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1 wk
Test Coverage
package xfs

import (


type precompilerArgs struct {
    Logger   elog.Logger
    Contents vio.FileTree
    Options  struct {
        MinimumFreeInodes int64
        MinimumFreeSpace  int64

type constants struct {
    exponents struct {
        sectorSize          uint8
        blockSize           uint8
        blocksPerAllocGroup uint8
        inodeSize           uint8
        directoryBlockSize  uint8
    targetAllocGroupCount int64
    pageSize              int64
    inodeDataCapacity     int64
    allocGroups           int64
    journalBlocks         int64
    treeBlocks            int64

    usedInodes  int64
    freeInodes  int64
    totalInodes int64

    usedBlocks  int64
    freeBlocks  int64
    totalBlocks int64

// NOTE: these translation functions are a post-hoc hack to fix a bug I caused by not understanding XFS.
func (c *constants) translateRelativeInodeNumber(x int64) uint64 {
    ag := x / c.inodesPerAllocGroup()
    rel := x % c.inodesPerAllocGroup()
    rel += c.inodesPerBlock() * (c.superMetaBlocks() + 7)
    if ag == 0 {
        rel += c.journalBlocks * c.inodesPerBlock()
    return uint64(rel)

var overrideInodeTranslator func(x int64) uint64

func (c *constants) translateAbsoluteInodeNumber(x int64) uint64 {

    if overrideInodeTranslator != nil {
        return overrideInodeTranslator(x)

    ag := x / c.inodesPerAllocGroup()
    rel := x % c.inodesPerAllocGroup()
    rel += c.inodesPerBlock() * (c.superMetaBlocks() + 7)
    if ag == 0 {
        rel += c.journalBlocks * c.inodesPerBlock()
    return c.inodeNumber(ag, rel)

func (c *constants) inodeNumber(ag int64, rel int64) uint64 {
    bits := c.exponents.blocksPerAllocGroup + (c.exponents.blockSize - c.exponents.inodeSize)
    return (uint64(ag) << bits) | uint64(rel)

func (c *constants) translateRelativeBlockNumber(x int64) uint64 {
    return uint64(x % c.blocksPerAllocGroup())

func (c *constants) translateAbsoluteBlockNumber(x int64) uint64 {
    ag := x / c.blocksPerAllocGroup()
    rel := x % c.blocksPerAllocGroup()
    return c.blockNumber(ag, rel)

func (c *constants) blockNumber(ag int64, rel int64) uint64 {
    bits := c.exponents.blocksPerAllocGroup
    return (uint64(ag) << bits) | uint64(rel)

func (c *constants) sectorSize() int64 {
    return 1 << c.exponents.sectorSize

func (c *constants) blockSize() int64 {
    return 1 << c.exponents.blockSize

func (c *constants) inodeSize() int64 {
    return 1 << c.exponents.inodeSize

func (c *constants) inodesPerBlock() int64 {
    return 1 << (c.exponents.blockSize - c.exponents.inodeSize)

func (c *constants) blocksPerAllocGroup() int64 {
    return 1 << c.exponents.blocksPerAllocGroup

func (c *constants) inodeBlocksPerAllocGroup() int64 { // TODO: unit test if it's possible to get an odd number out of this (I'm suspicious...)
    inodesPerAllocGroup := divide(c.totalInodes, c.allocGroups)
    inodesPerAllocGroup = align(inodesPerAllocGroup, 64) // round up to nearest 64
    return divide(inodesPerAllocGroup, c.inodesPerBlock())

func (c *constants) inodesPerAllocGroup() int64 {
    return c.inodeBlocksPerAllocGroup() * c.inodesPerBlock()

func (c *constants) directoryBlockSize() int64 {
    return c.blockSize() * (1 << c.exponents.directoryBlockSize)

func (c *constants) calculateInodes(used, minimumFree int64) {
    c.usedInodes = used
    c.freeInodes = minimumFree
    c.totalInodes = c.usedInodes + c.freeInodes
    c.totalInodes = c.inodesPerAllocGroup() * c.allocGroups
    c.freeInodes = c.totalInodes - c.usedInodes

func (c *constants) superMetaBlocks() int64 {
    return divide(4*c.sectorSize(), c.blockSize()) // 4 sectors

func (c *constants) metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup() int64 {
    return c.superMetaBlocks() + 7 + c.inodeBlocksPerAllocGroup() // + 7 blocks for b+ trees and the free list

func (c *constants) partialCalculateSpace() {
    c.usedBlocks = c.treeBlocks + c.journalBlocks
    metadataBlocks := c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup() * c.allocGroups
    c.usedBlocks += metadataBlocks

