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package vpkg

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2020 vorteil.io Pty Ltd

import (


// Suffix is the canonical file-extension given to Vorteil
// package files.
const Suffix = ".vorteil"

The Vorteil package structure includes a small package header
containing information used to determine the correct way to
read the package. It starts with a "magic number" used to
identify that the file is indeed a vorteil package.

After the package header the remainder of the file is an
optionally compressed archive containing all of the components
needed to produce a Vorteil disk image.
const magic = 0x004c494554524f56 // "VORTEIL "

type header struct {
    Magic        uint64
    VersionMajor uint8
    VersionMinor uint8
    VersionPatch uint8
    Pad          [501]byte

const headerLength = 512

// these path constants exist to standardize the names of
// critical package elements within Vorteil packages. They
// are named this way because the archiving logic orders
// them alphabetically, and we prefer the components to be
// extracted in this order for performance reasons.
const (
    vcfgPath = "./1.vcfg"
    iconPath = "./2.icon"
    fsPath   = "./4.fs"

// ..
const (
    SemverMajor    = 3
    SemverMinor    = 0
    SemverRevision = 0

// Hasher ..
type Hasher struct {

// NewHasher ..
func NewHasher() *Hasher {
    return &Hasher{
        Hash32: adler32.New(),

// String ..
func (h *Hasher) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)))

// Compression constants are defined here and copied from
// the standard library flate package so that code importing
// vpkg does not need to also import flate.
// The compression levels dictate how much work should be
// done to compress the contents of a package. Values other
// that those defined in these constants are acceptable,
// see the flate package documentation for for information.
const (
    NoCompression      = flate.NoCompression
    BestSpeed          = flate.BestSpeed
    BestCompression    = flate.BestCompression
    DefaultCompression = flate.BestSpeed
    HuffmanOnly        = flate.HuffmanOnly

// Builder defines a class of object that can be used to
// organize and then construct the contents of a new Vorteil
// package.
type Builder interface {
    Close() error

    // Pack writes the Vorteil package to the provided
    // io.Writer.
    Pack(w io.Writer) error

    // SetCompressionLevel is an advanced function that
    // can be used to adjust the amount of compression
    // that is done to the contents of the Vorteil
    // package. The default is DefaultCompression.
    SetCompressionLevel(level int)

    // SetMonitoringOptions is an advanced function that
    // can be used to add logging and progress reporting
    // to packaging operations, in addition to other
    // possible uses. See the documentation for the
    // MonitoringOptions object for more information.
    SetMonitoringOptions(opts MonitoringOptions)

    // SetVCFG takes the provided vio.File and uses it
    // as the vcfg for the package, overwriting any
    // previously existing vcfg.
    // Note: this is NOT a vcfg merge operation. It
    // completely supercedes previous existing vcfgs.
    SetVCFG(f vio.File) error

    MergeVCFG(cfg *vcfg.VCFG) error

    // SetIcon takes the provided vio.File and uses it
    // as the icon for the package, overwriting any
    // previously existing icon.
    SetIcon(f vio.File) error

    // RemoveFromFS removes a single filesystem mapping
    // from the package.
    RemoveFromFS(path string) error

    // AddToFS takes the single vio.File and maps it
    // into the filesystem for the package, replacing
    // anything it conflicts with and automatically
    // creating parent directories on demand if required.
    // Absolute and relative paths are both acceptable,
    // with relative paths being relative to the root
    // directory of the filesystem. For example, the
    // following are all equivalent:
    //    dir/file
    //    /dir/file
    //    ./dir/file
    AddToFS(path string, f vio.File) error

    // AddSubTreeToFS takes an entire vio.FileTree
    // and maps it into the filesystem for the package,
    // replacing anything it conflicts with and
    // automatically creating parent directories on
    // demand if required.
    // Absolute and relative paths are both acceptable,
    // with relative paths being relative to the root
    // directory of the filesystem. For example, the
    // following are all equivalent:
    //    dir/file
    //    /dir/file
    //    ./dir/file
    AddSubTreeToFS(path string, sub vio.FileTree) error

type builder struct {
    tree             vio.FileTree
    vcfg             vio.File
    compressionLevel int
    monitoring       MonitoringOptions
    closeFunc        func() error

