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Showing 473 of 473 total issues

Unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals

    ext_modules = cythonize(extensions, language_level = "3"),
Severity: Minor
Found in setup.py by pep8

Don't use spaces around the '=' sign in function arguments.

Don't use spaces around the '=' sign when used to indicate a
keyword argument or a default parameter value, except when
using a type annotation.

Okay: def complex(real, imag=0.0):
Okay: return magic(r=real, i=imag)
Okay: boolean(a == b)
Okay: boolean(a != b)
Okay: boolean(a <= b)
Okay: boolean(a >= b)
Okay: def foo(arg: int = 42):
Okay: async def foo(arg: int = 42):

E251: def complex(real, imag = 0.0):
E251: return magic(r = real, i = imag)
E252: def complex(real, image: float=0.0):

Line too long (81 > 79 characters)

    window_in_region = np.logical_and( #pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/segregation.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Too many blank lines (2)

    return [c for c in segregation_table.index.get_level_values(0).unique()
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/segregation.py by pep8

Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines.

Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank

Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of
related functions.  Blank lines may be omitted between a bunch of
related one-liners (e.g. a set of dummy implementations).

Use blank lines in functions, sparingly, to indicate logical

Okay: def a():\n    pass\n\n\ndef b():\n    pass
Okay: def a():\n    pass\n\n\nasync def b():\n    pass
Okay: def a():\n    pass\n\n\n# Foo\n# Bar\n\ndef b():\n    pass
Okay: default = 1\nfoo = 1
Okay: classify = 1\nfoo = 1

E301: class Foo:\n    b = 0\n    def bar():\n        pass
E302: def a():\n    pass\n\ndef b(n):\n    pass
E302: def a():\n    pass\n\nasync def b(n):\n    pass
E303: def a():\n    pass\n\n\n\ndef b(n):\n    pass
E303: def a():\n\n\n\n    pass
E304: @decorator\n\ndef a():\n    pass
E305: def a():\n    pass\na()
E306: def a():\n    def b():\n        pass\n    def c():\n        pass

Indentation contains tabs

Severity: Minor
Found in setup.py by pep8

On new projects, spaces-only are strongly recommended over tabs.

Okay: if True:\n    return
W191: if True:\n\treturn

FIXME found

Severity: Minor
Found in .pylintrc by fixme

XXX found

Severity: Minor
Found in .pylintrc by fixme

TODO found

    # TODO: Convert from interactions csv back into a matrix
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/matrix.py by fixme

TODO found

    # TODO: Handle split interactions where one half is permuted past the
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/enrichment.py by fixme

TODO found

Severity: Minor
Found in .pylintrc by fixme

TODO found

        # TODO: Allow specification of which chromosomes to generate matrices
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/pipeline.py by fixme

TODO found

    # TODO: Check that this file doesn't exist
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/enrichment.py by fixme

TODO found

    # TODO: Fix passing additional arguments to py.test
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/main.py by fixme

TODO found

    #TODO: Refactor this function
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/gamtools/bias.py by fixme