// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Package battery provides a battery status i3bar module.
package battery
import (
l ""
// Status represents a normalised battery status.
type Status string
const (
// Disconnected represents a named battery that was not found.
Disconnected Status = "Disconnected"
// Charging represents a battery that is actively being charged.
Charging Status = "Charging"
// Discharging represents a battery that is actively being discharged.
Discharging Status = "Discharging"
// Full represents a battery that is plugged in and at capacity.
Full Status = "Full"
// NotCharging represents a battery that is plugged in,
// not full, but not charging.
NotCharging Status = "Not charging"
// Unknown is used to catch all other statuses.
Unknown Status = ""
// Info represents the current battery information.
type Info struct {
// Capacity in *percents*, from 0 to 100.
Capacity int
// Energy when the battery is full, in Wh.
EnergyFull float64
// Max Energy the battery can store, in Wh.
EnergyMax float64
// Energy currently stored in the battery, in Wh.
EnergyNow float64
// Power currently being drawn from the battery, in W.
Power float64
// Current voltage of the batter, in V.
Voltage float64
// Status of the battery, e.g. "Charging", "Full", "Disconnected".
Status Status
// Technology of the battery, e.g. "Li-Ion", "Li-Poly", "Ni-MH".
Technology string
// Remaining returns the fraction of battery capacity remaining.
func (i Info) Remaining() float64 {
if math.Nextafter(i.EnergyFull, 0) == 0 {
return 0
return i.EnergyNow / i.EnergyFull
// RemainingPct returns the percentage of battery capacity remaining.
func (i Info) RemainingPct() int {
return int(i.Remaining() * 100)
// RemainingTime returns the best guess for remaining time.
// This is based on the current power draw and remaining capacity.
func (i Info) RemainingTime() time.Duration {
// Battery does not report current draw,
// cannot estimate remaining time.
if math.Nextafter(i.Power, 0) == 0 {
return 0
// According to ACPI spec, these calculations will return hours.
hours := 0.0
switch i.Status {
case Charging:
hours = (i.EnergyFull - i.EnergyNow) / i.Power
case Discharging:
hours = i.EnergyNow / i.Power
return time.Duration(int(hours*3600)) * time.Second
// Discharging returns true if the battery is being discharged.
func (i Info) Discharging() bool {
return i.Status == Discharging
// PluggedIn returns true if the laptop is plugged in.
func (i Info) PluggedIn() bool {
return i.Status == Charging || i.Status == Full || i.Status == NotCharging
// SignedPower returns a positive power value when the battery
// is being charged, and a negative power value when discharged.
func (i Info) SignedPower() float64 {
if i.Discharging() {
return -i.Power
return i.Power
// Module represents a battery bar module. It supports setting the output
// format, click handler, update frequency, and urgency/colour functions.
type Module struct {
updateFunc func() Info
scheduler *timing.Scheduler
outputFunc value.Value // of func(Info) bar.Output
func newModule(updateFunc func() Info) *Module {
m := &Module{
updateFunc: updateFunc,
scheduler: timing.NewScheduler(),
l.Register(m, "scheduler", "format")
m.RefreshInterval(3 * time.Second)
// Construct a simple template that's just the available battery percent.
m.Output(func(i Info) bar.Output {
return outputs.Textf("BATT %d%%", i.RemainingPct())
return m
// Named constructs an instance of the battery module for the given battery name.
func Named(name string) *Module {
m := newModule(func() Info { return batteryInfo(name) })
l.Label(m, name)
return m
// All constructs a battery module that aggregates all detected batteries.
func All() *Module {
return newModule(allBatteriesInfo)
// Output configures a module to display the output of a user-defined function.
func (m *Module) Output(outputFunc func(Info) bar.Output) *Module {
return m
// RefreshInterval configures the polling frequency for battery info.
func (m *Module) RefreshInterval(interval time.Duration) *Module {
return m
// Stream starts the module.
func (m *Module) Stream(s bar.Sink) {
info := m.updateFunc()
outputFunc := m.outputFunc.Get().(func(Info) bar.Output)
nextOutputFunc, done := m.outputFunc.Subscribe()
defer done()
for {
select {
case <-m.scheduler.C:
info = m.updateFunc()
case <-nextOutputFunc:
outputFunc = m.outputFunc.Get().(func(Info) bar.Output)
// electricValue represents a value that is either watts or amperes.
