

5 days
Test Coverage
// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Ozan Hacıbekiroğlu.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT License
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package ugo

import (


const (
    stackSize = 2048
    frameSize = 1024

// VM executes the instructions in Bytecode.
type VM struct {
    abort        int64
    sp           int
    ip           int
    curInsts     []byte
    constants    []Object
    stack        [stackSize]Object
    frames       [frameSize]frame
    curFrame     *frame
    frameIndex   int
    bytecode     *Bytecode
    modulesCache []Object
    globals      Object
    pool         vmPool
    mu           sync.Mutex
    err          error
    noPanic      bool

// NewVM creates a VM object.
func NewVM(bc *Bytecode) *VM {
    var constants []Object
    if bc != nil {
        constants = bc.Constants
    vm := &VM{
        bytecode:  bc,
        constants: constants,
    vm.pool.root = vm
    return vm

// SetRecover recovers panic when Run panics and returns panic as an error.
// If error handler is present `try-catch-finally`, VM continues to run from catch/finally.
func (vm *VM) SetRecover(v bool) *VM {
    defer vm.mu.Unlock()
    vm.noPanic = v
    return vm

// SetBytecode enables to set a new Bytecode.
func (vm *VM) SetBytecode(bc *Bytecode) *VM {
    defer vm.mu.Unlock()
    vm.bytecode = bc
    vm.constants = bc.Constants
    vm.modulesCache = nil
    return vm

// Clear clears stack by setting nil to stack indexes and removes modules cache.
func (vm *VM) Clear() *VM {
    defer vm.mu.Unlock()

    for i := range vm.stack {
        vm.stack[i] = nil
    vm.modulesCache = nil
    vm.globals = nil
    return vm

// GetGlobals returns global variables.
func (vm *VM) GetGlobals() Object {
    return vm.globals

// GetLocals returns variables from stack up to the NumLocals of given Bytecode.
// This must be called after Run() before Clear().
func (vm *VM) GetLocals(locals []Object) []Object {
    defer vm.mu.Unlock()

    if locals != nil {
        locals = locals[:0]
    } else {
        locals = make([]Object, 0, vm.bytecode.Main.NumLocals)

    for i := range vm.stack[:vm.bytecode.Main.NumLocals] {
        locals = append(locals, vm.stack[i])

    return locals

// RunCompiledFunction runs given CompiledFunction as if it is Main function.
// Bytecode must be set before calling this method, because Fileset and Constants are copied.
func (vm *VM) RunCompiledFunction(
    f *CompiledFunction,
    globals Object,
    args ...Object,
) (Object, error) {
    defer vm.mu.Unlock()

    if vm.bytecode == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("invalid Bytecode")

    vm.bytecode = &Bytecode{
        FileSet:    vm.bytecode.FileSet,
        Constants:  vm.constants,
        Main:       f,
        NumModules: vm.bytecode.NumModules,

    for i := range vm.stack {
        vm.stack[i] = nil
    return vm.init(globals, args...)

// Abort aborts the VM execution. It is safe to call this method from another
// goroutine.
func (vm *VM) Abort() {
    atomic.StoreInt64(&vm.abort, 1)

// Aborted reports whether VM is aborted. It is safe to call this method from
// another goroutine.
func (vm *VM) Aborted() bool {
    return atomic.LoadInt64(&vm.abort) == 1

// Run runs VM and executes the instructions until the OpReturn Opcode or Abort call.
func (vm *VM) Run(globals Object, args ...Object) (Object, error) {
    defer vm.mu.Unlock()

    return vm.init(globals, args...)

func (vm *VM) init(globals Object, args ...Object) (Object, error) {
    if vm.bytecode == nil || vm.bytecode.Main == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("invalid Bytecode")

    vm.err = nil
    atomic.StoreInt64(&vm.abort, 0)
    vm.frameIndex = 1
    vm.ip = -1
    vm.sp = vm.curFrame.fn.NumLocals

    // Resize modules cache or create it if not exists.
    // Note that REPL can set module cache before running, don't recreate it add missing indexes.
    if diff := vm.bytecode.NumModules - len(vm.modulesCache); diff > 0 {
        for i := 0; i < diff; i++ {
            vm.modulesCache = append(vm.modulesCache, nil)

    for run := true; run; {
        run = vm.run()
    if vm.err != nil {
        return nil, vm.err

    if vm.sp < stackSize {
        if vv, ok := vm.stack[vm.sp-1].(*ObjectPtr); ok {
            return *vv.Value, nil
        return vm.stack[vm.sp-1], nil
    return nil, ErrStackOverflow

func (vm *VM) run() (rerun bool) {
    defer func() {
        if vm.noPanic {
            if r := recover(); r != nil {
                rerun = vm.err == nil

