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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

TomoPy script to reconstruct a TomoBank file

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import json
import argparse
import traceback
import numpy as np
import timemory
import collections

import h5py
import tomopy
import dxchange
from tomopy.misc.benchmark import *

def get_dx_dims(fname, dataset):
    Read array size of a specific group of Data Exchange file.

    fname : str
        String defining the path of file or file name.
    dataset : str
        Path to the dataset inside hdf5 file where data is located.

        Data set size.

    grp = '/'.join(['exchange', dataset])

    with h5py.File(fname, "r") as f:
            data = f[grp]
        except KeyError:
            return None

        shape = data.shape

    return shape

def restricted_float(x):

    x = float(x)
    if x < 0.0 or x >= 1.0:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%r not in range [0.0, 1.0]" % (x,))
    return x

def read_rot_centers(fname):

        with open(fname) as json_file:
            json_string =
            dictionary = json.loads(json_string)

        return collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dictionary.items()))

    except Exception as error:
        print("ERROR: the json file containing the rotation axis locations "
              "is missing")
        print("ERROR: run: python to create one first")
        print("Error: {}".format(error))

def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, args, blocked_views=None):

    # not setting this will cause issues on supercomputers
    # allow user to override though
    os.environ.setdefault("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "1")

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    # Manage the missing angles:
    if blocked_views is not None:
        print("Blocked Views: ", blocked_views)
        proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:blocked_views[0], :, :],
                               proj[blocked_views[1]+1:-1, :, :]), axis=0)
        theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:blocked_views[0]],
                                theta[blocked_views[1]+1: -1]))

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data, level=7, wname='sym16', sigma=1,

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    algorithm = args.algorithm
    ncores = args.ncores
    nitr = args.num_iter

    # always add algorithm
    _kwargs = {"algorithm": algorithm}

    # assign number of cores
    _kwargs["ncore"] = ncores

    # use the accelerated version
    if algorithm in ["mlem", "sirt"]:
        _kwargs["accelerated"] = True

    # don't assign "num_iter" if gridrec or fbp
    if algorithm not in ["fbp", "gridrec"]:
        _kwargs["num_iter"] = nitr

    sname = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'proj_{}'.format(args.algorithm))
    tmp = np.zeros((proj.shape[0], proj.shape[2]))
    tmp[:,:] = proj[:,0,:]
    output_image(tmp, sname + "." + args.format)

    # Reconstruct object.
    with timemory.util.auto_timer(
        print("Starting reconstruction with kwargs={}...".format(_kwargs))
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, **_kwargs)
    print("Completed reconstruction...")

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    obj = np.zeros(rec.shape, dtype=rec.dtype)
    label = "{} @ {}".format(algorithm.upper(), h5fname)
    quantify_difference(label, obj, rec)

    return rec

def rec_full(h5fname, rot_center, args, blocked_views, nchunks=16):

    data_size = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')

    output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'rec_full')
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct.
    sino_start = 0
    sino_end = data_size[1]

    # The number of sinogram chunks to reconstruct. Only one chunk at the time
    # is reconstructed allowing for limited RAM machines to complete a full
    # reconstruction.
    chunks = nchunks

    nSino_per_chunk = (sino_end - sino_start)/chunks
    print("Reconstructing [%d] slices from slice [%d] to [%d] "
          "in [%d] chunks of [%d] slices each" %
          ((sino_end - sino_start), sino_start, sino_end,
           chunks, nSino_per_chunk))

    imgs = []
    strt = 0
    for iChunk in range(0, chunks):
        print('\n  -- chunk # %i' % (iChunk+1))
        sino_chunk_start = sino_start + nSino_per_chunk*iChunk
        sino_chunk_end = sino_start + nSino_per_chunk*(iChunk+1)
        print('\n  --------> [%i, %i]' % (sino_chunk_start, sino_chunk_end))

        if sino_chunk_end > sino_end:

        sino = (int(sino_chunk_start), int(sino_chunk_end))

        # Reconstruct.
        rec = reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, args, blocked_views)

        # Write data as stack of TIFs.
        fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'recon_{}_'.format(args.algorithm))
        print("Reconstructions: ", fname)

        imgs.extend(output_images(rec, fname, args.format, args.scale,
        strt += sino[1] - sino[0]

    return imgs

def rec_partial(h5fname, rot_center, args, blocked_views, nchunks=1):

    data_size = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    print("data size: {}".format(data_size))

    output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'rec_partial')
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct.
    subset = list(args.subset)
    nbeg, nend = subset[0], subset[1]
    if nbeg == nend:
        nend += 1
    if not args.no_center:
        ndiv = (nend - nbeg) // 2
        offset = data_size[1] // 2
        nbeg = (offset - ndiv)
        nend = (offset + ndiv)
    print("[partial]> slices = {} ({}, {}) of {}".format(
        nend - nbeg, nbeg, nend, data_size[1]))
    sino_start, sino_end = nbeg, nend

