

1 hr
Test Coverage
import numpy as np
from casadi import dot, exp, MX, DM, transpose, reshape, horzcat

def _projection(model_markers, camera_calibration_matrix, axis):
    Projects a point on the camera output in either x or y direction

    model_markers : MX
        [3 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the position of the 3D point in global reference frame, is also known as model keypoints in OpenPose for example
    camera_calibration_matrix : MX
        [3 x 4] symbolic expression. Represents the calibration matrix of the considered camera.
    axis : int
        Is equal to 0 or 1 according to if the projection is given in x axis (1) or y axis (0)
    if axis > 1:
        raise ValueError("Please set axis to 0 or 1")
    numerator = dot(model_markers, camera_calibration_matrix[axis, 0:3].T) + camera_calibration_matrix[axis, 3]
    denominator = dot(model_markers, camera_calibration_matrix[2, 0:3].T) + camera_calibration_matrix[2, 3]
    marker_projected = numerator / denominator
    return marker_projected

def _compute_confidence_value_for_one_heatmap(
    model_markers, camera_calibration_matrix, gaussian_magnitude, gaussian_center, gaussian_standard_deviation
    Computes the confidence value of one 3D point associated with one camera in the case of 2D heatmaps computations

    model_markers : MX
        [3 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the position of the 3D point in global reference frame, is also known as model keypoints in OpenPose for example
    camera_calibration_matrix : MX
        [3 x 4] symbolic expression. Represents the calibration matrix of the considered camera.
    gaussian_magnitude : MX
        [1 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the amplitude of the gaussian considered.
    gaussian_center : MX
        [2 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the position of the center of the gaussian considered along x and y directions.
    gaussian_standard_deviation : MX
        [2 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the standard deviation of the gaussian considered along x and y directions.
    marker_projected_on_x = _projection(model_markers, camera_calibration_matrix, axis=1)
    marker_projected_on_y = _projection(model_markers, camera_calibration_matrix, axis=0)

    x_exponent = gaussian_exponent(marker_projected_on_x, gaussian_center[0], gaussian_standard_deviation[0])
    y_exponent = gaussian_exponent(marker_projected_on_y, gaussian_center[1], gaussian_standard_deviation[1])

    confidence_value = gaussian_magnitude[0] * exp(-(x_exponent + y_exponent))
    return confidence_value

def gaussian_exponent(value, expected_value, standard_deviation):
    Computes the exponent of a gaussian function.

    (value - expected_value)^2
    2 * standard_deviation^2

    value : MX
        [1 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the value of the variable of the gaussian function.
    expected_value : MX
        [1 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the expected value of the variable of the gaussian function.
    standard_deviation : MX
        [1 x 1] symbolic expression. Represents the standard deviation of the variable of the gaussian function.
    return ((value - expected_value) ** 2) / (2 * standard_deviation**2)

def rearrange_gaussian_parameters(gaussian_parameters, nb_cameras, nb_markers):
    Rearranges the Gaussian parameters for each camera.
    This function should disappear in the future when the initial format of the Gaussian parameters is changed.

    gaussian_parameters : np.ndarray
        The Gaussian parameters of size [5*nb_markers, nb_frame, nb_cameras].
    nb_cameras : int
        The number of cameras.
    nb_markers : int
        The number of markers.

    rearranged_gaussian_parameters : np.ndarray
        The rearranged Gaussian parameters of size [5 x nb_markers, nb_cameras].
        The first five rows are for the first marker, the next five rows are for the second marker, etc.

    camera_gaussian = []
    for c in range(nb_cameras):
        camera_gaussian.append(transpose(reshape(gaussian_parameters[:, c], (nb_markers, 5)))[:])
    rearranged_gaussian_parameters = horzcat(*camera_gaussian)

    return rearranged_gaussian_parameters

def compute_total_confidence(
    marker_positions: MX | np.ndarray, camera_parameters: np.ndarray, gaussian_parameters: np.ndarray
) -> MX | DM:
    This function computes the total confidence value for all 3D points associated with all cameras.

    marker_positions : np.ndarray
        A 2D array representing the positions of the 3D points in the global reference frame.
        Shape: (3, nb_markers)

    camera_parameters : np.ndarray
        A 2D array representing the calibration matrices of all cameras.
        Shape: (12, nb_cameras)

    gaussian_parameters : np.ndarray
        A 2D array representing the parameters of the gaussians associated with all cameras.
        Shape: (5*nb_markers, nb_cameras)

    total_confidence : MX | np.ndarray
        The total confidence value computed for all 3D points and all cameras.

