# frozen_string_literal: true
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 UncleSp1d3r
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# The AttackHelper module provides utility methods for handling attack-related
# operations in the application.
# Methods:
# - attack_status_class(attack): Determines the CSS class to be applied based on
# the state of the given attack object.
# Parameters:
# - attack: An object representing an attack, which must respond to the `state`
# method.
# Returns:
# - A string representing the CSS class corresponding to the attack's state.
# Possible return values are:
# - "success" for "completed" and "exhausted" states
# - "primary" for "running" state
# - "warning" for "paused" state
# - "danger" for "failed" state
# - "secondary" for "pending" state
# - "default" for any other state
module AttackHelper
# Determines the CSS class for the given attack based on its state.
# @param attack [Object] the attack object which contains the state attribute.
# @return [String] the CSS class corresponding to the attack's state.
# - "completed" -> "success"
# - "running" -> "primary"
# - "paused" -> "warning"
# - "failed" -> "danger"
# - "exhausted" -> "success"
# - "pending" -> "secondary"
# - any other state -> "default"
def attack_status_class(attack)
return "default" unless attack.respond_to?(:state)
case attack.state
when "completed"
when "running"
when "paused"
when "failed"
when "exhausted"
when "pending"