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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-parser/src/lr0-parser.ts

import {
} from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

import {
    IToken // ,
    // ProductionRhsElementType
} from 'thaw-interpreter-types';

import { createProduction } from 'thaw-interpreter-core';

import { InternalErrorException } from './exceptions/internal-error';
import { ReduceReduceConflictException } from './exceptions/reduce-reduce-conflict';
import { ShiftReduceConflictException } from './exceptions/shift-reduce-conflict';
import { ParserException } from './exceptions/parser';
import { SyntaxException } from './exceptions/syntax';

import { ParserBase } from './parser-base';

import { ShiftReduceAction } from './shift-reduce-actions';

export class LR0Configuration implements IEqualityComparable {
    public static fromProduction(p: IProduction): LR0Configuration {
        return new LR0Configuration(p.lhs, [GrammarSymbol.Dot, ...p.getRHSWithNoSemanticActions()]);

    public readonly ProductionLHS: GrammarSymbol;
    public readonly ProductionRHS: GrammarSymbol[] = []; // Will contain exactly one instance of the symbol Dot.

    constructor(lhs: GrammarSymbol, rhs: GrammarSymbol[] = []) {
        this.ProductionLHS = lhs;
        this.ProductionRHS = rhs.slice(0); // Clone the array

    public toString(): string {
        const fn = (ss: GrammarSymbol | string) =>
            typeof ss === 'string' ? ss : GrammarSymbol[ss];

        return `${fn(this.ProductionLHS)} -> ${' ')}`;

    public equals(other: unknown): boolean {
        const otherConfig = other as LR0Configuration;

        if (
            typeof otherConfig === 'undefined' ||
            !(other instanceof LR0Configuration) ||
            this.ProductionLHS !== otherConfig.ProductionLHS ||
            this.ProductionRHS.length !== otherConfig.ProductionRHS.length
        ) {
            return false;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.ProductionRHS.length; i++) {
            if (this.ProductionRHS[i] !== otherConfig.ProductionRHS[i]) {
                return false;

        return true;

    public FindDot(): number {
        return this.ProductionRHS.findIndex(
            (symbol: GrammarSymbol) => symbol === GrammarSymbol.Dot

    public FindSymbolAfterDot(): GrammarSymbol | undefined {
        const i = this.FindDot();

        if (i >= 0 && i < this.ProductionRHS.length - 1) {
            return this.ProductionRHS[i + 1];

        return undefined;

    public FindSuffix(numSymbolsToSkipAfterDot: number): GrammarSymbol[] | undefined {
        const i = this.FindDot();

        if (i < 0) {
            return undefined;

        return this.ProductionRHS.slice(i + numSymbolsToSkipAfterDot + 1);

    public AdvanceDot(): LR0Configuration {
        const dotIndex = this.FindDot();

        if (dotIndex < 0) {
            throw new InternalErrorException('LR0Configuration.AdvanceDot() : No dot found.');

        const newRHS = this.ProductionRHS.filter(
            (symbol: GrammarSymbol) => symbol !== GrammarSymbol.Dot
        const newConf = new LR0Configuration(this.ProductionLHS, newRHS);

        if (dotIndex >= this.ProductionRHS.length - 1) {
            throw new InternalErrorException(
                'LR0Configuration.AdvanceDot() : The dot cannot be advanced any further.'

        newConf.ProductionRHS.splice(dotIndex + 1, 0, GrammarSymbol.Dot);

        return newConf;

    public ConvertToProductionIfAllMatched(): IProduction | undefined {
        const dotIndex = this.FindDot();

        if (
            this.ProductionRHS.length === 2 &&
            dotIndex === 0 &&
            this.ProductionRHS[1] === GrammarSymbol.Lambda
        ) {
            // A necessary hack.
            return createProduction(this.ProductionLHS, [GrammarSymbol.Lambda]);

            // (1 of 2) Here, we fake the creation of a Production withouut calling
            // createProduction so that thaw-parser will not depend on thaw-grammar.

