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6 hrs
Test Coverage
package ext4

import (

const (
    Signature    = 0xEF53
    RootDirInode = 2
    JournalInode = 8

const (
    SectorSize          = 512
    BlockSize           = 0x1000
    BlocksPerGroup      = BlockSize * 8
    DescriptorSize      = 32
    InodeSize           = 128
    SectorsPerBlock     = BlockSize / SectorSize
    DescriptorsPerBlock = BlockSize / DescriptorSize
    InodesPerBlock      = BlockSize / InodeSize
    PreallocFileBlocks  = 0
    PreallocDirBlocks   = 0
    SuperUID            = 1000
    SuperGID            = 1000
    MaxGroupDescriptors = (BlocksPerGroup / 2) * DescriptorsPerBlock // NOTE: capped to 128 TiB because we're not using meta block groups (META_BG) this is half the documented limit, but bg 0 can't be 100% group descriptors so I've cut it in half for safety

const (
    CompatDirPrealloc  = 0x1   // COMPAT_DIR_PREALLOC
    CompatHasJournal   = 0x4   // COMPAT_HAS_JOURNAL
    CompatResizeInode  = 0x10  // COMPAT_RESIZE_INODE
    CompatDirIndex     = 0x20  // COMPAT_DIR_INDEX
    CompatSparseSuper2 = 0x200 // COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER2

const (
    IncompatFiletype   = 0x2    // INCOMPAT_FILETYPE
    IncompatExtents    = 0x40   // INCOMPAT_EXTENTS
    IncompatFlexBG     = 0x200  // INCOMPAT_FLEX_BG
    IncompatInlineData = 0x8000 // INCOMPAT_INLINE_DATA

const (
    ROCompatSparseSuper = 0x1 // RO_COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER
    ROCompatLargeFile   = 0x2 // RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE

// Superblock is the structure of a superblock as written to the disk.
type Superblock struct {
    TotalInodes         uint32
    TotalBlocks         uint32
    _                   uint32
    UnallocatedBlocks   uint32
    UnallocatedInodes   uint32 // 0x10
    _                   uint32
    LogBlockSize        uint32
    LogClusterSize      uint32
    BlocksPerGroup      uint32 // 0x20
    ClustersPerGroup    uint32
    InodesPerGroup      uint32
    LastMountTime       uint32
    LastWrittenTime     uint32 // 0x30
    _                   uint16
    MountsCheckInterval uint16
    Signature           uint16
    State               uint16
    ErrorProtocol       uint16
    VersionMinor        uint16
    TimeLastCheck       uint32 // 0x40
    TimeCheckInterval   uint32
    _                   uint32
    VersionMajor        uint32
    ResUID              uint16 // 0x50
    ResGID              uint16
    FirstIno            uint32
    InodeSize           uint16
    BlockGroupNumber    uint16
    FeatureCompat       uint32
    FeatureIncompat     uint32 // 0x60
    FeatureROCompat     uint32
    UUID                [16]byte
    _                   [16]byte
    _                   [64]byte
    _                   uint32
    PreallocBlocks      uint8
    PreallocDirBlocks   uint8
    ReservedGDTBlocks   uint16
    JournalUUID         [16]byte // 0xD0
    JournalInum         uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    HashSeed            [4]uint32
    DefHashVersion      uint8
    JnlBackupType       uint8
    DescSize            uint16
    DefaultMountOpts    uint32 // 0x100
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   [17]uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint16
    _                   uint16
    Flags               uint32 // 0x160
    _                   uint16
    _                   uint16
    _                   uint64
    _                   uint32
    LogGroupsPerFlex    uint8
    ChecksumType        uint8
    _                   uint16
    _                   uint64
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint64
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint64
    _                   [32]uint8
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint64
    _                   [32]uint8
    MountOptions        [64]uint8 // 0x200
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    BackupBGs           [2]uint32
    _                   [4]uint8
    _                   [16]uint8
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint8
    _                   uint8
    _                   uint8
    _                   uint8
    _                   uint8
    _                   uint8
    _                   [2]uint8
    _                   uint16
    _                   uint16
    _                   [95]uint32
    _                   uint32

