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 * @package toolkit

 * This DatabaseStatement specialization class allows creation of SELECT FROM statements.
class DatabaseQuery extends DatabaseStatement
    use DatabaseWhereDefinition;
    use DatabaseCacheableExecutionDefinition;

     * Enable DatabaseWhereDefinition's ability to transform => null syntax
     * @var boolean
    private $enableIsNullSyntax = true;

     * Internal sub query counter
     * @var integer
    private $selectQueryCount = 0;

     * The requested pagination.
     * @var array
    protected $page = [];

     * Creates a new DatabaseQuery statement with an optional projection.
     * @see Database::select()
     * @param Database $db
     *  The underlying database connection
     * @param string $projection
     *  The columns names for include in the projection.
     *  Defaults to an empty projection.
    public function __construct(Database $db, array $projection = [])
        parent::__construct($db, 'SELECT');
        if (!empty($projection)) {
            $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('projection', $this->asProjectionList($projection));

     * Appends the SQL_CACHE or SQL_NO_CACHE in the query
     * @return void
    protected function appendCacheModifier()
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('cache', $this->getDB()->isCachingEnabled() ? 'SQL_CACHE' : 'SQL_NO_CACHE');

     * @internal
     * Given an array, this method will call asTickedList() on each values and
     * then implode the results with LIST_DELIMITER.
     * If the value is a DatabaseQuery object, the key is used as the alias.
     * @see asTickedList()
     * @param array $values
     * @return string
     *  The resulting list of ticked strings
    final public function asProjectionList(array $values)
        return implode(self::LIST_DELIMITER, General::array_map(function ($key, $value) {
            if ($value instanceof DatabaseSubQuery) {
                $sql = $value->generateSQL();
                $key = $this->asTickedString($key);
                return "($sql) AS $key";
            return $this->asTickedList([$key => $value]);
        }, $values));

     * Returns the parts statement structure for this specialized statement.
     * @see DatabaseStatement::getStatementStructure()
     * @return array
    protected function getStatementStructure()
        return [
                'inner join',
                'left join',
                'right join',
                'outer join',
            'group by',
            'order by',

     * Gets the proper separator string for the given $type SQL part type, when
     * generating a formatted SQL statement.
     * @see DatabaseStatement::getSeparatorForPartType()
     * @param string $type
     *  The SQL part type.
     * @return string
     *  The string to use to separate the formatted SQL parts.
    public function getSeparatorForPartType($type)
            'type' => ['var' => $type, 'type' => 'string'],
        if (in_array($type, ['table', 'where', 'group by', 'having', 'order by', 'limit'])) {
            return self::FORMATTED_PART_DELIMITER;
        return self::STATEMENTS_DELIMITER;

     * Add the DISTINCT optimizer to the query.
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function distinct()
        if ($this->containsSQLParts('optimizer')) {
            throw new DatabaseStatementException('Cannot add multiple optimizer clauses');
        return $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('optimizer', 'DISTINCT');

     * Appends values to the projection.
     * @param string $projection
     *  The columns names for include in the projection
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function projection(array $projection = [])
        $op = $this->containsSQLParts('projection') ? ', ' : '';
        return $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('projection', $op . $this->asProjectionList($projection));

     * Gets the default projection to use if no projection is added.
     * @see finalize()
     * @return array
    public function getDefaultProjection()
        return ['*'];

     * Appends COUNT($col) to the projection.
     * @param string $col
     *  The column to count on. Defaults to the first value from
     *  `getDefaultProjection()`.
     *  If the column contains a '*', it will use '*' directly.
     * @return DatabaseQuery
    public function count($col = null)
        if (!$col) {
            $col = current($this->getDefaultProjection());
        if (strpos($col, '*') > 0) {
            $col = '*';
        return $this->projection(["COUNT($col)"]);

     * Appends a FROM `table` clause.
     * Can only be called once in the lifetime of the object.
     * @see alias()
     * @throws DatabaseStatementException
     * @param string $table
     *  The name of the table to act on, including the tbl_ prefix, which will be changed
     *  to the Database table prefix.
     * @param string $alias
     *  An optional alias for the table. Defaults to null, i.e. no alias.
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function from($table, $alias = null)
        if ($this->containsSQLParts('table')) {
            throw new DatabaseStatementException('DatabaseQuery can not hold more than one table clause');
        $table = $this->replaceTablePrefix($table);
        $table = $this->asTickedString($table);
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('table', "FROM $table");
        if ($alias) {
        return $this;

     * Appends a AS `alias` clause.
     * Can only be called once in the lifetime of the object.
     * @throws DatabaseStatementException
     * @param string $alias
     *  The name of the alias
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function alias($alias)
        if ($this->containsSQLParts('as')) {
            throw new DatabaseStatementException('DatabaseQuery can not hold more than one as clause');
            'alias' => ['var' => $alias, 'type' => 'string'],
        $alias = $this->asTickedString($alias);
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('as', "AS $alias");
        return $this;