func (vm *VM) loop() {
    for atomic.LoadInt64(&vm.abort) == 0 {
        switch vm.curInsts[vm.ip] {
        case OpConstant:
            cidx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            obj := vm.constants[cidx]
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = obj
            vm.ip += 2
        case OpGetLocal:
            localIdx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            value := vm.stack[vm.curFrame.basePointer+localIdx]
            if v, ok := value.(*ObjectPtr); ok {
                value = *v.Value
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = value
        case OpSetLocal:
            localIndex := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            value := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            index := vm.curFrame.basePointer + localIndex
            if v, ok := vm.stack[index].(*ObjectPtr); ok {
                *v.Value = value
            } else {
                vm.stack[index] = value
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
        case OpBinaryOp:
            tok := token.Token(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            left, right := vm.stack[vm.sp-2], vm.stack[vm.sp-1]

            var value Object
            var err error
            switch left := left.(type) {
            case Int:
                value, err = left.BinaryOp(tok, right)
            case String:
                value, err = left.BinaryOp(tok, right)
            case Float:
                value, err = left.BinaryOp(tok, right)
            case Uint:
                value, err = left.BinaryOp(tok, right)
            case Char:
                value, err = left.BinaryOp(tok, right)
            case Bool:
                value, err = left.BinaryOp(tok, right)
                value, err = left.BinaryOp(tok, right)
            if err == nil {
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = value
                vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
            if err == ErrInvalidOperator {
                err = ErrInvalidOperator.NewError(tok.String())
            if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                vm.err = err
        case OpAndJump:
            if vm.stack[vm.sp-1].IsFalsy() {
                pos := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
                vm.ip = pos - 1
            vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = nil
            vm.ip += 2
        case OpOrJump:
            if vm.stack[vm.sp-1].IsFalsy() {
                vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = nil
                vm.ip += 2
            pos := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            vm.ip = pos - 1
        case OpEqual:
            left, right := vm.stack[vm.sp-2], vm.stack[vm.sp-1]

            switch left := left.(type) {
            case Int:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(left.Equal(right))
            case String:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(left.Equal(right))
            case Float:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(left.Equal(right))
            case Bool:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(left.Equal(right))
            case Uint:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(left.Equal(right))
            case Char:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(left.Equal(right))
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(left.Equal(right))
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
        case OpNotEqual:
            left, right := vm.stack[vm.sp-2], vm.stack[vm.sp-1]

            switch left := left.(type) {
            case Int:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(!left.Equal(right))
            case String:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(!left.Equal(right))
            case Float:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(!left.Equal(right))
            case Bool:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(!left.Equal(right))
            case Uint:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(!left.Equal(right))
            case Char:
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(!left.Equal(right))
                vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = Bool(!left.Equal(right))
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
        case OpTrue:
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = True
        case OpFalse:
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = False
        case OpCall:
            err := vm.xOpCall()
            if err == nil {
            if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                vm.err = err
        case OpCallName:
            err := vm.xOpCallName()
            if err == nil {
            if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                vm.err = err
        case OpReturn:
            numRet := vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1]
            bp := vm.curFrame.basePointer
            if bp == 0 {
                bp = vm.curFrame.fn.NumLocals + 1
            if numRet == 1 {
                vm.stack[bp-1] = vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            } else {
                vm.stack[bp-1] = Undefined

            for i := vm.sp - 1; i >= bp; i-- {
                vm.stack[i] = nil

            vm.sp = bp
            if vm.frameIndex == 1 {
            parent := &(vm.frames[vm.frameIndex-2])
            vm.ip = parent.ip
            vm.curFrame = parent
            vm.curInsts = vm.curFrame.fn.Instructions
        case OpGetBuiltin:
            builtinIndex := BuiltinType(int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1]))
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = BuiltinObjects[builtinIndex]
        case OpClosure:
            constIdx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            fn := vm.constants[constIdx].(*CompiledFunction)
            numFree := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+3])
            free := make([]*ObjectPtr, numFree)
            for i := 0; i < numFree; i++ {
                switch freeVar := (vm.stack[vm.sp-numFree+i]).(type) {
                case *ObjectPtr:
                    free[i] = freeVar
                    temp := vm.stack[vm.sp-numFree+i]
                    free[i] = &ObjectPtr{
                        Value: &temp,
                vm.stack[vm.sp-numFree+i] = nil
            vm.sp -= numFree
            newFn := &CompiledFunction{
                Instructions: fn.Instructions,
                NumParams:    fn.NumParams,
                NumLocals:    fn.NumLocals,
                Variadic:     fn.Variadic,
                SourceMap:    fn.SourceMap,
                Free:         free,
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = newFn
            vm.ip += 3
        case OpJump:
            vm.ip = (int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8) - 1
        case OpJumpFalsy:
            obj := vm.stack[vm.sp]
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil

            var falsy bool
            switch obj := obj.(type) {
            case Bool:
                falsy = obj.IsFalsy()
            case Int:
                falsy = obj.IsFalsy()
            case Uint:
                falsy = obj.IsFalsy()
            case Float:
                falsy = obj.IsFalsy()
            case String:
                falsy = obj.IsFalsy()
                falsy = obj.IsFalsy()
            if falsy {
                vm.ip = (int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8) - 1
            vm.ip += 2
        case OpGetGlobal:
            cidx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            index := vm.constants[cidx]
            var ret Object
            var err error
            ret, err = vm.globals.IndexGet(index)