type layout struct {
    totalGroupDescriptors int64
    logGroupsPerFlex      int64
    totalBlocks           int64
    inodesPerGroup        int64

func (l *layout) groupsPerFlex() int64 {
    return int64(1) << l.logGroupsPerFlex

func (l *layout) totalGroups() int64 {
    return divide(l.totalBlocks, BlocksPerGroup)

func (l *layout) totalFlexes() int64 {
    return divide(l.totalGroups(), l.groupsPerFlex())

func (l *layout) totalInodes() int64 {
    return l.totalGroups() * l.inodesPerGroup

func (l *layout) reservedGDTBlocksPerTable() int64 {
    return divide(l.totalGroupDescriptors, DescriptorsPerBlock) - divide(l.totalGroups(), DescriptorsPerBlock)

func (l *layout) inodeBlocksPerGroup() int64 {
    return divide(l.inodesPerGroup, InodesPerBlock)

func (l *layout) superOverheadBlocks() int64 {
    return 1 + divide(l.totalGroupDescriptors, DescriptorsPerBlock)

func (l *layout) flexOverheadBlocks() int64 {
    return l.groupsPerFlex() * (2 + l.inodeBlocksPerGroup())

type descriptor struct {
    freeInodes  uint16
    freeBlocks  uint16
    directories uint16

type descriptors []descriptor

type super struct {
    timestamp time.Time

    descriptors      descriptors
    blockUsageBitmap []uint64
    inodes           *[]node

func totalGroupsAllowingForGrowth(g int64) int64 {
    g *= 1024
    g = align(g, DescriptorsPerBlock)
    if g > MaxGroupDescriptors {
        g = MaxGroupDescriptors
    return g

func logGroupsPerFlex(totalGroups, inodeBlocksPerGroup, superOverheadBlocks int64) int64 {

    var x int64
    if totalGroups > 1 {

    for {
        gpf := int64(1 << (x + 1))
        if totalGroups%gpf != 0 {

        // break out if the overhead for the first flex group will no longer fit in block group 0
        if (superOverheadBlocks + gpf*(2+inodeBlocksPerGroup)) >= BlocksPerGroup {

    return x


func (s *super) extentTreeBlocks(n *node) int64 {

    if int64(n.content) < (3*32768 + 2) {
        return 0 // if the content does not exceed this size there's no way we need a deep extent tree

    x := numberOfExtents(n, s)
    if x < 5 {
        return 0

    return 1


func (s *super) init(totalBlocks, inodesPerGroup int64, nodes *[]node) {
    s.timestamp = time.Now()
    s.layout.inodesPerGroup = inodesPerGroup
    s.layout.totalBlocks = totalBlocks
    s.layout.totalGroupDescriptors = totalGroupsAllowingForGrowth(divide(totalBlocks, BlocksPerGroup))
    s.layout.logGroupsPerFlex = logGroupsPerFlex(s.totalGroups(), s.inodeBlocksPerGroup(), s.superOverheadBlocks())

    s.descriptors = make(descriptors, s.totalGroups())

    // correct negative start positions and count directories
    // also make adjustments for files with deep extent trees
    var correction int64

    for i := int64(1); i < 11; i++ {
        node := &(*nodes)[i]
        if node.start < correction {
            correction = node.start

    correction *= -1

    for i := range *nodes {

        idx := int64(i-1) / inodesPerGroup
        node := &(*nodes)[i]

        node.start += correction

        if node.node == nil {

        if node.node.File.IsDir() {

        // deep extent trees adjustment
        extentTreeAdjustment := s.extentTreeBlocks(node)
        node.fs += uint32(extentTreeAdjustment)
        correction += extentTreeAdjustment