     * Appends a JOIN `table` clause
     * @param string $table
     *  The name of the table to act on, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
     *  to the Database table prefix.
     * @param string $alias
     *  An optional alias for the table. Defaults to null, i.e. no alias.
     * @return DatabaseQueryJoin
     *  A new instance of DatabaseQueryJoin linked to the current DatabaseQuery instance
    public function join($table, $alias = null)
        $table = $this->replaceTablePrefix($table);
        $table = $this->asTickedString($table);
        return new DatabaseQueryJoin($this, 'join', "JOIN $table", $alias);

     * Appends a INNER JOIN `table` clause
     * @param string $table
     *  The name of the table to act on, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
     *  to the Database table prefix.
     * @param string $alias
     *  An optional alias for the table. Defaults to null, i.e. no alias.
     * @return DatabaseQueryJoin
     *  A new instance of DatabaseQueryJoin linked to the current DatabaseQuery instance
    public function innerJoin($table, $alias = null)
        $table = $this->replaceTablePrefix($table);
        $table = $this->asTickedString($table);
        return new DatabaseQueryJoin($this, 'inner join', "INNER JOIN $table", $alias);

     * Appends a LEFT JOIN `table` clause
     * @param string $table
     *  The name of the table to act on, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
     *  to the Database table prefix.
     * @param string $alias
     *  An optional alias for the table. Defaults to null, i.e. no alias.
     * @return DatabaseQueryJoin
     *  A new instance of DatabaseQueryJoin linked to the current DatabaseQuery instance
    public function leftJoin($table, $alias = null)
        $table = $this->replaceTablePrefix($table);
        $table = $this->asTickedString($table);
        return new DatabaseQueryJoin($this, 'left join', "LEFT JOIN $table", $alias);

     * Appends a RIGHT JOIN `table` clause
     * @param string $table
     *  The name of the table to act on, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
     *  to the Database table prefix.
     * @param string $alias
     *  An optional alias for the table. Defaults to null, i.e. no alias.
     * @return DatabaseQueryJoin
     *  A new instance of DatabaseQueryJoin linked to the current DatabaseQuery instance
    public function rightJoin($table, $alias = null)
        $table = $this->replaceTablePrefix($table);
        $table = $this->asTickedString($table);
        return new DatabaseQueryJoin($this, 'right join', "RIGHT JOIN $table", $alias);

     * Appends a OUTER JOIN `table` clause
     * @param string $table
     *  The name of the table to act on, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
     *  to the Database table prefix.
     * @param string $alias
     *  An optional alias for the table. Defaults to null, i.e. no alias.
     * @return DatabaseQueryJoin
     *  A new instance of DatabaseQueryJoin linked to the current DatabaseQuery instance
    public function outerJoin($table, $alias = null)
        $table = $this->replaceTablePrefix($table);
        $table = $this->asTickedString($table);
        return new DatabaseQueryJoin($this, 'outer join', "OUTER JOIN $table", $alias);

     * Appends a WHERE clause with one or many conditions.
     * Calling this method multiple times will join the WHERE clauses with a AND.
     * @see DatabaseWhereDefinition::buildWhereClauseFromArray()
     * @param array $conditions
     *  The logical comparison conditions
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function where(array $conditions)
        $op = $this->containsSQLParts('where') ? 'AND' : 'WHERE';
        $where = $this->buildWhereClauseFromArray($conditions);
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('where', "$op $where");
        return $this;

     * Appends one or multiple ORDER BY clauses.
     * @param string|array $cols
     *  The columns to order by. If the key is numeric, the value is used as the columns name.
     *  If not, the column key is used as the columns name, and the value is used as direction.
     * @param string $direction
     *  The default direction to use, for all columns that to not specify a sorting direction.
     *  Defaults to ASC.
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function orderBy($cols, $direction = 'ASC')
        $orders = [];
        $randoms = ['RAND()', 'RANDOM()'];
        if (!is_array($cols)) {
            $cols = [$cols => $direction];
        foreach ($cols as $col => $dir) {
            // numeric index
            if (General::intval($col) !== -1) {
                // use value as the col name
                $col = $dir;
                $dir = null;
            if (in_array($col, $randoms) || in_array($dir, $randoms)) {
                $orders[] = 'RAND()';
            $dir = strtoupper($dir ?: $direction);
                'col' => ['var' => $col, 'type' => 'string'],
                'dir' => ['var' => $dir, 'type' => 'string'],
            $col = $this->replaceTablePrefix($col);
            $col = $this->asTickedString($col);
            $orders[] = "$col $dir";
        $orders = implode(self::LIST_DELIMITER, $orders);
        $op = $this->containsSQLParts('order by') ? self::VALUES_DELIMITER : 'ORDER BY';
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('order by', "$op $orders");
        return $this;