            // return {
            //     lhs: this.ProductionLHS,
            //     rhs: [GrammarSymbol.Lambda],
            //     // readonly num: 0,
            //     getRHSWithNoSemanticActions: () => [GrammarSymbol.Lambda],
            //     stripOutSemanticActions: () => {
            //         throw new Error(
            //             'LR0 ConvertToProductionIfAllMatched() : necessary hack : stripOutSemanticActions()'
            //         );
            //     },
            //     containsSymbol: (symbol: GrammarSymbol) =>
            //         symbol === this.ProductionLHS || symbol === GrammarSymbol.Lambda,
            //     toString: () => `0: ${this.ProductionLHS} -> Lambda`,
            //     equals: (other: unknown) => {
            //         const otherProduction = other as IProduction;
            //         return (
            //             otherProduction.lhs === this.ProductionLHS &&
            //             otherProduction.rhs.length === 1 &&
            //             otherProduction.rhs[0] === GrammarSymbol.Lambda
            //         );
            //     }
            // };

        if (dotIndex !== this.ProductionRHS.length - 1) {
            return undefined;

        // return createProduction(
        //     this.ProductionLHS,
        //     this.ProductionRHS.filter(
        //         (symbol: string | GrammarSymbol) => symbol !== GrammarSymbol.Dot
        //     )
        // );

        // (2 of 2) Here, we fake the creation of a Production withouut calling
        // createProduction so that thaw-parser will not depend on thaw-grammar.

        // Create a copy of the RHS with the dot removed.
        const newRHS = this.ProductionRHS.filter(
            (symbol: string | GrammarSymbol) => symbol !== GrammarSymbol.Dot

        return createProduction(this.ProductionLHS, newRHS);

        // const newRHSWithNoSemanticActions = newRHS
        //     .filter((s: ProductionRhsElementType) => typeof s !== 'string')
        //     .map((s: ProductionRhsElementType) => s as GrammarSymbol);
        // return {
        //     lhs: this.ProductionLHS,
        //     rhs: newRHS,
        //     // readonly num: 0,
        //     getRHSWithNoSemanticActions: () => newRHSWithNoSemanticActions,
        //     stripOutSemanticActions: () => {
        //         throw new Error(
        //             'LR0 ConvertToProductionIfAllMatched() : necessary hack part 2 : stripOutSemanticActions()'
        //         );
        //     },
        //     containsSymbol: (symbol: GrammarSymbol) =>
        //         symbol === this.ProductionLHS ||
        //         typeof newRHS.find((s: ProductionRhsElementType) => s === symbol) !== 'undefined',
        //     // toString: () => `0: ${this.ProductionLHS} -> Lambda`,
        //     toString: () => 'Grrr. Arrrgh.',
        //     equals: (other: unknown) => {
        //         const otherProduction = other as IProduction;
        //         return (
        //             otherProduction.lhs === this.ProductionLHS &&
        //             otherProduction.rhs.length === newRHS.length &&
        //             newRHS.every((s, i: number) => s === otherProduction.rhs[i])
        //         );
        //     }
        // };

export class CFSMState {
    // public readonly ConfigurationSet: Set<LR0Configuration>;
    // The Transitions graph could contain cycles.
    public readonly Transitions = new Map<GrammarSymbol, CFSMState>();

    constructor(public readonly ConfigurationSet: IImmutableSet<LR0Configuration>) {
        // this.ConfigurationSet = cs;

    public toString(): string {
        const configs = this.ConfigurationSet.toArray();


        return `[${configs.join()}]`;

    public Equals(obj: unknown): boolean {
        // TODO: Find a better implementation for this function.  Beware of cycles in the finite state machine (or ignore the transitions in this function).

        const that = obj as CFSMState;

        // TODO: Should we also consider Transitions.Keys?
        return (
            that !== undefined &&
            obj instanceof CFSMState &&

export class CharacteristicFiniteStateMachine {
    public readonly StateList: CFSMState[] = [];
    public readonly StartState: CFSMState;
    public readonly ErrorState: CFSMState;

    constructor(ss: CFSMState) {
        this.StartState = ss;
        this.ErrorState = new CFSMState(createSet<LR0Configuration>());

    public FindStateWithLabel(cs: IImmutableSet<LR0Configuration>): CFSMState | undefined {
        // Returns undefined if no state has the given configuration set.
        return this.StateList.find((state: CFSMState) => cs.equals(state.ConfigurationSet));