type precompiler struct {
    log elog.Logger
    args       precompilerArgs
    tree       vio.FileTree
    nodeBlocks []uint32 // uint32 gives us a file-size limit of 16 TiB with 4 KiB blocks

func (p *precompiler) setBlockSize(size int64) error {

    if size == 0 {
        p.exponents.blockSize = 12 // 4 KiB
        return nil

    if size < p.sectorSize() {
        return fmt.Errorf("minimum block size is %d", p.sectorSize())

    if size > p.pageSize {
        return fmt.Errorf("maximum block size is %d", p.pageSize)

    for x, y := p.exponents.sectorSize, p.sectorSize(); y <= p.pageSize; x, y = x+1, 2*y {
        if y == size {
            p.exponents.blockSize = x

    if p.exponents.blockSize == 0 {
        return errors.New("block size must be a power of two")

    return nil

func (p *precompiler) calculateMinimumSize(ctx context.Context) error {

    var err error

    p.allocGroups = 1
    p.exponents.blocksPerAllocGroup = 12 // This makes for 16 MiB groups when using 4 KiB blocks. Big enough for a small journal log.

    // scan file tree to calculate space & inode requirements
    var blocks int64
    var k int
    treeNodes := p.tree.NodeCount()

    // realtime stuff
    var root *vio.TreeNode
    // blocks += 1
    treeNodes += 2
    p.nodeBlocks = make([]uint32, treeNodes)
    // p.nodeBlocks[2] = 1

    err = p.tree.WalkNode(func(path string, node *vio.TreeNode) error {

        if ctx.Err() != nil {
            return err

        if root == nil {
            root = node
            root.Parent = root
        } else {
            node.NodeSequenceNumber += 2 // offset for realtime devices
            k = int(node.NodeSequenceNumber)

        var x int64
        f := node.File

        if f.IsDir() {

            var ls int64 // length (short form)
            var lb int64 // length (block form)
            var ll int64 // length (leaf form)
            // TODO: var ln int64 // length (node form)

            ls = 6 - 17 // Header + negative for . & .. NOTE: the 6 could be 10 if we ever expect to have a huge number of inodes
            lb = 24     // Magic number, best free array, and block tail.
            ll = 16     // Magic number and best free array.

            grow := func(child string) {
                l := int64(len(child))
                ls += l + 7 // NOTE: this could be +11 if we ever expect to have a huge number of inodes
                l = 11 + l
                l = align(l, 8) // round up to nearest 8
                lb += l + 8     // +8: leaf entry

                // TODO: shuffle entries to optimize used space

                delta := align(ll, p.blockSize()) - ll
                if delta < l || delta-l < 16 {
                    ll += delta + 16

                ll += l


            for _, child := range node.Children {

            entries := int64(2 + len(node.Children))

            if ls < p.inodeDataCapacity {
                // directory can be stored in short form
                x = 0
            } else if lb < p.directoryBlockSize() {
                // directory can be stored in block form
                x = 1
            } else {
                // determine how many extents are necessary to store the data
                next := divide(ll, p.blockSize()) // number of extents for the directory data
                for {
                    lfll := 16 + 4 + 2*next + (8 * entries) // leaf-form leaf length
                    ddl := ll                               // directory data length
                    ddb := divide(ddl, p.directoryBlockSize())
                    // if ddb > 1 && next == 1 {
                    //     next = 2
                    //     continue
                    //     // NOTE: This is a hack for leaf-form directories. A leaf form directory
                    //     // cannot conceivably be part of more than two allocation groups in this
                    //     // implementation, but calculating how many extents are genuinely needed
                    //     // is challenging. The solution here is to assume it's spread over the
                    //     // maximum number of alloc groups.
                    // }
                    if lfll > p.directoryBlockSize() {
                        // directory must be stored in node form
                        x = ddb // data blocks
                        x += 1  // node block

                        leafBlocksBytes := 16 + (8 * entries)
                        headerSize := int64(16)
                        leafBlocks := divide(leafBlocksBytes, p.directoryBlockSize()-headerSize)
                        // leafBlocksBytes += leafBlocks * headerSize
                        x += leafBlocks // leaf blocks

                        freeIndexBytes := 16 + 2*next
                        freeIndexBlocks := divide(freeIndexBytes, p.directoryBlockSize())
                        x += freeIndexBlocks // freeindex blocks
                    x = 1 + ddb
        } else if f.IsSymlink() {
            x = int64(f.Size())
            if f.SymlinkIsCached() && x < p.inodeDataCapacity {
                x = 0
            x = divide(x, p.blockSize())
        } else {
            x = int64(f.Size())
            x = divide(x, p.blockSize())

        if x >= 0x100000000 {
            return errors.New("object too large to include")

        p.nodeBlocks[k] = uint32(x)
        blocks += x

        return nil
    if err != nil {
        goto fail

    p.treeBlocks = blocks
    p.journalBlocks = 1368 // no idea why, but this seems to be the smallest number the reference implementation uses

    k = -1

    for {
        if k > 0 {
            if k > 16 {
                err = errors.New("failed to pre-calculate minimum file-system size within a reasonable number of iterations")
                goto fail

        err = ctx.Err()
        if err != nil {
            goto cancel

        // inodes
        p.calculateInodes(int64(treeNodes), p.args.Options.MinimumFreeInodes)