     * Appends one or multiple GROUP BY clauses.
     * @param string|array $columns
     *  The columns to group by on.
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function groupBy($columns)
        if (!is_array($columns)) {
            $columns = [$columns];
        $group = $this->asTickedList($columns);
        $op = $this->containsSQLParts('group by') ? self::VALUES_DELIMITER : 'GROUP BY';
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('group by', "$op $group");
        return $this;

     * Appends one or multiple HAVING clauses.
     * @see DatabaseWhereDefinition::buildWhereClauseFromArray()
     * @param array $conditions
     *  The logical comparison conditions
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function having(array $conditions)
        $op = $this->containsSQLParts('having') ? 'AND' : 'HAVING';
        $where = $this->buildWhereClauseFromArray($conditions);
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('having', "$op $where");
        return $this;

     * Appends one and only one LIMIT clause.
     * Can only be called once in the lifetime of the object.
     * @throws DatabaseStatementException
     * @param int $limit
     *  The maximum number of records to return
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function limit($limit)
        if ($this->containsSQLParts('limit')) {
            throw new DatabaseStatementException('DatabaseQuery can not hold more than one limit clause');
        $limit = General::intval($limit);
        if ($limit === -1) {
            throw new DatabaseStatementException("Invalid limit value: `$limit`");
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('limit', "LIMIT $limit");
        return $this;

     * Appends one and only one OFFSET clause.
     * Can only be called once in the lifetime of the object.
     * @throws DatabaseStatementException
     * @param int $offset
     *  The number at which to start returning results
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function offset($offset)
        if ($this->containsSQLParts('offset')) {
            throw new DatabaseStatementException('DatabaseQuery can not hold more than one offset clause');
        $offset = General::intval($offset);
        if ($offset === -1) {
            throw new DatabaseStatementException("Invalid offset value: `$offset`");
        $this->unsafeAppendSQLPart('offset', "OFFSET $offset");
        return $this;

     * Sets the offset and limit to act as if the results where paginated.
     * The results will be limited to $size, skipping ($page - 1) * $size elements.
     * @see DatabaseQueryResult::pagination()
     * @param int $page
     *  The page number to retrieve
     * @param int $size
     *  The number of records per page
     * @return DatabaseQuery
     *  The current instance
    public function paginate($page, $size)
        $page = max(1, General::intval($page));
        $size = max(1, General::intval($size));
        $this->offset(($page - 1) * $size);
        $this->page = [
            'page' => $page,
            'size' => $size,
        return $this;

     * @internal
     * Appends any remaining part of the statement.
     * If the projection is empty, the project from getDefaultProjection() will be used.
     * @uses getDefaultProjection()
     * @see DatabaseStatement::finalize()
     * @see DatabaseStatement::execute()
     * @return DatabaseStatement
     *  The current instance
    public function finalize()
        if (!$this->containsSQLParts('projection')) {
        return $this;

     * Creates a specialized version of DatabaseStatementResult to hold
     * result from the current statement.
     * @param bool $success
     *  If the DatabaseStatement creating this instance succeeded or not.
     * @param PDOStatement $stm
     *  The PDOStatement created by the execution of the DatabaseStatement.
     * @return DatabaseQueryResult
     *  The wrapped result
    public function results($success, PDOStatement $stm)
            'success' => ['var' => $success, 'type' => 'bool'],
        return new DatabaseQueryResult($success, $stm, $this, $this->page);

     * Factory method that creates a new `SELECT ...` statement to be
     * safely used inside the current instance of DatabaseQuery.
     * @param array $values
     *  The columns to select. By default, it's `*` if no projection gets added.
     * @return DatabaseSubQuery
    public function select(array $values = [])
        return new DatabaseSubQuery($this->getDB(), $this->selectQueryCount, $values);

     * Creates and returns a new DatabaseQuery, identical to its creator,
     * excepted that the projection is replaced with a count.
     * Optimizer, cache, order by, limit and offset are also removed.
     * @param string $col
     *  The column to count on. Defaults to `*`
     * @return DatabaseQuery
    public function countProjection($col = '*')
        $ignoredParts = ['statement', 'optimizer', 'cache', 'projection', 'order by', 'limit', 'offset'];
        $cp = new DatabaseQuery($this->getDB(), ["COUNT($col)"]);
        foreach ($this->getSQL() as $part) {
            $type = current(array_keys($part));
            if (in_array($type, $ignoredParts, true)) {
            $cp->unsafeAppendSQLPart($type, current(array_values($part)));
        foreach ($this->getValues() as $key => $value) {
            $cp->appendValues([$key => $value]);
        if (!$this->isSafe()) {
        return $cp;