// ACPI permits several of the properties to be in either unit, so to
// simplify reading such values, this type can represent either unit
// and convert as needed.
type electricValue struct {
value float64
isWatts bool
func (e electricValue) toWatts(voltage float64) float64 {
if e.isWatts {
return e.value
return e.value * voltage
// uwatts constructs an electricValue from a string in micro-watts.
func uwatts(value string) electricValue {
return electricValue{fromMicroStr(value), true}
// uamps constructs an electricValue from a string in micro-amps.
func uamps(value string) electricValue {
return electricValue{fromMicroStr(value), false}
func fromMicroStr(str string) float64 {
uValue, _ := strconv.Atoi(str)
return float64(uValue) / math.Pow(10, 6 /* micros */)
func fromStatusStr(str string) Status {
switch str {
case string(Full):
return Full
case string(Charging):
return Charging
case string(Discharging):
return Discharging
case string(Disconnected):
return Disconnected
case string(NotCharging):
return NotCharging
return Unknown
var fs = afero.NewOsFs()
func batteryInfo(name string) Info {
batteryPath := fmt.Sprintf("/sys/class/power_supply/%s/uevent", name)
l.Fine("Reading from %s", batteryPath)
f, err := fs.Open(batteryPath)
if err != nil {
l.Log("Failed to read stats for %s: %s", name, err)
return Info{Status: Disconnected}
defer f.Close()
s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
var info Info
var energyNow, powerNow, energyFull, energyMax electricValue
var energyNowProvided = false
for s.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(s.Text())
if !strings.Contains(line, "=") {
split := strings.Split(line, "=")
if len(split) != 2 {
key := strings.TrimPrefix(split[0], "POWER_SUPPLY_")
value := split[1]
switch key {
case "CHARGE_NOW":
energyNow = uamps(value)
energyNowProvided = true
case "ENERGY_NOW":
energyNow = uwatts(value)
energyNowProvided = true
energyFull = uamps(value)
energyFull = uwatts(value)
energyMax = uamps(value)
energyMax = uwatts(value)
powerNow = uamps(value)
case "POWER_NOW":
powerNow = uwatts(value)
info.Voltage = fromMicroStr(value)
case "STATUS":
info.Status = fromStatusStr(value)
info.Technology = value
case "CAPACITY":
info.Capacity, _ = strconv.Atoi(value)
info.EnergyFull = energyFull.toWatts(info.Voltage)
if energyNowProvided {
info.EnergyNow = energyNow.toWatts(info.Voltage)
} else {
// Not all drivers implement {ENERGY,CHARGE}_NOW. So we can calculate
// based on the CAPACITY and the {ENERGY,CHARGE}_FULL.
info.EnergyNow = info.EnergyFull * float64(info.Capacity) / 100
info.EnergyMax = energyMax.toWatts(info.Voltage)
info.Power = powerNow.toWatts(info.Voltage)
return info
func allBatteriesInfo() Info {
dir, err := fs.Open("/sys/class/power_supply")
if err != nil {
l.Log("No batteries: %s", err)
return Info{Status: Disconnected}
batts, err := dir.Readdirnames(-1)
if err != nil {
l.Log("Failed to list batteries: %s", err)
return Info{Status: Unknown}
var infos []Info
for _, batt := range batts {
powerSupplyTypePath := fmt.Sprintf("/sys/class/power_supply/%s/type", batt)
powerSupplyType, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, powerSupplyTypePath)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal([]byte("Battery\n"), powerSupplyType) {
infos = append(infos, batteryInfo(batt))
if len(infos) == 0 {
return Info{Status: Disconnected}
var allInfo Info
var techs []string
var voltEnergySum float64
for _, info := range infos {
allInfo.EnergyFull += info.EnergyFull
allInfo.EnergyMax += info.EnergyMax
allInfo.EnergyNow += info.EnergyNow
if info.Technology != "" {
techs = append(techs, info.Technology)
voltEnergySum += info.Voltage * info.EnergyNow
signedPower := allInfo.SignedPower() + info.SignedPower()
allInfo.Power = math.Abs(signedPower)
switch allInfo.Status {
case Charging:
if signedPower < 0 {
allInfo.Status = Discharging
case Discharging:
if signedPower > 0 {
allInfo.Status = Charging
if info.Status != Unknown {
allInfo.Status = info.Status
// No meaningful voltage aggregator, so just average it by the energy
// stored at each voltage. (e.g. 10Wh @ 12V, 5Wh @ 9V = ~11V).
allInfo.Voltage = voltEnergySum / allInfo.EnergyNow
allInfo.Capacity = int(allInfo.EnergyNow * 100.0 / allInfo.EnergyFull)
allInfo.Technology = strings.Join(techs, ",")
return allInfo