        // space
        minFreeBlocks := divide(p.args.Options.MinimumFreeSpace, p.blockSize())
        p.freeBlocks = minFreeBlocks
        p.totalBlocks = p.usedBlocks + p.freeBlocks

        minBlocks := (p.allocGroups-1)*p.blocksPerAllocGroup() + p.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()
        if p.totalBlocks < minBlocks {
            p.totalBlocks = minBlocks
            p.freeBlocks = p.totalBlocks - p.usedBlocks

        // reiteration checks

        if p.totalBlocks > p.allocGroups*p.blocksPerAllocGroup() {
            // We need to grow the disk. We can achieve this by adding more alloc groups or increasing the size of alloc groups.
            // This logic attempts to strike a balance between the two, since larger alloc groups allow for bigger journals and
            // wastes less disk space on metadata, while more numerous alloc groups increases parallel performance.
            x := divide(p.totalBlocks, p.blocksPerAllocGroup())
            if x >= p.targetAllocGroupCount*2 {
                x = divide(p.totalBlocks, p.blocksPerAllocGroup())
            p.allocGroups = x

        // NOTE: If we want to ensure a good ratio between inode metadata and data blocks we should do it here.
        //        I have avoided doing so here because I think it might be counter-intuitive with Vorteil's "+X MiB" approach.

        if p.journalBlocks < p.blocksPerAllocGroup()-p.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup() {
            // Check if we can grow the journal.
            growth := (p.blocksPerAllocGroup() - p.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()) - p.journalBlocks
            if x := p.freeBlocks - minFreeBlocks; x < growth {
                growth = x
            if growth > 0 {
                p.journalBlocks += growth


    return nil

    if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
        goto cancel

    return err

    return err


func newBuild(ctx context.Context, args *precompilerArgs) (*precompiler, error) {

    var err error

    p := &precompiler{
        log: args.Logger,
        constants: constants{
            pageSize:              0x10000, // 64 KiB
            targetAllocGroupCount: 8,       // larger numbers might increase parallel performance, smaller numbers might increase journal size (which can also increase performance)
        args: *args,
        tree: args.Contents,
    p.exponents.sectorSize = 9 // 512 bytes
    p.exponents.inodeSize = 9  // 512 bytes
    p.inodeDataCapacity = p.inodeSize() - 100
    p.exponents.directoryBlockSize = 0

    err = p.setBlockSize(0x1000) // 4 KiB
    if err != nil {
        goto fail

    if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
        goto cancel

    err = p.calculateMinimumSize(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        goto fail

    return p, nil

    if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
        goto cancel

    return nil, err

    return nil, err


func (p *precompiler) MinimumSize() int64 {
    return p.totalBlocks * p.blockSize()

type compiler struct {
    log elog.Logger
    args                      precompilerArgs
    tree                      vio.FileTree
    data, nodes               chan *vio.TreeNode
    dataError, nodesError     error
    dataReader                io.Reader
    dataReaderBlocksRemaining int64
    nodeCounter               int

    bitmap               []uint64
    nodeBlocks           []uint32
    nodeExtents          [][]*extent
    lastCalculatedNode   int64
    allocGroupFreeBlocks []int64
    allocGroupFreeInodes []int64

    countedNodeBlocks int64

func (p *precompiler) Precompile(ctx context.Context, fsSize int64) (*compiler, error) {

    var err error

    c := &compiler{
        log:                p.log,
        constants:          p.constants,
        args:               p.args,
        tree:               p.tree,
        nodeBlocks:         p.nodeBlocks,
        nodeExtents:        make([][]*extent, len(p.nodeBlocks)),
        lastCalculatedNode: -1,

    if fsSize%p.blockSize() != 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("file-system must be a multiple of the block size (%v)", p.blockSize())

    if fsSize < p.MinimumSize() {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("file-system needs at least %v more space", vcfg.Bytes(p.MinimumSize()-fsSize))

    if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
        goto cancel

    c.totalBlocks = fsSize / p.blockSize()
    err = c.precompile(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        goto fail

    return c, nil

    if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
        goto cancel

    return nil, err

    return nil, err


func (c *compiler) precompile(ctx context.Context) error {

    var err error

    // alloc group sizes
    for {
        c.allocGroups = divide(c.totalBlocks, c.blocksPerAllocGroup())
        if c.allocGroups < 2*c.targetAllocGroupCount {