class CFSMStateSymbolPair {
    public readonly state: CFSMState;
    public readonly symbol: GrammarSymbol;

    constructor(st: CFSMState, sy: GrammarSymbol) {
        this.state = st;
        this.symbol = sy;

    public toString(): string {
        return `${this.state}, ${this.symbol}`;

    public Equals(obj: unknown): boolean {
        const that = obj as CFSMStateSymbolPair;

        return (
            typeof that !== 'undefined' &&
            obj instanceof CFSMStateSymbolPair &&
            this.state.Equals(that.state) &&
            this.symbol === that.symbol

export class LR0Parser extends ParserBase {
    private readonly AllSymbols: IImmutableSet<GrammarSymbol>;
    protected readonly machine: CharacteristicFiniteStateMachine;
    private readonly GoToTable = new Map<string, CFSMState>();
    private readonly startingProduction: IProduction;

    constructor(g: IGrammar) {

        this.AllSymbols = createSet<GrammarSymbol>(g.terminals.concat(g.nonTerminals));
        this.machine = this.build_CFSM();
        this.startingProduction = g.findStartingProduction(); // No need to .StripOutSemanticActions(); they have already been removed.

    public get NumberOfStates(): number {
        return this.machine.StateList.length;

    // Adapted from Fischer and LeBlanc, page 146.

    private closure0(s: IImmutableSet<LR0Configuration>): ISet<LR0Configuration> {
        const sPrime = createSet<LR0Configuration>(s);
        const additions = createSet<LR0Configuration>();

        do {

            for (const conf1 of sPrime) {
                const A = conf1.FindSymbolAfterDot();

                if (typeof A === 'undefined' || !this.grammar.nonTerminals.includes(A)) {

                for (const p of {
                    if (p.lhs !== A) {

                    const addition = LR0Configuration.fromProduction(p);

                    if (!sPrime.contains(addition) && !additions.contains(addition)) {

        } while (additions.size > 0);

        return sPrime;

    // Adapted from Fischer and LeBlanc, page 147.

    private go_to0(s: IImmutableSet<LR0Configuration>, X: GrammarSymbol): ISet<LR0Configuration> {
        const sb = createSet<LR0Configuration>();

        for (const c of s) {
            const symbol = c.FindSymbolAfterDot();

            if (typeof symbol === 'undefined' || symbol !== X) {


        return this.closure0(sb);

    // See Fischer and LeBlanc, page 147.

    private compute_s0(): ISet<LR0Configuration> {
        const p = this.grammar.findStartingProduction();

        return this.closure0(createSet<LR0Configuration>([LR0Configuration.fromProduction(p)]));

    // Adapted from Fischer and LeBlanc, page 148.

    private build_CFSM(): CharacteristicFiniteStateMachine {
        const s0 = this.compute_s0();
        const startState = new CFSMState(s0);
        const cfsm = new CharacteristicFiniteStateMachine(startState);
        const S = new Stack<ISet<LR0Configuration>>();


        while (S.size > 0) {
            const s = S.pop();

            // Consider both terminals and non-terminals.

            for (const X of this.AllSymbols) {
                const g = this.go_to0(s, X);

                // if (g.Count == 0) {
                //     continue;
                // }

                let stateG = cfsm.FindStateWithLabel(g);

                if (typeof stateG === 'undefined') {
                    stateG = new CFSMState(g);

                // Create a transition under X from the state s labels to the state g labels.
                const stateS = cfsm.FindStateWithLabel(s);

                if (typeof stateS === 'undefined') {
                    // ThAW 2021-06-28

                if (stateS.Transitions.has(X)) {
                    throw new InternalErrorException(
                        'LR0Parser.build_CFSM() : Finite state machine transition is being overwritten.'

                stateS.Transitions.set(X, stateG);

        return cfsm;

    // protected productionEquals(p1: Production, other: Production): boolean {
    //     return p1.equals(other);
    // }

    // Adapted from Fischer and LeBlanc, pages 150-151.

