

2 days
Test Coverage
/* Binder.ts

        Wed, Jan 07, 2015 12:08:17 PM, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C)  Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
var _zkMatchMediaRegexPattern = /ZKMatchMedia=([^;]*)/,
    _portrait: Record<string | number, boolean> = { '0': true, '180': true }, //default portrait definition
    _initLandscape = jq.innerWidth() > jq.innerHeight(), // initial orientation is landscape or not
    // eslint-disable-next-line zk/preferStrictBooleanType
    _initDefault = _portrait[window.orientation] as boolean | undefined; //default orientation

declare module '@zk/widget' {
    interface Widget {
        /** @internal */
        _$binder?: zkbind.Binder;
        $ZKBINDER$?: boolean;
        $ZKMATCHMEDIA$?: string[];
        $binder(): zkbind.Binder | undefined;
const _WidgetX = zk.augment(zk.Widget.prototype, {
    $binder(): zkbind.Binder | undefined {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
        var w: zk.Widget | undefined = this;
        for (; w; w = w.parent) {
            if (w.$ZKBINDER$)
        if (w) {
            if (!w._$binder)
                w._$binder = new zkbind.Binder(w, this);
            return w._$binder;
    $afterCommand(command: string, args?: unknown[]): void {
        const binder = this.$binder();
        if (binder)
            binder.$doAfterCommand(command, args);
    /** @internal */
    unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        if (this._$binder) {
            this._$binder = undefined;
        _WidgetX.unbind_.call(this, skipper, after, keepRod);

export interface BinderOptions {
    exact?: boolean;
    strict?: boolean;
    child?: boolean;
 * Retrieves the binder if any.
 * @param n - the object to look for. If it is a string,
 * it is assumed to be UUID, unless it starts with '$'.
 * For example, `zkbind.$('uuid')` is the same as `zkbind.$('#uuid')`,
 * and both look for a widget whose ID is 'uuid'. On the other hand,
 * `zkbind.$('$id')` looks for a widget whose ID is 'id'.<br/>
 * and `zkbind.$('.className')` looks for a widget whose CSS selector is 'className'.<br/>
 * If it is an DOM element ({@link DOMElement}), it will look up
 * which widget it belongs to.<br/>
 * If the object is not a DOM element and has a property called
 * `target`, then `target` is assumed.
 * Thus, you can pass an instance of {@link jq.Event} or {@link zk.Event},
 * and the target widget will be returned.
 * @param opts - the options. Allowed values:
 * <ul>
 * <li>exact - id must exactly match uuid (i.e., uuid-xx ignored).
 * It also implies strict</li>
 * <li>strict - whether not to look up the parent node.(since 5.0.2)
 * If omitted, false is assumed (and it will look up parent).</li>
 * <li>child - whether to ensure the given element is a child element
 * of the widget's main element ({@link zk.Widget.$n}). In most cases, if ID
 * of an element is xxx-yyy, the the element must be a child of
 * the element whose ID is xxx. However, there is some exception
 * such as the shadow of a window.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 8.0.0
export function $(n: string | HTMLElement | zk.Event | JQuery.Event, opts?: BinderOptions): Binder | undefined {
    var widget = zk.Widget.$(n, opts);
    if (widget)
        return widget.$binder();
    zk.error('Not found ZK Binder with [' + String(n) + ']');
zkbind.$ = $;

function _fixCommandName(prefix: string, cmd: string, opts: zk.EventOptions, prop: string): void {
    if (opts[prop]) {
        var ignores = {};
        ignores[prefix + cmd] = true;
        opts[prop] = ignores;

