bytes); ok {
        return string(o) == string(v)
    return false

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o String) IsFalsy() bool { return len(o) == 0 }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (o String) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (o String) Call(_ ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o String) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    switch v := right.(type) {
    case String:
        switch tok {
        case token.Add:
            return o + v, nil
        case token.Less:
            return Bool(o < v), nil
        case token.LessEq:
            return Bool(o <= v), nil
        case token.Greater:
            return Bool(o > v), nil
        case token.GreaterEq:
            return Bool(o >= v), nil
    case Bytes:
        switch tok {
        case token.Add:
            var sb strings.Builder
            return String(sb.String()), nil
        case token.Less:
            return Bool(string(o) < string(v)), nil
        case token.LessEq:
            return Bool(string(o) <= string(v)), nil
        case token.Greater:
            return Bool(string(o) > string(v)), nil
        case token.GreaterEq:
            return Bool(string(o) >= string(v)), nil
    case *UndefinedType:
        switch tok {
        case token.Less, token.LessEq:
            return False, nil
        case token.Greater, token.GreaterEq:
            return True, nil

    if tok == token.Add {
        return o + String(right.String()), nil

    return nil, NewOperandTypeError(

// Len implements LengthGetter interface.
func (o String) Len() int {
    return len(o)

// Format implements fmt.Formatter interface.
func (o String) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
    format := compat.FmtFormatString(s, verb)
    fmt.Fprintf(s, format, string(o))

// Bytes represents byte slice and implements Object interface.
type Bytes []byte

var (
    _ Object       = Bytes{}
    _ Copier       = Bytes{}
    _ LengthGetter = Bytes{}

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (Bytes) TypeName() string {
    return "bytes"

func (o Bytes) String() string {
    return string(o)

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o Bytes) Copy() Object {
    cp := make(Bytes, len(o))
    copy(cp, o)
    return cp

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (Bytes) CanIterate() bool { return true }

// Iterate implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) Iterate() Iterator {
    return &BytesIterator{V: o}

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    var idx int
    switch v := index.(type) {
    case Int:
        idx = int(v)
    case Uint:
        idx = int(v)
        return NewIndexTypeError("int|uint", index.TypeName())

    if idx >= 0 && idx < len(o) {
        switch v := value.(type) {
        case Int:
            o[idx] = byte(v)
        case Uint:
            o[idx] = byte(v)
            return NewIndexValueTypeError("int|uint", value.TypeName())
        return nil
    return ErrIndexOutOfBounds

// IndexGet represents string values and implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) IndexGet(index Object) (Object, error) {
    var idx int
    switch v := index.(type) {
    case Int:
        idx = int(v)
    case Uint:
        idx = int(v)
        return nil, NewIndexTypeError("int|uint|char", index.TypeName())

    if idx >= 0 && idx < len(o) {
        return Int(o[idx]), nil
    return nil, ErrIndexOutOfBounds

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) Equal(right Object) bool {
    if v, ok := right.(Bytes); ok {
        return string(o) == string(v)

    if v, ok := right.(String); ok {
        return string(o) == string(v)
    return false

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) IsFalsy() bool { return len(o) == 0 }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) Call(_ ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o Bytes) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    switch v := right.(type) {
    case Bytes:
        switch tok {
        case token.Add:
            return append(o, v...), nil
        case token.Less:
            return Bool(bytes.Compare(o, v) == -1), nil
        case token.LessEq:
            cmp := bytes.Compare(o, v)
            return Bool(cmp == 0 || cmp == -1), nil
        case token.Greater:
            return Bool(bytes.Compare(o, v) == 1), nil
        case token.GreaterEq:
            cmp := bytes.Compare(o, v)
            return Bool(cmp == 0 || cmp == 1), nil
    case String:
        switch tok {
        case token.Add:
            return append(o, v...), nil
        case token.Less:
            return Bool(string(o) < string(v)), nil
        case token.LessEq:
            return Bool(string(o) <= string(v)), nil
        case token.Greater:
            return Bool(string(o) > string(v)), nil
        case token.GreaterEq:
            return Bool(string(o) >= string(v)), nil
    case *UndefinedType:
        switch tok {
        case token.Less, token.LessEq:
            return False, nil
        case token.Greater, token.GreaterEq:
            return True, nil
    return nil, NewOperandTypeError(

// Len implements LengthGetter interface.
func (o Bytes) Len() int {
    return len(o)