    // set freeInodes and freeBlocks

    usedInodes := int64(len(*nodes) - 1) // -1 because inodes start counting at one instead of zero
    dataBlocks := (*nodes)[usedInodes].start + int64((*nodes)[usedInodes].fs)
    groupsPerFlex := s.groupsPerFlex()

    for i := int64(0); i < int64(len(s.descriptors)); i++ {

        // freeBlocks
        s.descriptors[i].freeBlocks = BlocksPerGroup
        if BlocksPerGroup*(i+1) > s.totalBlocks {
            s.descriptors[i].freeBlocks = uint16(s.totalBlocks - BlocksPerGroup*i)
        if i == 0 {
            s.descriptors[i].freeBlocks -= uint16(s.superOverheadBlocks())
        if i%groupsPerFlex == 0 {
            s.descriptors[i].freeBlocks -= uint16(s.flexOverheadBlocks())
        delta := dataBlocks
        if delta > int64(s.groupFreeBlocks(i)) {
            delta = int64(s.groupFreeBlocks(i))
        dataBlocks -= delta
        s.descriptors[i].freeBlocks -= uint16(delta)

        // freeInodes
        if usedInodes < inodesPerGroup*i {
            s.descriptors[i].freeInodes = uint16(inodesPerGroup)
        } else if usedInodes < (inodesPerGroup * (i + 1)) {
            s.descriptors[i].freeInodes = uint16(inodesPerGroup*(i+1) - usedInodes)


    s.inodes = nodes


func (s *super) groupFreeBlocks(g int64) int64 {
    return int64(s.descriptors[g].freeBlocks)

func (s *super) totalFreeBlocks() int64 {
    var x int64
    for i := range s.descriptors {
        x += int64(s.groupFreeBlocks(int64(i)))
    return x

func (s *super) groupFreeInodes(g int64) int64 {
    return int64(s.descriptors[g].freeInodes)

func (s *super) totalFreeInodes() int64 {
    var x int64
    for i := range s.descriptors {
        x += int64(s.descriptors[i].freeInodes)
    return x

func (s *super) generateSuperblock(g int64) *Superblock {

    sb := &Superblock{
        TotalInodes:         uint32(s.totalInodes()),
        TotalBlocks:         uint32(s.totalBlocks),
        UnallocatedBlocks:   uint32(s.totalFreeBlocks()),
        UnallocatedInodes:   uint32(s.totalFreeInodes()),
        LogBlockSize:        2,
        LogClusterSize:      2,
        BlocksPerGroup:      BlocksPerGroup,
        ClustersPerGroup:    BlocksPerGroup,
        InodesPerGroup:      uint32(s.inodesPerGroup),
        LastMountTime:       uint32(s.timestamp.Unix()),
        LastWrittenTime:     uint32(s.timestamp.Unix()),
        MountsCheckInterval: 20,
        Signature:           Signature,
        State:               1,
        ErrorProtocol:       3,
        VersionMinor:        0,
        TimeLastCheck:       uint32(s.timestamp.Unix()),
        TimeCheckInterval:   0,
        VersionMajor:        1,
        ResUID:              SuperUID,
        ResGID:              SuperGID,
        FirstIno:            11,
        InodeSize:           InodeSize,
        BlockGroupNumber:    uint16(g),
        FeatureCompat:       CompatDirPrealloc | CompatHasJournal | CompatResizeInode | CompatDirIndex | CompatSparseSuper2,
        FeatureIncompat:     IncompatFiletype | IncompatExtents | IncompatFlexBG | IncompatInlineData,
        FeatureROCompat:     ROCompatSparseSuper | ROCompatLargeFile, // NOTE: the resize inode is "larger than 2 GiB"...
        // TODO UUID
        PreallocBlocks:    PreallocFileBlocks,
        PreallocDirBlocks: PreallocDirBlocks,
        ReservedGDTBlocks: uint16(s.reservedGDTBlocksPerTable()),
        // TODO JournalUUID
        JournalInum: JournalInode,
        // TODO HashSeed
        DefHashVersion: DirentHashVersion,
        // TODO JnlBackupType
        DescSize: DescriptorSize,
        // TODO DefaultMountOpts
        Flags:            0x2,
        LogGroupsPerFlex: uint8(s.logGroupsPerFlex),
        ChecksumType:     1,
        // TODO MountOptions
        // BackupBGs intentionally left blank (no redundancy).


