

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Ozan Hacıbekiroğlu.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT License
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package ugo

//go:generate go run ./cmd/mkcallable -output zfuncs.go ugo.go

import (


const (
    // AttrModuleName is a special attribute injected into modules to identify
    // the modules by name.
    AttrModuleName = "__module_name__"

// CallableFunc is a function signature for a callable function.
type CallableFunc = func(args ...Object) (ret Object, err error)

// CallableExFunc is a function signature for a callable function that accepts
// a Call struct.
type CallableExFunc = func(Call) (ret Object, err error)

// ToObject will try to convert an interface{} v to an Object.
func ToObject(v interface{}) (ret Object, err error) {
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case nil:
        ret = Undefined
    case string:
        ret = String(v)
    case int64:
        ret = Int(v)
    case int:
        ret = Int(v)
    case uint:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case uint64:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case uintptr:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case bool:
        if v {
            ret = True
        } else {
            ret = False
    case rune:
        ret = Char(v)
    case byte:
        ret = Char(v)
    case float64:
        ret = Float(v)
    case float32:
        ret = Float(v)
    case []byte:
        if v != nil {
            ret = Bytes(v)
        } else {
            ret = Bytes{}
    case map[string]Object:
        if v != nil {
            ret = Map(v)
        } else {
            ret = Map{}
    case map[string]interface{}:
        m := make(Map, len(v))
        for vk, vv := range v {
            vo, err := ToObject(vv)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            m[vk] = vo
        ret = m
    case []Object:
        if v != nil {
            ret = Array(v)
        } else {
            ret = Array{}
    case []interface{}:
        arr := make(Array, len(v))
        for i, vv := range v {
            obj, err := ToObject(vv)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            arr[i] = obj
        ret = arr
    case Object:
        ret = v
    case CallableFunc:
        if v != nil {
            ret = &Function{Value: v}
        } else {
            ret = Undefined
    case error:
        ret = &Error{Message: v.Error(), Cause: v}
        if out, ok := registry.ToObject(v); ok {
            ret, ok = out.(Object)
            if ok {
        err = fmt.Errorf("cannot convert to object: %T", v)

// ToObjectAlt is analogous to ToObject but it will always convert signed integers to
// Int and unsigned integers to Uint. It is an alternative to ToObject.
// Note that, this function is subject to change in the future.
func ToObjectAlt(v interface{}) (ret Object, err error) {
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case nil:
        ret = Undefined
    case string:
        ret = String(v)
    case bool:
        if v {
            ret = True
        } else {
            ret = False
    case int:
        ret = Int(v)
    case int64:
        ret = Int(v)
    case uint64:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case float64:
        ret = Float(v)
    case float32:
        ret = Float(v)
    case int32:
        ret = Int(v)
    case int16:
        ret = Int(v)
    case int8:
        ret = Int(v)
    case uint:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case uint32:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case uint16:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case uint8:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case uintptr:
        ret = Uint(v)
    case []byte:
        if v != nil {
            ret = Bytes(v)
        } else {
            ret = Bytes{}
    case map[string]interface{}:
        m := make(Map, len(v))
        for vk, vv := range v {
            vo, err := ToObjectAlt(vv)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            m[vk] = vo
        ret = m
    case map[string]Object:
        if v != nil {
            ret = Map(v)
        } else {
            ret = Map{}
    case []interface{}:
        arr := make(Array, len(v))
        for i, vv := range v {
            obj, err := ToObjectAlt(vv)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            arr[i] = obj
        ret = arr
    case []Object:
        if v != nil {
            ret = Array(v)
        } else {
            ret = Array{}
    case Object:
        ret = v
    case CallableFunc:
        if v != nil {
            ret = &Function{Value: v}
        } else {
            ret = Undefined
    case error:
        ret = &Error{Message: v.Error(), Cause: v}
        if out, ok := registry.ToObject(v); ok {
            ret, ok = out.(Object)
            if ok {
        err = fmt.Errorf("cannot convert to object: %T", v)

// ToInterface tries to convert an Object o to an interface{} value.
func ToInterface(o Object) (ret interface{}) {
    switch o := o.(type) {
    case Int:
        ret = int64(o)
    case String:
        ret = string(o)
    case Bytes:
        ret = []byte(o)
    case Array:
        arr := make([]interface{}, len(o))
        for i, val := range o {
            arr[i] = ToInterface(val)
        ret = arr
    case Map:
        m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(o))
        for key, v := range o {
            m[key] = ToInterface(v)
        ret = m
    case Uint:
        ret = uint64(o)
    case Char:
        ret = rune(o)
    case Float:
        ret = float64(o)
    case Bool:
        ret = bool(o)
    case *SyncMap:
        if o == nil {
            return map[string]interface{}{}
        defer o.RUnlock()
        m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(o.Value))
        for key, v := range o.Value {
            m[key] = ToInterface(v)
        ret = m
    case *UndefinedType:
        ret = nil
        if out, ok := registry.ToInterface(o); ok {
            ret = out
        } else {
            ret = o

// ToString will try to convert an Object to uGO string value.
func ToString(o Object) (v String, ok bool) {
    if v, ok = o.(String); ok {
    vv, ok := ToGoString(o)
    if ok {
        v = String(vv)

// ToBytes will try to convert an Object to uGO bytes value.
func ToBytes(o Object) (v Bytes, ok bool) {
    if v, ok = o.(Bytes); ok {
    vv, ok := ToGoByteSlice(o)
    if ok {
        v = Bytes(vv)

// ToInt will try to convert an Object to uGO int value.
func ToInt(o Object) (v Int, ok bool) {
    if v, ok = o.(Int); ok {
    vv, ok := ToGoInt64(o)
    if ok {
        v = Int(vv)

