

6 days
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/* AnnotationHelper.java

        Mon Aug  6 15:48:07     2007, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2007 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.zkoss.lang.Strings;
import org.zkoss.util.Maps;
import org.zkoss.util.resource.Location;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.AnnotationMap;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.ComponentInfo;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.ShadowInfo;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ComponentCtrl;

 * A helper class used to parse annotations.
 * <p>How to use:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Invoke {@link #add}
 * or {@link #addByCompoundValue} to add annotations to this helper.</li>
 * <li>After annotations are all added, invoke {@link #applyAnnotations}
 * to update the annotations to the specified component info.</li>
 * </ol>
 * @author tomyeh
 * @since 3.0.0
public class AnnotationHelper {
     * A list of AnnotInfo
    final List<AnnotInfo> _annots = new LinkedList<AnnotInfo>();

    private boolean _ignoreAnnotNamespace;

     * Test if the given value is an annotation.
     * In other words, it returns true if the value matches
     * one of two kinds of format described in {@link #addByCompoundValue}.
     * @param val the value.
     * @since 6.0.0
    public static boolean isAnnotation(String val) {
        int len = val.length();
        if (len >= 4) {
            len = (val = val.trim()).length();
            if (len >= 4 && val.charAt(0) == '@') {
                if (val.charAt(1) == '{') {
                    if (val.charAt(len - 1) == '}') //format 1
                        return true;
                } else if (val.charAt(len - 1) == ')') {
                    //we have to be conservative since a non-annotation value might carry @
                    int j = Strings.skipWhitespaces(val, 1);
                    char cc = val.charAt(j);
                    //annotation must start with the above characters
                    if ((cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'z') || (cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'Z')
                            || cc == '_' || cc == '$') {
                        for (; j < len; ++j) {
                            switch (cc = val.charAt(j)) {
                            case '(':
                                return true; //valid
                            case '_':
                            case '$':
                            case '.':
                            case '-':
                                continue; //valid
                                if (Character.isWhitespace(cc)) {
                                    j = Strings.skipWhitespaces(val, j + 1);
                                    if (j < len && val.charAt(j) == '(')
                                        return true;
                                    return false;
                                if ((cc < 'a' || cc > 'z') && (cc < 'A'
                                        || cc > 'Z') && (cc < '0' || cc > '9'))
                                    return false;
        return false;

     * Adds an annotation definition.
     * The annotation's attributes must be parsed into a map (annotAttrs).
     * @param annotName  the annotation name.
     * @param annotAttrs a map of attributes of the annotation. If null,
     *                   it means no attribute at all.
     * @param loc        the location information of the annotation in
     *                   the document, or null if not available.
     * @see #addByCompoundValue
    public void add(String annotName, Map<String, String[]> annotAttrs,
            Location loc) {
        if (annotName == null || annotName.length() == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty");
        _annots.add(new AnnotInfo(annotName, annotAttrs, loc));

     * Adds annotation by specifying the content in the compound format.
     * <p>There are two formats:
     * <p>Format 1 (recommended, since 6.0):<br/>
     * <code>@annot-name(att1-name=att1-value, att2-name=att2-value) @annot-name() @default(annot3-attrs)</code>
     * <p>In the first format, it must be a list of annotations separated by space.
     * And, each annotation is in the format of <code>@annot-name(key=value, value, key=value)</code>.
     * That is, it starts with the annotation's name and a parenthesis to enclose
     * any number of key and value pairs (key is optional).
     * The annotation's names must be composed of letters, numbers, the underscore <code>_</code>, the dash <code>-</code> and the dollar sign <code>$</code>.
     * The names may only begin with a letter, the underscore or a dollar sign.
     * In additions, all characters are preserved, including the single and double quotes.
     * @param cval the compound value to check. This method assumes that
     *             cval starts with @ and the length is larger than 2
     * @param loc  the location information of the value for displaying better
     *             error message. Ignored if null.
     * @since 6.0.0
    public void addByCompoundValue(String cval, Location loc) {
        final int len = cval.length();
        if (cval.charAt(1) == '{' && cval.charAt(len - 1) == '}') { //Format 1
            addInV5(cval.substring(2, len - 1));

        //format 2
        //for each @name(value),
        //parse name/value, then pass to addByRawValueInV6
        for (int j = 0; j >= 0; j = cval.indexOf('@', j)) {
            //look for annotation's name
            int k = cval.indexOf('(', ++j);
            if (k < 0)
                throw wrongAnnotationException(cval, "'(' expected", loc);
            final String annotName = cval.substring(j, k).trim();

            j = ++k;
            final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len);
            int nparen = 1;
            for (char quot = (char) 0; ; ++j) {
                if (j >= len)
                    throw wrongAnnotationException(cval, "')' expected", loc);

                char cc = cval.charAt(j);
                if (quot == (char) 0) {
                    if (cc == '(') {
                    } else if (cc == ')' && --nparen == 0) { //found
                        addByRawValueInV6(annotName, sb.toString().trim(), loc);
                        break; //next @name(value)
                    } else if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"') {
                        quot = cc; //begin-of-quote
                } else if (cc == quot) {
                    quot = (char) 0; //end-of-quote


                if (cc == '\\' && j < len - 1)
                //Note: we don't decode \x. Rather, we preserve it such
                //that the data binder can use them