    private GetAction(S: CFSMState): {
        reduceProductionNum: number;
        action: ShiftReduceAction;
    } {
        let result = ShiftReduceAction.Error;
        let reduceOrAcceptResultFound = false; // In order for the grammar to be LR(0), there must be at most one result per state-symbol pair.

        let reduceProductionNum = -1;

        // 1) Search for Reduce actions.

        for (const c of S.ConfigurationSet) {
            const matchedProduction = c.ConvertToProductionIfAllMatched();

            if (typeof matchedProduction === 'undefined') {

            for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {
                const productionToCompare =[i].stripOutSemanticActions();

                // console.log(`Comparing prod ${matchedProduction} to ${productionToCompare} ...`);

                if (matchedProduction.equals(productionToCompare)) {
                    // console.log(`Yay! Prod ${matchedProduction} matches ${productionToCompare}`);

                    if (reduceOrAcceptResultFound && reduceProductionNum != i) {
                        throw new ReduceReduceConflictException(
                            'GetAction() : Multiple actions found; grammar is not LR(0).'

                    result = matchedProduction.equals(this.startingProduction)
                        ? ShiftReduceAction.Accept
                        : ShiftReduceAction.Reduce;

                    reduceProductionNum = i;
                    reduceOrAcceptResultFound = true;

        // 2) Search for Shift and Accept actions.
        const shiftResultFound = S.ConfigurationSet.toArray().some((c: LR0Configuration) => {
            const symbol = c.FindSymbolAfterDot();

            return typeof symbol !== 'undefined' && this.grammar.terminals.includes(symbol);

        if (shiftResultFound) {
            if (reduceOrAcceptResultFound) {
                throw new ShiftReduceConflictException(
                    'GetAction() : Multiple actions found; grammar is not LR(0).'

            result = ShiftReduceAction.Shift;

        // Test:

        if (result == ShiftReduceAction.Error)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            string separator = string.Empty;

            for each (Symbol transitionSymbol in S.Transitions.Keys)
                separator = ", ";

            throw new Exception(string.Format("GetAction() error: transition keys = {0}", sb.ToString()));

        return {
            action: result

    protected GetActionCaller(
        S: CFSMState,
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
        tokenAsSymbol: GrammarSymbol
    ): { reduceProductionNum: number; action: ShiftReduceAction } {
        return this.GetAction(S);

    // Adapted from Fischer and LeBlanc, page 150.

    private build_go_to_table(): void {

        for (const S of this.machine.StateList) {
            for (const X of S.Transitions.keys()) {
                const value = S.Transitions.get(X);

                if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
                    const pair = new CFSMStateSymbolPair(S, X);

                    this.GoToTable.set(pair.toString(), value);

    public go_to(S: CFSMState, tokenAsSymbol: GrammarSymbol): CFSMState {
        const pair = new CFSMStateSymbolPair(S, tokenAsSymbol);
        const value = this.GoToTable.get(pair.toString());

        if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
            throw new InternalErrorException(`go_to() failed on token ${tokenAsSymbol}`);

        return value;

    // Adapted from Fischer and LeBlanc, page 142.

    private shift_reduce_driver(tokenList: IToken[], parse: boolean): unknown {
        if (tokenList.length === 0) {
            throw new SyntaxException('Token list is empty');

        // console.log('shift_reduce_driver(): Tokens are:');
        // for (const t of tokenList) {
        //     console.log(`Token: ${t.tokenValue} at ${t.line}, ${t.column}`);
        // }

        let tokenNum = 0;
        let token = tokenList[tokenNum];
        let tokenAsSymbol = this.grammar.tokenToSymbol(token);
        const parseStack = new Stack<CFSMState>(); // The parse stack, which contains CFSM states.
        const semanticStack = new Stack<unknown>();


        // console.log('shift_reduce_driver(): Initial parseStack.size is:', parseStack.size);

        while (parseStack.size > 0) {
            const S = parseStack.peek();

            // console.log(`S from parseStack.peek() is ${typeof S} ${S}`, S);

            // Returns { reduceProductionNum: number; action: ShiftReduceAction; }
            const callerResult = this.GetActionCaller(S, tokenAsSymbol);
            const action = callerResult.action;
            const reduceProductionNum = callerResult.reduceProductionNum;
            let unstrippedProduction: IProduction;
            let numNonLambdaSymbols: number;