// ToUint will try to convert an Object to uGO uint value.
func ToUint(o Object) (v Uint, ok bool) {
    if v, ok = o.(Uint); ok {
    vv, ok := ToGoUint64(o)
    if ok {
        v = Uint(vv)

// ToFloat will try to convert an Object to uGO float value.
func ToFloat(o Object) (v Float, ok bool) {
    if v, ok = o.(Float); ok {
    vv, ok := ToGoFloat64(o)
    if ok {
        v = Float(vv)

// ToChar will try to convert an Object to uGO char value.
func ToChar(o Object) (v Char, ok bool) {
    if v, ok = o.(Char); ok {
    vv, ok := ToGoRune(o)
    if ok {
        v = Char(vv)

// ToBool will try to convert an Object to uGO bool value.
func ToBool(o Object) (v Bool, ok bool) {
    if v, ok = o.(Bool); ok {
    vv, ok := ToGoBool(o)
    v = Bool(vv)

// ToArray will try to convert an Object to uGO array value.
func ToArray(o Object) (v Array, ok bool) {
    v, ok = o.(Array)

// ToMap will try to convert an Object to uGO map value.
func ToMap(o Object) (v Map, ok bool) {
    v, ok = o.(Map)

// ToSyncMap will try to convert an Object to uGO syncMap value.
func ToSyncMap(o Object) (v *SyncMap, ok bool) {
    v, ok = o.(*SyncMap)

// ToGoString will try to convert an Object to Go string value.
func ToGoString(o Object) (v string, ok bool) {
    if o == Undefined {
    v, ok = o.String(), true

// ToGoByteSlice will try to convert an Object to Go byte slice.
func ToGoByteSlice(o Object) (v []byte, ok bool) {
    switch o := o.(type) {
    case Bytes:
        v, ok = o, true
    case String:
        v, ok = make([]byte, len(o)), true
        copy(v, o)

// ToGoInt will try to convert a numeric, bool or string Object to Go int value.
func ToGoInt(o Object) (v int, ok bool) {
    switch o := o.(type) {
    case Int:
        v, ok = int(o), true
    case Uint:
        v, ok = int(o), true
    case Float:
        v, ok = int(o), true
    case Char:
        v, ok = int(o), true
    case Bool:
        ok = true
        if o {
            v = 1
    case String:
        if vv, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(o), 0, 0); err == nil {
            v = int(vv)
            ok = true

// ToGoInt64 will try to convert a numeric, bool or string Object to Go int64
// value.
func ToGoInt64(o Object) (v int64, ok bool) {
    switch o := o.(type) {
    case Int:
        v, ok = int64(o), true
    case Uint:
        v, ok = int64(o), true
    case Float:
        v, ok = int64(o), true
    case Char:
        v, ok = int64(o), true
    case Bool:
        ok = true
        if o {
            v = 1
    case String:
        if vv, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(o), 0, 64); err == nil {
            v = vv
            ok = true

// ToGoUint64 will try to convert a numeric, bool or string Object to Go uint64
// value.
func ToGoUint64(o Object) (v uint64, ok bool) {
    switch o := o.(type) {
    case Int:
        v, ok = uint64(o), true
    case Uint:
        v, ok = uint64(o), true
    case Float:
        v, ok = uint64(o), true
    case Char:
        v, ok = uint64(o), true
    case Bool:
        ok = true
        if o {
            v = 1
    case String:
        if vv, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(o), 0, 64); err == nil {
            v = vv
            ok = true

// ToGoFloat64 will try to convert a numeric, bool or string Object to Go
// float64 value.
func ToGoFloat64(o Object) (v float64, ok bool) {
    switch o := o.(type) {
    case Int:
        v, ok = float64(o), true
    case Uint:
        v, ok = float64(o), true
    case Float:
        v, ok = float64(o), true
    case Char:
        v, ok = float64(o), true
    case Bool:
        ok = true
        if o {
            v = 1
    case String:
        if vv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(o), 64); err == nil {
            v = vv
            ok = true

// ToGoRune will try to convert a int like Object to Go rune value.
func ToGoRune(o Object) (v rune, ok bool) {
    switch o := o.(type) {
    case Int:
        v, ok = rune(o), true
    case Uint:
        v, ok = rune(o), true
    case Char:
        v, ok = rune(o), true
    case Float:
        v, ok = rune(o), true
    case String:
        ok = true
        v, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(o))
    case Bool:
        ok = true
        if o {
            v = 1

// ToGoBool will try to convert an Object to Go bool value.
func ToGoBool(o Object) (v bool, ok bool) {
    v, ok = !o.IsFalsy(), true

// functions to generate with mkcallable

// builtin delete
//ugo:callable func(o Object, k string) (err error)

// builtin copy, len, error, typeName, bool, string, isInt, isUint
// isFloat, isChar, isBool, isString, isBytes, isMap, isSyncMap, isArray
// isUndefined, isFunction, isCallable, isIterable
//ugo:callable func(o Object) (ret Object)

// builtin repeat
//ugo:callable func(o Object, n int) (ret Object, err error)

// builtin :makeArray
//ugo:callable func(n int, o Object) (ret Object, err error)

// builtin contains
//ugo:callable func(o Object, v Object) (ret Object, err error)

// builtin sort, sortReverse, int, uint, float, char, chars
//ugo:callable func(o Object) (ret Object, err error)

// builtin int
//ugo:callable func(v int64) (ret Object)

// builtin uint
//ugo:callable func(v uint64) (ret Object)

// builtin float
//ugo:callable func(v float64) (ret Object)