            if err != nil {
                if err := vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                    vm.err = err

            if ret == nil {
                vm.stack[vm.sp] = Undefined
            } else {
                vm.stack[vm.sp] = ret

            vm.ip += 2
        case OpSetGlobal:
            cidx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            index := vm.constants[cidx]
            value := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]

            if v, ok := value.(*ObjectPtr); ok {
                value = *v.Value

            if err := vm.globals.IndexSet(index, value); err != nil {
                if err := vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                    vm.err = err

            vm.ip += 2
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
        case OpArray:
            numItems := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            arr := make(Array, numItems)
            copy(arr, vm.stack[vm.sp-numItems:vm.sp])
            vm.sp -= numItems
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = arr

            for i := vm.sp + 1; i < vm.sp+numItems+1; i++ {
                vm.stack[i] = nil

            vm.ip += 2
        case OpMap:
            numItems := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            kv := make(Map)

            for i := vm.sp - numItems; i < vm.sp; i += 2 {
                key := vm.stack[i]
                value := vm.stack[i+1]
                kv[key.String()] = value
                vm.stack[i] = nil
                vm.stack[i+1] = nil

            vm.sp -= numItems
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = kv
            vm.ip += 2
        case OpGetIndex:
            numSel := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            tp := vm.sp - 1 - numSel
            target := vm.stack[tp]
            value := Undefined

            for ; numSel > 0; numSel-- {
                ptr := vm.sp - numSel
                index := vm.stack[ptr]
                vm.stack[ptr] = nil
                v, err := target.IndexGet(index)
                if err != nil {
                    switch err {
                    case ErrNotIndexable:
                        err = ErrNotIndexable.NewError(target.TypeName())
                    case ErrIndexOutOfBounds:
                        err = ErrIndexOutOfBounds.NewError(index.String())
                    if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                        vm.err = err
                    continue VMLoop
                target = v
                value = v

            vm.stack[tp] = value
            vm.sp = tp + 1
        case OpSetIndex:
            value := vm.stack[vm.sp-3]
            target := vm.stack[vm.sp-2]
            index := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            err := target.IndexSet(index, value)

            if err != nil {
                switch err {
                case ErrNotIndexAssignable:
                    err = ErrNotIndexAssignable.NewError(target.TypeName())
                case ErrIndexOutOfBounds:
                    err = ErrIndexOutOfBounds.NewError(index.String())
                if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                    vm.err = err

            vm.stack[vm.sp-3] = nil
            vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = nil
            vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = nil
            vm.sp -= 3
        case OpSliceIndex:
            err := vm.xOpSliceIndex()
            if err == nil {
            if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                vm.err = err
        case OpGetFree:
            freeIndex := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = *vm.curFrame.freeVars[freeIndex].Value
        case OpSetFree:
            freeIndex := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            *vm.curFrame.freeVars[freeIndex].Value = vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
        case OpGetLocalPtr:
            localIndex := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            var freeVar *ObjectPtr
            value := vm.stack[vm.curFrame.basePointer+localIndex]

            if obj, ok := value.(*ObjectPtr); ok {
                freeVar = obj
            } else {
                freeVar = &ObjectPtr{Value: &value}
                vm.stack[vm.curFrame.basePointer+localIndex] = freeVar

            vm.stack[vm.sp] = freeVar
        case OpGetFreePtr:
            freeIndex := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            value := vm.curFrame.freeVars[freeIndex]
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = value
        case OpDefineLocal:
            localIndex := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
            vm.stack[vm.curFrame.basePointer+localIndex] = vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
        case OpNull:
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = Undefined
        case OpPop:
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil
        case OpIterInit:
            dst := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]

            if dst.CanIterate() {
                it := dst.Iterate()
                vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = &iteratorObject{Iterator: it}

            var err error = ErrNotIterable.NewError(dst.TypeName())
            if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                vm.err = err
        case OpIterNext:
            iterator := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            hasMore := iterator.(Iterator).Next()
            vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = Bool(hasMore)
        case OpIterKey:
            iterator := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            val := iterator.(Iterator).Key()
            vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = val
        case OpIterValue:
            iterator := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
            val := iterator.(Iterator).Value()
            vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = val
        case OpLoadModule:
            cidx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            midx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+4]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+3])<<8
            value := vm.modulesCache[midx]

            if value == nil {
                // module cache is empty, load the object from constants
                vm.stack[vm.sp] = vm.constants[cidx]
                // load module by putting true for subsequent OpJumpFalsy
                // if module is a compiledFunction it will be called and result will be stored in module cache
                // if module is not a compiledFunction, copy of object will be stored in module cache
                vm.stack[vm.sp] = True
            } else {
                vm.stack[vm.sp] = value
                // no need to load the module, put false for subsequent OpJumpFalsy
                vm.stack[vm.sp] = False

            vm.ip += 4
        case OpStoreModule:
            midx := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
            value := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]

