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1 wk
Test Coverage
package api

import (

    cloudevents "github.com/cloudevents/sdk-go/v2"
    protocol "github.com/cloudevents/sdk-go/v2/protocol/http"
    prometheus "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/api"

type flowHandler struct {
    client     grpc.FlowClient
    prometheus prometheus.Client

    apiV2Address string

func newSingleHostReverseProxy(patchReq func(req *http.Request) *http.Request) *httputil.ReverseProxy {
    director := func(req *http.Request) {
        req = patchReq(req)
        if _, ok := req.Header["User-Agent"]; !ok {
            req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "")

    return &httputil.ReverseProxy{
        Director: director,

func newFlowHandler(base *mux.Router, router *mux.Router, conf *core.Config) (*flowHandler, error) {
    flowAddr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", conf.GrpcPort)
    slog.Debug("Connecting to Direktiv flows.", "addr", flowAddr)

    flowConn, err := util.GetEndpointTLS(flowAddr)
    if err != nil {
        slog.Error("Failed to connect to Direktiv flows.", "addr", flowAddr, "error", err)
        return nil, err
    slog.Info("Connected to Direktiv flows.", "addr", flowAddr)

    h := &flowHandler{
        client:       grpc.NewFlowClient(flowConn),
        apiV2Address: fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", conf.ApiV2Port),

    prometheusAddr := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", conf.Prometheus)
    slog.Debug("Connecting to Prometheus.", "addr", prometheusAddr)
    h.prometheus, err = prometheus.NewClient(prometheus.Config{Address: prometheusAddr})
    if err != nil {
        slog.Error("Failed to connect to Prometheus.", "addr", prometheusAddr, "error", err)
        return nil, err
    slog.Info("Connected to Prometheus.", "addr", prometheusAddr)

    slog.Debug("Initializing API routes on the router.")
    slog.Debug("API routes have been successfully added to the router.")

    slog.Debug("Setting up reverse proxy handlers for API and namespace endpoints.")
    setupReverseProxyHandlers(base, router, h.apiV2Address)

    return h, nil

func setupReverseProxyHandlers(base *mux.Router, router *mux.Router, apiV2Address string) {
    proxy := newSingleHostReverseProxy(func(req *http.Request) *http.Request {
        req.Host = ""
        req.URL.Host = apiV2Address
        req.URL.Scheme = "http"

        return req

    router.PathPrefix("/v2").Handler(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r) }))
    base.PathPrefix("/gw").Handler(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r) }))
    base.PathPrefix("/ns").Handler(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r) }))

func (h *flowHandler) initRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces Namespaces getNamespaces
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Gets the list of namespaces.
    // parameters:
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/order.field"
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/order.direction"
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/filter.field"
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/filter.type"
    // summary: Gets the list of namespaces
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got list of namespaces"
    //   error:
    //       "description": "an error has occurred"
    handlerPair(r, RN_ListNamespaces, "/namespaces", h.Namespaces, h.NamespacesSSE)

    // swagger:operation PUT /api/namespaces/{namespace} Namespaces createNamespace
    // ---
    // summary: Creates a namespace
    // description: |
    //   Creates a new namespace.
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace to create'
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "namespace has been successfully created"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}", h.CreateNamespace).Name(RN_AddNamespace).Methods(http.MethodPut)

    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/lint", h.NamespaceLint).Name("getNamespaceLogs").Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation DELETE /api/namespaces/{namespace} Namespaces deleteNamespace
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Delete a namespace.
    //   A namespace will not delete by default if it has any child resources (workflows, etc...).
    //   Deleting the namespace with all its children can be done using the `recursive` query parameter.
    // summary: Delete a namespace
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace to delete'
    // - in: query
    //   name: recursive
    //   type: boolean
    //   required: false
    //   description: 'recursively deletes all child resources'
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "namespace has been successfully deleted"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}", h.DeleteNamespace).Name(RN_DeleteNamespace).Methods(http.MethodDelete)