     * @param rval <code>att1-name=att1-value, att2-name = att2-value</code>
    private void addByRawValueInV6(String annotName, String rval,
            Location loc) {
        final Map<String, String[]> attrs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>(
        final int len = rval.length();
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len);
        String nm = null;
        char quot = (char) 0;
        int nparen = 0;
        //for each name=value, parse name and value
        for (int j = 0; ; ++j) {
            if (j >= len) {
                if (quot != (char) 0)
                    throw wrongAnnotationException(rval,
                            quot + " expected (not paired)", loc);
                if (nparen != 0)
                    throw wrongAnnotationException(rval, "')' expected", loc);

                final String val = sb.toString().trim();
                if (nm != null || val.length()
                        > 0) //skip empty one (including after last , )
                    attrs.put(nm, new String[] {val}); //found
                break; //done

            char cc = rval.charAt(j);
            if (quot == (char) 0) {
                if (cc == ',' && nparen == 0) {
                    final String val = sb.toString().trim();
                    if (nm == null && val.length() == 0)
                        throw wrongAnnotationException(rval,
                                "nothing before ','", loc);

                    attrs.put(nm, new String[] {val}); //found
                    nm = null; //cleanup
                    sb.setLength(0); //cleanup
                    continue; //next name=value
                } else if (cc == '=' && nparen == 0) {
                    if (nm != null)
                        throw wrongAnnotationException(rval,
                                "',' missed between two equal sign (=)", loc);
                    nm = sb.toString().trim(); //name found
                    sb.setLength(0); //cleanup
                    continue; //parse value
                } else if (cc == '(') {
                } else if (cc == ')') {
                    if (--nparen < 0)
                        throw wrongAnnotationException(rval, "too many ')'",
                } else if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"') {
                    quot = cc;
                } else if (cc == '{' && nparen == 0 && (sb.length() == 0
                        || sb.toString().trim().length() == 0)) {
                    //look for }
                    for (int k = ++j, ncur = 1; ; ++j) {
                        if (j >= len)
                            throw wrongAnnotationException(rval, "'}' expected",

                        cc = rval.charAt(j);
                        if (quot == (char) 0) {
                            if (cc == '}' && --ncur == 0) { //found
                                attrs.put(nm, parseValueArray(
                                        rval.substring(k, j).trim(), loc));
                                j = Strings.skipWhitespaces(rval, j + 1);
                                if (j < len && rval.charAt(j) != ',')
                                    throw wrongAnnotationException(rval,
                                            "',' expected, not '" + rval.charAt(
                                                    j) + '\'', loc);
                                nm = null; //cleanup
                                sb.setLength(0); //cleanup
                                continue main;
                            } else if (cc == '{') {
                            } else if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"') {
                                quot = cc;
                        } else if (cc == quot) {
                            quot = (char) 0;
                        if (cc == '\\' && j < len - 1)
                            ++j; //skip next \
            } else if (cc == quot) {
                quot = (char) 0;


            if (cc == '\\' && j < len - 1)
            //Note: we don't decode \x. Rather, we preserve it such
            //that the data binder can use them

        //TODO pass loc only in some condition, e.g. debug or non-production
        add(annotName, attrs, loc);

     * Parses the attribute value.
     * If the value starts with { and ends with }, an array of String is returned.
     * Otherwise, the value is returned directly (without any processing).
     * @param val the value. This method assumes val has been trimmed before the
     *            call.
     * @param loc the location information of the value for displaying better
     *            error message. Ignored if null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if val is null.
     * @since 6.0.0
    public static String[] parseAttributeValue(String val, Location loc) {
        final int len = val.length();
        if (len >= 2 && val.charAt(0) == '{' && val.charAt(len - 1) == '}')
            return parseValueArray(val.substring(1, len - 1), loc);
        return new String[] {val};

    private static String[] parseValueArray(String rval, Location loc) {
        final List<String> attrs = new ArrayList<String>();
        final int len = rval.length();
        char quot = (char) 0;
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len);
        int nparen = 0;
        for (int j = 0; ; ++j) {
            if (j >= len) {
                if (quot != (char) 0)
                    throw wrongAnnotationException(rval,
                            '\'' + quot + "' expected (not paired)", loc);
                if (nparen != 0)
                    throw wrongAnnotationException(rval, "')' expected", loc);

                final String val = sb.toString().trim();
                if (val.length() > 0) //skip if last if it is empty
                break; //done

            char cc = rval.charAt(j);
            if (quot == (char) 0) {
                if (cc == ',' && nparen == 0) { //found
                            sb.toString().trim()); //including empty (between ,)
                    sb.setLength(0); //cleanup
                } else if (cc == '(') {
                } else if (cc == ')') {
                    if (--nparen < 0)
                        throw wrongAnnotationException(rval, "too many ')'",
                } else if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"') {
                    quot = cc;
            } else if (cc == quot) {
                quot = (char) 0;