    c.calculateInodes(c.usedInodes, c.args.Options.MinimumFreeInodes)

    minFreeBlocks := divide(c.args.Options.MinimumFreeSpace, c.blockSize())
    k := -1

    for {
        if k > 16 {
            err = errors.New("failed to calculate space in a reasonable number of iterations")
            goto fail

        c.freeBlocks = c.totalBlocks - c.usedBlocks

        // Check if we can grow the journal.
        if c.journalBlocks+1 < c.blocksPerAllocGroup()-c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup() {
            growth := (c.blocksPerAllocGroup() - c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()) - c.journalBlocks
            if x := c.freeBlocks - minFreeBlocks; x < growth {
                growth = x

            // NOTE: this prevents the inodes section from becoming misaligned
            if growth%2 > 0 {

            if growth > 0 {
                c.journalBlocks += growth


    if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
        goto cancel

    // calculate use bitmap

    return nil

    if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
        goto cancel

    return err

    return err


func (c *compiler) buildBitmap() {
    c.allocGroupFreeBlocks = make([]int64, c.allocGroups)
    c.allocGroupFreeInodes = make([]int64, c.allocGroups)

    for i := int64(0); i < c.allocGroups; i++ {
        c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[i] = c.blocksPerAllocGroup() - c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()
        c.allocGroupFreeInodes[i] = c.inodesPerAllocGroup()

    // trim space off the last alloc group
    if c.totalBlocks != c.blocksPerAllocGroup()*c.allocGroups {
        c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[c.allocGroups-1] = (c.totalBlocks % c.blocksPerAllocGroup()) - c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()

    // subtract space from first alloc group for the journal
    c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[0] -= c.journalBlocks

    // distribute nodes amongst alloc groups TODO: see if files can be spread out better amongst the alloc groups
    inodes := int64(len(c.nodeBlocks))
    idx := int64(0)
    for {
        delta := c.inodesPerAllocGroup()
        if delta >= inodes {
            c.allocGroupFreeInodes[idx] -= inodes
            inodes = 0
        c.allocGroupFreeInodes[idx] = 0
        inodes -= delta
        if idx >= c.allocGroups {
            panic(errors.New("failed to distribute inode but it should have been possible"))

    idx = 0
    for _, nodeBlocks := range c.nodeBlocks {
        blocks := int64(nodeBlocks)
        for {
            delta := c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[idx]
            if delta >= blocks {
                c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[idx] -= blocks
                blocks = 0
            c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[idx] = 0
            blocks -= delta
            if idx >= c.allocGroups {
                panic(errors.New("failed to distribute blocks but it should have been possible"))

    // build the bitmap
    c.bitmap = make([]uint64, divide(c.totalBlocks, 64))
    for ag := int64(0); ag < c.allocGroups; ag++ {
        l := c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[ag]
        first := c.blocksPerAllocGroup() - l

        // exception for the final alloc group
        if ag == c.allocGroups-1 && c.totalBlocks != c.blocksPerAllocGroup()*c.allocGroups {
            first -= c.blocksPerAllocGroup() - (c.totalBlocks % c.blocksPerAllocGroup())

        // TODO: improve performance here by treating uint64s instead of bits
        for i := int64(0); i < l; i++ {
            block := first + i
            chunk := block / 64
            bit := block % 64
            c.bitmap[chunk] |= (0x1 << bit)


func (c *compiler) Size() int64 {
    return c.blockSize() * c.totalBlocks

func (c *compiler) Compile(ctx context.Context, w io.WriteSeeker) error {

    var err error

    c.data = make(chan *vio.TreeNode)  // TODO: close this safely
    c.nodes = make(chan *vio.TreeNode) // TODO: close this safely
    go c.treeWalkers()

    defer func() {
        for {
            if _, more := <-c.data; !more {
        for {
            if _, more := <-c.nodes; !more {

    err = c.writeAllocGroups(ctx, w)
    if err != nil {
        goto fail

    return nil

    if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
        goto cancel

    return err

    return err

func (c *compiler) writeAllocGroups(ctx context.Context, w io.WriteSeeker) error {
    var err error
    for ag := int64(0); ag < c.allocGroups; ag++ {
        err = c.writeAllocGroup(ctx, w, ag)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func (c *compiler) writeAllocGroup(ctx context.Context, w io.WriteSeeker, ag int64) error {
    var err error

