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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Provides hypothesis strategies for `ROS geometry_msgs`_.

.. _ROS geometry_msgs:


from collections import namedtuple
from hypothesis.strategies import composite

from hypothesis_ros.messages.std_msgs import header, _Header
from hypothesis_ros.message_fields import (

_Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y z')
_Quaternion = namedtuple('Quaternion', 'x y z w')
_Pose = namedtuple('Pose', 'position orientation')
_PoseWithCovariance = namedtuple('PoseWithCovariance', 'pose covariance')
_PoseWithCovarianceStamped = namedtuple('PoseWithCovarianceStamped', 'header pose')
_Transform = namedtuple('Transform', 'translation rotation')
_TransformStamped = namedtuple('TransformStamped', 'header child_frame_id transform')
_Vector3 = namedtuple('Vector3', 'x y z')

def point(draw, x=float64(), y=float64(), z=float64()):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "point".

    x : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate x value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)
    y : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate y value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)
    z : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate z value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)

    x_value, y_value, z_value = draw(x), draw(y), draw(z)
    assert isinstance(x_value, float), 'drew invalid x={x_value} from {x} for float64 field'.format(x_value, x)
    assert isinstance(y_value, float), 'drew invalid y={y_value} from {y} for float64 field'.format(y_value, y)
    assert isinstance(z_value, float), 'drew invalid y={z_value} from {z} for float64 field'.format(z_value, z)
    return _Point(x_value, y_value, z_value)

def quaternion(draw, x=float64(), y=float64(), z=float64(), w=float64()):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "quaternion".

    x : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate x value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)
    y : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate y value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)
    z : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate z value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)
    w : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate w value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)

    x_value, y_value, z_value, w_value = draw(x), draw(y), draw(z), draw(w)
    assert isinstance(x_value, float), 'drew invalid x={x_value} from {x} for float64 field'.format(x_value, x)
    assert isinstance(y_value, float), 'drew invalid y={y_value} from {y} for float64 field'.format(y_value, y)
    assert isinstance(z_value, float), 'drew invalid y={z_value} from {z} for float64 field'.format(z_value, z)
    assert isinstance(w_value, float), 'drew invalid y={w_value} from {w} for float64 field'.format(w_value, w)
    return _Quaternion(x_value, y_value, z_value, w_value)

def pose(draw, position=point(), orientation=quaternion()):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "pose".

    position : hypothesis_ros.ros1.point()
        Strategy to generate position value. (Default: Default hypothesis_ros strategy.)
    orientation : hypothesis_ros.ros1.quaternion()
        Strategy to generate orientation value. (Default: Default hypothesis-ros strategy.)

    position_value, orientation_value = draw(position), draw(orientation)
    assert isinstance(position_value, _Point), 'drew invalid position={position_value} from {position} for _Point field'.format(position_value, position)
    assert isinstance(orientation_value, _Quaternion), 'drew invalid orientation={orientation_value} from {orientation} for _Quaternion field'.format(orientation_value, orientation)
    return _Pose(position_value, orientation_value)

def pose_with_covariance(draw, pose=pose(), covariance=array(elements=float64(), min_size=36, max_size=36)):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "PoseWithCovariance".
    pose_value, covariance_value= draw(pose), draw(covariance)
    # TODO: add validation for covariance_value
    return _PoseWithCovariance(pose_value, covariance_value)

def pose_with_covariance_stamped(draw, header=header(), pose_with_covariance=pose_with_covariance()):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "PoseWithCovarianceStamped".
    header_value, pose_with_covariance_value=draw(header), draw(pose_with_covariance)
    return _PoseWithCovarianceStamped(header_value, pose_with_covariance_value)

def vector3(draw, x=float64(), y=float64(), z=float64()):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "vector3".

    x : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate x value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)
    y : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate y value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)
    z : hypothesis.strategies.floats()
        Strategy to generate z value. (Default: Default hypothesis strategy.)

    x_value, y_value, z_value = draw(x), draw(y), draw(z)
    assert isinstance(x_value, float), 'drew invalid x={x_value} from {x} for float64 field'.format(x_value, x)
    assert isinstance(y_value, float), 'drew invalid y={y_value} from {y} for float64 field'.format(y_value, y)
    assert isinstance(z_value, float), 'drew invalid y={z_value} from {z} for float64 field'.format(z_value, z)
    return _Vector3(x_value, y_value, z_value)

def transform(draw, translation=vector3(), rotation=quaternion()):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "transform".

    position : hypothesis_ros.ros1.vector3()
        Strategy to generate translation value. (Default: Default hypothesis_ros strategy.)
    orientation : hypothesis_ros.ros1.quaternion()
        Strategy to generate rotation value. (Default: Default hypothesis-ros strategy.)

    translation_value, rotation_value = draw(translation), draw(rotation)
    assert isinstance(translation_value, _Vector3), 'drew invalid translation={translation_value} from {translation} for _Vector3 field'.format(translation_value, translation)
    assert isinstance(rotation_value, _Quaternion), 'drew invalid rotation={rotation_value} from {rotation} for _Quaternion field'.format(rotation_value, rotation)
    return _Transform(translation_value, rotation_value)

def transform_stamped(draw, header=header(), child_frame_id=string(), transform=transform()):
    Generate value for ROS geometry message type "TransformStamped".

    header : hypothesis_ros.messages.std_msgs.header()
        Strategy to generate header value. (Default: Default hypothesis-ros strategy.)
    child_frame_id : hypothesis_ros.message_fields.string()
        Strategy to generate child_frame_id value. (Default: Default hypothesis-ros strategy.)
    transform : hypothesis_ros.messages.geometry_msgs.transform()
        Strategy to generate transform value. (Default: Default hypothesis-ros strategy.)

    header_value = draw(header)
    child_frame_id_value = draw(child_frame_id)
    transform_value = draw(transform)
    assert isinstance(header_value, _Header), 'drew invalid header={header_value} from {header} for _Header field'.format(header_value, header)
    assert isinstance(child_frame_id_value, str), 'drew invalid child_frame_id={child_frame_id_value} from {child_frame_id} for string field'.format(child_frame_id_value, child_frame_id)
    assert isinstance(transform_value, _Transform),  'drew invalid transform={transform_value} from {transform} for _Transform field'.format(transform_value, transform)
    return _TransformStamped(header_value, child_frame_id_value, transform_value)