            if v, ok := value.(Copier); ok {
                // store deep copy of the module if supported
                value = v.Copy()
                vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = value

            vm.modulesCache[midx] = value
            vm.ip += 2
        case OpSetupTry:
        case OpSetupCatch:
        case OpSetupFinally:
        case OpThrow:
            err := vm.xOpThrow()
            if err != nil {
                vm.err = err
        case OpFinalizer:
            upto := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])

            pos := vm.curFrame.errHandlers.findFinally(upto)
            if pos <= 0 {
            // go to finally if set
            handler := vm.curFrame.errHandlers.last()
            // save current ip to come back to same position
            handler.returnTo = vm.ip
            // save current sp to come back to same position
            handler.sp = vm.sp
            // remove current error if any
            vm.curFrame.errHandlers.err = nil
            // set ip to finally's position
            vm.ip = pos - 1
        case OpUnary:
            err := vm.xOpUnary()
            if err == nil {
            if err = vm.throwGenErr(err); err != nil {
                vm.err = err
        case OpNoOp:
            vm.err = fmt.Errorf("unknown opcode %d", vm.curInsts[vm.ip])
    vm.err = ErrVMAborted

func (vm *VM) initGlobals(globals Object) {
    if globals == nil {
        globals = Map{}
    vm.globals = globals

func (vm *VM) initLocals(args []Object) {
    // init all params as undefined
    numParams := vm.bytecode.Main.NumParams
    locals := vm.stack[:vm.bytecode.Main.NumLocals]

    // TODO (ozan): check why setting numParams fails some tests!
    for i := 0; i < vm.bytecode.Main.NumLocals; i++ {
        locals[i] = Undefined
    if numParams <= 0 {

    if len(args) < numParams {
        if vm.bytecode.Main.Variadic {
            locals[numParams-1] = Array{}
        copy(locals, args)

    if vm.bytecode.Main.Variadic {
        vargs := args[numParams-1:]
        arr := make(Array, 0, len(vargs))
        locals[numParams-1] = append(arr, vargs...)
    } else {
        locals[numParams-1] = args[numParams-1]
    copy(locals, args[:numParams-1])

func (vm *VM) initCurrentFrame() {
    // initialize frame and pointers
    vm.curInsts = vm.bytecode.Main.Instructions
    vm.curFrame = &(vm.frames[0])
    vm.curFrame.fn = vm.bytecode.Main

    if vm.curFrame.fn.Free != nil {
        // Assign free variables if exists in compiled function.
        // This is required to run compiled functions returned from VM using RunCompiledFunction().
        vm.curFrame.freeVars = vm.curFrame.fn.Free

    vm.curFrame.errHandlers = nil
    vm.curFrame.basePointer = 0

func (vm *VM) clearCurrentFrame() {
    vm.curFrame.freeVars = nil
    vm.curFrame.fn = nil
    vm.curFrame.errHandlers = nil

func (vm *VM) handlePanic(r interface{}) {
    if vm.sp < stackSize && vm.frameIndex <= frameSize && vm.err == nil {

        if err := vm.throwGenErr(fmt.Errorf("%v", r)); err != nil {
            vm.err = err
            gostack := debugStack()
            if vm.err != nil {
                vm.err = fmt.Errorf("panic: %v %w\nGo Stack:\n%s",
                    r, vm.err, gostack)

    gostack := debugStack()

    if vm.err != nil {
        vm.err = fmt.Errorf("panic: %v error: %w\nGo Stack:\n%s",
            r, vm.err, gostack)
    vm.err = fmt.Errorf("panic: %v\nGo Stack:\n%s", r, gostack)

func (vm *VM) xOpSetupTry() {
    catch := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])<<8
    finally := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+4]) | int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+3])<<8

    ptrs := errHandler{
        sp:      vm.sp,
        catch:   catch,
        finally: finally,

    if vm.curFrame.errHandlers == nil {
        vm.curFrame.errHandlers = &errHandlers{
            handlers: []errHandler{ptrs},
    } else {
        vm.curFrame.errHandlers.handlers = append(
            vm.curFrame.errHandlers.handlers, ptrs)

    vm.ip += 4

func (vm *VM) xOpSetupCatch() {
    value := Undefined
    errHandlers := vm.curFrame.errHandlers

    if errHandlers.hasHandler() {
        // set 0 to last catch position
        hdl := errHandlers.last()
        hdl.catch = 0

        if errHandlers.err != nil {
            value = errHandlers.err
            errHandlers.err = nil

    vm.stack[vm.sp] = value
    //Either OpSetLocal or OpPop is generated by compiler to handle error

func (vm *VM) xOpSetupFinally() {
    errHandlers := vm.curFrame.errHandlers

    if errHandlers.hasHandler() {
        hdl := errHandlers.last()
        hdl.catch = 0
        hdl.finally = 0

func (vm *VM) xOpThrow() error {
    op := vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1]