    // swagger:operation POST /api/jq Other jqPlayground
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   JQ Playground is a sandbox where you can test jq queries with custom data.
    // summary: JQ Playground api to test jq queries
    // parameters:
    // - in: body
    //   name: JQ payload
    //   required: true
    //   description: Payload that contains both the JSON data to manipulate and jq query.
    //   schema:
    //     example:
    //       data: "eyJhIjogMSwgImIiOiAyLCAiYyI6IDQsICJkIjogN30="
    //       query: "map(select(. >= 2))"
    //     type: object
    //     required:
    //       - data
    //       - query
    //     properties:
    //       data:
    //         type: string
    //         description: JSON data encoded in base64
    //       query:
    //         type: string
    //         description: jq query to manipulate JSON data
    // responses:
    //   '500':
    //     "description": "an unexpected internal error occurred"
    //   '400':
    //     "description": "the request was invalid"
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "jq query was successful"
    r.HandleFunc("/jq", h.JQ).Name(RN_JQPlayground).Methods(http.MethodPost)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=metrics-invoked Metrics workflowMetricsInvoked
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get metrics of invoked workflow instances.
    // summary: Gets Invoked Workflow Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got workflow metrics"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodGet, RN_GetWorkflowMetrics, "metrics-invoked", h.WorkflowMetricsInvoked)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=metrics-successful Metrics workflowMetricsSuccessful
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get metrics of a workflow, where the instance was successful.
    // summary: Gets Successful Workflow Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got workflow metrics"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodGet, RN_GetWorkflowMetrics, "metrics-successful", h.WorkflowMetricsSuccessful)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=metrics-failed Metrics workflowMetricsFailed
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get metrics of a workflow, where the instance failed.
    // summary: Gets Failed Workflow Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got workflow metrics"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodGet, RN_GetWorkflowMetrics, "metrics-failed", h.WorkflowMetricsFailed)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=metrics-failed Metrics workflowMetricsMilliseconds
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get the timing metrics of a workflow's instance.
    //   This returns a total sum of the milliseconds a workflow has been executed for.
    // summary: Gets Workflow Time Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got workflow metrics"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodGet, RN_GetWorkflowMetrics, "metrics-milliseconds", h.WorkflowMetricsMilliseconds)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=metrics-state-milliseconds Metrics workflowMetricsStateMilliseconds
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get the state timing metrics of a workflow's instance.
    //   This returns the timing of individual states in a workflow.
    // summary: Gets a Workflow State Time Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got workflow metrics"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodGet, RN_GetWorkflowMetrics, "metrics-state-milliseconds", h.WorkflowMetricsStateMilliseconds)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/metrics/invoked Metrics namespaceMetricsInvoked
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get metrics of invoked workflows in the targeted namespace.
    // summary: Gets Namespace Invoked Workflow Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got namespace metrics"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/metrics/invoked", h.NamespaceMetricsInvoked).Name(RN_GetNamespaceMetrics).Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/metrics/successful Metrics namespaceMetricsSuccessful
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get metrics of successful workflows in the targeted namespace.
    // summary: Gets Namespace Successful Workflow Instances Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got namespace metrics"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/metrics/successful", h.NamespaceMetricsSuccessful).Name(RN_GetNamespaceMetrics).Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/metrics/failed Metrics namespaceMetricsFailed
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get metrics of failed workflows in the targeted namespace.
    // summary: Gets Namespace Failed Workflow Instances Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got namespace metrics"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/metrics/failed", h.NamespaceMetricsFailed).Name(RN_GetNamespaceMetrics).Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/metrics/milliseconds Metrics namespaceMetricsMilliseconds
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get timing metrics of workflows in the targeted namespace.
    // summary: Gets Namespace Workflow Timing Metrics
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got namespace metrics"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/metrics/milliseconds", h.NamespaceMetricsMilliseconds).Name(RN_GetNamespaceMetrics).Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=metrics-sankey Metrics workflowMetricsSankey
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get Sankey metrics of a workflow revision.
    //   If ref query is not provided, metrics for the latest revision
    //   will be retrieved.
    // summary: Get Sankey metrics of a workflow revision.
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // - in: query
    //   name: ref
    //   type: string
    //   required: false
    //   description: 'target workflow revision reference'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got workflow metrics"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodGet, RN_GetWorkflowMetrics, "metrics-sankey", h.MetricsSankey)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/instances/{instance} Instances getInstance
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Gets the details of a executed workflow instance in this namespace.
    // summary: Get a Instance
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: instance
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target instance'
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "successfully got instance"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    handlerPair(r, RN_GetInstance, "/namespaces/{ns}/instances/{instance}", h.Instance, h.InstanceSSE)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/instances Instances getInstanceList
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Gets a list of instances in a namespace.
    // summary: Get List Instances
    // parameters:
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/order.field"
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/order.direction"
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/filter.field"
    // - "": "#/parameters/PaginationQuery/filter.type"
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got namespace instances"
    handlerPair(r, RN_ListInstances, "/namespaces/{ns}/instances", h.Instances, h.InstancesSSE)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/instances/{instance}/input Instances getInstanceInput
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Gets the input an instance was provided when executed.
    // summary: Get a Instance Input
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: instance
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target instance'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got instance input"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/instances/{instance}/input", h.InstanceInput).Name(RN_GetInstance).Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/instances/{instance}/output Instances getInstanceOutput
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Gets the output an instance was provided when executed.
    // summary: Get a Instance Output
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: instance
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target instance'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got instance output"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/instances/{instance}/output", h.InstanceOutput).Name(RN_GetInstance).Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/instances/{instance}/metadata Instances getInstanceMetadata
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Gets the metadata of an instance.
    // summary: Get a Instance Metadata
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: instance
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target instance'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got instance metadata"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/instances/{instance}/metadata", h.InstanceMetadata).Name(RN_GetInstance).Methods(http.MethodGet)