    return sb


func (s *super) writeSuperblock(w io.WriteSeeker, g int64) error {

    sb := s.generateSuperblock(g)
    offset := int64(1024)
    if g > 0 {
        offset = g * BlocksPerGroup * BlockSize

    _, err := w.Seek(offset, io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, sb)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


// BlockGroupDescriptor is the structure of a single block group descriptor as written to the disk.
type BlockGroupDescriptor struct {
    BlockBitmapAddr uint32 // 0x0
    InodeBitmapAddr uint32 // 0x4
    InodeTableAddr  uint32 // 0x8
    FreeBlocks      uint16 // 0xC
    FreeInodes      uint16 // 0xE
    Directories     uint16 // 0x10
    Flags           uint16 // 0x12
    _               uint32 // 0x14
    _, _            uint16 // 0x18
    UnusedInodes    uint16 // 0x1C
    _               uint16 // 0x1E
} // 0x20

func (s *super) generateBGDT() []byte {

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    groups := s.totalGroups()
    groupsPerFlex := s.groupsPerFlex()
    inodeBlocksPerGroup := s.inodeBlocksPerGroup()
    superOverheadBlocks := s.superOverheadBlocks()

    var desc BlockGroupDescriptor

    for g := int64(0); g < groups; g++ {
        flex := g / groupsPerFlex
        remainder := g % groupsPerFlex
        delta := int64(0)
        if flex == 0 {
            delta += superOverheadBlocks
        desc.BlockBitmapAddr = uint32(flex*groupsPerFlex*BlocksPerGroup + delta + remainder)
        desc.InodeBitmapAddr = desc.BlockBitmapAddr + uint32(groupsPerFlex)
        desc.InodeTableAddr = uint32(flex*groupsPerFlex*BlocksPerGroup + delta + 2*groupsPerFlex + remainder*inodeBlocksPerGroup)
        desc.FreeBlocks = uint16(s.groupFreeBlocks(g))
        desc.FreeInodes = uint16(s.groupFreeInodes(g))
        desc.Directories = s.descriptors[g].directories

        err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &desc)
        if err != nil {

    return buf.Bytes()


func (s *super) writeBGDT(w io.WriteSeeker, g int64) error {

    bgdt := s.generateBGDT()
    offset := (g*BlocksPerGroup + 1) * BlockSize

    _, err := w.Seek(offset, io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = io.Copy(w, bytes.NewReader(bgdt))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func (s *super) writeSuperblockAndBGDT(ctx context.Context, w io.WriteSeeker, g int64) error {

    var err error
    err = ctx.Err()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = s.writeSuperblock(w, g)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = s.writeBGDT(w, g)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func (s *super) mapContentAddr(block int64) int64 {
    flexOverheadBlocks := s.flexOverheadBlocks()
    zeroth := s.groupsPerFlex() * BlocksPerGroup
    if s.totalBlocks < zeroth {
        zeroth = s.totalBlocks
    zeroth -= s.superOverheadBlocks()
    zeroth -= s.flexOverheadBlocks()
    if block < zeroth {
        return s.superOverheadBlocks() + flexOverheadBlocks + block

    groupsPerFlex := s.groupsPerFlex()

    block -= zeroth
    flexContent := groupsPerFlex*BlocksPerGroup - flexOverheadBlocks
    flex := 1 + block/flexContent
    delta := block % flexContent
    return flex*(groupsPerFlex*BlocksPerGroup) + flexOverheadBlocks + delta

func (s *super) mapContent(block int64) (addr int64, max int64) {
    addr = s.mapContentAddr(block)
    max = align(addr, s.groupsPerFlex()*BlocksPerGroup)
    if max > s.totalBlocks {
        max = s.totalBlocks
    max = max - addr

func (s *super) fillBlockUsageBitmap(nodes *[]node) {

    s.blockUsageBitmap = make([]uint64, divide(s.totalBlocks, 64))