    switch op {
    case 0: // system
        errHandlers := vm.curFrame.errHandlers
        if errHandlers.hasError() {
            // do not put position info to error for re-throw after finally.
            if err := vm.throw(errHandlers.err, true); err != nil {
                return err
        } else if pos := errHandlers.hasReturnTo(); pos > 0 {
            // go to OpReturn if it is set
            handler := errHandlers.last()
            handler.returnTo = 0

            if vm.sp >= handler.sp {
                for i := vm.sp; i >= handler.sp; i-- {
                    vm.stack[i] = nil
            vm.sp = handler.sp
            vm.ip = pos - 1
    case 1: // user
        obj := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
        vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = nil

        if err := vm.throw(vm.newErrorFromObject(obj), false); err != nil {
            return err
        return fmt.Errorf("wrong operand for OpThrow:%d", op)

    return nil

func (vm *VM) throwGenErr(err error) error {
    if e, ok := err.(*RuntimeError); ok {
        if e.fileSet == nil {
            e.fileSet = vm.bytecode.FileSet
        return vm.throw(e, true)
    } else if e, ok := err.(*Error); ok {
        return vm.throw(vm.newError(e), false)

    return vm.throw(vm.newErrorFromError(err), false)

func (vm *VM) throw(err *RuntimeError, noTrace bool) error {
    if !noTrace {

    // firstly check our frame has error handler
    if vm.curFrame.errHandlers.hasHandler() {
        return vm.handleThrownError(vm.curFrame, err)

    // find previous frames having error handler
    var frame *frame
    index := vm.frameIndex - 2

    for index >= 0 {
        f := &(vm.frames[index])
        if f.errHandlers.hasHandler() {
            frame = f
        f.freeVars = nil
        f.fn = nil

    if frame == nil || index < 0 {
        // not handled, exit
        return err

    vm.frameIndex = index + 1

    if e := vm.handleThrownError(frame, err); e != nil {
        return e

    vm.curFrame = frame
    vm.curFrame.fn = frame.fn
    vm.curInsts = frame.fn.Instructions

    return nil

func (vm *VM) handleThrownError(frame *frame, err *RuntimeError) error {
    frame.errHandlers.err = err
    handler := frame.errHandlers.last()

    // if we have catch>0 goto catch else follow finally (one of them must be set)
    if handler.catch > 0 {
        vm.ip = handler.catch - 1
    } else if handler.finally > 0 {
        vm.ip = handler.finally - 1
    } else {
        return vm.throw(err, false)

    if vm.sp >= handler.sp {
        for i := vm.sp; i >= handler.sp; i-- {
            vm.stack[i] = nil

    vm.sp = handler.sp
    return nil

func (vm *VM) xOpCallName() error {
    numArgs := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
    flags := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) // 0 or 1
    obj := vm.stack[vm.sp-numArgs-2]
    name := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]

    vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil

    var err error

    if nameCaller, ok := obj.(NameCallerObject); ok {
        var vargs []Object
        if flags > 0 {
            vargs, err = lastAsSlice(vm)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        c := Call{
            vm:    vm,
            args:  vm.stack[vm.sp-numArgs : vm.sp-flags],
            vargs: vargs,
        ret, err := nameCaller.CallName(name.String(), c)

        for i := 0; i < numArgs; i++ {
            vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil

        if err != nil {
            return err

        vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = ret

        //vm.sp = vm.sp - numArgs
        vm.ip += 2
        return nil
    v, err := obj.IndexGet(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    vm.stack[vm.sp-numArgs-1] = v
    return vm.xOpCallAny(v, numArgs, flags)

func (vm *VM) xOpCall() error {
    numArgs := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
    flags := int(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2]) // 0 or 1
    callee := vm.stack[vm.sp-numArgs-1]
    return vm.xOpCallAny(callee, numArgs, flags)

func (vm *VM) xOpCallAny(callee Object, numArgs, flags int) error {
    if cfunc, ok := callee.(*CompiledFunction); ok {
        return vm.xOpCallCompiled(cfunc, numArgs, flags)
    return vm.xOpCallObject(callee, numArgs, flags)

func (vm *VM) xOpCallCompiled(cfunc *CompiledFunction, numArgs, flags int) error {
    basePointer := vm.sp - numArgs
    numLocals := cfunc.NumLocals
    numParams := cfunc.NumParams