    // swagger:operation POST /api/namespaces/{namespace}/instances/{instance}/cancel Instances cancelInstance
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Cancel a currently pending instance.
    // summary: Cancel a Pending Instance
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: instance
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target instance'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully cancelled instance"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/instances/{instance}/cancel", h.InstanceCancel).Name(RN_CancelInstance).Methods(http.MethodPost)

    // swagger:operation POST /api/namespaces/{namespace}/broadcast Other broadcastCloudevent
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Broadcast a cloud event to a namespace.
    //   Cloud events posted to this api will be picked up by any workflows listening to the same event type on the namescape.
    //   The body of this request should follow the cloud event core specification defined at https://github.com/cloudevents/spec .
    // summary: Broadcast Cloud Event
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: body
    //   name: cloudevent
    //   required: true
    //   description: Cloud Event request to be sent.
    //   schema:
    //     type: object
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully sent cloud event"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/broadcast", h.BroadcastCloudevent).Name(RN_NamespaceEvent).Methods(http.MethodPost)

    // swagger:operation PUT /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{directory}?op=create-directory Directory createDirectory
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Creates a directory at the target path.
    // summary: Create a Directory
    // parameters:
    // - in: query
    //   name: op
    //   default: create-directory
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: the operation for the api
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: directory
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target directory'
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "directory has been created"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPut, RN_CreateDirectory, "create-directory", h.CreateDirectory)

    // swagger:operation PUT /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=create-workflow Workflows createWorkflow
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Creates a workflow at the target path.
    //   The body of this request should contain the workflow yaml.
    // summary: Create a Workflow
    // consumes:
    // - text/plain
    // parameters:
    // - in: query
    //   name: op
    //   default: create-workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: the operation for the api
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // - in: body
    //   name: workflow data
    //   description: Payload that contains the direktiv workflow yaml to create.
    //   schema:
    //     type: string
    //     example: |
    //       description: A simple no-op state that returns Hello world!
    //       states:
    //       - id: helloworld
    //         type: noop
    //         transform:
    //           result: Hello world!
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "successfully created workflow"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPut, RN_CreateWorkflow, "create-workflow", h.CreateWorkflow)

    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPut, RN_CreateWorkflow, "create-file", h.CreateFile)

    // swagger:operation POST /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=update-workflow Workflows updateWorkflow
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Updates a workflow at the target path.
    //   The body of this request should contain the workflow yaml you want to update to.
    // summary: Update a Workflow
    // consumes:
    // - text/plain
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // - in: body
    //   name: workflow data
    //   description: Payload that contains the updated direktiv workflow yaml.
    //   schema:
    //     type: string
    //     example: |
    //       description: A simple no-op state that returns Hello world Updated !!!
    //       states:
    //       - id: helloworld
    //         type: noop
    //         transform:
    //           result: Hello world Updated !!!
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully updated workflow"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_UpdateWorkflow, "update-workflow", h.UpdateWorkflow)

    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_UpdateWorkflow, "update-file", h.UpdateFile)