    allocGroupOffset := ag * c.blocksPerAllocGroup() * c.blockSize()
    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset, io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    uuid, err := generateUID()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // superblock
    sb := &SuperBlock{
        MagicNumber: SBMagicNumber,
        BlockSize:   uint32(c.blockSize()),
        DataBlocks:  uint64(c.totalBlocks),
        // UUID:                       [16]byte{0x65, 0x7b, 0x9b, 0x73, 0xfe, 0xa4, 0x44, 0x3e, 0x98, 0x51, 0x6b, 0x01, 0x55, 0x7f, 0xea, 0xab}, // should this be generated?
        UUID:                       uuid,
        LogStart:                   uint64(c.superMetaBlocks() + 7), // first non-metadata thing on the first alloc group
        RootInode:                  c.translateAbsoluteInodeNumber(0),
        RealtimeBitmapInode:        c.translateAbsoluteInodeNumber(1),
        RealtimeSummaryInode:       c.translateAbsoluteInodeNumber(2),
        RealtimeExtentBlocks:       1,
        AGBlocks:                   uint32(c.blocksPerAllocGroup()),
        AGCount:                    uint32(c.allocGroups),
        LogBlocks:                  uint32(c.journalBlocks),
        VersionNum:                 VersionNumber | VersionAlignBit | VersionNlinkBit | VersionLogV2Bit | VersionExtFlgBit | VersionDirV2Bit | VersionMoreBitsBit,
        SectorSize:                 SectorSize,
        InodeSize:                  uint16(c.inodeSize()),
        InodesPerBlock:             uint16(c.inodesPerBlock()),
        FSName:                     [12]byte{'x', 'f', 's', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // should this be configurable?
        BlockSizeLogarithmic:       uint8(c.exponents.blockSize),
        SectorSizeLogarithmic:      sectorSizeLog,
        InodeSizeLogarithmic:       c.exponents.inodeSize,
        InodesPerBlockLogarithmic:  uint8(c.exponents.blockSize - c.exponents.inodeSize),
        AGBlocksLogarithmic:        uint8(c.exponents.blocksPerAllocGroup),
        InodesMaxPercentage:        inodesPercentage,
        InodesAllocated:            uint64(c.allocGroups * c.inodesPerAllocGroup()),
        InodesFree:                 uint64(c.freeInodes),
        DataFree:                   uint64(c.freeBlocks + 4*c.allocGroups), // NOTE: +4/ag is for the reserved free-list blocks, I think.
        DirectoryBlocksLogarithmic: dirBlockAllocLog,
        LogSectorSizeLogarithmic:   0,
        LogSectorSize:              0,
        MoreFeatures:               Version2LazySBCountBit,
        BadFeatures:                Version2LazySBCountBit,
        // UserQuotasInode:            0xffffffff,
        // GroupQuotasInode:           0xffffffff,
        InodeChunkAlignment: 2,
        LogStripeUnit:       1,

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, sb)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // alloc group free block info
    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+c.sectorSize(), io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    abtbAddr := uint32(c.superMetaBlocks()) + 1
    abtcAddr := abtbAddr + 1
    freeBlocks := uint32(c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[ag])

    agf := &AGF{
        Magic:       AGFMagicNumber,
        Version:     AGFVersion,
        SeqNo:       uint32(ag),
        Length:      uint32(c.blocksPerAllocGroup()),
        Roots:       [2]uint32{abtbAddr, abtcAddr},
        Levels:      [2]uint32{1, 1},
        FLFirst:     0,
        FLLast:      3,
        FLCount:     4,
        FreeBlocks:  freeBlocks,
        Longest:     uint32(c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[ag]),
        BTreeBlocks: 0,

    if ag == c.allocGroups-1 && c.totalBlocks%c.blocksPerAllocGroup() != 0 {
        agf.Length = uint32(c.totalBlocks % c.blocksPerAllocGroup())

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, agf)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // inode b+ tree info
    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+c.sectorSize()*2, io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    inodeChunks := c.inodesPerAllocGroup() / 64
    chunksPerLeaf := (c.blockSize() - 16) / 16 // -16 for header, /16 for record size
    leavesPerNode := (c.blockSize() - 16) / 8  // -16 for header, /8 for key/pointer pairs
    leavesNeeded := inodeChunks / chunksPerLeaf
    level := uint32(1)
    if leavesNeeded > 1 {
        if leavesNeeded > leavesPerNode {
            return errors.New("deep b+ trees unimplemented") // this will trigger if we try to have more than 8323200 inodes per alloc group
        return errors.New("deep b+ trees unimplemented") // this will trigger if we try to have more than 16320 inodes per alloc group

    agi := &AGI{
        Magic:     AGIMagicNumber,
        Version:   AGIVersion,
        SeqNo:     uint32(ag),
        Length:    uint32(c.blocksPerAllocGroup()),
        Count:     uint32(c.inodesPerAllocGroup()), // TODO: - c.allocGroupFreeInodes[ag]), -- is it meant to be this way?
        Root:      uint32(c.superMetaBlocks()),
        Level:     level,
        FreeCount: uint32(c.allocGroupFreeInodes[ag]),
        NewIno:    uint32(c.translateRelativeInodeNumber(ag * c.inodesPerAllocGroup())),
        DirIno:    uint32(0xFFFFFFFF), // NOTE: according to the spec this is NULL (-1)

    for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
        agi.Unlinked[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF // NOTE: according to the spec this is NULL (-1)

    if ag == c.allocGroups-1 && c.totalBlocks%c.blocksPerAllocGroup() != 0 {
        agi.Length = uint32(c.totalBlocks % c.blocksPerAllocGroup())