            // console.log(
            //     `callerResult.action is ${typeof callerResult.action} ${callerResult.action}`,
            //     callerResult.action
            // );

            switch (action) {
                case ShiftReduceAction.Accept:
                    // console.log('Accept.');

                    if (!parse) {
                        return undefined;

                    if (semanticStack.size !== 1) {
                        throw new ParserException(
                            `There were ${semanticStack.size} objects on the semantic stack; expected exactly one`

                    return semanticStack.pop();

                case ShiftReduceAction.Shift:
                    // console.log(
                    //     `Shift: tokenAsSymbol is ${tokenAsSymbol} ${Symbol[tokenAsSymbol]}`
                    // );
                    parseStack.push(this.go_to(S, tokenAsSymbol));

                    if (parse) {

                    // Get next token.

                    if (tokenNum >= tokenList.length) {
                        //throw new SyntaxException("Unexpected end of token list");
                        tokenNum = tokenList.length - 1; // Hack.  Even after the last token has been shifted, we still need to reduce.  So stick around.

                    token = tokenList[tokenNum];
                    tokenAsSymbol = this.grammar.tokenToSymbol(token);


                case ShiftReduceAction.Reduce:
                    // console.log(
                    //     `Reduce: tokenAsSymbol is ${tokenAsSymbol} ${Symbol[tokenAsSymbol]}`
                    // );

                    if (
                        reduceProductionNum < 0 ||
                        reduceProductionNum >=
                    ) {
                        throw new InternalErrorException('Reduce: Invalid production number');

                    unstrippedProduction =[reduceProductionNum];

                    // console.log(`Reduce: Production is ${unstrippedProduction}.`);
                    // console.log(
                    //     `Reduce: Production RHSWithNoSemanticActions is ${unstrippedProduction.RHSWithNoSemanticActions()}.`
                    // );

                    // Pop the production's non-Lambda symbols off of the parse stack.
                    numNonLambdaSymbols = unstrippedProduction
                        .filter((s: GrammarSymbol) => s !== GrammarSymbol.Lambda).length;

                    // console.log(`Reduce: numNonLambdaSymbols is ${numNonLambdaSymbols}.`);

                    for (let i = 0; i < numNonLambdaSymbols; i++) {
                        // const obj =

                        // console.log(`Reduce: Popped ${obj} off of the parseStack.`);

                    // console.log(`Reduce: Done popping; parseStack.peek() is ${parseStack.peek()}`);

                    parseStack.push(this.go_to(parseStack.peek(), unstrippedProduction.lhs));

                    if (parse && unstrippedProduction.rhs.length > 0) {
                        // Grammar requirement: Every semantic action string appears at the end of a production.
                        const semanticAction =
                            unstrippedProduction.rhs[unstrippedProduction.rhs.length - 1]; // as string;

                        if (typeof semanticAction === 'string') {
                            this.grammar.executeSemanticAction(semanticStack, semanticAction);


                case ShiftReduceAction.Error:
                    console.error(`Error: S from parseStack.peek() is ${typeof S} ${S}`, S);
                        `Error: tokenAsSymbol is ${tokenAsSymbol} ${GrammarSymbol[tokenAsSymbol]}`
                    console.error('semanticStack.size is', semanticStack.size);

                    throw new SyntaxException('LR0Parser.shift_reduce_driver() : action === Error');

                    // console.log(
                    //     `default: tokenAsSymbol is ${tokenAsSymbol} ${Symbol[tokenAsSymbol]}`
                    // );
                    throw new SyntaxException(
                        `LR0Parser.shift_reduce_driver() : Syntax error at symbol ${GrammarSymbol[tokenAsSymbol]} value ${token.tokenValue}, line ${token.line}, column ${token.column}.`

        throw new InternalErrorException(
            'LR0Parser.shift_reduce_driver() : The parse stack is empty, but the Accept state has not been reached.'

    public recognize(tokenList: IToken[]): void {
        // Throws an exception if an error is encountered.
        this.shift_reduce_driver(tokenList, false);

    public parse(tokenList: IToken[]): unknown {
        return this.shift_reduce_driver(tokenList, true);