    // swagger:operation DELETE /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{node}?op=delete-node Node deleteNode
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Creates a directory at the target path.
    // summary: Delete a node
    // parameters:
    // - in: query
    //   name: op
    //   default: delete-node
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: the operation for the api
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: node
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target node'
    // - in: query
    //   name: recursive
    //   type: boolean
    //   required: false
    //   description: 'whether to recursively delete child nodes'
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "node has been deleted"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodDelete, RN_DeleteNode, "delete-node", h.DeleteNode)

    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_RenameNode, "rename-node", h.RenameNode)

    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_UpdateMirror, "update-mirror", h.UpdateMirror)
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_LockMirror, "lock-mirror", h.LockMirror)
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_LockMirror, "unlock-mirror", h.UnlockMirror)
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_SyncMirror, "sync-mirror", h.SyncMirror)
    pathHandlerPair(r, RN_GetMirrorInfo, "mirror-info", h.MirrorInfo, h.MirrorInfoSSE)
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/activities/{activity}/cancel", h.MirrorActivityCancel).Name(RN_CancelMirrorActivity).Methods(http.MethodPost)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/event-listeners Events getEventListeners
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get current event listeners.
    // summary: Get current event listeners.
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got event listeners"
    handlerPair(r, RN_EventListeners, "/namespaces/{ns}/event-listeners", h.EventListeners, h.EventListenersSSE)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/events Events getEventHistory
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Get recent events history.
    // summary: Get events history.
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully got events history"
    handlerPair(r, RN_EventHistory, "/namespaces/{ns}/events", h.EventHistory, h.EventHistorySSE)

    // swagger:operation POST /api/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{event}/replay Other replayCloudevent
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Replay a cloud event to a namespace.
    // summary: Replay Cloud Event
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: event
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target cloudevent'
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully replayed cloud event"
    r.HandleFunc("/namespaces/{ns}/events/{event:.*}/replay", h.ReplayEvent).Name(RN_NamespaceEvent).Methods(http.MethodPost)

    // swagger:operation POST /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=execute Workflows executeWorkflow
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Executes a workflow with optionally some input provided in the request body as json.
    // summary: Execute a Workflow
    // parameters:
    // - in: query
    //   name: op
    //   default: execute
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: the operation for the api
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // - in: body
    //   name: Workflow Input
    //   required: true
    //   description: The input of this workflow instance
    //   schema:
    //     example:
    //       animals:
    //         - dog
    //         - cat
    //         - snake
    //     type: object
    //     properties:
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "node has been deleted"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_ExecuteWorkflow, "execute", h.ExecuteWorkflow)

    // swagger:operation POST /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=wait Workflows awaitExecuteWorkflowBody
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Executes a workflow with optionally some input provided in the request body as json.
    //   This path will wait until the workflow execution has completed and return the instance output.
    //   NOTE: Input can also be provided with the `input.X` query parameters; Where `X` is the json key.
    //   Only top level json keys are supported when providing input with query parameters.
    //   Input query parameters are only read if the request has no body.
    // summary: Await Execute a Workflow With Body
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // - in: query
    //   name: ctype
    //   type: string
    //   description: "Manually set the Content-Type response header instead of auto-detected. This doesn't change the body of the response in any way."
    //   required: false
    // - in: query
    //   name: field
    //   type: string
    //   required: false
    //   description: 'If provided, instead of returning the entire output json the response body will contain the single top-level json field'
    // - in: query
    //   name: raw-output
    //   type: boolean
    //   required: false
    //   description: "If set to true, will return an empty output as null, encoded base64 data as decoded binary data, and quoted json strings as a escaped string."
    // - in: body
    //   name: Workflow Input
    //   required: true
    //   description: The input of this workflow instance
    //   schema:
    //     example:
    //       animals:
    //         - dog
    //         - cat
    //         - snake
    //     type: object
    //     properties:
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully executed workflow"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodPost, RN_ExecuteWorkflow, "wait", h.WaitWorkflow)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{workflow}?op=wait Workflows awaitExecuteWorkflow
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Executes a workflow. This path will wait until the workflow execution has completed and return the instance output.
    //   NOTE: Input can also be provided with the `input.X` query parameters; Where `X` is the json key.
    //   Only top level json keys are supported when providing input with query parameters.
    // summary: Await Execute a Workflow
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: workflow
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'path to target workflow'
    // - in: query
    //   name: ctype
    //   type: string
    //   required: false
    //   description: "Manually set the Content-Type response header instead of auto-detected. This doesn't change the body of the response in any way."
    // - in: query
    //   name: field
    //   type: string
    //   required: false
    //   description: 'If provided, instead of returning the entire output json the response body will contain the single top-level json field'
    // - in: query
    //   name: raw-output
    //   type: boolean
    //   required: false
    //   description: "If set to true, will return an empty output as null, encoded base64 data as decoded binary data, and quoted json strings as a escaped string."
    // responses:
    //   '200':
    //     "description": "successfully executed workflow"
    pathHandler(r, http.MethodGet, RN_ExecuteWorkflow, "wait", h.WaitWorkflow)