// see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent
function encodeRFC5987ValueChars(str: string | string[]): string {
    return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/['()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, '%2A').replace(/%(?:7C|60|5E)/g, unescape);

function _matchMedia(event: MediaQueryListEvent | MediaQueryList, binder: Binder, value: string): void {
    var cookies = binder._cookies!;
    if (event.matches) {
        var orient = '',
            dpr = 1;
        if (zk.mobile) {
            if ((_initLandscape && _initDefault) || (!_initLandscape && !_initDefault))
                _portrait = { '-90': true, '90': true };
            orient = _portrait[window.orientation] ? 'portrait' : 'landscape';
        } else {
            orient = jq.innerWidth() > jq.innerHeight() ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';
        if (window.devicePixelRatio)
            dpr = window.devicePixelRatio;
        // 16 is the length of string MATCHMEDIAVALUE_PREFIX in BinderCtrl.java
        var ci = [new Date().getTimezoneOffset(), screen.width, screen.height, screen.colorDepth, jq.innerWidth(),
        jq.innerHeight(), jq.innerX(), jq.innerY(), dpr.toFixed(1), orient, zk.mm.tz.guess(), event.matches, value.substring(16)];
        // $ZKCLIENTINFO$ refers to CLIENT_INFO string in BinderCtrl.java
        binder.command(value, { '$ZKCLIENTINFO$': ci });
        if (!cookies.$contains(value)) cookies.push(value);
        // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-cookies
        document.cookie = 'ZKMatchMedia=' + encodeRFC5987ValueChars(cookies);
        // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-cookies
        document.cookie = 'ZKClientInfo=' + encodeRFC5987ValueChars(JSON.stringify(ci));
    } else {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-cookies
        document.cookie = 'ZKMatchMedia=' + encodeRFC5987ValueChars(cookies);

export interface MediaQueryListWithHandler {
    mql: MediaQueryList;
    handler: (evt: MediaQueryListEvent) => void;

 * A data binder utile widget.
 * @import _global_.File
 * @since 8.0.0
export class Binder extends zk.Object {
    /** @internal */
    _cookies?: string[];
    /** @internal */
    _lastcmd?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _aftercmd?: Record<string, CallableFunction[]>;
    /** @internal */
    _mediaQueryLists?: MediaQueryListWithHandler[];
    /** @internal */
    _processingAfterCommand?: boolean;
    $view?: zk.Widget;
    /** @internal */
    _toDoUnAftercmd: Record<string, CallableFunction[]>;
    $currentTarget?: object;

    constructor(widget: zk.Widget, currentTarget: object) {
        super(); // FIXME: params?
        this.$view = widget;
        this.$currentTarget = currentTarget;
        this._aftercmd = {};
        this._toDoUnAftercmd = {};
        if (widget.$ZKMATCHMEDIA$) {
            var cookies: string[] = [],
                // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-cookies
                matched = _zkMatchMediaRegexPattern.exec(document.cookie);
            if (matched) {
                var m = matched[1];
                if (m) {
                    cookies = decodeURIComponent(m).trim().split(',');
            this._cookies = cookies;
            var binder = this,
                mqls: MediaQueryListWithHandler[] = [];
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
            for (var i = 0; i < widget.$ZKMATCHMEDIA$.length; i++) {
                var media = widget.$ZKMATCHMEDIA$[i],
                    mql = window.matchMedia(media.substring(16)),
                    handler = (function (s) {
                        return function (event: MediaQueryListEvent | MediaQueryList) {
                            _matchMedia(event, binder, s);
                mqls.push({ mql: mql, handler: handler });
            this._mediaQueryLists = mqls;

     * Registers a callback after some command executed.
     * @param cmd - the name of the command
     * @param fn - the function to execute
    after(cmd: string | CallableFunction, fn: CallableFunction): this {
        if (!fn && jq.isFunction(cmd)) {
            fn = cmd;
            cmd = this._lastcmd!;

        var ac = this._aftercmd![cmd as string];
        if (!ac) this._aftercmd![cmd as string] = [fn];
        return this;

     * Unregisters a callback after some command executed.
     * @param cmd - the name of the command
     * @param fn - the function to execute
    unAfter(cmd: string, fn: CallableFunction): this {
        var ac = this._aftercmd![cmd];
        for (var j = ac ? ac.length : 0; j--;) {
            if (ac[j] == fn) {
                if (!this._processingAfterCommand)
                    ac.splice(j, 1);
                else { // ZK-4482: queue unAfter if $doAfterCommand still processing
                    var tduac = this._toDoUnAftercmd[cmd];
                    if (!tduac) this._toDoUnAftercmd[cmd] = [fn];
        return this;

