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 * @package toolkit

 * A simple Textarea field that essentially maps to HTML's `<textarea/>`.
class fieldTextarea extends Field implements ExportableField, ImportableField
    public function __construct()
        $this->_name = __('Textarea');
        $this->_required = true;
        $this->entryQueryFieldAdapter = new EntryQueryTextareaAdapter($this);

        // Set default
        $this->set('show_column', 'no');
        $this->set('required', 'no');


    public function canFilter()
        return true;
    public function canPrePopulate()
        return true;

    public function createTable()
        return Symphony::Database()
            ->create('tbl_entries_data_' . General::intval($this->get('id')))
                'id' => [
                    'type' => 'int(11)',
                    'auto' => true,
                'entry_id' => 'int(11)',
                'value' => [
                    'type' => 'MEDIUMTEXT',
                    'null' => true,
                'value_formatted' => [
                    'type' => 'MEDIUMTEXT',
                    'null' => true,
                'id' => 'primary',
                'entry_id' => 'unique',
                'value' => 'fulltext',


    protected function __applyFormatting($data, $validate = false, &$errors = null)
        $result = '';

        if ($this->get('formatter')) {
            $formatter = TextformatterManager::create($this->get('formatter'));
            $result = $formatter->run($data);

        if ($validate === true) {
            if (!General::validateXML($result, $errors, false, new XSLTProcess)) {
                $result = html_entity_decode($result, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                $result = $this->__replaceAmpersands($result);

                if (!General::validateXML($result, $errors, false, new XSLTProcess)) {
                    return false;

        return $result;

    private function __replaceAmpersands($value)
        return preg_replace('/&(?!(#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-f]+|amp|lt|gt);)/i', '&amp;', trim($value));


    public function findDefaults(array &$settings)
        if (!isset($settings['size'])) {
            $settings['size'] = 15;

    public function displaySettingsPanel(XMLElement &$wrapper, $errors = null)
        parent::displaySettingsPanel($wrapper, $errors);

        // Textarea Size
        $label = Widget::Label(__('Number of default rows'));
        $label->setAttribute('class', 'column');
        $input = Widget::Input('fields['.$this->get('sortorder').'][size]', (string)$this->get('size'));

        $div = new XMLElement('div', null, array('class' => 'two columns'));
        $div->appendChild($this->buildFormatterSelect($this->get('formatter'), 'fields['.$this->get('sortorder').'][formatter]', __('Text Formatter')));

        // Requirements and table display

    public function commit()
        if (!parent::commit()) {
            return false;

        $id = $this->get('id');

        if ($id === false) {
            return false;

        $fields = array();

        if ($this->get('formatter') != 'none') {
            $fields['formatter'] = $this->get('formatter');

        $fields['size'] = $this->get('size');

        return FieldManager::saveSettings($id, $fields);


    public function displayPublishPanel(XMLElement &$wrapper, $data = null, $flagWithError = null, $fieldnamePrefix = null, $fieldnamePostfix = null, $entry_id = null)
        $label = Widget::Label($this->get('label'));

        if ($this->get('required') !== 'yes') {
            $label->appendChild(new XMLElement('i', __('Optional')));

        $value = isset($data['value']) ? $data['value'] : null;
        $textarea = Widget::Textarea('fields'.$fieldnamePrefix.'['.$this->get('element_name').']'.$fieldnamePostfix, (int)$this->get('size'), 50, (strlen($value) != 0 ? General::sanitizeDouble($value) : null));

        if ($this->get('formatter') != 'none') {
            $textarea->setAttribute('class', $this->get('formatter'));

         * Allows developers modify the textarea before it is rendered in the publish forms
         * @delegate ModifyTextareaFieldPublishWidget
         * @param string $context
         * '/backend/'
         * @param Field $field
         * @param Widget $label
         * @param Widget $textarea
        Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('ModifyTextareaFieldPublishWidget', '/backend/', array(
            'field' => &$this,
            'label' => &$label,
            'textarea' => &$textarea


        if ($flagWithError != null) {
            $wrapper->appendChild(Widget::Error($label, $flagWithError));
        } else {

    public function checkPostFieldData($data, &$message, $entry_id = null)
        $message = null;

        if ($this->get('required') === 'yes' && strlen(trim($data)) == 0) {
            $message = __('ā€˜%sā€™ is a required field.', array($this->get('label')));
            return self::__MISSING_FIELDS__;

        if ($this->__applyFormatting($data, true, $errors) === false) {
            $message = __('ā€˜%sā€™ contains invalid XML.', array($this->get('label'))) . ' ' . __('The following error was returned:') . ' <code>' . $errors[0]['message'] . '</code>';
            return self::__INVALID_FIELDS__;

        return self::__OK__;

    public function processRawFieldData($data, &$status, &$message = null, $simulate = false, $entry_id = null)
        $status = self::__OK__;

        if (strlen(trim($data)) == 0) {
            return array();