    if flags == 0 {
        if !cfunc.Variadic {
            if numArgs != numParams {
                return ErrWrongNumArguments.NewError(
                    wantEqXGotY(numParams, numArgs),
        } else {
            if numArgs < numParams-1 {
                // f := func(a, ...b) {}
                // f()
                return ErrWrongNumArguments.NewError(
                    wantGEqXGotY(numParams-1, numArgs),
            if numArgs == numParams-1 {
                // f := func(a, ...b) {} // a==1 b==[]
                // f(1)
                vm.stack[basePointer+numArgs] = Array{}
            } else {
                // f := func(a, ...b) {} // a == 1  b == [] // a == 1  b == [2, 3]
                // f(1, 2) // f(1, 2, 3)
                arr := vm.stack[basePointer+numParams-1 : basePointer+numArgs]
                vm.stack[basePointer+numParams-1] = append(Array{}, arr...)
    } else {
        var arrSize int
        if arr, ok := vm.stack[basePointer+numArgs-1].(Array); ok {
            arrSize = len(arr)
        } else {
            return NewArgumentTypeError("last", "array",
        if cfunc.Variadic {
            if numArgs < numParams {
                // f := func(a, ...b) {}
                // f(...[1]) // f(...[1, 2])
                if arrSize+numArgs < numParams {
                    // f := func(a, ...b) {}
                    // f(...[])
                    return ErrWrongNumArguments.NewError(
                        wantGEqXGotY(numParams-1, arrSize+numArgs-1),
                tempBuf := make(Array, 0, arrSize+numArgs)
                tempBuf = append(tempBuf,
                tempBuf = append(tempBuf,
                copy(vm.stack[basePointer:], tempBuf[:numParams-1])
                arr := tempBuf[numParams-1:]
                vm.stack[basePointer+numParams-1] = append(Array{}, arr...)
            } else if numArgs > numParams {
                // f := func(a, ...b) {} // a == 1  b == [2, 3]
                // f(1, 2, ...[3])
                arr := append(Array{},
                arr = append(arr, vm.stack[basePointer+numArgs-1].(Array)...)
                vm.stack[basePointer+numParams-1] = arr
        } else {
            if arrSize+numArgs-1 != numParams {
                // f := func(a, b) {}
                // f(1, ...[2, 3, 4])
                return ErrWrongNumArguments.NewError(
                    wantEqXGotY(numParams, arrSize+numArgs-1),
            // f := func(a, b) {}
            // f(...[1, 2])
            arr := vm.stack[basePointer+numArgs-1].(Array)
            copy(vm.stack[basePointer+numArgs-1:], arr)

    for i := numParams; i < numLocals; i++ {
        vm.stack[basePointer+i] = Undefined

    // test if it's tail-call
    if cfunc == vm.curFrame.fn { // recursion
        nextOp := vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2+1]

        if nextOp == OpReturn ||
            (nextOp == OpPop && OpReturn == vm.curInsts[vm.ip+2+2]) {
            curBp := vm.curFrame.basePointer
            copy(vm.stack[curBp:curBp+numLocals], vm.stack[basePointer:])
            newSp := vm.sp - numArgs - 1
            for i := vm.sp; i >= newSp; i-- {
                vm.stack[i] = nil
            vm.sp = newSp
            vm.ip = -1                    // reset ip to beginning of the frame
            vm.curFrame.errHandlers = nil // reset error handlers if any set
            return nil

    frame := &(vm.frames[vm.frameIndex])

    if vm.frameIndex > frameSize-1 {
        return ErrStackOverflow

    frame.fn = cfunc
    frame.freeVars = cfunc.Free
    frame.errHandlers = nil
    frame.basePointer = basePointer

    vm.curFrame.ip = vm.ip + 2
    vm.curInsts = cfunc.Instructions
    vm.curFrame = frame
    vm.sp = basePointer + numLocals
    vm.ip = -1
    return nil

func (vm *VM) xOpCallObject(callee Object, numArgs, flags int) error {
    if !callee.CanCall() {
        return ErrNotCallable.NewError(callee.TypeName())

    if c, ok := callee.(ExCallerObject); ok {
        return vm.xOpCallExCaller(c, numArgs, flags)

    var args []Object

    if flags > 0 {
        last, err := lastAsSlice(vm)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        args = make([]Object, 0, numArgs-1+len(last))
        args = append(args, vm.stack[vm.sp-numArgs:vm.sp-1]...)
        args = append(args, last...)
    } else {
        args = make([]Object, 0, numArgs)
        args = append(args, vm.stack[vm.sp-numArgs:vm.sp]...)

    for i := 0; i < numArgs; i++ {
        vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil

    result, err := callee.Call(args...)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = result
    vm.ip += 2
    return nil

func (vm *VM) xOpCallExCaller(callee ExCallerObject, numArgs, flags int) error {
    var err error
    var vargs []Object
    var args = vm.stack[vm.sp-numArgs : vm.sp-flags]

    if flags > 0 {
        vargs, err = lastAsSlice(vm)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    c := Call{
        vm:    vm,
        args:  args,
        vargs: vargs,

    result, err := callee.CallEx(c)

    for i := 0; i < numArgs; i++ {
        vm.stack[vm.sp] = nil

    if err != nil {
        return err

    vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = result
    vm.ip += 2
    return nil

func lastAsSlice(vm *VM) ([]Object, error) {
    switch arr := vm.stack[vm.sp-1].(type) {
    case Array:
        return arr, nil
        return nil, NewArgumentTypeError("last", "array", arr.TypeName())

func (vm *VM) xOpUnary() error {
    tok := token.Token(vm.curInsts[vm.ip+1])
    right := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
    var value Object