    nb_markers = marker_positions.shape[1]
    nb_cameras = camera_parameters.shape[1]

    total_confidence: float = 0

    # reshape into [5 x nb_markers, nb_cameras]
    # first five rows are for the first marker,
    # the next five rows are for the second marker, etc.
    reshaped_gaussian_parameters = rearrange_gaussian_parameters(gaussian_parameters, nb_cameras, nb_markers)

    for m in range(nb_markers):
        m_offset = 5 * m
        marker_gaussian_parameters = reshaped_gaussian_parameters[m_offset : m_offset + 5, :]

        total_confidence += compute_confidence_for_one_marker(
            marker_positions[:, m],

    return total_confidence

def compute_confidence_for_one_marker(
    marker_position: MX | np.ndarray, camera_parameters: np.ndarray, gaussian_parameters: np.ndarray
) -> MX | DM:
    This function computes the total confidence value for one 3D point associated with all cameras.

    marker_position : np.ndarray
        A 1D array representing the position of the 3D point in the global reference frame.
        Shape: (3,)

    camera_parameters : np.ndarray
        A 2D array representing the calibration matrices of all cameras.
        Shape: (12, nb_cameras)

    gaussian_parameters : np.ndarray
        A 2D array representing the parameters of the gaussians associated with all cameras.
        Shape: (5, nb_cameras)

    total_confidence : MX | np.ndarray
        The total confidence value computed for the 3D point and all cameras.

    nb_cameras = camera_parameters.shape[1]

    total_confidence: float = 0
    for c in range(nb_cameras):
        total_confidence += compute_confidence_for_one_marker_one_camera(
            marker_position, camera_parameters[:, c], gaussian_parameters[:, c]
    return total_confidence

def compute_confidence_for_one_marker_one_camera(
    marker_position: MX | np.ndarray, camera_parameters: np.ndarray, gaussian_parameters: np.ndarray
) -> MX | DM:
    This function computes the confidence value for one 3D point associated with one camera.

    marker_position : MX | np.ndarray
        A 1D array representing the position of the 3D point in the global reference frame.
        Shape: (3,)

    camera_parameters : np.ndarray
        A 1D array representing the calibration matrix of the camera.
        Shape: (12,)

    gaussian_parameters : np.ndarray
        A 1D array representing the parameters of the gaussian associated with the camera.
        Shape: (5,)

    confidence : MX | DM
        The confidence value computed for the 3D point and the camera.

    camera_calibration_matrix = transpose(reshape(camera_parameters, (4, 3)))

    gaussian_center = gaussian_parameters[0:2]
    gaussian_standard_deviation = gaussian_parameters[2:4]
    gaussian_magnitude = gaussian_parameters[4]

    confidence = _compute_confidence_value_for_one_heatmap(
    return confidence

def check_format_experimental_heatmaps(experimental_heatmaps: dict):
    Checks that the experimental heatmaps are correctly formatted

    experimental_heatmaps: dict[str, np.ndarray]
        The experimental heatmaps, composed of two arrays and one float :
        camera_parameters (3 x 4 x nb_cameras numpy array),
        gaussian_parameters (5 x M x N x nb_cameras numpy array)
    if not isinstance(experimental_heatmaps, dict):
        raise ValueError("Please feed experimental heatmaps as a dictionnary")

    if not len(experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"].shape) == 3:
        raise ValueError(
            'The number of dimensions of the NumPy array stored in experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"] '
            "must be 3 and the expected shape is 3 x 4 x nb_cameras"
    if not experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"].shape[0] == 3:
        raise ValueError("First dimension of camera parameters must be 3")
    if not experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"].shape[1] == 4:
        raise ValueError("Second dimension of camera parameters must be 4")

    if not len(experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"].shape) == 4:
        raise ValueError(
            'The number of dimensions of the NumPy array stored in experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"] '
            "must be 4 "
            "and the expected shape is 5 x nb_markers x nb_frames x nb_cameras"
    if not experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"].shape[0] == 5:
        raise ValueError("First dimension of gaussian parameters must be 5")

    if not experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"].shape[2] == experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"].shape[3]:
        raise ValueError(
            'Third dimension of experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"] and '
            'fourth dimension of experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"] should be equal. '
            "Currently we have "
            + str(experimental_heatmaps["camera_parameters"].shape[2])
            + " and "
            + str(experimental_heatmaps["gaussian_parameters"].shape[3])