    // swagger:operation GET /api/namespaces/{namespace}/tree/{nodePath} Node getNodes
    // ---
    // description: |
    //   Gets Workflow and Directory Nodes at nodePath.
    // summary: Get List of Namespace Nodes
    // tags:
    // - "Node"
    // parameters:
    // - in: path
    //   name: namespace
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target namespace'
    // - in: path
    //   name: nodePath
    //   type: string
    //   required: true
    //   description: 'target path in tree'
    // responses:
    //   200:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: "successfully got namespace nodes"
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/OkBody'
    //   default:
    //     produces: application/json
    //     description: an error has occurred
    //     schema:
    //       "$ref": '#/definitions/ErrorResponse'
    pathHandlerPair(r, RN_GetNode, "", h.GetNode, h.GetNodeSSE)

func (h *flowHandler) EventListeners(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    in := &grpc.EventListenersRequest{
        Pagination: p,
        Namespace:  namespace,

    resp, err := h.client.EventListeners(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) EventListenersSSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    ctx := r.Context()
    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)

    in := &grpc.EventListenersRequest{
        Pagination: p,
        Namespace:  namespace,

    resp, err := h.client.EventListenersStream(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)
    defer func() {
        _ = resp.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := resp.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)

func (h *flowHandler) EventHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    in := &grpc.EventHistoryRequest{
        Pagination: p,
        Namespace:  namespace,

    resp, err := h.client.EventHistory(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) EventHistorySSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    ctx := r.Context()
    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)

    in := &grpc.EventHistoryRequest{
        Pagination: p,
        Namespace:  namespace,

    resp, err := h.client.EventHistoryStream(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)
    defer func() {
        _ = resp.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := resp.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)

func (h *flowHandler) Namespaces(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()

    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)

    in := &grpc.NamespacesRequest{
        Pagination: p,

    resp, err := h.client.Namespaces(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) NamespacesSSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()

    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)

    in := &grpc.NamespacesRequest{
        Pagination: p,

    resp, err := h.client.NamespacesStream(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)

    defer func() {
        _ = resp.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := resp.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)

func (h *flowHandler) CreateNamespace(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    if len(data) == 0 {
        in := &grpc.CreateNamespaceRequest{
            Name: namespace,

        resp, err := h.client.CreateNamespace(ctx, in)
        respond(w, resp, err)
    } else {
        settings := new(grpc.MirrorSettings)
        err = json.Unmarshal(data, settings)
        if err != nil {
            respond(w, nil, err)

        resp, err := h.client.CreateNamespaceMirror(ctx, &grpc.CreateNamespaceMirrorRequest{
            Name:     namespace,
            Settings: settings,
        respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) UpdateMirror(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    settings := new(grpc.MirrorSettings)
    err = json.Unmarshal(data, settings)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.UpdateMirrorSettingsRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Settings:  settings,

    resp, err := h.client.UpdateMirrorSettings(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) NamespaceLint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    in := &grpc.NamespaceLintRequest{
        Name: namespace,

    resp, err := h.client.NamespaceLint(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    respond(w, resp, nil)

func (h *flowHandler) DeleteNamespace(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    params := r.URL.Query()

    recursive := false
    // ignore err if not provided its set by default to false
    recursive, _ = strconv.ParseBool(params.Get("recursive"))

    in := &grpc.DeleteNamespaceRequest{
        Name:      namespace,
        Recursive: recursive,

    resp, err := h.client.DeleteNamespace(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) GetNode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("get node", "method", r.Method, "uri", r.URL.String())
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    var resp interface{}
    var err error
    var p *grpc.Pagination

    p, err = pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)

    resp, err = h.client.Directory(ctx, &grpc.DirectoryRequest{
        Pagination: p,
        Namespace:  namespace,
        Path:       path,
    if err == nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), filestore.ErrNotFound.Error()) {
        respond(w, resp, err)


    resp, err = h.client.Workflow(ctx, &grpc.WorkflowRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
    if err == nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)


    resp, err = h.client.File(ctx, &grpc.FileRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,