// Format implements fmt.Formatter interface.
func (o Bytes) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
    format := compat.FmtFormatString(s, verb)
    fmt.Fprintf(s, format, []byte(o))

// Function represents a function object and implements Object interface.
type Function struct {
    Name    string
    Value   func(args ...Object) (Object, error)
    ValueEx func(Call) (Object, error)

var _ Object = (*Function)(nil)

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (*Function) TypeName() string {
    return "function"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o *Function) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("<function:%s>", o.Name)

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o *Function) Copy() Object {
    return &Function{
        Name:    o.Name,
        Value:   o.Value,
        ValueEx: o.ValueEx,

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o *Function) Equal(right Object) bool {
    v, ok := right.(*Function)
    if !ok {
        return false
    return v == o

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (*Function) IsFalsy() bool { return false }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (*Function) CanCall() bool { return true }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (o *Function) Call(args ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return o.Value(args...)

func (o *Function) CallEx(call Call) (Object, error) {
    if o.ValueEx != nil {
        return o.ValueEx(call)
    return o.Value(call.callArgs()...)

// BuiltinFunction represents a builtin function object and implements Object interface.
type BuiltinFunction struct {
    Name    string
    Value   func(args ...Object) (Object, error)
    ValueEx func(Call) (Object, error)

var _ ExCallerObject = (*BuiltinFunction)(nil)

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (*BuiltinFunction) TypeName() string {
    return "builtinFunction"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o *BuiltinFunction) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("<builtinFunction:%s>", o.Name)

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o *BuiltinFunction) Copy() Object {
    return &BuiltinFunction{
        Name:    o.Name,
        Value:   o.Value,
        ValueEx: o.ValueEx,

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o *BuiltinFunction) Equal(right Object) bool {
    v, ok := right.(*BuiltinFunction)
    if !ok {
        return false
    return v == o

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (*BuiltinFunction) IsFalsy() bool { return false }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (*BuiltinFunction) CanCall() bool { return true }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (o *BuiltinFunction) Call(args ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return o.Value(args...)

func (o *BuiltinFunction) CallEx(c Call) (Object, error) {
    if o.ValueEx != nil {
        return o.ValueEx(c)
    return o.Value(c.callArgs()...)

// Array represents array of objects and implements Object interface.
type Array []Object

var (
    _ Object       = Array{}
    _ LengthGetter = Array{}

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (Array) TypeName() string {
    return "array"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o Array) String() string {
    var sb strings.Builder
    last := len(o) - 1

    for i := range o {
        switch v := o[i].(type) {
        case String:
        case Char:
        case Bytes:
        if i != last {
            sb.WriteString(", ")

    return sb.String()

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o Array) Copy() Object {
    cp := make(Array, len(o))
    for i, v := range o {
        if vv, ok := v.(Copier); ok {
            cp[i] = vv.Copy()
        } else {
            cp[i] = v
    return cp

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (o Array) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    switch v := index.(type) {
    case Int:
        idx := int(v)
        if idx >= 0 && idx < len(o) {
            o[v] = value
            return nil
        return ErrIndexOutOfBounds
    case Uint:
        idx := int(v)
        if idx >= 0 && idx < len(o) {
            o[v] = value
            return nil
        return ErrIndexOutOfBounds
    return NewIndexTypeError("int|uint", index.TypeName())

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (o Array) IndexGet(index Object) (Object, error) {
    switch v := index.(type) {
    case Int:
        idx := int(v)
        if idx >= 0 && idx < len(o) {
            return o[v], nil
        return nil, ErrIndexOutOfBounds
    case Uint:
        idx := int(v)
        if idx >= 0 && idx < len(o) {
            return o[v], nil
        return nil, ErrIndexOutOfBounds
    return nil, NewIndexTypeError("int|uint", index.TypeName())

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o Array) Equal(right Object) bool {
    v, ok := right.(Array)
    if !ok {
        return false

    if len(o) != len(v) {
        return false

    for i := range o {
        if !o[i].Equal(v[i]) {
            return false
    return true

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o Array) IsFalsy() bool { return len(o) == 0 }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (Array) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (Array) Call(...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o Array) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    switch tok {
    case token.Add:
        if v, ok := right.(Array); ok {
            arr := make(Array, 0, len(o)+len(v))
            arr = append(arr, o...)
            arr = append(arr, v...)
            return arr, nil

        arr := make(Array, 0, len(o)+1)
        arr = append(arr, o...)
        arr = append(arr, right)
        return arr, nil
    case token.Less, token.LessEq:
        if right == Undefined {
            return False, nil
    case token.Greater, token.GreaterEq:
        if right == Undefined {
            return True, nil
    return nil, NewOperandTypeError(