            if (cc == '\\' && j < len - 1)
            //Note: we don't decode \x. Rather, we preserve it such
            //that the data binder can use them

        return attrs.toArray(new String[attrs.size()]);

    private static UiException wrongAnnotationException(String cval,
            String reason, Location loc) {
        final String msg = "Illegal annotation, " + reason + ": " + cval;
        return new UiException(loc != null ? loc.format(msg) : msg);

    private void addInV5(String cval) {
        final char[] seps1 = {'(', ' '}, seps2 = {')'};
        for (int j = 0, len = cval.length(); j < len;) {
            j = Strings.skipWhitespaces(cval, j);
            int k = Strings.nextSeparator(cval, j, seps1, true, true, false);
            if (k < len && cval.charAt(k) == '(') {
                String nm = cval.substring(j, k).trim();
                if (nm.isEmpty())
                    nm = "default";

                j = k + 1;
                k = Strings.nextSeparator(cval, j, seps2, true, true, false);

                final String rv = (k < len
                        ? cval.substring(j, k) :
                if (!rv.isEmpty())
                    addByRawValueInV5(nm, rv);
                    add(nm, null, null);
            } else {
                final String rv = (k < len
                        ? cval.substring(j, k) :
                if (!rv.isEmpty())
                    addByRawValueInV5("default", rv);
            j = k + 1;

     * @param rval <code>att1-name=att1-value, att2-name = att2-value</code>
    private void addByRawValueInV5(String annotName, String rval) {
        //The parsing of the value in format 1 is different from format 2
        final Map<String, Object> attrs = (Map) Maps.parse(null, rval, ',',
                '\'', true);
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> me : attrs.entrySet())
            me.setValue(new String[] {(String) me.getValue()});
        //convert String to String[]
        add(annotName, (Map) attrs, null);

     * Applies the annotations defined in this helper to the specified
     * instance definition.
     * @param compInfo the instance definition to update
     * @param propName the property name
     * @param clear    whether to clear all definitions before returning
     * @see #clear
     * @since 6.0.1
    public void applyAnnotations(ComponentInfo compInfo, String propName,
            boolean clear) {
        for (AnnotInfo info : _annots) {
            compInfo.addAnnotation(propName, info.name, info.attrs, info.loc);
        if (clear)

     * Applies the annotations defined in this helper to the specified
     * instance definition.
     * @param compInfo the instance definition to update
     * @param propName the property name
     * @param clear    whether to clear all definitions before returning
     * @see #clear
     * @since 8.0.0
    public void applyAnnotations(ShadowInfo compInfo, String propName,
            boolean clear) {
        for (AnnotInfo info : _annots) {
            compInfo.addAnnotation(propName, info.name, info.attrs, info.loc);
        if (clear)

     * Applies the annotations defined in this helper to the specified
     * component.
     * @param comp     the component to update
     * @param propName the property name
     * @param clear    whether to clear all definitions before returning
     * @see #clear
    public void applyAnnotations(Component comp, String propName,
            boolean clear) {
        for (AnnotInfo info : _annots) {
            ComponentCtrl ctrl = (ComponentCtrl) comp;
            ctrl.addAnnotation(propName, info.name, info.attrs);
        if (clear)

     * Applies the annotations defined in this helper to the specified
     * annotation map.
     * @param annots   the annotation map where the annotations are added.
     * @param propName the property name
     * @param clear    whether to clear all definitions before returning
     * @see #clear
     * @since 6.0.1
    public void applyAnnotations(AnnotationMap annots, String propName,
            boolean clear) {
        for (AnnotInfo info : _annots)
            annots.addAnnotation(propName, info.name, info.attrs, info.loc);
        if (clear)

     * Clears the annotations defined in this helper.
     * <p>The annotations are defined by {@link #add}
     * or {@link #addByCompoundValue}.
     * @return true if one or more annotation definitions are defined
     * (thru {@link #add}).
    public boolean clear() {
        if (!_annots.isEmpty()) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Whether to ignore annotation namespace.
     * @return true if should ignore annotation namespace.
     * @since 8.5.2
    public boolean shouldIgnoreAnnotNamespace() {
        return _ignoreAnnotNamespace;

     * Sets whether to ignore annotation namespace.
     * @param ignoreAnnotNamespace whether to ignore annotation namespace
     * @since 8.5.2
    public void setIgnoreAnnotNamespace(boolean ignoreAnnotNamespace) {
        _ignoreAnnotNamespace = ignoreAnnotNamespace;

    private static class AnnotInfo {
        private final String name;
        private final Map<String, String[]> attrs;
        private final Location loc;

        private AnnotInfo(String name, Map<String, String[]> attrs,
                Location loc) {
            this.name = name;
            this.attrs = attrs;
            this.loc = loc;