// NewBuilder returns an implementation of the Builder
// interface. The returned Builder will have an empty
// filesystem and no defined binary, vcfg, or icon. At a
// minimum, the Builder.SetBinary and Builder.SetVCFG functions
// must each be called once before the Builder.Pack function
// to constitute a valid and complete package.
func NewBuilder() Builder {

    mt, _ := time.ParseInLocation(time.RFC3339, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", time.UTC)

    b := &builder{
        tree:             vio.NewFileTree(),
        compressionLevel: DefaultCompression,
    b.tree.Map(fsPath, vio.CustomFile(vio.CustomFileArgs{
        Name: filepath.Base(fsPath),
        Size: 0,
        // ModTime:    time.Unix(0, 0),
        ModTime:    mt,
        IsDir:      true,
        ReadCloser: ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("")),
    return b

// NewBuilderFromReader returns an implementation of the
// Builder interface with all of its internal components
// initialized to the values stored within an existing
// Vorteil package, as found in a Reader.
// If no further changes are made to the Builder or Reader,
// this package guarantees that the output of its Builder.Pack
// function will be identical to the input for the Load
// function that created the Reader.
func NewBuilderFromReader(rdr Reader) (Builder, error) {

    var err error
    b := NewBuilder()
    b.(*builder).closeFunc = rdr.Close

    err = b.SetVCFG(rdr.VCFG())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = b.SetIcon(rdr.Icon())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = rdr.FS().Walk(func(path string, f vio.File) error {
        return b.AddToFS(path, f)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return b, nil


func (b *builder) Close() error {
    if b.closeFunc != nil {
    return b.tree.Close()

func (b *builder) SetVCFG(f vio.File) error {
    b.vcfg = f
    return b.tree.Map(vcfgPath, f)

func (b *builder) MergeVCFG(cfg *vcfg.VCFG) error {

    v, err := vcfg.LoadFile(b.vcfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = v.Merge(cfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    f, err := v.File()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.SetVCFG(f)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *builder) SetIcon(f vio.File) error {
    return b.tree.Map(iconPath, f)

func (b *builder) SetCompressionLevel(level int) {
    b.compressionLevel = level

func (b *builder) SetMonitoringOptions(opts MonitoringOptions) {
    b.monitoring = opts

func (b *builder) RemoveFromFS(path string) error {
    path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
    if path == "" {
        return errors.New("cannot remove empty path from filesystem")
    return b.tree.Unmap(fsPath + "/" + path)

func (b *builder) AddToFS(path string, f vio.File) error {
    path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
    if path == "" {
        return errors.New("cannot add empty path to filesystem")
    return b.tree.Map(fsPath+"/"+path, f)

func (b *builder) AddSubTreeToFS(path string, sub vio.FileTree) error {
    path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
    err := sub.Walk(func(p string, f vio.File) error {
        p = filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(path, p))
        return b.AddToFS(p, f)
    return err
    // return b.tree.MapSubTree(fsPath+"/"+path, sub)

type multireader struct {

func (b *builder) Pack(w io.Writer) error {

    var err error

    err = b.monitoring.preprocess(b)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    mw := b.monitoring.writer(w)

    hdr := new(header)
    hdr.Magic = magic
    hdr.VersionMajor = SemverMajor
    hdr.VersionMinor = SemverMinor
    hdr.VersionPatch = SemverRevision

    err = binary.Write(mw, binary.LittleEndian, hdr)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    gz, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(w, b.compressionLevel)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer gz.Close()

    mw = b.monitoring.writer(gz)

    err = b.tree.Archive(mw, b.monitoring.archiveMonitoringFunc())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = gz.Close()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// PreProcessReport contains information compiled by the
// packaging logic about an upcoming pack operation, before
// the packing actually begins. It is used only as an
// argument to the callback function at
// MonitoringOptions.PreProcessCompleteCallback, and is
// useful for initializing things like progress bars.
type PreProcessReport struct {
    NodeCount   int
    PackageSize int