    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) GetNodeSSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    var err error
    var p *grpc.Pagination
    var ch chan interface{}
    var dirc grpc.Flow_DirectoryStreamClient
    var wfc grpc.Flow_WorkflowStreamClient

    p, err = pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        badRequest(w, err)

        node, err := h.client.Node(ctx, &grpc.NodeRequest{
            Namespace: namespace,
            Path:      path,
        if err != nil {
            respond(w, node, err)

        switch node.Node.Type {
        case "directory":
            goto directory
        case "workflow":
            goto workflow


    dirc, err = h.client.DirectoryStream(ctx, &grpc.DirectoryRequest{
        Pagination: p,
        Namespace:  namespace,
        Path:       path,

    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    ch = make(chan interface{}, 1)

    defer func() {
        _ = dirc.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := dirc.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)


    wfc, err = h.client.WorkflowStream(ctx, &grpc.WorkflowRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    ch = make(chan interface{}, 1)

    defer func() {
        _ = wfc.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := wfc.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)

func (h *flowHandler) CreateDirectory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    if len(data) == 0 {
        in := &grpc.CreateDirectoryRequest{
            Namespace: namespace,
            Path:      path,

        resp, err := h.client.CreateDirectory(ctx, in)
        respond(w, resp, err)
    } else {
        settings := new(grpc.MirrorSettings)
        err = json.Unmarshal(data, settings)
        if err != nil {
            respond(w, nil, err)

        resp, err := h.client.CreateDirectoryMirror(ctx, &grpc.CreateDirectoryMirrorRequest{
            Namespace: namespace,
            Path:      path,
            Settings:  settings,
        respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) CreateWorkflow(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.CreateWorkflowRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Source:    data,

    resp, err := h.client.CreateWorkflow(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) CreateFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.CreateFileRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Source:    data,
        MimeType:  r.Header.Get("Content-Type"),

    resp, err := h.client.CreateFile(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) UpdateWorkflow(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.UpdateWorkflowRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Source:    data,

    resp, err := h.client.UpdateWorkflow(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) UpdateFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.UpdateFileRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Source:    data,
        MimeType:  r.Header.Get("Content-Type"),

    resp, err := h.client.UpdateFile(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) LockMirror(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    in := &grpc.LockMirrorRequest{}

    in.Namespace = namespace
    in.Path = path

    resp, err := h.client.LockMirror(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) UnlockMirror(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    in := &grpc.UnlockMirrorRequest{}

    in.Namespace = namespace
    in.Path = path

    resp, err := h.client.UnlockMirror(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) SyncMirror(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    force, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.URL.Query().Get("force"))

    if force {
        in := &grpc.HardSyncMirrorRequest{}

        in.Namespace = namespace
        in.Path = path

        resp, err := h.client.HardSyncMirror(ctx, in)
        respond(w, resp, err)
    } else {
        in := &grpc.SoftSyncMirrorRequest{}

        in.Namespace = namespace
        in.Path = path

        resp, err := h.client.SoftSyncMirror(ctx, in)
        respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) RenameNode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    in := &grpc.RenameNodeRequest{}

    data, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    err = json.Unmarshal(data, &in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)
    in.Namespace = namespace
    in.Old = path

    resp, err := h.client.RenameNode(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) DeleteNode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    recursiveDelete, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.URL.Query().Get("recursive"))

    in := &grpc.DeleteNodeRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Recursive: recursiveDelete,

    resp, err := h.client.DeleteNode(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) MirrorInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.MirrorInfoRequest{
        Namespace:  namespace,
        Path:       path,
        Pagination: p,

    resp, err := h.client.MirrorInfo(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) MirrorInfoSSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.MirrorInfoRequest{
        Namespace:  namespace,
        Path:       path,
        Pagination: p,

