

5 days
Test Coverage

        Tue Sep  6 15:33:11     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.action;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.zkoss.web.mesg.MWeb;
import org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.DspException;

 * Iterators thru a collection/array of items.
 * @author tomyeh
public class ForEach extends AbstractAction {
    private String _var, _varStatus;
    private Object _items;
    private int _beg = 0, _end = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private boolean _trim;
    private boolean _endSpecified, _itemsSpecified;

    /** Returns the variable name used to iterate thru items. */
    public String getVar() {
        return _var;

    /** Sets the variable name used to iterate thru items. */
    public void setVar(String var) {
        _var = var;

    /** Returns the variable name used to hold the current iteration
     * status, an instance of {@link LoopStatus}.
    public String getVarStatus() {
        return _varStatus;

    /** Sets the variable name used to hold the current iteration status.
    public void setVarStatus(String varStatus) {
        _varStatus = varStatus;

    /** Returns the attribute items. */
    public Object getItems() {
        return _items;

    /** Sets the attribute items. */
    public void setItems(Object items) {
        _items = items;
        _itemsSpecified = true;

    /** Returns the index of the item at which the iteration begins.
    public int getBegin() {
        return _beg;

    /** Sets the index of the item at which the iteration begins.
     * <p>Default: 0.
    public void setBegin(int beg) {
        if (beg < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-negative only");
        _beg = beg;

    /** Returns the index of the item at which the iteration ends (inclusive).
    public int getEnd() {
        return _end;

    /** Sets the index of the item at which the iteration ends (inclusive).
     * <p>Default: Integer.MAX_VALUE.
    public void setEnd(int end) {
        _end = end;
        _endSpecified = true;

    /** Returns whether to trim the result. */
    public boolean isTrim() {
        return _trim;

    /** Sets whether to trim the result.
     * <p>Default: true.
    public void setTrim(boolean trim) {
        _trim = trim;

    //-- Action --//
    public void render(ActionContext ac, boolean nested) throws DspException, IOException {
        //at least items or end must be specified
        if (!nested || (_itemsSpecified && _items == null) || (_endSpecified && _end < _beg)
                || (!_itemsSpecified && !_endSpecified) || !isEffective())

        final Object old1 = _var != null ? ac.getAttribute(_var, ac.PAGE_SCOPE) : null;
        final Object old2;
        final Status st;
        if (_varStatus != null) {
            old2 = ac.getAttribute(_varStatus, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            ac.setAttribute(_varStatus, st = new Status(), ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
        } else {
            old2 = null;
            st = null;

        if (_items == null) { //use begin and end only
            renderWith(ac, st);
        } else if (_items.getClass().isArray()) {
            if (_items instanceof Object[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (Object[]) _items);
            else if (_items instanceof int[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (int[]) _items);
            else if (_items instanceof short[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (short[]) _items);
            else if (_items instanceof long[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (long[]) _items);
            else if (_items instanceof byte[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (byte[]) _items);
            else if (_items instanceof char[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (char[]) _items);
            else if (_items instanceof double[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (double[]) _items);
            else if (_items instanceof float[])
                renderWith(ac, st, (float[]) _items);
                throw new InternalError("Unknown " + _items.getClass());
        } else if (_beg > 0 && (_items instanceof List)) {
            final List l = (List) _items;
            final int size = l.size();
            renderWith(ac, st, l.listIterator(_beg > size ? size : _beg));
        } else if (_items instanceof Collection) {
            renderWith(ac, st, ((Collection) _items).iterator());
        } else if (_items instanceof Map) {
            renderWith(ac, st, ((Map) _items).entrySet().iterator());
        } else if (_items instanceof Iterator) {
            renderWith(ac, st, (Iterator) _items);
        } else if (_items instanceof Enumeration) {
            renderWith(ac, st, (Enumeration) _items);
        } else if (_items instanceof String) {
            renderWith(ac, st, (String) _items);
        } else {
            throw new DspException(MWeb.DSP_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,
                    new Object[] { this, "items", new Integer(ac.getLineNumber()) });

        if (_var != null)
            ac.setAttribute(_var, old1, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
        if (_varStatus != null)
            ac.setAttribute(_varStatus, old2, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Integer(j);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, ListIterator it) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = 0, cnt = _end - _beg + 1; it.hasNext() && --cnt >= 0; ++j) {
            final Object val =;
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, Iterator it) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);

        for (int j = 0; ++j <= _beg && it.hasNext();) //skip

        for (int j = 0, cnt = _end - _beg + 1; it.hasNext() && --cnt >= 0; ++j) {
            final Object val =;
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, Enumeration enm) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);

        for (int j = 0; ++j <= _beg && enm.hasMoreElements();) //skip

        for (int j = 0, cnt = _end - _beg + 1; enm.hasMoreElements() && --cnt >= 0; ++j) {
            final Object val = enm.nextElement();
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, Object[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = ary[j];
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, int[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Integer(ary[j]);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, short[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Short(ary[j]);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, long[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Long(ary[j]);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, char[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Character(ary[j]);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, byte[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Byte(ary[j]);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, float[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Float(ary[j]);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, double[] ary) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg; j < ary.length && j <= _end; ++j) {
            final Object val = new Double(ary[j]);
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(j, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    private void renderWith(ActionContext ac, Status st, String txt) throws DspException, IOException {
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        int idx = 0;
        final StringWriter out = getFragmentOut(ac, _trim);
        for (int j = _beg, len = txt.length(); j < len && j <= _end; ++j) {
            char cc = txt.charAt(j);
            if (cc == ',') {
                final Object val = sb.toString();
                if (_var != null)
                    ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
                if (st != null)
                    st.update(idx++, val);
                renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
            } else if (cc == '\\' && j + 1 < len) {
                cc = txt.charAt(j + 1);
                switch (cc) {
                case 'n':
                    cc = '\n';
                case 'r':
                    cc = '\r';
                case 't':
                    cc = '\t';
                case 'b':
                    cc = '\b';
        if (sb.length() > 0) {
            final Object val = sb.toString();
            if (_var != null)
                ac.setAttribute(_var, val, ac.PAGE_SCOPE);
            if (st != null)
                st.update(idx++, val);
            renderFragment(ac, out, _trim);
        if (out != null)

    //-- Object --//
    public String toString() {
        return "forEach";

    private static class Status implements LoopStatus {
        private int _j;
        private Object _cur;

        public int getIndex() {
            return _j;

        public Object getCurrent() {
            return _cur;

        private void update(int j, Object cur) {
            _j = j;
            _cur = cur;