        $result = array(
            'value' => $data

        $result['value_formatted'] = $this->__applyFormatting($data, true, $errors);

        if ($result['value_formatted'] === false) {
            // Run the formatter again, but this time do not validate. We will sanitize the output
            $result['value_formatted'] = General::sanitize($this->__applyFormatting($data));

        return $result;


    public function fetchIncludableElements()
        if ($this->get('formatter')) {
            return array(
                $this->get('element_name') . ': formatted',
                $this->get('element_name') . ': unformatted'

        return array(

    public function appendFormattedElement(XMLElement &$wrapper, $data, $encode = false, $mode = null, $entry_id = null)
        $attributes = array();

        if (!is_null($mode)) {
            $attributes['mode'] = $mode;

        if ($mode == 'formatted') {
            if ($this->get('formatter') && isset($data['value_formatted'])) {
                $value = $data['value_formatted'];
            } else {
                $value = $this->__replaceAmpersands($data['value']);

                new XMLElement(
                    ($encode ? General::sanitize($value) : $value),
        } elseif ($mode == null || $mode == 'unformatted') {
            $value = !empty($data['value'])
                ? sprintf('<![CDATA[%s]]>', str_replace(']]>', ']]]]><![CDATA[>', $data['value']))
                : $data['value'];

                new XMLElement($this->get('element_name'), $value, $attributes)


    public function getImportModes()
        return array(
            'getValue' =>       ImportableField::STRING_VALUE,
            'getPostdata' =>    ImportableField::ARRAY_VALUE

    public function prepareImportValue($data, $mode, $entry_id = null)
        $message = $status = null;
        $modes = (object)$this->getImportModes();

        if ($mode === $modes->getValue) {
            return $data;
        } elseif ($mode === $modes->getPostdata) {
            return $this->processRawFieldData($data, $status, $message, true, $entry_id);

        return null;


     * Return a list of supported export modes for use with `prepareExportValue`.
     * @return array
    public function getExportModes()
        return array(
            'getHandle' =>      ExportableField::HANDLE,
            'getFormatted' =>   ExportableField::FORMATTED,
            'getUnformatted' => ExportableField::UNFORMATTED,
            'getPostdata' =>    ExportableField::POSTDATA

     * Give the field some data and ask it to return a value using one of many
     * possible modes.
     * @param mixed $data
     * @param integer $mode
     * @param integer $entry_id
     * @return string|null
    public function prepareExportValue($data, $mode, $entry_id = null)
        $modes = (object)$this->getExportModes();

        // Export handles:
        if ($mode === $modes->getHandle) {
            if (isset($data['handle'])) {
                return $data['handle'];
            } elseif (isset($data['value'])) {
                return Lang::createHandle($data['value']);

            // Export unformatted:
        } elseif ($mode === $modes->getUnformatted || $mode === $modes->getPostdata) {
            return isset($data['value'])
                ? $data['value']
                : null;

            // Export formatted:
        } elseif ($mode === $modes->getFormatted) {
            if (isset($data['value_formatted'])) {
                return $data['value_formatted'];
            } elseif (isset($data['value'])) {
                return General::sanitize($data['value']);

        return null;


     * @deprecated @since Symphony 3.0.0
     * @see Field::buildDSRetrievalSQL()
    public function buildDSRetrievalSQL($data, &$joins, &$where, $andOperation = false)
        if (Symphony::Log()) {
                get_called_class() . '::buildDSRetrievalSQL()',
        $field_id = $this->get('id');

        if (self::isFilterRegex($data[0])) {
            $this->buildRegexSQL($data[0], array('value'), $joins, $where);
        } elseif (self::isFilterSQL($data[0])) {
            $this->buildFilterSQL($data[0], array('value'), $joins, $where);
        } else {
            if (is_array($data)) {
                $data = $data[0];

            $data = $this->cleanValue($data);
            $joins .= "
                LEFT JOIN
                    `tbl_entries_data_{$field_id}` AS t{$field_id}_{$this->_key}
                    ON ( = t{$field_id}_{$this->_key}.entry_id)
            $where .= "
                AND MATCH (t{$field_id}_{$this->_key}.value) AGAINST ('{$data}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

        return true;


    public function getExampleFormMarkup()
        $label = Widget::Label($this->get('label'));
        $label->appendChild(Widget::Textarea('fields['.$this->get('element_name').']', (int)$this->get('size'), 50));

        return $label;