    resp, err := h.client.MirrorInfoStream(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)

    defer func() {
        _ = resp.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := resp.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)

func (h *flowHandler) Instance(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    instance := mux.Vars(r)["instance"]

    in := &grpc.InstanceRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Instance:  instance,

    resp, err := h.client.Instance(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) InstanceSSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    instance := mux.Vars(r)["instance"]

    in := &grpc.InstanceRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Instance:  instance,

    resp, err := h.client.InstanceStream(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)

    defer func() {
        _ = resp.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := resp.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)

func (h *flowHandler) Instances(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.InstancesRequest{
        Namespace:  namespace,
        Pagination: p,

    resp, err := h.client.Instances(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) InstancesSSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    p, err := pagination(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.InstancesRequest{
        Namespace:  namespace,
        Pagination: p,

    resp, err := h.client.InstancesStream(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, resp, err)

    ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)

    defer func() {
        _ = resp.CloseSend()

        for {
            _, more := <-ch
            if !more {

    go func() {
        defer close(ch)

        for {
            x, err := resp.Recv()
            if err != nil {
                ch <- err

            ch <- x

    sse(w, ch)

func (h *flowHandler) InstanceInput(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    instance := mux.Vars(r)["instance"]

    in := &grpc.InstanceInputRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Instance:  instance,

    resp, err := h.client.InstanceInput(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) InstanceOutput(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    instance := mux.Vars(r)["instance"]

    in := &grpc.InstanceOutputRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Instance:  instance,

    resp, err := h.client.InstanceOutput(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) InstanceMetadata(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    instance := mux.Vars(r)["instance"]

    in := &grpc.InstanceMetadataRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Instance:  instance,

    resp, err := h.client.InstanceMetadata(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) InstanceCancel(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    instance := mux.Vars(r)["instance"]

    in := &grpc.CancelInstanceRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Instance:  instance,

    resp, err := h.client.CancelInstance(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) MirrorActivityCancel(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    activity := mux.Vars(r)["activity"]

    in := &grpc.CancelMirrorActivityRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Activity:  activity,

    resp, err := h.client.CancelMirrorActivity(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) ExecuteWorkflow(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    input, err := loadRawBody(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.StartWorkflowRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Input:     input,

    resp, err := h.client.StartWorkflow(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) WaitWorkflow(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    path, _ := pathAndRef(r)

    var err error
    var input []byte

    if r.ContentLength != 0 {
        input, err = loadRawBody(r)
        if err != nil {
            respond(w, nil, err)
    } else {
        m := make(map[string]interface{})
        query := r.URL.Query()
        for k, v := range query {
            if strings.HasPrefix(k, "input.") {
                k = k[6:]
                if len(v) == 1 {
                    m[k] = v[0]
                } else {
                    m[k] = v

        input, err = json.Marshal(m)
        if err != nil {
            respond(w, nil, err)

    in := &grpc.AwaitWorkflowRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Path:      path,
        Input:     input,

    c, err := h.client.AwaitWorkflow(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)
    defer func() {
        err := c.CloseSend()
        if err != nil {
            slog.Error("Failed to close connection.", "error", err)

    instanceID := ""

    for {
        status, err := c.Recv()
        if err != nil {
            respond(w, nil, err)
        if instanceID == "" {
            instanceID = status.Instance.Id
            w.Header().Set("Direktiv-Instance-Id", instanceID)

        if s := status.Instance.GetStatus(); s == util.InstanceStatusComplete {
            data := status.Data

            err = c.CloseSend()
            if err != nil {
                slog.Error("Failed to close connection.", "error", err)

            field := r.URL.Query().Get("field")
            if field != "" {
                m := make(map[string]interface{})
                err = json.Unmarshal(data, &m)
                if err != nil {
                    respond(w, nil, err)

                x, exists := m[field]
                if exists {
                    data, err = json.Marshal(x)
                    if err != nil {
                        respond(w, nil, err)
                } else {
                    data, err = json.Marshal(nil)
                    if err != nil {

            var x interface{}

            err = json.Unmarshal(data, &x)
            if err != nil {
                respond(w, nil, err)

            rawo, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.URL.Query().Get("raw-output"))

            if rawo {
                if x == nil {
                    data = make([]byte, 0)
                } else if str, ok := x.(string); ok {
                    data = []byte(str)
                    b64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(str)
                    if err == nil {
                        data = b64

            w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprintf("%v", len(data)))

            ctype := r.URL.Query().Get("ctype")
            if ctype == "" {
                mtype := mimetype.Detect(data)
                ctype = mtype.String()

            w.Header().Set("Content-Type", ctype)