    switch tok {
    case token.Not:
        vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = Bool(right.IsFalsy())
        return nil
    case token.Sub:
        switch o := right.(type) {
        case Int:
            value = -o
        case Float:
            value = -o
        case Char:
            value = Int(-o)
        case Uint:
            value = -o
        case Bool:
            if o {
                value = Int(-1)
            } else {
                value = Int(0)
            goto invalidType
    case token.Xor:
        switch o := right.(type) {
        case Int:
            value = ^o
        case Uint:
            value = ^o
        case Char:
            value = ^Int(o)
        case Bool:
            if o {
                value = ^Int(1)
            } else {
                value = ^Int(0)
            goto invalidType
    case token.Add:
        switch o := right.(type) {
        case Int, Uint, Float, Char:
            value = right
        case Bool:
            if o {
                value = Int(1)
            } else {
                value = Int(0)
            goto invalidType
        return ErrInvalidOperator.NewError(
            fmt.Sprintf("invalid for '%s': '%s'",
                tok.String(), right.TypeName()))

    vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = value
    return nil

    return ErrType.NewError(
        fmt.Sprintf("invalid type for unary '%s': '%s'",
            tok.String(), right.TypeName()))

func (vm *VM) xOpSliceIndex() error {
    obj := vm.stack[vm.sp-3]
    left := vm.stack[vm.sp-2]
    right := vm.stack[vm.sp-1]
    vm.stack[vm.sp-3] = nil
    vm.stack[vm.sp-2] = nil
    vm.stack[vm.sp-1] = nil
    vm.sp -= 3

    var objlen int
    var isbytes bool

    switch obj := obj.(type) {
    case Array:
        objlen = len(obj)
    case String:
        objlen = len(obj)
    case Bytes:
        isbytes = true
        objlen = len(obj)
        return ErrType.NewError(obj.TypeName(), "cannot be sliced")

    var low int
    switch v := left.(type) {
    case *UndefinedType:
        low = 0
    case Int:
        low = int(v)
    case Uint:
        low = int(v)
    case Char:
        low = int(v)
        return ErrType.NewError("invalid first index type", left.TypeName())

    var high int
    switch v := right.(type) {
    case *UndefinedType:
        high = objlen
    case Int:
        high = int(v)
    case Uint:
        high = int(v)
    case Char:
        high = int(v)
        return ErrType.NewError("invalid second index type", right.TypeName())

    if low > high {
        return ErrInvalidIndex.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("[%d:%d]", low, high))
    if isbytes {
        objlen = cap(obj.(Bytes))
    if low < 0 || high < 0 || high > objlen {
        return ErrIndexOutOfBounds.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("[%d:%d]", low, high))

    switch obj := obj.(type) {
    case Array:
        vm.stack[vm.sp] = obj[low:high]
    case String:
        vm.stack[vm.sp] = obj[low:high]
    case Bytes:
        vm.stack[vm.sp] = obj[low:high]

    return nil

func (vm *VM) newError(err *Error) *RuntimeError {
    var fileset *parser.SourceFileSet
    if vm.bytecode != nil {
        fileset = vm.bytecode.FileSet
    return &RuntimeError{Err: err, fileSet: fileset}

func (vm *VM) newErrorFromObject(object Object) *RuntimeError {
    switch v := object.(type) {
    case *RuntimeError:
        return v
    case *Error:
        return vm.newError(v)
        return vm.newError(&Error{Message: v.String()})
func (vm *VM) newErrorFromError(err error) *RuntimeError {
    if v, ok := err.(Object); ok {
        return vm.newErrorFromObject(v)
    return vm.newError(&Error{Message: err.Error(), Cause: err})

func (vm *VM) getSourcePos() parser.Pos {
    if vm.curFrame == nil || vm.curFrame.fn == nil {
        return parser.NoPos
    return vm.curFrame.fn.SourcePos(vm.ip)

type errHandler struct {
    sp       int
    catch    int
    finally  int
    returnTo int

type errHandlers struct {
    handlers []errHandler
    err      *RuntimeError

func (t *errHandlers) hasError() bool {
    return t != nil && t.err != nil

func (t *errHandlers) pop() bool {
    if t == nil || len(t.handlers) == 0 {
        return false
    t.handlers = t.handlers[:len(t.handlers)-1]
    return true

func (t *errHandlers) last() *errHandler {
    if t == nil || len(t.handlers) == 0 {
        return nil
    return &t.handlers[len(t.handlers)-1]

func (t *errHandlers) hasHandler() bool {
    return t != nil && len(t.handlers) > 0

func (t *errHandlers) findFinally(upto int) int {
    if t == nil {
        return 0

    index := len(t.handlers) - 1
    if index < upto || index < 0 {
        return 0

    p := t.handlers[index].finally
    if p == 0 {
        goto start
    return p

func (t *errHandlers) hasReturnTo() int {
    if t.hasHandler() {
        return t.handlers[len(t.handlers)-1].returnTo
    return 0

type frame struct {
    fn          *CompiledFunction
    freeVars    []*ObjectPtr
    ip          int
    basePointer int
    errHandlers *errHandlers

func getFrameSourcePos(frame *frame) parser.Pos {
    if frame == nil || frame.fn == nil {
        return parser.NoPos
    return frame.fn.SourcePos(frame.ip + 1)

func wantEqXGotY(x, y int) string {
    buf := make([]byte, 0, 20)
    buf = append(buf, "want="...)
    buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(x), 10)
    buf = append(buf, " got="...)
    buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(y), 10)
    return string(buf)

func wantGEqXGotY(x, y int) string {
    buf := make([]byte, 0, 20)
    buf = append(buf, "want>="...)
    buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(x), 10)
    buf = append(buf, " got="...)
    buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(y), 10)
    return string(buf)