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (Array) CanIterate() bool { return true }

// Iterate implements Iterable interface.
func (o Array) Iterate() Iterator {
    return &ArrayIterator{V: o}

// Len implements LengthGetter interface.
func (o Array) Len() int {
    return len(o)

// ObjectPtr represents a pointer variable.
type ObjectPtr struct {
    Value *Object

var (
    _ Object = (*ObjectPtr)(nil)
    _ Copier = (*ObjectPtr)(nil)

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) TypeName() string {
    return "objectPtr"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) String() string {
    var v Object
    if o.Value != nil {
        v = *o.Value
    return fmt.Sprintf("<objectPtr:%v>", v)

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) Copy() Object {
    return o

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) IsFalsy() bool {
    return o.Value == nil

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) Equal(x Object) bool {
    return o == x

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    if o.Value == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("nil pointer")
    return (*o.Value).BinaryOp(tok, right)

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) CanCall() bool {
    if o.Value == nil {
        return false
    return (*o.Value).CanCall()

// Call implements Object interface.
func (o *ObjectPtr) Call(args ...Object) (Object, error) {
    if o.Value == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("nil pointer")
    return (*o.Value).Call(args...)

// Map represents map of objects and implements Object interface.
type Map map[string]Object

var (
    _ Object       = Map{}
    _ Copier       = Map{}
    _ IndexDeleter = Map{}
    _ LengthGetter = Map{}

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (Map) TypeName() string {
    return "map"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o Map) String() string {
    var sb strings.Builder
    last := len(o) - 1
    i := 0

    for k := range o {
        sb.WriteString(": ")
        switch v := o[k].(type) {
        case String:
        case Char:
        case Bytes:
        if i != last {
            sb.WriteString(", ")

    return sb.String()

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o Map) Copy() Object {
    cp := make(Map, len(o))
    for k, v := range o {
        if vv, ok := v.(Copier); ok {
            cp[k] = vv.Copy()
        } else {
            cp[k] = v
    return cp

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (o Map) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    o[index.String()] = value
    return nil

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (o Map) IndexGet(index Object) (Object, error) {
    v, ok := o[index.String()]
    if ok {
        return v, nil
    return Undefined, nil

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o Map) Equal(right Object) bool {
    v, ok := right.(Map)
    if !ok {
        return false

    if len(o) != len(v) {
        return false

    for k := range o {
        right, ok := v[k]
        if !ok {
            return false
        if !o[k].Equal(right) {
            return false
    return true

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o Map) IsFalsy() bool { return len(o) == 0 }

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (Map) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (Map) Call(...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o Map) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    if right == Undefined {
        switch tok {
        case token.Less, token.LessEq:
            return False, nil
        case token.Greater, token.GreaterEq:
            return True, nil

    return nil, NewOperandTypeError(

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (Map) CanIterate() bool { return true }

// Iterate implements Iterable interface.
func (o Map) Iterate() Iterator {
    keys := make([]string, 0, len(o))
    for k := range o {
        keys = append(keys, k)
    return &MapIterator{V: o, keys: keys}

// IndexDelete tries to delete the string value of key from the map.
// IndexDelete implements IndexDeleter interface.
func (o Map) IndexDelete(key Object) error {
    delete(o, key.String())
    return nil

// Len implements LengthGetter interface.
func (o Map) Len() int {
    return len(o)

// SyncMap represents map of objects and implements Object interface.
type SyncMap struct {
    mu    sync.RWMutex
    Value Map

var (
    _ Object       = (*SyncMap)(nil)
    _ Copier       = (*SyncMap)(nil)
    _ IndexDeleter = (*SyncMap)(nil)
    _ LengthGetter = (*SyncMap)(nil)

// RLock locks the underlying mutex for reading.
func (o *SyncMap) RLock() {

// RUnlock unlocks the underlying mutex for reading.
func (o *SyncMap) RUnlock() {

// Lock locks the underlying mutex for writing.
func (o *SyncMap) Lock() {

// Unlock unlocks the underlying mutex for writing.
func (o *SyncMap) Unlock() {

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (*SyncMap) TypeName() string {
    return "syncMap"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o *SyncMap) String() string {
    defer o.mu.RUnlock()

    return o.Value.String()