            _, err = io.Copy(w, bytes.NewReader(data))
            if err != nil {
                slog.Error("Failed to send response.", "error", err)

        } else if s == util.InstanceStatusFailed || s == util.InstanceStatusCancelled {
            w.Header().Set("Direktiv-Instance-Error-Code", status.Instance.ErrorCode)
            w.Header().Set("Direktiv-Instance-Error-Message", status.Instance.ErrorMessage)
            code := http.StatusInternalServerError
            http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("An error occurred executing instance %s: %s: %s", instanceID, status.Instance.ErrorCode, status.Instance.ErrorMessage), code)
        } else if s == util.InstanceStatusCrashed {
            code := http.StatusInternalServerError
            http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("An internal error occurred executing instance: %s", instanceID), code)
        } else {

func ToGRPCCloudEvents(r *http.Request) ([]cloudevents.Event, error) {
    var events []cloudevents.Event
    ct := r.Header.Get("Content-type")
    oct := ct

    // if batch mode we need to parse the body to multiple events
    if strings.HasPrefix(ct, "application/cloudevents-batch+json") {
        // load body
        data, err := loadRawBody(r)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        err = json.Unmarshal(data, &events)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        for i := range events {
            ev := events[i]
            if ev.ID() == "" {
            err = ev.Validate()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        return events, nil

    if strings.HasPrefix(ct, "application/json") {
        _, err := json.Marshal(r.Header)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        s := r.Header.Get("Ce-Type")
        if s == "" {
            ct = "application/cloudevents+json; charset=UTF-8"
            r.Header.Set("Content-Type", ct)

    bodyData, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    r.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(bodyData))

    msg := protocol.NewMessageFromHttpRequest(r)
    ev, err := binding.ToEvent(context.Background(), msg)
    if err != nil {
        goto generic

    // validate:
    if ev.ID() == "" {
    err = ev.Validate()

    // azure hack for dataschema '#' which is an invalid cloudevent
    if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "dataschema: if present") {
        err = ev.Context.SetDataSchema("")
        if err != nil {
    } else if err != nil {
        goto generic

    events = append(events, *ev)

    return events, nil


    xerr := err
    unmarshalable := false

    m := make(map[string]interface{})

    if strings.HasPrefix(oct, "application/json") {
        err = json.Unmarshal(bodyData, &m)
        if err == nil {
            unmarshalable = true

    event := cloudevents.NewEvent(cloudevents.VersionV1)
    ev = &event

    uid := uuid.New()
    if unmarshalable {
        err = ev.SetData(oct, m)
        if err != nil {
            return events, xerr
    } else {
        err = ev.SetData(oct, bodyData)
        if err != nil {
            return events, xerr

    err = ev.Context.SetExtension("error", xerr.Error())
    if err != nil {
        return events, xerr

    err = ev.Validate()
    if err != nil {
        return events, xerr

    events = append(events, event)

    return events, nil

func (h *flowHandler) doBroadcast(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]

    ces, err := ToGRPCCloudEvents(r)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    for i := range ces {
        d, err := json.Marshal(ces[i])
        if err != nil {
            respond(w, nil, err)

        in := &grpc.BroadcastCloudeventRequest{
            Namespace:  namespace,
            Cloudevent: d,

        resp, err := h.client.BroadcastCloudevent(ctx, in)
        respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) BroadcastCloudevent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    h.doBroadcast(w, r)

func (h *flowHandler) ReplayEvent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()
    namespace := mux.Vars(r)["ns"]
    event := mux.Vars(r)["event"]

    in := &grpc.ReplayEventRequest{
        Namespace: namespace,
        Id:        event,

    resp, err := h.client.ReplayEvent(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)

func (h *flowHandler) JQ(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Debug("Handling request", "this", this())

    ctx := r.Context()

    in := new(grpc.JQRequest)

    err := unmarshalBody(r, in)
    if err != nil {
        respond(w, nil, err)

    resp, err := h.client.JQ(ctx, in)
    respond(w, resp, err)