// Ported from runtime/debug.Stack
func debugStack() []byte {
    buf := make([]byte, 1024)
    for {
        n := runtime.Stack(buf, false)
        if n < len(buf) {
            return buf[:n]
        buf = make([]byte, 2*len(buf))

// Invoker invokes a given callee object (either a CompiledFunction or any other
// callable object) with the given arguments.
// Invoker creates a new VM instance if the callee is a CompiledFunction,
// otherwise it runs the callee directly. Every Invoker call checks if the VM is
// aborted. If it is, it returns ErrVMAborted.
// Invoker is not safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
// Acquire and Release methods are used to acquire and release a VM from the
// pool. So it is possible to reuse a VM instance for multiple Invoke calls.
// This is useful when you want to execute multiple functions in a single VM.
// For example, you can use Acquire and Release to execute multiple functions
// in a single VM instance.
// Note that you should call Release after Acquire, if you want to reuse the VM.
// If you don't want to use the pool, you can just call Invoke method.
// It is unsafe to hold a reference to the VM after Release is called.
// Using VM pool is about three times faster than creating a new VM for each
// Invoke call.
type Invoker struct {
    vm         *VM
    child      *VM
    callee     Object
    isCompiled bool
    dorelease  bool

// NewInvoker creates a new Invoker object.
func NewInvoker(vm *VM, callee Object) *Invoker {
    inv := &Invoker{vm: vm, callee: callee}
    _, inv.isCompiled = inv.callee.(*CompiledFunction)
    return inv

// Acquire acquires a VM from the pool.
func (inv *Invoker) Acquire() {

func (inv *Invoker) acquire(usePool bool) {
    if !inv.isCompiled {
        inv.child = inv.vm
    if inv.child != nil {
    inv.child = inv.vm.pool.acquire(
    if usePool {
        inv.dorelease = true

// Release releases the VM back to the pool if it was acquired from the pool.
func (inv *Invoker) Release() {
    if inv.child != nil && inv.dorelease {
    inv.child = nil
    inv.dorelease = false

// Invoke invokes the callee object with the given arguments.
func (inv *Invoker) Invoke(args ...Object) (Object, error) {
    if inv.child == nil {
    if inv.child.Aborted() {
        return Undefined, ErrVMAborted
    if inv.isCompiled {
        return inv.child.Run(inv.vm.globals, args...)
    return inv.invokeObject(inv.callee, args...)

func (inv *Invoker) invokeObject(callee Object, args ...Object) (Object, error) {
    if !callee.CanCall() {
        return Undefined, ErrNotCallable.NewError(callee.TypeName())
    if c, ok := callee.(ExCallerObject); ok {
        return c.CallEx(
                vm:    inv.vm,
                vargs: args,
    return callee.Call(args...)

type vmPool struct {
    mu   sync.Mutex
    root *VM
    vms  map[*VM]struct{}

func (v *vmPool) abort(vm *VM) {
    defer v.mu.Unlock()

    for vm := range v.vms {

func (v *vmPool) acquire(cf *CompiledFunction, usePool bool) *VM {
    var vm *VM
    if usePool {
        vm = vmSyncPool.Get().(*VM)
    } else {
        vm = &VM{bytecode: &Bytecode{}}
    return v.root.pool._acquire(vm, cf)

func (v *vmPool) _acquire(vm *VM, cf *CompiledFunction) *VM {
    defer v.mu.Unlock()

    vm.bytecode.FileSet = v.root.bytecode.FileSet
    vm.bytecode.Constants = v.root.bytecode.Constants
    vm.bytecode.NumModules = v.root.bytecode.NumModules
    vm.bytecode.Main = cf
    vm.constants = v.root.bytecode.Constants
    vm.modulesCache = v.root.modulesCache
    vm.pool = vmPool{
        root: v.root,
    vm.noPanic = v.root.noPanic

    if v.vms == nil {
        v.vms = make(map[*VM]struct{})
    v.vms[vm] = struct{}{}

    return vm

func (v *vmPool) release(vm *VM) {

func (v *vmPool) _release(vm *VM) {
    delete(v.vms, vm)

    bc := vm.bytecode
    *bc = Bytecode{}
    *vm = VM{bytecode: bc}

func (v *vmPool) clear() {
    defer v.mu.Unlock()

    for vm := range v.vms {
        delete(v.vms, vm)

var vmSyncPool = sync.Pool{
    New: func() interface{} {
        return &VM{
            bytecode: &Bytecode{},