    // data is packed in compactly from low addresses to high addresses sequentially
    // calculate first available data block so we can fill the block usage bitmap efficiently
    filledDataBlocks := (*nodes)[len(*nodes)-1].start + int64((*nodes)[len(*nodes)-1].fs)
    bno := s.mapContentAddr(filledDataBlocks)
    for i := int64(0); i < bno/64; i++ {
        s.blockUsageBitmap[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    i := bno / 64
    j := bno % 64
    s.blockUsageBitmap[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> (64 - j)

    // manually insert overhead bits for subsequent groups
    flex := bno / (s.groupsPerFlex() * BlocksPerGroup)
    for x := flex + 1; x < s.totalFlexes(); x++ {
        for y := int64(0); y < s.flexOverheadBlocks(); y++ {
            bno = x*(s.groupsPerFlex()*BlocksPerGroup) + y
            i = bno / 64
            j = bno % 64
            s.blockUsageBitmap[i] |= 1 << j

    // mark bits for overhang in the final group
    for bno := s.totalBlocks; bno < int64(len(s.blockUsageBitmap)*64); bno++ {
        i = bno / 64
        j = bno % 64
        s.blockUsageBitmap[i] |= 1 << j


func (s *super) regionIsHole(begin, size int64) bool {

    first := begin / BlockSize
    end := begin + size
    last := (end - 1) / BlockSize

    for bno := first; bno <= last; bno++ {

        i := bno / 64
        j := bno % 64

        if int(i) < len(s.blockUsageBitmap) && (s.blockUsageBitmap[i]&(0x1<<j)) > 0 {
            return false


    return true


func (s *super) writeBlockBitmap(w io.Writer, g int64) error {

    var err error
    var slice []uint64
    first := (BlocksPerGroup * g) / 64
    l := int64(BlocksPerGroup) / 64

    if g >= s.totalGroups() {
        goto end

    slice = s.blockUsageBitmap[first:]
    if int64(len(slice)) > l {
        slice = slice[:l]

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, slice)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var free int
    for _, x := range slice {
        for bit := 0; bit < 64; bit++ {
            if x&(x<<bit) == 0 {

    l = BlockSize - (int64(len(slice)) * 8)
    for i := int64(0); i < l; i++ {
        err = binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint8(0xFF))
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil


func (s *super) writeInodeBitmap(w io.Writer, g int64) error {

    var err error

    bitmap := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0xFF}, BlockSize)

    if g < s.totalGroups() {
        free := int64(s.groupFreeInodes(g))
        for i := s.inodesPerGroup - free; i < s.inodesPerGroup; i++ {
            x := i / 8
            y := i % 8
            bitmap[x] &^= 0x1 << y

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, bitmap)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func (s *super) writeInodeTable(w io.Writer, g int64) error {

    var err error

    for i := int64(1); i <= s.inodesPerGroup; i++ {

        ino := i + g*s.inodesPerGroup
        if ino >= int64(len(*s.inodes)) {

        node := &(*s.inodes)[ino]
        if node.node == nil {
            node = nil

        inode := generateInode(node, s)
        if ino == ResizeInode && node != nil {
            inode = s.generateResizeInode(node, s)

        err = binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, inode)
        if err != nil {
            return err


    return nil


func (s *super) writeFlexGroupMetaData(ctx context.Context, w io.WriteSeeker, flex int64) error {

    var err error
    begin := flex * s.groupsPerFlex()
    end := (flex + 1) * s.groupsPerFlex()

    for g := begin; g < end; g++ {
        err = s.writeBlockBitmap(w, g)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    for g := begin; g < end; g++ {
        err = s.writeInodeBitmap(w, g)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    for g := begin; g < end; g++ {

        err = s.writeInodeTable(w, g)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil
