

7 hrs
Test Coverage
package publisher

import (



const (
    storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys = "tuf_repository_keys"
    storageKeyPGPSigningKey     = "pgp_signing_key"

var (
    ErrUninitializedRepositoryKeys = errors.New("uninitialized repository keys")
    ErrUninitializedPGPSigningKey  = errors.New("uninitialized pgp signing key")

type RepositoryOptions struct {
    S3Endpoint        string
    S3Region          string
    S3AccessKeyID     string
    S3SecretAccessKey string
    S3BucketName      string

    InitializeTUFKeys       bool
    InitializePGPSigningKey bool

type InMemoryFile struct {
    Name string
    Data []byte

func NewErrIncorrectTargetPath(path string) error {
    return fmt.Errorf(`got incorrect target path %q: expected path in format <os>-<arch>/... where os can be either "any", "linux", "darwin" or "windows", and arch can be either "any", "amd64" or "arm64"`, path)

type Publisher struct {
    mu     sync.Mutex
    logger hclog.Logger

    PGPSigningKey *pgp.RSASigningKey

func NewPublisher(logger hclog.Logger) *Publisher {
    return &Publisher{logger: logger}

func (publisher *Publisher) RotateRepositoryKeys(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, repository RepositoryInterface, systemClock util.Clock) error {
    updated, updatedPrivKeys, err := repository.RotatePrivKeys(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to rotate TUF repository keys: %w", err)

    if updated {
        entry, err := logical.StorageEntryJSON(storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, updatedPrivKeys)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error creating storage json entry by key %q: %w", storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, err)

        if err := storage.Put(ctx, entry); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error putting private keys json entry by key %q into the storage: %w", storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, err)

        publisher.logger.Info("Successfully rotated repository private keys")

    return nil

func (publisher *Publisher) UpdateTimestamps(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, repository RepositoryInterface, systemClock util.Clock) error {
    return repository.UpdateTimestamps(ctx, systemClock)

type setRepositoryKeysOptions struct {
    InitializeKeys bool

func (publisher *Publisher) setRepositoryKeys(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, repository RepositoryInterface, opts setRepositoryKeysOptions) error {
    entry, err := storage.Get(ctx, storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error getting storage private keys json entry by the key %q: %w", storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, err)

    if entry == nil {
        if !opts.InitializeKeys {
            return ErrUninitializedRepositoryKeys

        publisher.logger.Debug("Will generate new repository private keys")

        if err := repository.GenPrivKeys(); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error generating repository private keys: %w", err)

        privKeys := repository.GetPrivKeys()

        entry, err := logical.StorageEntryJSON(storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, privKeys)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error creating storage json entry by key %q: %w", storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, err)

        if err := storage.Put(ctx, entry); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error putting private keys json entry by key %q into the storage: %w", storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, err)

        publisher.logger.Info("Generated new repository private keys")

        return nil

    var privKeys TufRepoPrivKeys
    if err := entry.DecodeJSON(&privKeys); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode keys json by the %q storage key:\n%s---\n%w", storageKeyTufRepositoryKeys, entry.Value, err)

    if err := repository.SetPrivKeys(privKeys); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to set private keys into repository: %w", err)

    publisher.logger.Info("Loaded repository private keys from the storage")

    return nil

func (publisher *Publisher) deletePGPSigningKey(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage) error {
    return storage.Delete(ctx, storageKeyPGPSigningKey)

func (publisher *Publisher) fetchPGPSigningKey(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, initializeKey bool) (*pgp.RSASigningKey, error) {
    entry, err := storage.Get(ctx, storageKeyPGPSigningKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting storage pgp signing key json entry by storage key %q: %w", storageKeyPGPSigningKey, err)

    if entry == nil {
        if !initializeKey {
            return nil, ErrUninitializedPGPSigningKey

        hclog.L().Debug("Will generate a new pgp signing key")

        key, err := pgp.GenerateRSASigningKey()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to generate new rsa pgp signing key: %w", err)

        serializedKey := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
        if err := key.SerializeFull(serializedKey); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to serialize pgp signing key: %w", err)

        entry := &logical.StorageEntry{
            Key:   storageKeyPGPSigningKey,
            Value: serializedKey.Bytes(),

        if err := storage.Put(ctx, entry); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("error putting pgp signing key by storage key %q: %w", storageKeyPGPSigningKey, err)

        hclog.L().Info("Generated new PGP signing key")

        return key, nil

    key, err := pgp.ParseRSASigningKey(bytes.NewReader(entry.Value))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse pgp signing key by the %q storage key:\n%s\n---%w", storageKeyPGPSigningKey, entry.Value, err)
    return key, nil

func (publisher *Publisher) GetRepository(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, options RepositoryOptions) (RepositoryInterface, error) {

    awsConfig := &aws.Config{
        Endpoint:    aws.String(options.S3Endpoint),
        Region:      aws.String(options.S3Region),
        Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(options.S3AccessKeyID, options.S3SecretAccessKey, ""),

    repository, err := NewRepositoryWithOptions(
        S3Options{AwsConfig: awsConfig, BucketName: options.S3BucketName},
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initializing publisher repository handle: %w", err)

    if err := repository.Init(); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initializing repository: %w", err)

    if err := publisher.setRepositoryKeys(ctx, storage, repository, setRepositoryKeysOptions{InitializeKeys: options.InitializeTUFKeys}); err == ErrUninitializedRepositoryKeys {
        return nil, ErrUninitializedRepositoryKeys
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initializing repository keys: %w", err)

    pgpSigningKey, err := publisher.fetchPGPSigningKey(ctx, storage, options.InitializePGPSigningKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error fetching pgp signing key: %w", err)
    publisher.PGPSigningKey = pgpSigningKey

    return repository, nil

func (publisher *Publisher) StageReleaseTarget(ctx context.Context, repository RepositoryInterface, releaseName, releaseFilePath string, data io.Reader) error {

    pathParts := SplitFilepath(filepath.Clean(releaseFilePath))
    if len(pathParts) == 0 {
        return NewErrIncorrectTargetPath(releaseFilePath)

    osAndArchParts := strings.SplitN(pathParts[0], "-", 2)

    switch osAndArchParts[0] {
    case "any", "linux", "darwin", "windows":
        return NewErrIncorrectTargetPath(releaseFilePath)

    switch osAndArchParts[1] {
    case "any", "amd64", "arm64":
        return NewErrIncorrectTargetPath(releaseFilePath)

    gpgSignErrCh := make(chan error)
    gpgSignDoneCh := make(chan struct{})
    gpgSignBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)

    r := util.BufferedPipedWriterProcess(func(w io.WriteCloser) {
        signDataReader := io.TeeReader(data, w)

        if err := pgp.SignDataStream(gpgSignBuf, signDataReader, publisher.PGPSigningKey); err != nil {
            gpgSignErrCh <- fmt.Errorf("unable to sign %q: %w", releaseFilePath, err)

        if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
            gpgSignErrCh <- fmt.Errorf("unable to close sign data reader stream: %w", err)


    pathToReleaseTarget := path.Join("releases", releaseName, releaseFilePath)
    hclog.L().Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Stage release target %q ...\n", pathToReleaseTarget))
    if err := repository.StageTarget(ctx, pathToReleaseTarget, r); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to stage release target %q into the repository: %w", pathToReleaseTarget, err)

    select {
    case <-gpgSignDoneCh:
    case err := <-gpgSignErrCh:
        return err

    pathToReleaseTargetSignature := path.Join("signatures", releaseName, fmt.Sprintf("%s.sig", releaseFilePath))
    hclog.L().Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Stage release target signature %q ...\n", pathToReleaseTargetSignature))
    if err := repository.StageTarget(ctx, pathToReleaseTargetSignature, bytes.NewBufferString(gpgSignBuf.String())); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to stage release target signature %q into the repository: %w", pathToReleaseTargetSignature, err)

    return nil

func (publisher *Publisher) StageChannelsConfig(ctx context.Context, repository RepositoryInterface, trdlChannelsConfig *config.TrdlChannels) error {

    // publish /channels/GROUP/CHANNEL -> VERSION
    for _, grp := range trdlChannelsConfig.Groups {
        for _, chnl := range grp.Channels {
            publishPath := path.Join("channels", grp.Name, chnl.Name)

            if err := repository.StageTarget(ctx, publishPath, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(chnl.Version+"\n"))); err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("error publishing %q: %w", publishPath, err)

    return nil

func (publisher *Publisher) StageInMemoryFiles(ctx context.Context, repository RepositoryInterface, files []*InMemoryFile) error {

    for _, file := range files {
        if err := repository.StageTarget(ctx, file.Name, bytes.NewReader(file.Data)); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error publishing %q: %w", file.Name, err)

    return nil

func (publisher *Publisher) GetExistingReleases(ctx context.Context, repository RepositoryInterface) ([]string, error) {
    existingTargets, err := repository.GetTargets(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting existing targets: %w", err)

    var releases []string

    for _, target := range existingTargets {
        if strings.HasPrefix(target, "releases/") {
            pathParts := strings.SplitN(strings.TrimPrefix(target, "releases/"), "/", 2)
            releaseName := strings.TrimPrefix(pathParts[0], "v")

            for _, r := range releases {
                if r == releaseName {
                    continue ScanTargets

            releases = append(releases, releaseName)

    return releases, nil

// TODO: move this to the separate project in
func SplitFilepath(path string) (result []string) {
    path = filepath.FromSlash(path)
    separator := os.PathSeparator

    idx := 0
    if separator == '\\' {
        // if the separator is '\\', then we can just split...
        result = strings.Split(path, string(separator))
        idx = len(result)
    } else {
        // otherwise, we need to be careful of situations where the separator was escaped
        cnt := strings.Count(path, string(separator))
        if cnt == 0 {
            return []string{path}

        result = make([]string, cnt+1)
        pathlen := len(path)
        separatorLen := utf8.RuneLen(separator)
        emptyEnd := false
        for start := 0; start < pathlen; {
            end := indexRuneWithEscaping(path[start:], separator)
            if end == -1 {
                emptyEnd = false
                end = pathlen
            } else {
                emptyEnd = true
                end += start
            result[idx] = path[start:end]
            start = end + separatorLen

        // If the last rune is a path separator, we need to append an empty string to
        // represent the last, empty path component. By default, the strings from
        // make([]string, ...) will be empty, so we just need to increment the count
        if emptyEnd {

    return result[:idx]

// TODO: move this to the separate project in
// Find the first index of a rune in a string,
// ignoring any times the rune is escaped using "\".
func indexRuneWithEscaping(s string, r rune) int {
    end := strings.IndexRune(s, r)
    if end == -1 {
        return -1
    if end > 0 && s[end-1] == '\\' {
        start := end + utf8.RuneLen(r)
        end = indexRuneWithEscaping(s[start:], r)
        if end != -1 {
            end += start
    return end