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, agi)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // internal free list info
    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+c.sectorSize()*3, io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    agfl := []uint32{uint32(c.superMetaBlocks()) + 3, uint32(c.superMetaBlocks()) + 4, uint32(c.superMetaBlocks()) + 5, uint32(c.superMetaBlocks()) + 6}

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, agfl)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, bytes.Repeat([]byte{0xFF}, int(c.sectorSize()-16)))

    // write inode b+ tree
    ibt := &BTreeSBlock{
        Magic:    IBTMagicNumber,
        Level:    0,
        NumRecs:  uint16(inodeChunks),
        LeftSIB:  0xFFFFFFFF,
        RightSIB: 0xFFFFFFFF,

    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+int64(agi.Root)*c.blockSize(), io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, ibt)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for i := int64(0); i < inodeChunks; i++ {
        var used int64
        used = c.usedInodes - (ag*c.inodesPerAllocGroup() + i*64)
        if used < 0 {
            used = 0
        } else if used > 64 {
            used = 64
        rec := &InodeBTRecord{
            StartIno:  uint32(c.translateRelativeInodeNumber(i*64 + ag*c.inodesPerAllocGroup())),
            FreeCount: uint32(64 - used),
            Free:      0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF << used,
        err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, rec)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // write free space b+ trees
    abtb := &BTreeSBlock{
        Magic:    ABTBMagicNumber,
        Level:    0,
        NumRecs:  1,
        LeftSIB:  0xFFFFFFFF,
        RightSIB: 0xFFFFFFFF,

    firstFreeBlock := agf.Length - freeBlocks
    var ar *AllocRecord

    if c.allocGroupFreeBlocks[ag] > 0 {
        ar = &AllocRecord{
            StartBlock: firstFreeBlock,
            BlockCount: freeBlocks,
    } else {
        abtb.NumRecs = 0

    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+int64(agf.Roots[0])*c.blockSize(), io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, abtb)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if ar != nil {
        err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, ar)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+int64(agf.Roots[1])*c.blockSize(), io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    abtc := &BTreeSBlock{
        Magic:    ABTCMagicNumber,
        Level:    0,
        NumRecs:  abtb.NumRecs,
        LeftSIB:  0xFFFFFFFF,
        RightSIB: 0xFFFFFFFF,

    err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, abtc)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if ar != nil {
        err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, ar)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // free list
    // NOTE: free list should be completely empty for us so we can ignore it

    // journal
    remainder := int64(agf.Length) - c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup() // this is how many blocks we have left for copying data
    if ag == 0 {
        _, err = w.Seek(int64(sb.LogStart)*c.blockSize(), io.SeekStart)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        recHeader := &XLogRecHeader{
            Magic:     XLogMagicNumber,
            Cycle:     1,
            Version:   2,
            Len:       uint32(c.sectorSize()),
            LSN:       0x100000000,
            TailLSN:   0x100000000,
            CRC:       0,
            PrevBlock: 0xFFFFFFFF,
            NumLogOps: 1,
            Fmt:       1,
            FSUUID:    sb.UUID,
            Size:      0x8000,
        recHeader.CycleData[0] = 0xB0C0D0D0 // TODO: figure out what this is supposed to mean.

        err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, recHeader)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        rec := &XLogRecord{
            TransactionID: 1,
            Length:        8,
            ClientID:      0xAA,   // client id (XFS_LOG)
            Flags:         0x20,   // flags (XLOG_UNMOUNT_TRANS)
            Unknown:       0x6E55, // TODO: Figure out what this is supposed to mean.

        err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, rec)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        remainder -= c.journalBlocks

    // inodes
    for ino := int64(0); ino < c.inodesPerAllocGroup(); ino++ {

        inodeNumber := c.translateRelativeInodeNumber(ino + c.inodesPerAllocGroup()*ag)

        _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+int64(inodeNumber)*c.inodeSize(), io.SeekStart)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if ino < c.inodesPerAllocGroup()-c.allocGroupFreeInodes[ag] {
            rdr := c.popInode()
            if rdr == nil {
                return c.nodesError

            _, err = io.CopyN(w, rdr, c.inodeSize())
            if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
                return err
        } else {
            err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, &InodeCore{
                Magic:        InodeMagicNumber,
                Format:       uint8(ino),
                Version:      2,
                NextUnlinked: 0xFFFFFFFF,
            if err != nil {
                return err

    if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+(int64(agf.Length)-remainder)*c.blockSize(), io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // data & metadata
    for remainder > int64(freeBlocks) {
        rdr := c.popDataBlock()
        if rdr == nil {
            return c.dataError

        _, err = io.CopyN(w, rdr, c.blockSize())
        if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
            return err

    if remainder != 0 { // force a write to the end of the alloc group just in case that matters
        _, err = w.Seek(allocGroupOffset+int64(agf.Length)*c.blockSize()-1, io.SeekStart)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        _, err = io.Copy(w, bytes.NewReader([]byte{0}))
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func (c *compiler) inodeNumberFromNode(n *vio.TreeNode) uint64 {
    return c.translateAbsoluteInodeNumber(n.NodeSequenceNumber)

func (c *compiler) popDataBlock() io.Reader {

    for {
        if c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining > 0 {
            return c.dataReader

        n, more := <-c.data
        if !more {
            return nil

        c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining = int64(c.nodeBlocks[c.nodeCounter])


        if c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining == 0 {

        if n.File.IsDir() {
            c.dataReader = c.generateDirectoryBlockData(n, c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining)
        } else if n.File.IsSymlink() {
            // TODO: does this work?
            _ = c.computeNodeExtents(n.NodeSequenceNumber, &dataRange{blocks: c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining}) // called here to ensure things are computed in order
            c.dataReader = io.MultiReader(n.File, io.LimitReader(vio.Zeroes, c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining*c.blockSize()-int64(n.File.Size())))
        } else {
            _ = c.computeNodeExtents(n.NodeSequenceNumber, &dataRange{blocks: c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining}) // called here to ensure things are computed in order
            c.dataReader = io.MultiReader(n.File, io.LimitReader(vio.Zeroes, c.dataReaderBlocksRemaining*c.blockSize()-int64(n.File.Size())))

type extent struct {
    first  uint64
    length int64
    offset int64

func (c *compiler) translateBlock(x int64) (uint64, int64) { // return (blockAddr, maxExtentLength)
    block := int64(0)
    block += c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()
    block += c.journalBlocks
    delta := c.blocksPerAllocGroup() - block
    for i := int64(0); true; i++ {
        if x < delta && delta > 0 {
            delta -= x
            block += x
            x = 0
        } else {
            block += delta
            x -= delta
            block += c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()
            delta = c.blocksPerAllocGroup() - c.metadataBlocksPerAllocGroup()

    return c.translateAbsoluteBlockNumber(block), delta

func (c *compiler) computeExtents(x int64, commit bool) []*extent {
    var extents = []*extent{}
    first := c.countedNodeBlocks
    length := x
    offset := int64(0)

    for length > 0 {
        e := &extent{}
        e.first, e.length = c.translateBlock(first)
        if e.length > length {
            e.length = length
        first += e.length
        length -= e.length
        e.offset = offset
        offset += e.length
        extents = append(extents, e)

    if commit {
        c.countedNodeBlocks += x
    return extents

type dataRange struct {
    blocks int64
    offset int64

func (c *compiler) computeNodeExtents(ino int64, fragments ...*dataRange) []*extent {

    var e []*extent

    if e = c.nodeExtents[ino]; e != nil {
        c.nodeExtents[ino] = nil // free memory (this should never be needed more than twice)
        return e

    if c.lastCalculatedNode >= ino {
        panic(errors.New("went backwards calculating node extents"))

    if len(fragments) == 0 {
        panic(errors.New("must compute at least one extent fragment"))

    for _, frag := range fragments {
        x := c.computeExtents(frag.blocks, true)
        offset := frag.offset
        for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
            x[i].offset = offset
            offset += x[i].length
        e = append(e, x...)

    c.lastCalculatedNode = ino
    c.nodeExtents[ino] = e
    return e

func (c *compiler) computeNodeExtentsDryrun(ino int64, fragments ...int64) []*extent {

    var e []*extent

    if e = c.nodeExtents[ino]; e != nil {
        return e

    if c.lastCalculatedNode >= ino {
        panic(errors.New("went backwards calculating node extents"))

    if len(fragments) == 0 {
        panic(errors.New("must compute at least one extent fragment"))

    for _, frag := range fragments {
        e = append(e, c.computeExtents(frag, false)...)