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o *SyncMap) Copy() Object {
    defer o.mu.RUnlock()

    return &SyncMap{
        Value: o.Value.Copy().(Map),

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (o *SyncMap) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    defer o.mu.Unlock()

    if o.Value == nil {
        o.Value = Map{}
    return o.Value.IndexSet(index, value)

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (o *SyncMap) IndexGet(index Object) (Object, error) {
    defer o.mu.RUnlock()

    return o.Value.IndexGet(index)

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o *SyncMap) Equal(right Object) bool {
    defer o.mu.RUnlock()

    return o.Value.Equal(right)

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o *SyncMap) IsFalsy() bool {
    defer o.mu.RUnlock()

    return o.Value.IsFalsy()

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (o *SyncMap) CanIterate() bool { return true }

// Iterate implements Iterable interface.
func (o *SyncMap) Iterate() Iterator {
    defer o.mu.RUnlock()

    return &SyncIterator{Iterator: o.Value.Iterate()}

// Get returns Object in map if exists.
func (o *SyncMap) Get(index string) (value Object, exists bool) {
    value, exists = o.Value[index]

// Len returns the number of items in the map.
// Len implements LengthGetter interface.
func (o *SyncMap) Len() int {
    n := len(o.Value)
    return n

// IndexDelete tries to delete the string value of key from the map.
func (o *SyncMap) IndexDelete(key Object) error {
    defer o.mu.Unlock()

    return o.Value.IndexDelete(key)

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o *SyncMap) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    defer o.mu.RUnlock()

    return o.Value.BinaryOp(tok, right)

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (*SyncMap) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (*SyncMap) Call(...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// Error represents Error Object and implements error and Object interfaces.
type Error struct {
    Name    string
    Message string
    Cause   error

var (
    _ Object = (*Error)(nil)
    _ Copier = (*Error)(nil)

func (o *Error) Unwrap() error {
    return o.Cause

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (*Error) TypeName() string {
    return "error"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o *Error) String() string {
    return o.Error()

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o *Error) Copy() Object {
    return &Error{
        Name:    o.Name,
        Message: o.Message,
        Cause:   o.Cause,

// Error implements error interface.
func (o *Error) Error() string {
    name := o.Name
    if name == "" {
        name = "error"
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", name, o.Message)

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o *Error) Equal(right Object) bool {
    if v, ok := right.(*Error); ok {
        return v == o
    return false

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o *Error) IsFalsy() bool { return true }

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (o *Error) IndexGet(index Object) (Object, error) {
    s := index.String()
    if s == "Name" {
        return String(o.Name), nil

    if s == "Message" {
        return String(o.Message), nil

    if s == "New" {
        return &Function{
            Name: "New",
            Value: func(args ...Object) (Object, error) {
                switch len(args) {
                case 1:
                    return o.NewError(args[0].String()), nil
                case 0:
                    return o.NewError(o.Message), nil
                    msgs := make([]string, len(args))
                    for i := range args {
                        msgs[i] = args[0].String()
                    return o.NewError(msgs...), nil
        }, nil
    return Undefined, nil

// NewError creates a new Error and sets original Error as its cause which can be unwrapped.
func (o *Error) NewError(messages ...string) *Error {
    cp := o.Copy().(*Error)
    cp.Message = strings.Join(messages, " ")
    cp.Cause = o
    return cp

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (*Error) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    return ErrNotIndexAssignable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o *Error) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrInvalidOperator

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (*Error) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (*Error) Call(_ ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (*Error) CanIterate() bool { return false }

// Iterate implements Object interface.
func (*Error) Iterate() Iterator { return nil }

// RuntimeError represents a runtime error that wraps Error and includes trace information.
type RuntimeError struct {
    Err     *Error
    fileSet *parser.SourceFileSet
    Trace   []parser.Pos

var (
    _ Object = (*RuntimeError)(nil)
    _ Copier = (*RuntimeError)(nil)

func (o *RuntimeError) Unwrap() error {
    if o.Err != nil {
        return o.Err
    return nil

func (o *RuntimeError) addTrace(pos parser.Pos) {
    if len(o.Trace) > 0 {
        if o.Trace[len(o.Trace)-1] == pos {
    o.Trace = append(o.Trace, pos)