// MonitoringOptions contains optional fields that may be
// provided in a call to Builder.SetMonitoringOptions to
// receive live information about a pack operation as it
// occurs.
// The PreProcessCompleteCallback, if provided, will be
// called precisely once. It will be called before anything
// is written to the PreCompressionWriter, and before any
// calls to the NextFileCallback. It provides the callback
// with information it has compiled about the contents of
// the Builder such as the total size of the uncompressed
// package, which can be helpful for keeping live progress
// tracking. If an error is returned the Builder.Pack
// function will fail, which means this callback can also
// be used to cancel a job if the PreProcessReport is
// unacceptable. If left nil, no such information is compiled
// and the Builder.Pack operation will be faster.
// NextFileCallback will be called once for each file and
// directory within the package. It is called just before
// that file is added to the archive, and provides
// information that can be used to report specifically what
// part of the packaging process the Builder.Pack logic has
// reached at any time. If an error is returned the
// Builder.Pack function will fail, which means this callback
// can also be used to cancel a job.
// If not nil, all data written to the package will be cloned
// to the PreCompressionWriter, uncompressed. The main
// forseen use for this is to track byte-by-byte how far
// along the complete Builder.Pack operation has come.
// Errors returned by the PreCompressionWriter will cause
// the Builder.Pack operation to fail, which means this
// writer can also be used to cancel a job.
type MonitoringOptions struct {
    PreProcessCompleteCallback func(report PreProcessReport) error
    NextFileCallback           func(path string, fi os.FileInfo) error
    PreCompressionWriter       io.Writer

func (opts *MonitoringOptions) preprocess(b Builder) error {
    if opts.PreProcessCompleteCallback == nil {
        return nil

    report := new(PreProcessReport)
    report.PackageSize += headerLength
    report.PackageSize += 1024

    a := b.(*builder)
    err := a.tree.Walk(func(path string, f vio.File) error {
        report.PackageSize += ((f.Size()+512-1)/512)*512 + 512
        if len(path) > 100 {
            report.PackageSize += 1024
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = opts.PreProcessCompleteCallback(*report)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (opts *MonitoringOptions) writer(w io.Writer) io.Writer {
    if opts.PreCompressionWriter == nil {
        return w
    return io.MultiWriter(w, opts.PreCompressionWriter)

func (opts *MonitoringOptions) archiveMonitoringFunc() vio.ArchiveFunc {
    if opts.NextFileCallback == nil {
        return nil

    return func(path string, f vio.File) error {

        prefixes := []string{vcfgPath, iconPath, fsPath}
        for _, prefix := range prefixes {
            if strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix) {
                path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, prefix)

        if path == "" {
            return nil

        if path == "." {
            path = "/"

        return opts.NextFileCallback(path, vio.Info(f))

// ..
var (
    SupportedPackageMajor = 3

// ErrNotAPackage is returned when attempting to extract the
// contents of a file that not a Vorteil package, or at least
// is broken or corrupt.
var ErrNotAPackage = errors.New("not a valid package")

// ErrVersionNotSupported is returned when attempting to read an unsupported
// Vorteil package version.
var ErrVersionNotSupported = fmt.Errorf("package version not supported (require version %v.x.x)", SupportedPackageMajor)

// Reader defines a class of object that can be used to
// read specific information from a Vorteil package.
type Reader interface {

    // VCFG returns a vio.File object containing the
    // complete Vorteil configuration settings to be
    // used with the application.
    VCFG() vio.File

    // Icon returns a vio.File object containing a
    // picture file used as an icon representing the
    // package and application.
    // This function will always returns a valid vio.File,
    // but packages commonly will not have an icon and
    // the calling logic should check the length of this
    // file (which will be zero in this circumstance) to
    // understand if an icon actually exists for the
    // package.
    Icon() vio.File

    // FS returns a vio.FileTree object representing
    // the total contents of the main filesystem on the
    // app's virtual disk.
    FS() vio.FileTree

    Close() error

type reader struct {
    closeFunc func() error
    vcfg      vio.File
    icon      vio.File
    fs        vio.FileTree

func (r *reader) Close() error {
    if r.closeFunc != nil {
    if r.icon != nil {
    return nil

func ReaderFromBuilder(b Builder) (Reader, error) {

    rdr := new(reader)
    rdr.closeFunc = b.Close

    bx, ok := b.(*builder)
    if !ok {
        r, w := nio.Pipe(buffer.New(0x100000))

        go func() {
            defer b.Close()
            err := b.Pack(w)
            if err != nil {

        return Load(r)

    tree := bx.tree

    err := tree.Walk(func(path string, f vio.File) error {
        switch path {
        case vcfgPath:
            rdr.vcfg = f
        case iconPath:
            rdr.icon = f
        case fsPath:
            return vio.ErrSkip
        case ".":
            return nil
            return fmt.Errorf("unexpected archive element: %v", path)
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    rdr.fs, err = tree.SubTree(fsPath)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return rdr, nil