    // c.lastCalculatedNode = ino
    // c.nodeExtents[ino] = e
    return e

func (c *compiler) popInode() io.Reader {

    n, more := <-c.nodes
    if !more {
        return nil

    var format uint8
    var mode uint16
    var nextents int32
    var size int64
    var nblocks uint64

    extents := make([]*extent, 0)
    nblocks = uint64(c.nodeBlocks[n.NodeSequenceNumber])
    var data []byte

    if n.File.IsDir() {
        mode = 0x4000 | 0700
        format = InodeFormatLocal
        if nblocks > 0 {
            format = InodeFormatExtents
        size, data, extents = c.generateDirectory(n)
    } else if n.File.IsSymlink() {
        mode = 0xA000 | 0700
        format = InodeFormatLocal
        if nblocks > 0 {
            extents = c.computeNodeExtents(n.NodeSequenceNumber, &dataRange{blocks: int64(nblocks)})
            format = InodeFormatExtents
        size = int64(n.File.Size())
    } else { // regular file
        mode = 0x8000 | 0700
        format = InodeFormatExtents
        size = int64(n.File.Size())
        if size > 0 {
            extents = c.computeNodeExtents(n.NodeSequenceNumber, &dataRange{blocks: int64(nblocks)})

    nextents = int32(len(extents))

    core := &InodeCore{
        Magic:   InodeMagicNumber,
        Mode:    mode,
        Version: 2,
        Format:  format,
        // Onlink:  uint16(n.Links),
        UID:     1000,
        GID:     1000,
        Nlink:   uint32(n.Links),
        Size:    size,
        NBlocks: nblocks,
        // ExtSize TODO: is this necessary?
        NExtents:     nextents,
        AFormat:      InodeFormatExtents,
        NextUnlinked: 0xFFFFFFFF,

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    err := binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, core)
    if err != nil {

    // write data fork

    if format == InodeFormatExtents {
        maxExtents := c.inodeDataCapacity / 16
        if int64(nextents) > maxExtents {
            panic(errors.New("super nested extents not yet supported")) // TODO
        for _, e := range extents {

            var xe, xoffset, xnumber, xblocks uint128.Uint128

            xblocks.L = uint64(e.length)
            xblocks.L &= 0x1FFFFF
            xblocks = xblocks.ShiftLeft(0)

            xnumber.L = uint64(e.first)
            xnumber.L &= 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFF
            xnumber = xnumber.ShiftLeft(21)

            xoffset.L = uint64(e.offset)
            xoffset.L &= 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFF
            xoffset = xoffset.ShiftLeft(73)

            xe = xblocks.Or(xnumber).Or(xoffset)

            err = binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, xe)
            if err != nil {

            fpath := n.File.Name()
            npath := n
            for {
                if npath.Parent == nil || npath.Parent == npath {
                npath = npath.Parent
                fpath = npath.File.Name() + "/" + fpath

            // TODO: check this (I'm suspicious of the quality of my work when I wrote it)
    } else if format == InodeFormatLocal {
        if n.File.IsDir() {
            _, err = io.Copy(buf, bytes.NewReader(data))
            if err != nil {
        } else if n.File.IsSymlink() {
            _, err := io.Copy(buf, strings.NewReader(n.File.Symlink()))
            if err != nil {
                panic(err) // NOTE: this is only supported if the filetree supports looking up and caching this value in advance, which should make errors impossible
        } else {
            panic(errors.New("attempted to write local-format inode for an unsupported file-type"))
    } else {
        panic(errors.New("attempted to write an unsupported inode format"))

    return bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes())


func (c *compiler) treeWalkers() {

    // realtime bitmap
    rtbmap := &vio.TreeNode{
        File: vio.CustomFile(vio.CustomFileArgs{
            Size:       0,
            ReadCloser: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})),
        NodeSequenceNumber: 1,
        Links:              1,

    // realtime summary
    rtsummary := &vio.TreeNode{
        File: vio.CustomFile(vio.CustomFileArgs{
            Size:       0,
            ReadCloser: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})),
        NodeSequenceNumber: 2,
        Links:              1,

    // one walker for data blocks
    go func() {
        var previous *vio.TreeNode
        c.dataError = c.tree.WalkNode(func(path string, n *vio.TreeNode) error {
            c.data <- n
            if previous != nil && previous.File != nil {
                err := previous.File.Close()
                if err != nil {
                    return err
            previous = n

            // insert realtime nodes
            if path == "." {
                c.data <- rtbmap
                c.data <- rtsummary

            return nil

    // one walker for inode information
    go func() {
        c.nodesError = c.tree.WalkNode(func(path string, n *vio.TreeNode) error {
            c.nodes <- n

            // insert realtime inodes
            if path == "." {
                c.nodes <- rtbmap
                c.nodes <- rtsummary

            return nil