    # The number of sinogram chunks to reconstruct. Only one chunk at the time
    # is reconstructed allowing for limited RAM machines to complete a full
    # reconstruction.
    chunks = nchunks

    nSino_per_chunk = (sino_end - sino_start)/chunks
    print("Reconstructing [%d] slices from slice [%d] to [%d] "
          "in [%d] chunks of [%d] slices each" %
          ((sino_end - sino_start), sino_start, sino_end,
           chunks, nSino_per_chunk))

    imgs = []
    strt = 0
    for iChunk in range(0, chunks):
        print('\n  -- chunk # %i' % (iChunk+1))
        sino_chunk_start = sino_start + nSino_per_chunk*iChunk
        sino_chunk_end = sino_start + nSino_per_chunk*(iChunk+1)
        print('\n  --------> [%i, %i]' % (sino_chunk_start, sino_chunk_end))

        if sino_chunk_end > sino_end:

        sino = (int(sino_chunk_start), int(sino_chunk_end))

        print("Starting reconstruction...")
        # Reconstruct.
        rec = reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, args, blocked_views)

        # Write data as stack of TIFs.
        fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'recon_{}_'.format(args.algorithm))
        print("Reconstructions: ", fname)

        imgs.extend(output_images(rec, fname, args.format, args.scale,
        strt += sino[1] - sino[0]

    return imgs

def rec_slice(h5fname, nsino, rot_center, args, blocked_views):

    data_size = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    ssino = int(data_size[1] * nsino)

    output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'rec_slice')
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino = None
    imgs = []

    start = ssino
    end = start + 1
    sino = (start, end)

    # Reconstruct
    rec = reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, args, blocked_views)

    fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'recon_{}_'.format(args.algorithm))

    # dxchange.write_tiff_stack(rec, fname=fname)
    print("Rec: ", fname)
    print("Slice: ", start)
    imgs.extend(output_images(rec, fname, args.format, args.scale, args.ncol))
    return imgs

def output_analysis(manager, args, imgs):
    # timing report to stdout

    fpath = args.output_dir
    timemory.options.output_dir = fpath

    # provide ASCII results
        print("\nWriting notes...\n")
        notes = manager.write_ctest_notes(directory=fpath)
        print('"{}" wrote CTest notes file : {}'.format(__file__, notes))
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception [write_ctest_notes] - {}".format(e))

def main(arg):

    import multiprocessing as mp
    default_ncores = mp.cpu_count()
    default_type = "partial"
    type_choices = ["slice", "full", "partial"]

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help=("file name of a tmographic dataset: "
    parser.add_argument("--axis", nargs='?', type=str, default="0",
                        help=("rotation axis location: 1024.0 "
                              "(default 1/2 image horizontal size)")
    parser.add_argument("--type", nargs='?', type=str, default=default_type,
                        help="reconstruction type (default: {})".format(default_type),
    parser.add_argument("--nsino", nargs='?', type=restricted_float,
                        help=("location of the sinogram used by slice "
                              "reconstruction (0 top, 1 bottom): 0.5 "
                              "(default 0.5)")
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--algorithm", help="Select the algorithm",
                        default="sirt", choices=algorithms, type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--ncores", help="number of cores",
                        default=default_ncores, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", help="output image format",
                        default="png", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-S", "--scale",
                        help="scale image by a positive factor",
                        default=1, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--ncol", help="Number of images per row",
                        default=1, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--num-iter", help="Number of iterations",
                        default=5, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-dir", help="Output directory",
                        default=None, type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-g", "--grainsize",
                        help="Granularity of slices to compute",
                        default=None, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--subset",
                        help="Select subset (range) of slices (center enabled by default)",
                        default=(0, 24), type=int, nargs=2)
                        help="When used with '--subset', do no center subset",

    args = parser.parse_args()

    print("\nargs: {}\n".format(args))

    if args.output_dir is None:
        fpath = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(args.fname))
        args.output_dir = os.path.join(fpath + "_output", args.algorithm)
        if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):

    args.output_dir = os.path.abspath(args.output_dir)

    manager = timemory.manager()

    # Set path to the micro-CT data to reconstruct.
    fname = args.fname

    rot_center = float(args.axis)

    # Set default rotation axis location
    if rot_center == 0:
        data_size = get_dx_dims(fname, 'data')
        rot_center =  data_size[2]/2

    nsino = float(args.nsino)

    blocked_views = None

    imgs = []
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        if args.type == "slice":
            imgs = rec_slice(fname, nsino, rot_center, args, blocked_views)
        elif args.type == "partial":
            grainsize = 1 if args.grainsize is None else args.grainsize
            imgs = rec_partial(fname, rot_center, args, blocked_views,
            grainsize = 16 if args.grainsize is None else args.grainsize
            imgs = rec_full(fname, rot_center, args, blocked_views,
        print("File name does not exist: ", fname)

    output_analysis(manager, args, imgs)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ret = 0
    except Exception as e:
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=5)
        print('Exception - {}'.format(e))
        ret = 1