// Load extracts information from the provided io.Reader
// and turns it into an implementation of the Reader interface,
// if the reader is a stream of valid Vorteil package data.
// This function loads information from the reader lazily,
// and in a predictable order that can be exploited by properly
// designed logic to minimize the amount of ram caching
// required without ever using temporary files.
// Because the Reader is loaded lazily, the provided io.Reader
// must remain valid for the lifetime of the Reader. If the
// provided io.Reader is also an io.Closer, it should NOT be
// closed until the reader is no longer required.
// The lazy loading won't necessarily consume the entire
// contents of the io.Reader up until EOF unless the calling
// logic makes use of the entire contents of the package.
// If it is important to consume the entire stream, you may
// want to io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r) before closing it.
func Load(r io.Reader) (Reader, error) {

    var err error

    hdr := new(header)
    err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, hdr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if hdr.Magic != magic {
        return nil, ErrNotAPackage

    if hdr.VersionMajor != uint8(SupportedPackageMajor) {
        return nil, ErrVersionNotSupported

    gz, err := gzip.NewReader(r)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer gz.Close()

    tree, err := vio.LoadArchive(gz)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    rdr := new(reader)

    if closer, ok := r.(io.ReadCloser); ok {
        rdr.closeFunc = closer.Close

    err = tree.Walk(func(path string, f vio.File) error {
        switch path {
        case vcfgPath:
            rdr.vcfg = f
        case iconPath:
            rdr.icon = f
        case fsPath:
            return vio.ErrSkip
        case ".":
            return nil
            return fmt.Errorf("unexpected archive element: %v", path)
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    rdr.fs, err = tree.SubTree(fsPath)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return rdr, nil


// VCFG ..
func (r *reader) VCFG() vio.File {
    return r.vcfg

// Icon ..
func (r *reader) Icon() vio.File {

    if r.icon == nil {
        return vio.CustomFile(vio.CustomFileArgs{
            ReadCloser: ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("")),

    return r.icon

// FS ..
func (r *reader) FS() vio.FileTree {
    return r.fs

// ComputeHash ..
func ComputeHash(r io.Reader) (string, error) {

    hasher := NewHasher()

    rdr, err := Load(r)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    bldr, err := NewBuilderFromReader(rdr)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

        PreCompressionWriter: hasher,

    err = bldr.Pack(ioutil.Discard)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return hasher.String(), nil

type peekVCFGReader struct {
    vcfg     vio.File
    vcfgdata []byte

// ReplaceVCFG ...
func ReplaceVCFG(r Reader, f vio.File) (Reader, error) {
    rdr, err := PeekVCFG(r)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err


    data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    x := rdr.(*peekVCFGReader)
    x.vcfgdata = data

    return x, nil

// PeekVCFG ..
func PeekVCFG(r Reader) (Reader, error) {
    rdr := new(peekVCFGReader)
    rdr.Reader = r
    return rdr, nil

func (rdr *peekVCFGReader) VCFG() vio.File {
    if rdr.vcfgdata == nil {
        f := rdr.Reader.VCFG()
        var err error
        rdr.vcfgdata, err = ioutil.ReadAll(f)
        if err != nil {

        rdr.vcfg = vio.CustomFile(vio.CustomFileArgs{
            Name:       f.Name(),
            Size:       f.Size(),
            ModTime:    f.ModTime(),
            IsDir:      f.IsDir(),
            IsSymlink:  f.IsSymlink(),
            ReadCloser: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(rdr.vcfgdata)),

        return rdr.vcfg

    return vio.CustomFile(vio.CustomFileArgs{
        Name:       rdr.vcfg.Name(),
        Size:       rdr.vcfg.Size(),
        ModTime:    rdr.vcfg.ModTime(),
        IsDir:      rdr.vcfg.IsDir(),
        IsSymlink:  rdr.vcfg.IsSymlink(),
        ReadCloser: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(rdr.vcfgdata)),

func Open(path string) (Reader, error) {
    f, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return Load(f)