// TypeName implements Object interface.
func (*RuntimeError) TypeName() string {
    return "error"

// String implements Object interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) String() string {
    return o.Error()

// Copy implements Copier interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) Copy() Object {
    var err *Error
    if o.Err != nil {
        err = o.Err.Copy().(*Error)

    return &RuntimeError{
        Err:     err,
        fileSet: o.fileSet,
        Trace:   append([]parser.Pos{}, o.Trace...),

// Error implements error interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) Error() string {
    if o.Err == nil {
        return "<nil>"
    return o.Err.Error()

// Equal implements Object interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) Equal(right Object) bool {
    if o.Err != nil {
        return o.Err.Equal(right)
    return false

// IsFalsy implements Object interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) IsFalsy() bool { return true }

// IndexGet implements Object interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) IndexGet(index Object) (Object, error) {
    if o.Err != nil {
        s := index.String()
        if s == "New" {
            return &Function{
                Name: "New",
                Value: func(args ...Object) (Object, error) {
                    switch len(args) {
                    case 1:
                        return o.NewError(args[0].String()), nil
                    case 0:
                        return o.NewError(o.Err.Message), nil
                        msgs := make([]string, len(args))
                        for i := range args {
                            msgs[i] = args[0].String()
                        return o.NewError(msgs...), nil
            }, nil
        return o.Err.IndexGet(index)

    return Undefined, nil

// NewError creates a new Error and sets original Error as its cause which can be unwrapped.
func (o *RuntimeError) NewError(messages ...string) *RuntimeError {
    cp := o.Copy().(*RuntimeError)
    cp.Err.Message = strings.Join(messages, " ")
    cp.Err.Cause = o
    return cp

// IndexSet implements Object interface.
func (*RuntimeError) IndexSet(index, value Object) error {
    return ErrNotIndexAssignable

// BinaryOp implements Object interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) BinaryOp(tok token.Token, right Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrInvalidOperator

// CanCall implements Object interface.
func (*RuntimeError) CanCall() bool { return false }

// Call implements Object interface.
func (*RuntimeError) Call(_ ...Object) (Object, error) {
    return nil, ErrNotCallable

// CanIterate implements Object interface.
func (*RuntimeError) CanIterate() bool { return false }

// Iterate implements Object interface.
func (*RuntimeError) Iterate() Iterator { return nil }

// StackTrace returns stack trace if set otherwise returns nil.
func (o *RuntimeError) StackTrace() StackTrace {
    if o.fileSet == nil {
        if o.Trace != nil {
            sz := len(o.Trace)
            trace := make(StackTrace, sz)
            j := 0
            for i := sz - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
                trace[j] = parser.SourceFilePos{
                    Offset: int(o.Trace[i]),
            return trace
        return nil

    sz := len(o.Trace)
    trace := make(StackTrace, sz)
    j := 0
    for i := sz - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        trace[j] = o.fileSet.Position(o.Trace[i])
    return trace

// Format implements fmt.Formater interface.
func (o *RuntimeError) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
    switch verb {
    case 'v', 's':
        switch {
        case s.Flag('+'):
            _, _ = io.WriteString(s, o.String())
            if len(o.Trace) > 0 {
                if v := o.StackTrace(); v != nil {
                    _, _ = io.WriteString(s, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v))
                } else {
                    _, _ = io.WriteString(s, "<nil stack trace>")
            } else {
                _, _ = io.WriteString(s, "<no stack trace>")
            e := o.Unwrap()
            for e != nil {
                if e, ok := e.(*RuntimeError); ok && o != e {
                    _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(s, "\n\t%+v", e)
                if err, ok := e.(interface{ Unwrap() error }); ok {
                    e = err.Unwrap()
                } else {
            _, _ = io.WriteString(s, o.String())
    case 'q':
        _, _ = io.WriteString(s, strconv.Quote(o.String()))

// StackTrace is the stack of source file positions.
type StackTrace []parser.SourceFilePos

// Format formats the StackTrace to the fmt.Formatter interface.
func (st StackTrace) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
    switch verb {
    case 'v', 's':
        switch {
        case s.Flag('+'):
            for i, f := range st {
                if i > 0 {
                    _, _ = io.WriteString(s, "\n\t   ")
                } else {
                    _, _ = io.WriteString(s, "\n\tat ")
                _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(s, "%+v", f)
            _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(s, "%v", []parser.SourceFilePos(st))