     * Destroy this binder.
    destroy(): void {
        this._aftercmd = undefined;
        if (this._mediaQueryLists != null) {
            var mqls = this._mediaQueryLists;
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
            for (var i = 0; i < mqls.length; i++) {
            this._mediaQueryLists = undefined;
            this._cookies = undefined;
        this.$view = undefined;
        this.$currentTarget = undefined;

     * Post a command to the binder
     * @param cmd - the name of the command
     * @param args - the arguments for this command. (the value should be json type)
     * @param opts - a map of options to zk.Event, if any.
     * @param timeout - the time (milliseconds) to wait before sending the request.
    command(cmd: string, args?: Record<string, unknown>, opts?: zk.EventOptions, timeout?: number): this {
        var wgt = this.$view;
        if (opts) {
            if (opts.duplicateIgnore)
                _fixCommandName('onBindCommand$', cmd, opts, 'duplicateIgnore');
            if (opts.repeatIgnore)
                _fixCommandName('onBindCommand$', cmd, opts, 'repeatIgnore');
        zAu.send(new zk.Event(wgt, 'onBindCommand$' + cmd, { cmd: cmd, args: args }, zk.copy({ toServer: true }, opts)), timeout != undefined ? timeout : 38);
        this._lastcmd = cmd;
        return this;

     * Post a global command from the binder.
     * @param cmd - the name of the command
     * @param args - the arguments for this command. (the value should be json type)
     * @param opts - a map of options to zk.Event, if any.
     * @param timeout - the time (milliseconds) to wait before sending the request.
    globalCommand(cmd: string, args?: Record<string, unknown>, opts?: zk.EventOptions, timeout?: number): this {
        var wgt = this.$view;
        if (opts) {
            if (opts.duplicateIgnore)
                _fixCommandName('onBindGlobalCommand$', cmd, opts, 'duplicateIgnore');
            if (opts.repeatIgnore)
                _fixCommandName('onBindGlobalCommand$', cmd, opts, 'repeatIgnore');
        zAu.send(new zk.Event(wgt, 'onBindGlobalCommand$' + cmd, { cmd: cmd, args: args }, zk.copy({ toServer: true }, opts)), timeout != undefined ? timeout : 38);
        this._lastcmd = cmd;
        return this;

    $doAfterCommand(cmd: string, args?: unknown[]): void {
        var ac = this._aftercmd![cmd],
            tduac = this._toDoUnAftercmd[cmd];
        this._processingAfterCommand = true; // ZK-4482
        for (var i = 0, j = ac ? ac.length : 0; i < j; i++)
        this._processingAfterCommand = false;
        for (var i = 0, j = tduac ? tduac.length : 0; i < j; i++) { // ZK-4482: do unAfter
            this.unAfter(cmd, tduac[i]);
        this._toDoUnAftercmd[cmd] = [];

     * Post a upload command to the binder
     * @param cmd - the name of the command
     * @param file - the file to upload. (the value should be a file type)
     * @since 9.0.1
    upload(cmd: string, file: File): void {
        this.$view!.fire('onBindCommandUpload$' + cmd, { cmd: cmd }, { file: file });

     * Post a command to the binder from the give dom element.
     * @param dom - the target of the dom element.
     * @param command - the name of the command
     * @param args - the arguments for this command. (the value should be json type)
     * @param opt - a map of options to zk.Event, if any.
     * @param timeout - the time (milliseconds) to wait before sending the request.
    static postCommand(dom: HTMLElement, command: string, args?: Record<string, unknown>, opt?: zk.EventOptions, timeout?: number): void {
        var w = zk.Widget.$(dom);
        if (w) {
            var binder = w.$binder();
            if (binder) {
                binder.command(command, args, opt, timeout);

     * Post a global command from the binder of the give dom element.
     * @param dom - the target of the dom element.
     * @param command - the name of the command
     * @param args - the arguments for this command. (the value should be json type)
     * @param timeout - the time (milliseconds) to wait before sending the request.
    static postGlobalCommand(dom: HTMLElement, command: string, args?: Record<string, unknown>, opt?: zk.EventOptions, timeout?: number): void {
        var w = zk.Widget.$(dom);
        if (w) {
            var binder = w.$binder();
            if (binder) {
                binder.globalCommand(command, args, opt, timeout);