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Parameter definition of source masks member of same name

    function loadSource(source:String):Void;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of name masks member of same name

    inline function get<T>(name:String):T {

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of position masks member of same name

    function toGlobal(position:Point, ?point:Point, ?skipUpdate:Bool):Point;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Too many parameters for function: new (> 7)

    function new(text:String, style:TextStyle, width:Float, height:Float, lines:Array<String>, lineWidths:Array<Float>, lineHeight:Float, maxLineWidth:Float, fontProperties:Dynamic);

Checks the number of parameters of a method.

Parameter definition of name masks member of same name

    function removeBoneMask(name:String, ?recursive:Bool):Void;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Too many parameters for function: drawSegment (> 7)

    function drawSegment(context:CanvasRenderingContext2D, textureSource:Dynamic, w:Float, h:Float, x1:Float, y1:Float, x2:Float, y2:Float):Void;

Checks the number of parameters of a method.

Too many parameters for function: setTransform (> 7)

    function setTransform(?x:Float, ?y:Float, ?scaleX:Float, ?scaleY:Float, ?rotation:Float, ?skewX:Float, ?skewY:Float, ?pivotX:Float, ?pivotY:Float):DisplayObject;

Checks the number of parameters of a method.

Parameter definition of name masks member of same name

    function getSlot(name:String):Slot;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Too many parameters for function: new (> 7)

    function new(alphaMultiplier:Float, redMultiplier:Float, greenMultiplier:Float, blueMultiplier:Float,
    alphaOffset:Float, redOffset:Float, greenOffset:Float, blueOffset:Float);

Checks the number of parameters of a method.

Parameter definition of scaleMode masks member of same name

    static function from(source:Dynamic, scaleMode:ScaleModes, ?sourceScale:Float):BaseTexture;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of display masks member of same name

    function getBoneByDisplay(display:Dynamic):Bone;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of name masks member of same name

    function getBone(name:String):BoneData;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Variable definition of renderer masks member of same name

            var renderer = switch (rendererType) {

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of imageUrl masks member of same name

    static function fromImage(imageUrl:String, ?crossorigin:Bool, ?scaleMode:ScaleModes):BaseTexture;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of animationConfig masks member of same name

    function playConfig(animationConfig:AnimationConfig):AnimationState;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of shape masks member of same name

    function addHole(shape:Dynamic):Void;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of width masks member of same name

    function resize(width:Float, height:Float):Void;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Too many parameters for function: applyRotateTimeline (> 7)

    public function applyRotateTimeline(timeline: Timeline, skeleton: Skeleton, time: Float, alpha: Float, pose: MixPose, timelinesRotation: Array<Float>, i: Float, firstFrame: Bool):Void;

Checks the number of parameters of a method.

Parameter definition of useSquare masks member of same name

    function initialize(zIndex:Float, bitmaps:Array<Texture>, useSquare:Bool):Void;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.

Parameter definition of tilemap masks member of same name

    function initialize(tilemap:Dynamic, zIndex:Int):Void;

Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class.
